Venousthromboembolism Andpulmonaryembolism: Strategies For Prevention and Management

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Ven o u s T h ro m b o e m b o l i s m

and Pulmonary Embolism

Strategies for Prevention and Management

a b,
Rachel R. Blitzer, MD , Samuel Eisenstein, MD *

 Perioperative anticoagulation  Deep venous thrombosis  Pulmonary embolism
 VTE prophylaxis  Management of VTE

 VTE is a common perioperative complication
 Perioperative VTE prophylaxis depends on the nature of the procedure and patient risk
 Diagnosis of postoperative DVT or PE requires prompt intervention, most commonly im-
mediate anticoagulation extending 3 months postoperatively


Care of the surgical patient is complex; the surgeon must not only execute the
required procedure but also must be aware of the perioperative risks and address
them to maximize patient outcomes. One of the most common complications for post-
surgical patients is venous thromboembolism (VTE), which includes deep venous
thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE). VTE is the most common prevent-
able cause of death in postsurgical patients.1–4 VTE occurs in up to 20% of postoper-
ative patients not receiving appropriate prophylaxis; of these an estimated 7%
experience a PE, which can be fatal in a small percentage of cases.5–7 To best prevent
and manage these devastating comorbidities, surgeons must be able to risk-stratify
the patient preoperatively, institute appropriate prophylactic measures, promptly di-
agnose signs of postoperative VTE, and understand the best course of treatment.8

VTE is a condition in which thrombi form inappropriately within the venous system.
Portions of a thrombus may detach from the endothelium and travel within the venous

Department of Surgery, UC San Diego Health System, 200 W. Arbor Drive, San Diego, CA
92103, USA; b Department of Surgery, UC San Diego Health System, 3855 Health Sciences Drive
#0987, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:
Twitter: @DrE_UCSD (S.E.)

Surg Clin N Am 101 (2021) 925–938
0039-6109/21/ª 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
926 Blitzer & Eisenstein

system, at which point the detached thrombus becomes an embolus. The embolus
then has the potential to occlude vasculature in distant portions of the venous
It is estimated that 10% to 40% of hospitalized US patients experience VTE,
whereas the general population is diagnosed with VTE at a rate of 0.1% to
0.2%.10–12 Although there is likely some detection bias implicated in this discrepancy,
up to 60% of hospitalized surgical patients have moderate to high risk of VTE.13 Impor-
tantly, presence of this comorbidity significantly increases 30-day mortality rates. In
addition, the annual cost of VTE within the United States is tens of billions of dollars
per year.14 Recognition of the scale of the problem has led to the widespread adoption
of perioperative prophylaxis as a best practice. As such, multiple critical care and sur-
gical societies recommend implementation of a standardized protocol to reduce VTE
risk in hospitalized postsurgical patients.15
Pathophysiology of VTE can be explained by Virchow triad, which conceptualizes
venous thrombosis as resulting from one or more of the following factors: endothelial
injury, hypercoagulability, and venous stasis. In retrospective studies, more than 90%
of patients with VTE have demonstrated at least one of these factors.16,17

Risk factors
There are multitudes of patient factors that can affect one or more aspects of Virchow
triad, thus increasing VTE risk and complicating the practitioner’s assessment of a pa-
tient’s individual risk. These factors are typically divided between intrinsic factors,
such as genetic anomalies, and extrinsic (or acquired) factors (Box 1). A careful patient
history must be taken to assess intrinsic factors, because these conditions have not
always been previously identified. Although some of the extrinsic factors are pheno-
typically apparent, a diligent history again plays an important role in patient risk factor

Box 1
Patient factors influencing VTE risk

Intrinsic factors
 Factor V Leiden
 Protein C or S deficiency
 Antithrombin deficiency
 Sickle cell trait
 Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
 Prothrombin mutations
 Family history of thrombophilia
Extrinsic factors
 Increased age
 Elevated BMI
 Heart failure
 Inflammatory bowel disease
 Central venous catheter
 Oral contraception, pregnancy
 Prior personal history of DVT
BMI, body mass index.
Venous Thromboembolism and Pulmonary Embolism 927

assessment.18,19 The most important of these are smoking, malignancy, inflammatory

bowel disease, congestive heart failure, and history of prior VTE.8 The last of these
poses a 20% risk of recurrent perioperative VTE in the surgical patient with a greater
likelihood of subsequent 30-day mortality.18 Risk factors can be stratified into low-,
moderate-, and high-risk categories, which helps inform perioperative chemoprophy-
laxis decision making20,21 (Box 2).

