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October 26, 1954

Industrial Policy and Employment

H T Parekh
Under the Industrial Policy Resolution of 1948, Government has assumed a jar heavier responsibility
for development than it can possibly discharge. Apart from that, the several industrial undertakings being
developed by Government do not appear to be parts of a co-ordinated plan. Government policy in rela-
tion to defence industries—that these should be entirely State-owned is disturbing and will prevent that sti-
mulation of industrial development which defence needs ensure elsewhere.
These are. the factors which explain the relatively slow development in the industrial sector so far).

T H isO Uapproaching
G H the Five-Year
its last
set up without any consultation with
the industry on the ground that the
nisation, it appears that underlying
the concept of self-sufficiency is a
the rate of spending is falling far Government would be manufactur- notion that the needs of defence
short of anticipations and the impact ing only highly specialised and should be met largely from Govern-
of the Plan on employment seems complicated machine tools but the ment-owned undertakings, that is,
anything but significant. In so far private industry is leading a preca- they should even be independent of
as it relates to large-scale industry, rious existence and is even decay- the private sector within the coun-
an assessment of Government's in- ing. Machine tool manufacturers try. If true, this is a dangerous doc
dustrial policy would perhaps bring have protested all along against Gov- trine. For instance, the Minister for
out the shortcomings of the present ernment action causing serious in- Defence replying to a question in
approach, particularly in the public roads on a private industry. In an Lok Sabha indicated that Govern-
sector. article on " India's Machine fool ment had been considering the
In the first place, under the Indus- Industry " by Mr D S Mulla, Vice manufacture of armoured fighting
trial Policy Resolution of 1948, the President of the Indian Machine vehicles in India. Armoured vehicles
Government has assumed responsi- Tools Manufacturers' Association in are akin to automobiles and if Gov-
bility for development far heavier the supplement to Capital of June ernment were to set up separate
than it can possibly discharge. For 1954 it has been categorically stated factories for tanks, etc, while pri-
that not only the Government pro- vate automobile manufacturing firms
instance, the tremendous task of aug-
ject is unsound but that Govern manufactured cars and trucks for
menting steel production beyond the
inent proceeded w i t h it in spite of civilian needs, there would be dupli-
existing one million tons, apart from
repeated protests by the industry and cation of productive capacity, waste
some increase by the established pro-
that in the first stage of manufac- of capital and continued idle capa-
ducers, is the exclusive responsibility ture of this project it is considering city in both the public and the pri-
of the Government even though it production of 400 8½" centre lathes vate sector. W h e n Shri Tyagi writes
has neither the personnel nor orga- which are already being manufactur- that there are at present 20 Govern-
nisation for carrying out that self- ed by the industry. Both the pri- ment factories producing a variety
imposed assignment. In conse- vate industry and the State unit are of anus and equipment and that
quence, even in respect of new steel thus endangering each other's exist- plans are in hand for the establish-
undertaking promoted by the Gov- ence and not only huge, additional ment of more factories for the pro-
ernment, very little progress has so capital is being sunk but capital in duction of modern complicated
far been made, though large amounts both public and private sectors is equipment, the implication is dis-
are seemingly set aside under the being considerably wasted. It is one turbing if Government sets up new
Plan year after year, more to com- thing to have new productive capa- factories, irrespective of the private
fort than to spend. By thus absolv- city at. the right time and quite an- factories being ready and able to
ing the private sector from all res- other to have haphazard develop- supply such equipment. Even thing
ponsibility for new steel making ment which involves wastage of capi- connected with defence is held back
capacity, the rate of progress is tal through needless competition be from public scrutiny and therefore
needlessly slowed down. Increased tween units in the public and pri- there is a greater danger of capital
employment which may otherwise vate sector, particularly when demand being frittered away needlessly, with-
result is thereby rendered difficult, if for machine tools does not warrant out due examination of what the
not impossible. The same holds it. private sector can supply with greater
good in respect of other heavy in- ease and much less capital cost.
dustries included in the Policy Reso- DEFENCE REQUIREMENTS
lution. At present ordnance factories
Similar conditions are being creat- often take non-defence orders in
MACHINE TOOLS PRODUCTION ed perhaps in an aggravated form in order to keep themselves fully em-
In the second place, the several another direction. Defence require- ployed and in so far as they must
industrial undertakings that are being ments of Government are vast and exist, no valid objection can be rais-
