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Internship report






IDN0 1889

Advisor name:- ABEBE SIYOUM


Internship report


First and for most, I would like to thank my Almighty God for giving me the
strength, opportunity and making it possible to undertake and complete this
work. I would like to express my gratitude to my hosting company Sodo
Christian General Hospital especially for the COE Mr. Efrem G for their
acceptance and support. I would like to thank my advisers Mr. Abebe S and
Mr. Wondimu D for their patience, motivation and their constant follow up and
invaluable advises during my work time their guidance and follow up helped me
a lot throughout my internship program.

I owe my profound acknowledgement to all people who made my internship

and this report successful especially Mr. Adam Yates who is the Director of the
ICT Center and Mr. Efrem D for their comments, taught discussions and advises
and I would like to thank all sections and staffs of the company for their
generous help in various ways.
Internship report

Practical attachment is a field based practical training experience that prepares
students for the tasks they are expected to perform for the pre final year students
on completion of their training. This practical attachment is carried out in Sodo
Christian General Hospital Information Communication and Technology center
to enable the students how the theoretical knowledge is related with the real
world situation that happens in the organization. I was intended to write what I
observed during my stay in the organization. In Sodo Christian General
Hospital Information Communication and Technology center, there are some
departments namely Infrastructure and service team network design and
installation, database system and web developing, maintaining hardware parts
and application development Teaching and learning technologies team, training
and consultancy team. These departments have their own roles and functions.
Among these departments, i was assigned to the network design and installation
and database system mostly. With the networking design and installation
department, we was installing networks and maintaining fault network cable
and trunks in many building and switch configuration.
Internship report

Table of Contents
Acknowledgement …………………………………………………………….

List of figures........................................................................................................5
1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................5
1.1. Background of SCH.................................................................................5
History of SCH..................................................................................................5
1.2. Structure of the organization....................................................................6
The structure of internal network of the organization....................................6
2. Objectives..................................................................................................10
2.1. General objectives..................................................................................10
2.2. Specific objectives.................................................................................10
2.3. Activities................................................................................................11
2.4 Tools / Materials we used and their uses..................................................13
2.5. TYPES OF INTERCONNECTING DEVICE.......................................14
2.6. Materials and steps to trunk installation.................................................15
3 Evaluation……………………………………………………………………19
3.1 Challenges and Experiences……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 19

3.2. Acquiring knowledge................................................................................19

4. Conclusion and Recommendation.............................................................20
Internship report

List of figures
Figure 1 STRUCTURE.........................................................................................3
Figure 2 server room.............................................................................................4
Figure 3 server room.............................................................................................5

Chapter 1
Internship is an important mechanism to improve theoretical knowledge gained
from the class; it also helps the students after graduation to enter work. This
internship program is given to WCU 4th year Computer Science students after
the end of sixth semester. This internship program has many advantages for
students to improve their practical skill and also advantageous for hosting
companies for improving quality products and solving problems by projects
held for the companies by the students during their internship program.

1.1. Background of SCH

History of SCH
Sodo Christian hospital was formed on 1997E.C by Dr. Harold Adolph it is
health care center with a lots of health care employees from foreign and from
Ethiopia they have been using paper to perform their work for long time and
they have been modernizing their system from day to day and now a days all
their work is changed in to computerized system and they have their own ICT
center with many employees and the director Mr. Adam yates. There are 27
blocks (wards) in the hospital Medical ward, Surgical ward, Orthopedic,

Internship report

Pediatrics, Ob gyn, Emergency Room(ER), operation Room (OR), ICU, NICU

are some of their wards all those buildings are interconnected by network and
all works performed on those buildings are managed and controlled by the ICT
center of the company and they have website called Intellicare.