Patient evaluation and overview: risk assessment

A thorough evaluation of patient risk must be undertaken before implementation of
VTE prophylaxis; both VTE and bleeding risk must be taken into account as part of
a preoperative VTE risk assessment.22–25 All surgical patients are at risk, because
the resultant physiologic changes and inflammatory response can affect each aspect
of Virchow triad. Multiple perioperative predictive models have been proposed to es-
timate risk. These models can be divided into qualitative and quantitative risk assess-
ment models (RAM).15
Qualitative RAMs use risk factors to categorize patients into broad risk categories,
which are then used to inform perioperative prophylactic regimens. These “bucket”
modules assign high-, moderate-, and low-risk categories to patient factors to place
patients in one of these risk categories, which is associated with recommended pro-
phylaxis measures20,21 (Fig. 1).
Quantitative RAMs assign values to each different risk factor to create a precise
scoring system predicting each patient’s risk of perioperative VTE and bases treat-
ment recommendations on a patient’s score.
The Caprini model is externally validated; it is the most used quantitative model in the
surgical setting, assigning weighted values to each thrombotic risk contributor.19,26,27

Box 2
Common VTE risk factors by risk severity

High risk
 Long bone fracture or pelvic procedure
 Ischemic stroke
 Spinal cord surgery
 Postoperative intubation
Moderate risk
 Congestive heart failure
 Oral contraceptives
 Immobility greater than 3 days
 Prior major surgery less than 7 days
 Infection requiring intravenous abx
Low risk
 Laparoscopic surgery
 Surgery less than 30 minutes
 Immobility less than 3 days
 Varicose veins
928 Blitzer & Eisenstein

Fig. 1. Perioperative VTE risk stratification.

The Rogers, Intermountain, and International Medical Prevention Registry on Venous

Thromboembolism (IMPROVE) models are all empirically derived and have not been
externally validated.23,28–31
Both quantitative and qualitative RAMs must be weighed against the patient’s risk of
perioperative bleeding, and this is assessed by the surgeon based on intraoperative
blood loss and hemostasis along with predisposing factors such as recent gastroin-
testinal or intracranial bleeding or hematologic abnormalities (bleeding diathesis dis-
orders, thrombocytopenia, etc.).

Perioperative venous thromboembolism prevention measures

All patients should undergo nonpharmacologic prophylaxis measures such as early
and frequent ambulation as well as mechanical prophylaxis when appropriate. These
interventions have been shown to reduce the risk of postoperative DVT by 50% in hos-
pitalized patients through reduction of venous stasis.32,33 Inpatient pharmacologic
DVT prevention includes subcutaneous injections of unfractionated heparin (UFH) or
low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH), although aspirin and indirect factor Xa inhibi-
tors are occasionally used, typically in preparation for discharge. Historically, patients
with malignancy are prescribed LMWH, although there is no firm consensus on the
benefits of this therapy versus UFH in surgical patients with cancer at this time.34
UFH is favored in patients with chronic kidney disease due to its rapid reversibility
and lack of bioaccumulation, although LMWH has been shown to have a slightly
decreased risk of postoperative bleeding.35 In addition, LMWH is administered every
12 hours, whereas UFH is injected every 8 hours, which can be a factor in patient
adherence. Timing of pharmacologic VTE prophylaxis requires weighing VTE versus
postoperative bleeding risk; American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) 10th edi-
tion guidelines suggest a decision tree in combination with a “bucket” system for
risk assessment (Figs. 2 and 3).
Prophylaxis for patients undergoing surgery for malignancy is a well-studied cohort;
use of UFH or LMWH has been intensely debated. Updated American Society of Clin-
ical Oncology guidelines noted no difference in VTE, mortality, or bleeding, although
LMWH was recommended over UFH for ambulatory settings.35 In addition, the recom-
mendation for at least 4 weeks of postoperative prophylaxis using LMWH, including
after discharge from the hospital was confirmed without a concomitant increased
risk of bleeding.36–38 The nature and site of surgery affects the thrombosis/bleeding
Venous Thromboembolism and Pulmonary Embolism 929

Fig. 2. Caprini VTE risk factor assessment tool.

Blitzer & Eisenstein
Fig. 3. Perioperative VTE prophylaxis decision tree (BR, bleeding risk assessment).
Venous Thromboembolism and Pulmonary Embolism 931

risk; for example, thromboprophylaxis is not recommended for breast surgery, where
the risk of bleeding outweighs the risk of VTE.

