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09_mini listening test

1. Missed train
First of all I got up late because I didn’t hear my alarm, so I only woke up at 8.30. I ran to the
train station, usually I walk. But I missed the train by 2 minutes then I waited for the next train,
the 9.15. Everything was fine until we just stopped, just stopped, in the middle of nowhere. The
guard said that there was a signal problem. After that the air-conditioning stopped working, it
was like an oven, at least a 1000 degrees. Finally after 40 minutes we started moving, very, very
slowly. What could I do?
According to the listening, what happened?
A. She woke up as usually.
B. The train was 2 minutes early.
C. The train stopped and never continued.
D. The air-conditioning broke.

2. Silent disco
Hey look at this.
Silent disco, what’s that? Dancing with no music?
No, it’s... you get headphones, wireless headphones, you can hear the music, and you dance.
I don’t understand, why?
Well there is different music and you can choose, so you dance to your favourite music, with
headphones. Shall we try it?
No, I don’t feel like doing that. What’s this one?
What is the silent disco?
A. It is dancing with no music.
B. Everybody dances with headphones to the same music.
C. Everybody can choose the music they like.
D. When you stop dancing you put on the headphones.

3. Playback theatre
So, how about going to the theatre?
That’s not new.
No, playback theatre. It’s a very small theatre. And people in the audience tell stories about their
lives. The actors act out the stories.
Oh, Do I have to tell the story?
No, you can just watch. It says, it can be very funny or more serious.
Ok, that sounds interesting.
I’d like to go. Let’s do that.
Cool. ... OK, that’s tomorrow evening at 7.
What is the playback theatre?
A. It is a small theatre.
B. The audience are the actors.
C. Everybody has to tell a story.
D. It is always very funny.

1D, 2C, 3A, 4B, 5D, 6B, 7C, 8C, 9A, 10B
09_mini listening test

4. Sirocco
I was in Pisa, in Italy, about five years ago. I remember my first summer. It was very hot, but then
one day the weather changed, it got hotter. I woke up one morning and everywhere was white,
there was white sand over all the cars and the streets. And everything was dry, your eyes, you
mouth, everything. The car was like an oven. The metal of the car door was really hot. It was
difficult to breath. People told me it was the sirocco. The sirocco is a strong wind from Africa.
What was the woman’s experience?
A. Her first summer was quite cold.
B. One morning, everything was white.
C. She couldn’t open her car’s door.
D. The sirocco is a strong wind only appearing in Italy.

5. Lost cell phone

Oh, thank goodness. Hello, who’s this?
My name is Marianne.
Thanks for picking up.
Well, the phone rang, so I picked it up.
Yes, well, that’s my cell phone. And you found it.
Oh, ok. It’s yours. Do you want to get it back?
Yes, thanks. Where are you?
Central park, by the fountain. It was here in the grass.
Oh, yes. I thought it might be.
So, where are you?
Not far away. I can be there is 10 minutes.
Ok, I’ll wait here.
Great, thanks a lot.
What is true?
A. Marianne lost her phone.
B. Marianne is near the Central park.
C. The phone was in the fountain.
D. The phone was on the ground.

6. Flu and a cold

Dr. Harper, first can you tell us how is flu different from a cold.
Well, one big difference is how they start. Flu starts very suddenly, one minute, you are fine, you
are ok, the next minute you feel terrible. You’ve got a headache, often a very bad head-ache and
sometimes a cough. You have a sore throat, and your arms and legs hurt. You feel awful.
Ok, and do you usually have a temperature?
Yes, you get very hot. Usually you have a temperature of over 38 degrees Centigrade.
09_mini listening test

According to Dr. Harper:

A. The flu starts very slowly.
B. The flu starts very suddenly.
C. You usually don’t have a headache when you have flu.
D. You always cough when you have flu.

7. Diets
Do you think these diets are dangerous?
What do you mean?
Well, is it dangerous to eat only sugar or only fat.
Yes, well, this was an experiment. You shouldn’t go on a sugar or fat diet for a long time.
Hillary, do you agree with him?
Yes, of course. These are not healthy diets.
So what do you recommend for people to eat and not eat.
That’s a very good question. The answer is complicated.
Well, should we stop eating anything.
Well, some foods are bad for you.
Could you give an example?
Well, we know that processed foods are bad for you.
What is true according to the dialogue?
A. It is safe to eat only fat and no sugar.
B. Sugar and fat diets are healthy diets.
C. It is difficult to say what people should eat.
D. It is ok to eat processed food.

8. Karaoke
Excuse me. Do you have a second? We’re asking people about great experiences, unforgettable
Oh, yes, if it’s quick.
Oh, great. Could you look at this list? Have you done any of these things?
Hm, yes, yes, I have. I’ve been to a karaoke bar, in Japan. I sometimes go to Tokyo on business.
How was it?
Scary. I like singing but I am not a very good singer or my wife tells me I am not a good singer.
But at a karaoke bar in Japan, you have to get up and sing.
What does the speaker say?
A. He travels to Japan on holiday very often.
B. He is a very good singer.
C. He has a wife.
D. Singing in a karaoke bar in Japan is great.
09_mini listening test

9. Sunrise
We are doing a survey on unforgettable experiences. Can I show you this list? Have you done any
of these activities?
Oh, ok. Ok, let’s see. No, no, no, no, oh, I’ve watched the sunrise over Istanbul. So that’s one thing.
I never get up early, but I was with my husband on vacation, and he was ill, so we were awake all
night, so we saw the sunrise.
Sounds great.
Well, I enjoyed it more than my husband did. It was amazing really, unforgettable.
And anything else on the list...?
What does the speaker say?
A. She was on holiday in Istanbul.
B. She is single.
C. She usually gets up early.
D. She and her husband enjoyed the sunrise.

10. Car keys

Hi Sean, it’s Debbie.
Hi Debbie, what’s up?
Is Kevin there?
No, he’s not. He went out about 10 minutes ago. ... What’s up?
Well, I locked the keys in the car. Kevin has the spare key.
Oh, what a drag.
Could I leave a message for him?
Of course.
Just ask him to call me.
On your mobile?
No, that’s in the car. I’ll give you a number.
Hold on. Ok, go ahead.
Ok, let’s see. It’s 322...
What is true? Debbie:
A. Is calling Sean.
B. Wants to leave a message for Kevin.
C. Has her mobile phone.
D. Locked the apartment keys in her car.

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