1.2. Structure of the organization

1.2.1 The structure of internal network of the organization

The organization network is designed on mesh topology network structure.
Mesh topology is one of the network topologies, it is a local network topology
in which the infrastructure nodes connect directly, dynamically and non-

1.2.2 The advantages of using this topology

 Failure during a single device won’t break the network.
 There is no traffic problem as there is dedicated point to point links for
every compute.
 It provides multiple paths to succeed destination and tons of redundancy.
 It provides high privacy and security

Internship report

Sonic Wall NSA Cisco 2600 Ethio Telecom

X.X.1.1 Router Fiber modem

PAACS building cisco House 8B

Server room core 2350
Dell 2808
Dell 7024

Admin dell 5424

Server room upper
dell 7042

Radiology cisco 2960-5

OPD lower dell5424 Medical ward cisco 2960

OPD upper cisco OB/GYN clinic

OB/GYN ward cisco
3524 Cisco 3524
New OPD cisco 3524
OR upper dell 5324
Surgical ward2 cisco

OR lower cisco 2950
Surgical ward1 dell 2808
Missionary house
Dell 3324
Pharmacy Dell 2808 Figure 1 STRUCTURE

Internship report

The organization has its own server room to control all those systems
the server room has Router, numbers of switches, server computer and
other network devices

Internship report

Figure 2 server room

1.3 Activities of the ICT Center in the


 They check out patient’s information and record it

 They check patients billing activities
 they check patient’s appointments and their turn in order to get services
 They have billing system (recite) called ‘Z’ and they manage it through
the website called Intellicare
 Fixing and maintaining every network of the compound/organization.
 Always there is a growing demand towards quality ICT facility.
 Developing important applications for the hospital.
 Providing ICT related training and consultancy.
 Providing and managing internet service for the hospital staff.
 Publishing and maintaining the hospital’s website which is called

Internship report

Chapter 2
Objectives and experiences of internship

2.1General objectives
The general objective of internship is to gain full practical knowledge on how to design
local area network (LAN) by using our previous theoretical knowledge and to develop
communicative knowledge with organization society.

2.2Specific objectives
The network is designed to achieve several specific business/operational

 Provide increased network capacity.

 Provide future expansion capability
 Scalability: The network design is scalable so that more network cable
equipment can be added if needed.
 Secure service: The other objective of this network installation to
provide secure administrative computing service to users.
 Integration and update: This is a new installation in a new building with
new trunk.
 Versatile Information Processing: The network enable users retrieve,
process and store data regarding the operation of the client.

Internship report

 To share file or data with authorized individuals.

 Improve the network's fault tolerance, security, and high speed
 Identify the critical points of failure in the existing network and propose
on how to eliminate them.
 Recommend which points of failure should be addressed to increase
availability and how to increase this goal.

2.3 Activities parted in week

Activities in 1st week:

In the first two days I have taken general orientation about whole organization’s
rule and regulation in Sodo Christian General Hospital and more orientation or
introduction of network device and about network installation, their database
system and some other internal systems. And they show the office and building
that to install new network and old network to be maintained.
Then I saw the room of network device core switch, fiber cable, fiber converter
(Tele EPON)…etc. And left days I use to collect information in which building
network fail and in which building work effectively in Sodo Christian General
Hospital like OPD, OR, MEDICAL and other Wards.

Activities in 2nd week:

First day we install new network in OPD1 and we maintain fault network in
two RADIOLOGY rooms. And in the second day we crimp desktop cable to
these new network installed in Pharmacy Ward. In the third day we maintain
fault network in Medical ward1 and Medical Ward2 by removing old and weak
network device, in the forth and fifth days we added new network by using new
cable and test old Wi-Fi network in OB/GYN Clinic building And every day

Internship report

when we got emergency calls from any ward we get there and we figure out the
network problem with network experts.

we saw trunk installation and cable installation inside trunk , wall outlet
installation, Switch configuration and create VLAN in those five days

In the beginning of second week we were working on Database Systems for

two days by updating some database Tables, Rows and Columns and then
starting from the third day of second week and for two other days which is even
not included in our internship program we were installing Network in the new
constructing building underground and above the building.

