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Theologische Revue

Prof. Dr. Thomas Bremer
Theologische Revue, Hüfferstraße 27, 48149 Münster, Tel.: 0251-83 22656, Fax: 0251-83 28357,

Dear reviewer,

thank you for your readiness to contribute to our journal. The editors of the Theologische Revue would
like to give you some information about the formal aspects of your review:

1. Please indicate the bibliographic data of the reviewed book according to the following examples:
Gordley, Matthew E.: Teaching through Song in Antiquity. Didactic Hymnody among Greeks,
Romans, Jews, and Christians. – Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2011. (XIV) 445 S. (Wissenschaftliche
Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 2. Reihe, 302), geb. € 89,00 ISBN: 978-3-16-150722-9
Movement or Moment? Assessing Liberation Theology Forty Years After Medellín, hg. v. Patrick
Claffey / Joe Egan. – Oxford u. a.: Peter Lang 2009. (VIII) 268 S. (Studies in Theology, Society, and
Culture, 1), pb. € 39,30 ISBN: 978-3-03911-991-2

2. Length
The review should not be longer than about 8.000 / 14.000 characters (including blanks). Please try to
keep your text within this limit. If you consider a short presentation of up to 200 words as sufficient for
the book, we will publish it under the heading “Kurzrezensionen”, signed with your initials.

3. Contents
Please focus your text on the information you think necessary to
- present the intention and the content of the book;
- mark its position in the field of theological research and assess its contribution to scholarly
- add, if possible, further relevant suggestions to the question resulting from your own research and

The ThRv tries to avoid obliging reviews. We consider well-founded appreciation as well as (if
necessary) severe but always factual criticism to be a better service to scholarship.

4. Group reviews and leading articles

Group reviews are possible if, for example, different but related books of the same author, volumes of
the same series, or books concerning the same subject matter suggest them.
Each issue of the ThRv begins with a leading article. We will appreciate your proposals regarding
these articles, which of course will need to be agreed with the editor.

5. The editors will also be obliged to you for information on important new publications concerning
your field. However, the decision on which books will be reviewed is at the sole discretion of the editor.
We ask for your understanding that we cannot possibly accept every proposal.

The editorial staff will order the review copy from the publisher and pass it on to the reviewer – this
procedure is necessary to keep track of all the books.

Every review may be subject to peer review, and the editor may ask you for changes in your text.

6. The date of the publication of a review depends on editorial considerations with regard to contents
as well as on technical requirements.

7. Please send your review preferably as Microsoft Word or rtf file attached to an e-mail to:

Yours sincerely

The editors of the Theologische Revue

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