Nasadiya Suktam

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Commentary by Swami Shuddhabodhananda Saraswati

The very famous Vedic hymn Naasadiya heavens yonder. What to speak of the
Suktam describes in brief the origin and elemental coverings of the
nature of srushti – Creation (universe/ Brahmandas, these too did not exist.
cosmos/jagat). It points indirectly to the Where was the place for these
ultimate reality, Brahman, which is the basis coverings to abide? (There was none).
of the jagat. This brief commentary is based For whose joys and sorrows could
on Sayana Bhasya (Rig Veda, Ashtaka 8, there be these coverings (in the
Mandala 10, Adhyaya 11, Sukta 129). absence of jivas / individuals and
Brahmandas themselves)? (In the state
n Ast! AasIt! nae st! AasIt! tdanIm! n AasIt! of dissolution) was there extremely
rj> nae Vyaema pr> yt! , dense, deep (unfathomable) water?
ikm! AavrIv> kuh kSy zmRn! AM_a> ikm! AasIt! (No).
ghnm! g_aIrm! . 1 .
As a prelude to the Creation to be
tdanIm! – then (when Creation was in a state described in rik or mantra three, the
of dissolution); Ast! – non-existence (as the state of dissolution (pralaya) totally
cause of this universe); n AasIt! – was not devoid of the cosmos to be created is
(there); st! – existence; nae AasIt! – indeed described. Then (tadaanim), in that state
was not (there); rj> – loka (fields of of dissolution, there was no non-
experience); n AasIt! – was not (there); Vyaem existence (asat), which has been alleged
– antariksha (intervening space) (and); ytyt! – to be the root cause of the jagat
whatever; pr pr> – yonder (heavens up to (Creation) by some schools of thought.
satyaloka); nae – indeed were not (there); ikm
ikm! For how can an existent jagat be ever
– what to (speak of that); AavrIv
AavrIv> – the born from a totally non-existent entity
elemental (bhautika) coverings of the such as the horn of a rabbit? Was there
Brahmanda (cosmos)(were not there); kuh – anything else? There was not even sat,
where (was the place for these coverings to the entity that is described as existent
abide?); kSy – (because) for whose; zmRn! – in nature.
joys and sorrows (can there be these
coverings?); ghnm! – extremely dense; g_aIrm! A principle that cannot be defined as
– deep and unfathomable; AM_a> – water; either existent (sat) or non-existent (asat)
ikm! AasIt! – was it there? (No). is maya, the Creative power. The
…………………1 existence of this principle, maya, in the
state of dissolution is refuted by the
1. When Creation was in a state of denial of both sat and asat.
dissolution, there was neither non-
existence nor existence. There were no Question : The statement ‘There was no sat
lokas, or fields of experience. There (existence principle)’ also refutes the
was no intervening space and no possibility of the presence of Brahman, the

20 Arsha Vidya Newsletter - July 2015

ever-existent principle, in the state of presence of Brahmanda with its fourteen
dissolution. How is that possible? Does it lokas, from patala up to satyaloka, is
not mean that Brahman ceases to exist? refuted. In the absence of the
Brahmandas themselves, how could there
Ans.: No. The word sat referred to in this be avariva, i.e. the elemental (bhautika)
context is a term used in the relative coverings of the Brahmandas described
sense and stands for that which is born in the Puranas? That is, there were no
and exists. It does not refer to Brahman, coverings in the absence of the
the unborn ever-existent principle. The Brahmandas themselves. Kuha – where is
continuance of Brahman during the place for those coverings to abide?
dissolution will be indicated by the i.e. such a place itself did not exist.
phrase ‘aanit avatam’ in the next mantra.
These coverings would exist if the
Q.: If the denial of both sat and asat points Brahmandas provided the lokas (fields of
to the absence of maya, the phrase experience) for jivas (individual souls)
tadanim (i.e. in the state of dissolution) to eke out the experiences of joys and
is redundant. Because maya does not sorrows based on their karmaphalas
exist in reality (paramarthatah) even (results of actions). The seer of this
during the period of the empirical suktam exclaims: for whose (kasya) joys
existence of the cosmos. and sorrows (sharman) could these
coverings of Brahmandas exist, because
Ans.: True. But the statement ‘there was the experiencer (bhokta) itself was
neither sat nor asat’ serves to highlight absent. This shows that during
the absence of maya along with its dissolution, both the experiential world
explicit projection, the manifest jagat. and its experiencers, the host of jivas,
A doubt may arise at this point: how are absent.
was (the born and existent) sat not The absence of water in the state of
present during the dissolution when the pralaya was already indicated by
great elements such as earth, space denying the presence of the Brahmandas
continued to exist? The suktam denies with elemental coverings. Even so,
first that sat was present and now there can be a doubt: perhaps there was
elaborately describes that the manifest water in the state of dissolution because
empirical jagat too was absent. a statement in the Taittiriya sruti
There was no raja (loka – fields of declares the presence of water at the
experience). According to Vedic time of dissolution. This concept is
lexicographer Yaska, the word raja also refuted by asking a rhetorical question:
means loka. The absence of vyoma “Was there extremely dense, deep
(intervening space) is also specifically (unfathomable) water?” That is to say,
mentioned. Therefore, the absence of there was not. The Taittiriya sruti
raja stands for the absence of all lokas referred to speaks of an intermediary
from patala to earth and onwards. state of dissolution where water was
There was not even vyoma (antariksha – still present and not the final state,
intervening space). All that (yat) exists totally devoid of everything.
beyond (parah) viz. heavens up to …. to be continued
satyaloka, were absent. Thus the

Arsha Vidya
Vidya Newsletter
Newsletter -- July
2015 2121

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