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Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants

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Constituents of Essential Oil Isolated from the Dried

Flower and Leaf of Agastache rugosa (Fisch. et Mey)
from Xinjiang, in China
a b c d d e b
Haiyan Gong , Xiaoying Zhou , Ming Zhu , Xiumin Ma , Xin Zhang & Shuge Tian
The Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University , Urumqi , China
Xinjiang Key Laboratory of Famous Prescription and Science of Formulas , Urumqi , China
College of Pharmacy , Xinjiang Medical University , Urumqi , China
College of Basic Medicine , Xinjiang Medical University , Urumqi , China
College of Nursing , Xinjiang Medical University , Urumqi , China
Published online: 12 Mar 2013.

To cite this article: Haiyan Gong , Xiaoying Zhou , Ming Zhu , Xiumin Ma , Xin Zhang & Shuge Tian (2012) Constituents of
Essential Oil Isolated from the Dried Flower and Leaf of Agastache rugosa (Fisch. et Mey) from Xinjiang, in China, Journal of
Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 15:4, 534-538, DOI: 10.1080/0972060X.2012.10644084

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Jeobp 15 (4) 2012 pp 534 - 538 534

Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants

ISSN Print: 0972-060X Online: 0976-5026

Constituents of Essential Oil Isolated from the Dried Flower and Leaf
of Agastache rugosa (Fisch. et Mey) from Xinjiang, in China

Haiyan Gong 1,2, Xiaoying Zhou 3, Ming Zhu 4, Xiumin Ma 4, Xin Zhang 5, Shuge Tian 2*

The Fifth Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University, Urumqi, China
Downloaded by [University of New Mexico] at 11:08 24 November 2014

Xinjiang Key Laboratory of Famous Prescription and Science of Formulas, Urumqi, China
College of Pharmacy, Xinjiang Medical University, Urumqi, China
College of Basic Medicine, Xinjiang Medical University, Urumqi, China
College of Nursing, Xinjiang Medical University, Urumqi, China
Received 13 February 2011; accepted in revised form 27 December 2011

Abstract: This article deal with the detailed pharmacognostic evaluation of the crude drug A. rugosa.
The essential oils isolated from dried flower and leaf of A. rugosa from Xinjiang, in China, were extracted by
the method of hydrodistillation and the chemical compositions of these oils have been investigated by gas
chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The yields of essential oils
from the dried flower and leaf based on the dry weight of the plant were 0.29 % and 0.57 % (w/w), respectively.
The flower oil was revealed the presence of 21 components, representing 99.78 % of the total oil. The major
compounds of the flower oil were oxygenated terpenes (35.4 %), estragole (29.5 %), p-Menthan-3-one (19.2
%), and monoterpenes (8.8 %). Twenty-six components accounting for 99.62 % of constituents of leaf oil
were identified, and the main compounds of the oil were p-Menthan-3-one (48.8 %), estragole (20.8 %),
monoterpenes (8.3 %), and oxygenated terpenes (5.6 %). Oxygenated terpenes were the main group of the
compounds in the flower oil and p-Menthan-3-one was the main group of the compounds in the leaf oil.

Key words: Agastache rugosa; essential oil composition; GC-MS; oxygenated terpenes;
estragole; p-Menthan-3-one.

Introduction for ornamental as well as medicinal purposes. It

Agastache rugosa (Fisch. et Mey), a perennial is one of the 50 fundamental herbs in Chinese
herb in the Lamiaceae family, which widely herbology. As one of the 50 fundamental herbs,
distributed in the fields of Xinjiang in China but A. rugosa is known as huo xiang. These plants
cultivated as a medicinal plant 1. Some of the provide the materia medica, or basis, for traditio-
medical uses for the plant include using it as a nal Chinese medicine. A. rugosa is reported to
treatment for people suffering from anxiety, have antifungal, antibacterial, carminative, and
nausea, bacterial infections, or gas. The herb is antipyretic properties 2 . Carminatives are
known under many different names, such as substances that reduce the amount of gas pro-
Korean mint, purple giant hyssop, Indiana mint, duced in the gastrointestinal system, and can also
and the wrinkled giant hyssop. The plant is used prevent flare-ups of acid reflux disease. The plant