developed by the Government in the complex and very considerable deve- ed against this practice. But if Gov-
public sector are not only bewilder- lopment of industries in advanced ernment goes on setting up new
ing in their variety and form, they Western countries owes much to factories for manufacture of all
do not appear to be parts of a co- large Government orders for defence varieties of products without regard
ordinated or integrated plan. The equipments- In India the declared to existing factories' who can supply
Government machine tool factor) at Government policy is to be self- such products, the result can only be
Bangalore involving heavy capital sufficient in the matter of essential more idle capacity and misdirection
expenditure of nearly ten crores is a military stores and requirements. If of capital by Government itself.
significant example of an industrial self-sufficiency implies dependence
undertaking by Government in total on production in India, there will be AIRCRAFT MANUFACTURE
disregard of the requirements and general acceptance of this principle. Government is now showing evi-
claims of existing machine tool indus- From writings of Shri Mahavir dence of extending its activities in
try. N o t only has the factory been Tyagi, Minister for Defence Orga- uncharted fields, involving the
October 26, 1954 THE ECON0MIC WEEKLY
investment of enormous sums in new are 'being made by Government justify itself but there is no such
industrial undertakings. T h e public without any effort at justification. compulsion in the public sector.
is denied information relating to the It is "true that "the country must have The danger "of fitful development in
working of the Hindustan Aircrafts rapid industrialisation but unless it is the public sector is therefore greater
L t d , a state concern, which has been proved that a given capital expendi- and chances of extravagant capital
in existence for. nearly a decade. ture on an undertaking is the most expenditure more numerous, parti-
For reasons best known to Govern- appropriate in the existing stage of cularly in the absence of informed
ment, the factory is probably under industrial development, the mere and organised public opinion.
the Defence Department and there- setting up of a new unit ipso facto
fore even its financial results are kept does not justify i t . NEED FOR CO-ORDINATION
back from the people, though an Moreover public spending in pro-
crafts manufacturing companies in SCRUTINY OF STATE: VENTURES jects such as those described above
other countries always give out such Instances of such state ventures has large import content and there-
results without giving away any are multiplied when we note the fore low capacity for creating direct
secrets. Whether such a large state- proposals to set up a heavy electrical new employment. If increasing and
venture is making profit or loss must equipment factory, a synthetic oil greater employment were the goal,
be made public regularly. When plant, and a ferro-manganese plant perhaps far more would be possible
one reads that the Hindustan Air- each probably involving sums exceed- through greater encouragement to
craft is now manufacturing railway ing ten crores of rupees. Unless private investment. If in the Plan
wagons, the presumption naturally there is a thorough survey regarding greater spending had been envisaged
arises that perhaps the undertaking is the nature of market, the likely tor private investment, the spend-
otherwise losing. W h e n one further cost of production, the possibility ing programme would not have
learns that in as backward a country of running such units on economic shown such a great shortfall as it
as India where even automobile basis, promotion even by the state is has done and its fulfilment would
manufacture has made very little not necessarily justified. It is desir- have meant much larger employ-
progress. Government is embarking able that all such large capital con- ment. If the second Plan now in
on setting up a factory for manu- suming ventures arc put to the inde- preparation is to avoid the pitfalls
facturing aero-engines and is enter- pendent scrutiny of public bodies of the first, not only greater empha-
ing into an agreement with the such as the Federation or the Indus- sis on the development of industry
Rolls-Royce Company for that pur- trial Advisory Council before . Gov- will be necessary but also it will
pose, the least that is expected of ernment commits itself to their exe- have to be accepted that quicker in-
Government is to disclose the capital cution. Otherwise Government, in dustrialisation and therefore greater
expenditure involved and give expla- disregard of cost and market factors, employment is possible by encourag
nation how far the undertaking is uniy commit the country to heavy ing in every way private investment.
justified on economic as well as other capital waste. Industrial develop It is inevitable that public and .pri-
grounds. The disturbing conclusion merit in the public sector no less vate investment expenditure should
the public is left with is that it is than in the private sector must be be harmonised and made to fall in
being deliberately kept in the dark coordinated and integrated, if scarce line, if we are to put capital to the
and so is the Parliament, and com- capital is to be put to the best use. best use and create conditions for
mitments involving crores of rupees Capital in the private vector must fuller employment.


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