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Roll No.-44
Admission No.-7346
Program No.1-: Write a python code to accept a number of integers (using
negative as well as positive) in a list find and display the following:
i)Sum of negative numbers
ii)Sum of positive even numbers
iii)Sum of positive odd numbers


Program No.2-Write a program code ine python to accept 10 integer
numbers in a list find and display the sum of first five integers and the products
of next five integers.


Program No.3-Write a program in Python to enter a set of numbers in a list
find and display the maximum and minimum numbers among them without
using inbuilt function Max and min().


Program No.4-Write a program in Python to accept a set of letters in a list
find and display the frequency of vowels and consonants present in the list
without using the inbuilt function.


Program No.5-Write a python code to accept a set of names in a list enter or
name separately and search for it in the given list of names if found then
display search is successful otherwise display the name has not been enlisted.


Program No.6-Write a program to enter N numbers in a tuple NUM and find
the sum, maximum and minimum vlaues from the tuple.


Program No.7-Write a program to enter N numbers in a tuple NUM and print
the tuple in ascending order of name.


Program No.8-Write a python code to accept a set of numbers in a tuple.
Display all the unique numbers.


Program No.9-Write a program code to accept the name of a student and
create a dictionary by assigning marks secured by him/her in English, Maths
and Science subjects as shown below: Eng: 65 Maths: 82 Science: 75
Display the name of the student along with the total marks and average .
Program No.10-: Write a Python code to create a dictionary containing four
products with their names as keys and their sales as values respectively. Display
the dictionary with names of the product having the highest sale.


Database Management
Given the following EMPLOYEE relation. Write SQL commands foe question (a)
to (n) TABLE:

Question 1. Create Table EMP.

Question 2. Write a statement to show the structure of the table EMP.

Question 3. Insert the records/tuple in it.

Question 4. Display the details of all the rows from EMP table.
Question 4. Display the details of all the rows from EMP table.

Question 5. Display the row containing Empno, Ename, Job and Salary.
Question 6. Display Empno, Ename, Job and Salary of all the records which
hired date before ‘ 2007-05-22’.

Question 7. Display the details of all the employees whoes salary is less than

Question 8. Display data for all CLERKS who earn between 10000 and 25000.
Question 9. Find the employes who have no manager.

Question 10. Display the Empno and Ename who are getting commission.

Question 11. Write a SQL statement to list empno, empname, deptno for all
the employees. The information should be sorted on empname.
Question 12. To display deptno, job, empname in reverse order of salary from

Question 13. Display name and annual salary for all employee.
Question 14. Display the different job from employee table.

Question 15. Increase the salary by 0.2 for all employees for which the
commmission is not null.

Question 16. Add another column DOB of type date in the Employee table.

Question 17. Delete the records of all the employees whoes salary is less than

Question 18. Delete the record of all celeks.

Question 19. Remove the column DOB from the table emp.
Question 20. Remove the table from the database.

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