First week:

Day Date Name of the trained topics

1 Monday Introduction to the Organization
2 Tuesday Introduction to the Organization
3 Wednesday Introduction to ICT center
4 Thursday Maintance of computer and network
5 Friday Continue Maintance
Second week:

Day Date Name of the trained topics

1 Monday Intoduction to Networking
2 Tuesday Network routing
3 Wednesday Continue Network routing
4 Thursday Introduction to DNS

2.4 5 Friday Introduction to DNS

Tools / Methodology we used and their uses

Tools we used Their function

Internship report

Trunk We used trunk to cover many cable that pass from

one class/office to another.
Driller We used driller to drill wall in order to pass cable
from office to office and prepare hole in order to
attach screw
UTP cable We used UTP cable in network installation.

Fisher We used fisher to hold wall screw.

Crimper We used crimper to crimp network cable wire with

RJ45 in terminate of cable.
RJ45 We used RJ45 to connect device with network cable
in the cable terminate.
Cable tester We used cable tester to check whether cable is work
correctly or not.
Cutter We used cutter to cut cable.

Puncher We used puncher to punch cable wire with wall

outlet female.
Console We used console cable to configure core switch or
cable(configuration router.
Pen We used to write cable unique number for
maintenance purpose.

Internship report


Ethernet Straight through: -UTP cabling used to connect unlike devices. Cable
end have the same pin arrangement in both ends or the pins order on one end
follows the 568a pinning order and the other end of the cable follows the same
568a pinning order or the pins order on one end follows the 568b pinning order
and the other end of the cable follows the same 568b pinning order .Under when
connecting a:-

 Computer with switch

 Router with switch
 Switch with hub

Order of arrangement (568b)

Side a Side b
1. White- orange 1.White-orange

2. Orange 2. Orange
3. White-green 3. White-green
4. Blue 4. Blue
5. White blue 5. White-blue
6. Green 6. Green
7. white-brown 7. White-brown
8. Brown 8. Brown

Internship report

Steps to cable crimping

Step 1. Measure length of cable.

Step 2. Cut the cable by the cutter.

Step 3. Strip cable end

Step 4. Untwist wire ends

Step 5. Arrange wires

Step 6. Trim wires to size

Step 7. Attach RJ45connector

Step 8. Check whether connected to RJ45 pin or not

Step 9. Crimp

Step 10. Test

2.6 Materials and steps to trunk installation

The material for trunk installation includes:

 Fisher, Screw and screw driver: for tightening the trunk with the wall
 Cutter: used to cut the trunk with the required shape
 Pen/marker: to mark /label out the trunk
 Extension Cable: used to extend the power cable when using the drill
 Drill Machine: to drill out the wall
 Wall outlet box

Internship report

Materials and steps for cable installation inside trunk

1. Cutter: for cutting the cable
2. Plaster, Paper and pen: for labeling the cable
3. Measuring tape: to measure the distance from the data outlet to the rack.
4. Crimper, RJ45, RJ jacket: for connecting the cable with RJ45
5. Puncher: to connect the cable to the patch panel

Steps for cable installation

1. Measure length of cable

2. Cut cable with cutter
3. Crimp cable with crimper by following steps of cable crimping.
4. Give id number to each cable with paper and attach it with plaster for
the purpose of maintenance.
5. Attach into data wall outlet.
6. Finish.

Materials and steps for data wall outlet installation

Materials to install wall outlet

1. Data outlet box: used at the back side

2. Keystone jack: used to connect the network cable
3. Cutter: to cut the wire
4. Fisher: to attach screw
5. Crimper: to stripe the network cable
6. Puncher: to punch down the network cable with keystone jack
7. Plaster, paper and pen: to prepare labels of the outlet

Internship report

Steps to install wall outlet

1. Drill wall to prepare screw hole.
2. Attach fisher to wall
3. Attach wall outlet box with screw with wall.
4. Put data cable to outlet box and
5. Test whether connected correct way or not.
6. Finish

Switch configuration and create VLAN

We use putty and hyper terminal software to configure or to create

Step 1 connecting switch with computer by console cable

Step 2 After a few seconds, you see the user EXEC prompt (Switch>).Now, you
may want to enter privileged EXEC mode, also known as enable mode.