*Corresponding author (Shuge Tian)

E-mail: < > © 2012, Har Krishan Bhalla & Sons
Haiyan Gong et al. / Jeobp 15 (4) 2012 534 - 538 535
has also been used as a fungicide to prevent fungus FID system, equipped with a flame ionization
from growing on potato crops 3. detector (FID) on a Agilent capillary column, HP-
A. rugosa has been used as a wild vegetable 5 (30 m × 0.32 mm; film thickness 0.25 μm). The
and an herbal drug in traditional therapies. Earlier column temperature was programmed from 40°C
studies indicate that components of A. rugosa have to 250°C at a rate of 5°C/min; The column tempe-
various pharmacological actions such as antioxi- ratures of injector and detector were 250°C.
dant activity 4 and anti-HIV integrase actions 5. Helium was used as the carrier gas, flow rate 1.0
Essential oils are natural compounds which mL/min.
show great promise as a new prototype from
which antifungal agents may be developed 6-9. In Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
a previous report, the main component of the (GC-MS) Analysis
essential oil of A. rugosa is estragole 10 which has The GC-MS analysis was carried out using a
antifungal activity 11. So far, constituents of essen- Agilent 6890 N GC-FID system, equipped with a
tial oils isolated from the dried flower and leaf of flame ionization detector (FID) on a Agilent
Downloaded by [University of New Mexico] at 11:08 24 November 2014

A. rugosa (Fisch. et Mey) in Xinjiang of China capillary column, HP-5 (30 m × 0.32 mm; film
have not been reported. In the present study, we thickness 0.25 μm). The column temperature was
investigated whether there is diversity between programmed from 40°C to 250°C at a rate of 5°C
in two different parts of A. rugosa. At the same /min; The column temperatures of injector and
time, we initiated this study to characterize the detector were 250°C. Helium was used as the
essential oils content and composition of different carrier gas, flow rate 1.0 mL/min. Split ratio was
parts of A. rugosa from Xinjiang. Our results thus 1:100. The GC-MS analysis was done in the EI
offer reliable base for resource optimization and mode at 70 e\/, inlet temperature was 200°C and
standard of quality control. transfer line temperature was 250°C. The
temperature program was the same with that of
Experimental the GC analysis. The injected volume was 0.2 μL.
Plant material The identification of components and peak
The aerial parts of A. rugosa were collected in identification were done by comparison of their
October 2010, locally from the Liyu mountain in retention time with respect to the n-alkane series
Xinjiang Province of China, which were at the (C6-C22) internal standards under the identical
maturation phase and voucher specimen were experimental conditions 12. The mass spectra and
identified by Yonghe Li, a chief apothecary of the relative Retention Index (RI) were compared with
Chinese Medicine Hospital of Xinjiang, is those of commercial (NIST 05 and NIST 05s) with
photographed, recorded, and, after being dis- previous report 13. The relative amounts of
played, is dried and accessioned into the her- individual components were calculated based on
barium of Traditional Chinese Medicine Ethnical GC integrator peak areas without using correction
Herbs Specimen Museum of Xinjiang Medical factors.
University. The voucher specimen number:
TCMEHSM 2010-352. Results and discussion
The yields of essential oil obtained by steam
Essential oil isolation distillation, using a Clevenger-type apparatus for
Dried leaf and flower were separately submitted 6 h, from the dried flower and leaf of A. rugosa
to hydro-distillation in a Clevenger-type apparatus were 0.29 % and 0.57 % (w/w), respectively. The
for 6 h. At the end of each distillation the oils characteristic color of flower oil was powerful
were collected, dried with anhydrous sodium spicy and presented light yellow color. The leaf
sulfate prior to analyses, measured, and trans- oil gave off stronger aromatic odor with brilliant
ferred to glass flasks and stored at 4°C. yellow color. The oils were analyzed by using GC-
MS of which the percentage compositions of the
Gas Chromatography (GC) Analysis oils were listed in Table 1, where all constituents
GC was carried out using a Agilent 6890 N GC- were arranged in such a way that their elution was
Haiyan Gong et al. / Jeobp 15 (4) 2012 534 - 538 536
on the DB-5 column. of the NAS of Belarus 17. So far, constituents of
The flower oil was revealed the presence of 21 essential oils isolated from the dried flower and
components, representing 99.7 % of the total oil. leaf of A. rugosa (Fisch. et Mey) in Xinjiang,
The major compounds of the flower oil were which is located in the northwest China, have not
oxygenated terpenes (35.4 %), including pulegone been reported. In the present study, we investi-
(34.1 %), estragole (29.5 %), p-Menthan-3-one gated whether there is diversity between in two
(19.2 %), and monoterpenes (8.8 %). The different parts of A. rugosa. At the same time, we
monoterpenes and aromatic compounds were initiated this study to characterize the essential
main volatile fractions of the flower oil. Mean- oils content and composition of different parts of
while, twenty-six components accounting for 99.6 A. rugosa, which is artificial culture and growing
% of constituents of leaf oil were identified, and in Xinjiang, has not been the subject of previous
the main compounds of the oil were p-Menthan- studies. Meanwhile, we isolated different parts of
3-one (48.8 %), estragole (20.8 %), monoterpenes A. rugosa offer choice for clinical application. Our
Downloaded by [University of New Mexico] at 11:08 24 November 2014