Diagnosis of postoperative venous thromboembolism

Suspicion for VTE in the postoperative period should be high. Presenting symptoms of
chest pain, dyspnea, leg swelling, skin changes, and leg pain all suggest VTE; howev-
er, the differential diagnosis is broad and must be confirmed with imaging. Postoper-
ative DVT is commonly asymptomatic, and PE symptoms may be the first indication of
underlying DVT. These symptoms include chest pain, dyspnea, tachypnea, tachy-
cardia, desaturation, cardiac rhythm abnormalities, and sudden cardiopulmonary
collapse. The modified Wells score for DVT can be used to predict pretest probabil-
ity39 (Table 1).
The true gold standard for the diagnosis of DVT is contrast venography, but it is
more often diagnosed on duplex ultrasonographic studies with a sensitivity and spec-
ificity of greater than 90%.40,41 Ultrasound resolution can be limited by obesity, tissue
swelling, or patient intolerance of probe compression. Pelvic venous thrombosis is not
diagnosed by lower extremity ultrasonography and should be suspected in cases in
which PE occurs and ultrasonography does not show DVT in the lower extremities.
Adjunct imaging studies include venous phase contrast computed tomography (CT)
or MRI, depending on patient comorbidities.
Clinical risk predictors for PE include the Wells and Geneva scores39,42 (Tables 2
and 3). CT angiography of the chest is the gold standard for diagnosis of postoperative
PE. If the patient cannot tolerate intravenous contrast, ventilation-perfusion scinti-
graphic perfusion scanning or MRI pulmonary angiography can be obtained; both
tests are highly sensitive but have lower specificity than CT angiography, which has
a sensitivity of 83% and specificity of 96%.43–45
Critically ill or unstable patients with high suspicion for PE may undergo empirical
treatment. In addition, these patients can be diagnosed with transthoracic or transeso-
phageal echocardiography, which is unlikely to show embolic material but will reveal
right-sided heart strain that is characteristic of a massive or submassive PE. Conven-
tional angiography may also be used and has the benefit of both diagnostic and treat-
ment potentials for DVT and PE and can be used in selected clinical scenarios.

Table 1
The Modified Wells Score for Deep Vein Thrombosis

Clinical Feature Points

Active cancer (<6 mo) 1
Paralysis 1
>3 d immobilization or major surgery <3 mo 1
Tenderness in deep venous system 1
Entire leg swollen 1
Calf swelling 3 cm larger than the asymptomatic side 1
Pitting edema in affected leg 1
History of DVT 1
Alternative diagnosis as least as likely as DVT 2

Score Points
DVT likely 2 or more
DVT unlikely 1 or less
932 Blitzer & Eisenstein

Table 2
Modified Wells Score for Pulmonary Embolism

Clinical Feature Points

Clinical signs and symptoms of DVT 3
Alternative diagnosis less likely than PE 3
Heart rate >100 beats per minute 1.5
>3 d immobilization or major surgery <3 mo 1.2
Hemoptysis 1
Malignancy 1
History of VTE 1.5

Score Points
PE likely >4 points
PE unlikely 4 or less

Treatment options: venous thromboembolism

Treatment of DVT aims to prevent further clot formation and embolization. Fresh
thrombus is fragile, but over time, cross-linking of fibrin stabilizes the thrombus. Early
recognition and treatment prevent PE while minimizing recurrence and morbidity in the
long term. Risk of recurrent DVT decreases with the duration of anticoagulation. Ac-
cording to ACCP guidelines, patients with postoperative DVT or PE are recommended
to have at least 3 months of anticoagulant therapy, considered long term1 (Fig. 4).
Others continue therapy for an extended period with no defined stop date (Fig. 5). Op-
tions for treatment of established DVT/PE anticoagulation include adjusted dose UFH;
LMWH; newer anticoagulants, including rivaroxaban, apixaban, dabigatran, and
edoxaban; and vitamin K antagonists, such as warfarin.4,6,46,47 The most common
inpatient medications are heparin and LMWH. For prophylaxis, the same agents are
available, plus aspirin. Historically, if the patient requires only limited treatment,

Table 3
The Revised Geneva Score

Risk Factors Points

Age >65 y 1
Malignancy 1
>3 d immobilization or major surgery <1 mo 1
Signs and Symptoms
Unilateral lower limb pain 1
Hemoptysis 1
Heart rate 75–94 beats per minute 1
Heart rate 95 or greater beats per minute 1
Pain on palpation and unilateral edema 2

Probability Total Points

Low 0–3
Intermediate 4–10
High 11 or greater
Venous Thromboembolism and Pulmonary Embolism 933

Fig. 4. Phases of anticoagulation treatment for VTE. aHeparin, LMWH, fondaparinux. bIn-
cludes LMWH, dabigatran, rivaroxaban.