Type enables to enter enable mode: Switch>enable

The prompt changes to the enable prompt (#): Switch#

Step 3 At the enable prompt (#)

Enter the configure terminal command to enter global configuration mode:

Switch# config t Enter configuration commands.

Switch (config) #

Internship report

Step 4 At the global configuration mode prompt, enter the interface type
slot/interface command to enterinterface configuration mode: Switch (config)#
interface fastethernet 5/1 Switch(configif)#

Step 5 In either of these configuration modes, enter changes to the switch


Step 6 Enter the end command to exit configuration mode.

Step 7 Save your settings.

Finalizing and testing our network installation

Materials for Finishing
 Rack: to hold all components that is switch, divider.
 switch: used to connect cables from the data out lets
 Personal computer: to test whether network connected or not.
 Crimper, Cutter and Puncher: to stripe, cut and punch down the
network cable with the patch panel.
 Finally, we prepare PC and cable to test whether all port of switch, all
wall outlet, all network cable functioning or not.

Internship report

Chapter 3




There were different problems encountered and identified during our internship
attachment with the organization are listed as follows:-
 Lack of more opportunity unless only one day to switch
configuration and create new VLAN IP address.
 Installation of new network was not fast due to this reason there was
a shortage of material like trunks, RJ45
 There is no efficient internet access to access some reference
material because connection fails.
 During internship we don’t draw logical network design and don’t
take switch configuration orientation but it is challenging to create
new VLAN and configure switch
 Shortage of time for internship.

3.1.2 Acquired knowledge/skills

I have got the great experience during our practice of applying the theoretical
knowledge obtained from the class in the actual work environment.

Internship report

Practical skill

 Installing new network and maintaining fault network in

 How to configure Networks
 How to form VLAN.
 How their database system works.
 How to maintain hardware equipment’s etc

Personal ethics
Personal ethics refers to ethical values that each individual should practices to
their life. Includes:

 Honesty,
 Fairness,
 Tolerances,
 responsibility
 accountability
 concern for wellbeing of others,
 Positive thinking,
 Open mindedness, and etc…

4.Conclusion and Recommendation

4.1 Conclusion
Internship is a program designed to increase cooperation between community,
industries and universities. It focuses on practicing and seeing what we can do
after completing our University time. Internship focus on the job training and
taking what‘s learning in classroom and applying it to the real world. It has
many benefits. It provides students with practical and work experience. Also it

Internship report

allows students the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skill in a

professional setting while still in school. Internships offers carefully planned
and monitored work experience with the goal being to gain additional
knowledge from on the job exposure.

This report is about internship at the Sodo Christian General Hospital ICT
center from October to October 30, 2021. ICT center has working among which
we were in Infrastructure and (network installation/security team), Networking
System and web parts, Teaching and learning technologies team, support and
maintenance team, training and consultancy team. Among which we were in
Infrastructure and services team. Finally, during our internship time we
performed many activities like install new network, install new trunk,
maintaining fault network.

4.2 Recommendation
The organization should prepare enough material to internship students. And
also should provide large range computing devices.

I would like to recommend that the Sodo Christian General Hospital ICT center
should support other hospital goal and other ICT center because practical
attachment is important for improving the student skills and future field works. I
strongly recommended that the ICT office should increase their employee
number network material should be sufficient

One day this is happened that is all system is stopped at that time all the
company employs and patient is totally

Internship report

 The complete Guide to Network wiring,
 Third edition by David Barnett,
 David Growth, Jim McGee

Thanks !


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