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I am passionate about …

I am passionate about reading.

I read because, even it makes me imagine completely different and original worlds and
characters. Because reading I can go anywhere without moving even.

Reading makes, after finishing a book, my imagination does not stop and continue to
plot fantasy sites and characters.

Read makes that, having just finished the first part of a saga, go flying to review all the
bookstores in search of continuation.

Reading makes me totally forget about the world I am in, that I forget what happened,
what will happen tomorrow, what happens around me while I read, makes me forget
that I am hungry, that I need to go to the bathroom, that at some point of the day I'm
probably sleepy ...
Reading transports me to other places and makes me feel them in a way that a TV can
never match. I can read a good book thousands of times, although I know it by heart,
simply because I like it.

Reading kindles my feelings to the point where I have cried, I have smiled, I have
laughed and I have given much thought to many books.

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