LMWH has been used opposed to warfarin, primarily because of the reversibility.48,49
Of note, dabigatran and edoxaban require initial parenteral prophylaxis, whereas rivar-
oxaban and apixaban do not. Adjunct catheter-directed thrombolysis and/or inferior
vena cava filter placement is not recommended except in cases in which thrombotic
risk is high and there are absolute contraindications to anticoagulation.1,50,51 In pa-
tients without preexisting comorbidities, postsurgical prophylaxis can be brief. High-
risk patients may have been on anticoagulation chronically before surgery.

Nonpharmacologic or surgical/interventional treatment options

Treatment is primarily pharmacologic for isolated DVT; previous recommendations
had indicated compression stockings to prevent recurrent DVT or postphlebitic syn-
drome; however, this has not been borne out in subsequent studies. Stockings may
be used for symptom management.52–54

Pulmonary embolism treatment

Treatment of postoperative PE depends on the clinical status of the patient. For hemo-
dynamically stable patients, therapeutic anticoagulation is initiated with either LMWH
or UFH with subsequent transition to a long-term anticoagulation for a minimum of
3 months; this algorithm is similar to that for DVTs outlined in Fig. 5.55,56 For patients
with hypotension and low to moderate bleeding risk, systemic thrombolytic therapy is
recommended. Per ACCP guidelines, catheter-based thrombectomy is recommen-
ded in cases in which bleeding risk is high, there is prior failed thrombolysis, or the pa-
tient is likely to deteriorate before onset of systemic thrombolytic effect. There are no
randomized studies of this intervention, and observational studies have few sample
sizes; there is little evidence to support this intervention.

Treatment resistance/complications
The most common complication of VTE treatment is bleeding, usually from surgical in-
cisions; this may be managed with careful monitoring, pressure, and cessation of anti-
coagulation, although some patients can require return to the operating room to
achieve hemostasis. If anticoagulation is supratherapeutic, chances of spontaneous
hemorrhage are increased and can occur in the intracranial and retroperitoneal
spaces. The intensity of anticoagulation can readily be measured only with heparin
or warfarin; measures for other agents, like Xa activity, may not be available. For hep-
arin anticoagulation (both UFH and LMWH), up to 5% of patients experience heparin-
induced thrombocytopenia, which is caused by an autoantibody directed against
platelet factor 4 complexed with heparin.57,58 In this case, the heparin product must
be stopped and an alternate anticoagulant must be started.

Post–venous thromboembolism morbidity

DVT and PE are not always life-threatening, whereas multiple studies have shown that
postoperative patients with VTE have a lower quality of life than their peers who do not
934 Blitzer & Eisenstein

Fig. 5. Postoperative VTE treatment. ASA, Aspirin; NOAC, Novel oral anticoagulant.

experience this complication59 In addition, patients with VTE have been shown to have
double the Length of stay (LOS) of their similar counterparts.14 Late recognition and
treatment leads to incomplete resolution of clot with resultant symptoms. Postthrom-
botic syndrome occurs in up to 40% of patients with DVT and can cause pain, skin
changes, and ulceration in the distal extremities.60 Other patients experience venous
insufficiency in the form of varicose veins, which can also cause pain. Survivors of a PE
can have chronic pulmonary hypertension or right-sided heart failure.53,61

Long-term recommendations
Patients experiencing postoperative VTE require closer postoperative management
than their peers, particularly if prescribed extended anticoagulant therapy. These pa-
tients should be followed by both a primary care physician and/or an anticoagulation
clinic to ensure proper titration of medications and periodic evaluation of continued
anticoagulant therapy.

Summary/discussion/future directions
Perioperative VTE is a common, costly, and morbid complication in the surgical pop-
ulation. Patients with malignancy, inflammatory bowel disease, and long bone frac-
tures are particularly likely to experience VTE and may require longer duration of
prophylaxis. Perioperative prophylaxis is essential in the surgical patient and typically
consists of subcutaneous heparin therapy along with mechanical prophylaxis where
appropriate. Should postoperative VTE occur, long-term therapy is prescribed
depending on the level of bleeding risk as well as the diagnosed cause of the
thrombus. Patients experiencing postoperative VTE must be monitored closely and
may experience long-term complications even after resolution of thrombus.
Venous Thromboembolism and Pulmonary Embolism 935


 Perioperative VTE is a common and costly complication in the surgical population.

 Perioperative prophylaxis is essential in the surgical patient and typically consists of
subcutaneous heparin therapy along with mechanical prophylaxis
 Patients with malignancy, inflammatory bowel disease, and long bone fractures have an
increased risk of postoperative VTE
 Should postoperative VTE occur, long-term therapy is prescribed depending on the level of
bleeding risk


S. Eisenstein is a consultant for Ethicon Surgical robotics, Takeda, and Prescient



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