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Group members

1.dawit temesgen

2.teshome endale

3.abdurazaq nura
1.House Rental System


The project that we are going to develop is web based house rental system for durame city. We inspired
to develop this system because renting a house is not an easy activity. This is due to some problems
facing the tenants. Such problems are do not knowing the exact location of the house to be rented; this
leads to fatigue of finding the house, wastage of renter’s time and money. To avoid these and some
related problems we designed this web based house rental system. So we hope that the newly automated
system provides fast and reliable service for tenants, house owners by minimizing time and resource
wastage. The document has clear and concise significance for tenants, house owners. Under this
document we specify the functional and nonfunctional requirements of the system and by carefully
applying the functional requirements tenants can get quality service from the newly automated system. To
achieve this we are using object oriented system develop methodology and using HTML, JavaScript with
CSS implementation for the interface and PHP languages to design and for data manipulation and
MYSQL as back end database. In General Web based House Rent System for durame is very important
task. Its primary goal is to enable tenants to rent houses online. And the second task is for the house
owners to advertise their houses and its services to tenants online. To achieve these goals we proposed the
new web based system of house rental system. Hence tenants can register online so that no needs waste
the time to go for searching the house to rent on foot. The system supports house registration as well as
viewing available banking system


Online Banking is one of the most important financial activities which

will be carried out by any person who holds a bank account.

There are various activities that can be carried out once you log in to
your bank account. Once a user logs in he or she can check the bank
balance, check bank account transaction history or account summary,
add beneficiary accounts, transfer funds to another account, download
account summary.

Whenever we deal with a banking system main concern should be the

security related to banking transactions and account login activity.
3.Almuni system

Forgery has long crept into our educational system and counterfeit certificate(s) and document(s)
have upper hand in various certificate and degrees awarding institution. Invalid studentship has
become greater than valid studentship. The need for student verification system has become
necessary to check mate and expunge invalid studentship, invalid document and invalid
certificate yielding for the authenticity of certificate and documents. This project titled
“WCUDC Alumni System”. The proposed model is concerned with verifying certificates
(graduate, postgraduate) issued from WCU University and processing several academic requests
from the graduated students in the future. Alumni System for WCU provides a comfortable
communication among WCU and outside organization(s) as nation’s source for accurate degree
data. Moreover, it will be a web based system where the users will be provided with comfortable
interfaces to interact withWCU for their immediate requirements in a trust worthy manner from
anywhere. The system will have a great significance on theWCU as well as Ministry of
Education in the future. This is an attempt from Ethiopians for the Ethiopians to obliterate the
counterfeit from the educational systems.
properties for purposes of rent

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