As The Leader of SELCO

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As the leader of SELCO, Harish Hande exhibits odd entrepreneurial behaviors.

order to decide what his next move should be, such as how to grow and use the
SELCO to help more Indians, Harish Hande displays curiosity or a want to learn
more. Hande used the opportunity presented by the SELCO's first financial
difficulties to restructure the company and find new investors who supported its
goals. Along with all of this, he managed to preserve all of the services and sales,
which included the importance of highly qualified labor. Harish Hande was able to
continue after fixing the problem and develop the solar solutions. The
impoverished in urban and rural areas sorely required off-the-shelf solar electrical,
which he rebuilt. Additionally, Hande focuses on the origins of self-assurance and
success rather than their results. Additionally, he takes a proactive stance and
manages the issue via Due to the astronomical cost of solar panels and batteries, it
is necessary to convince Indian banks and microfinance institutions that solar
energy is a viable option. As a result, the SELCO formed collaborations to develop
financial tools that will let homeowners and business owners recover their initial
investment in solar equipment. There were 400 million poor individuals
worldwide. Yes, I would act similarly if I were Harish Hande. Even if anything
unexpected happens in my business, I won't give up quickly. Like Harish did, I'll
utilize it as a strength to flourish and promote my business. I gave myself
permission to be curious so I could decide what to do next.

Villamero, John Hector S


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