(8.3 %), and oxygenated terpenes (5.6 %). Oxy- results thus offer reliable base for resource
genated terpenes were the main compounds in the optimization, clinical choice and standard of
flower oil; p-Menthan-3-one was the main quality control.
compound in the leaf oil.
Previous investigations were done on the Acknowledgements: This work was supported
chemical constituents of essential oil of Agastache by a grant from China, the Xinjiang Province
rugosa from northeast China 14, Hubei 15 and Office of Science and Technology Funding (Grant
Hunan 16 of China, the Central Botanical Garden NO: PT 07-08)

Table 1. Chemical composition of essential oils isolated from the dried

flowers and leaf from Agastache rugosa (Fisch. et Mey) of Xinjiang, China

Compound RI Peak Area (%)

Flowers Leaf

Octane 800 1.2 1.1

Hexane, 2,2,3-trimethyl 816 t t
Hexane, 2,3,4-trimethyl 818 t -
2-Hexenal, (E) 850 - 0.1
3-Hexen-1-ol 853 - t
Cyclohexanone 895 0.6 0.6
Sabinen 972 t 0.1
1-Octen-3-ol 980 0.7 1.5
3-Octanone 984 0.2 0.4
β-Myrcene 989 0.5 0.5
Limonene 1030 8.2 7.7
α-p-Dimethylstyrene 1091 - t
Octen-1-ol, acetate 1106 0.7 1.4
trans-p-Mentha-2,8-dienol 1124 0.3 0.2
4-Isopropenyl-1-methyl-2-cyclohexen-1-ol 1139 0.3 0.2
p-Menthan-3-one, cis 1158 2.5 7.3
p-Menthan-3-one 1167 16.7 48.8
p-Menth-8-en-3-one, trans 1178 0.6 0.2
Estragole 1200 29.5 20.8
6,6,7-Trimethyl-octane-2,5-dione 1219 - 0.1
Haiyan Gong et al. / Jeobp 15 (4) 2012 534 - 538 537
table 1. (continued).

Compound RI Peak Area (%)

Flowers Leaf

cis-Carveol 1221 - t
Pulegone 1241 34.1 4.5
Piperitone 1257 0.2 0.4
Benzyl isopentyl ether 1289 t t
Tridecane 1300 - 0.1
(Z)-Cinerone 1342 0.1 -
Cyclobuta[1,2:3,4]dicyclopentene,decahydro 1388 0.1 0.1
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Benzene,1,2-dimethoxy-4-(2-propenyl) 1400 1.2 1.3
Caryophyllene 1425 1.0 0.7
Germacrene D 1487 0.1 0.5
. γ-Elemene 1501 0.2 0.6
Cadina-1(10), 4-diene 1523 - t
(-)+Spathulenol 1585 - 0.2
Caryophyllene oxide 1591 - t
. α-Cadinol 1663 - 0.2

RI = retention indices relative to C8-C17. N-alkanes on the HP-5 column.

t = trace, GC Compositional values less than 0.1% are denoted as traces

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