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By Josh M
1. Concept
The story of this movie includes a criminal on the run from the police
as he runs through a forest, trying to get away from the incoming
enemies. He continues to run as he keeps getting hit again and again
until he is killed. They clearly must have been desperate for him not to
get away if they are willing to kill him, which is why his bag is show
containing government information.
2. Genre
The genre of this film is action. This is shown by the sound of gunshots
heard as the character runs through the woods.
3. Planning
Location: I plan to film this mainly in a forest to show a closed off
Actors: I will be acting in this alone.
Props and costumes: The costume will be a casual set of clothes with a
backpack containing stolen information that is involved with the story.
Most of this will be filmed from the criminal’s point of view as well as
other wide shots shown of the character.

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