Vote of Thanks

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Good afternoon to all

On behalf Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies, it gives me

immense pleasure and honor to extend my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one
of you for joining us today at this Faculty Induction Program. This event serves as an
important milestone in our journey to excellence in education and research.

First and foremost, I would like to express our deepest appreciation to our honorable
Dr Sanjay Srivastava ,VC,MRIIRS who has taken time out of their busy schedules to
attend this program. Your dedication and commitment to shaping the minds of our
future generations is truly commendable. We acknowledge your role as mentors and
knowledge disseminators, and we are grateful for the impact you have on the our
lives .

I would like to extend a special word of thanks Dr Naresh Grover, PVC ,MRIIRS,who
graced this occasion with his expertise and invaluable insights. Your presence has
enriched this event and provided faculty members with valuable guidance and
inspiration as they embark on their journey of teaching and research excellence.

I would like to express warm gratitude to Dr. Sarits who shared her knowledge,
expertise, and experiences during the sessions. Your insights and wisdom have
undoubtedly left an indelible mark on our newly inducted faculty members,
equipping them with the necessary tools to excel in their respective domains. Your
dedication to education and commitment to nurturing the next generation of leaders
are truly commendable.

I would also like to express our sincere gratitude to Dr. Rashima Mahajan, Director
IQAC, who meticulously planned and executed this Faculty Induction Program. Your
hard work, dedication, and attention to detail ensured the smooth running of this
event. It is through your efforts that we have been able to create an environment
conducive to learning and growth for our faculty members.

Furthermore, I would like to extend our appreciation to all coordinators who have
been instrumental in making this event a success. Your assistance in managing
logistics, registrations, and various other aspects played a crucial role in ensuring that
everything ran smoothly.

I would also like to thank the management and administration for their unwavering
support in organizing this induction program. Your vision and leadership have
fostered an environment of excellence and continuous improvement, providing our
faculty members with the necessary resources and opportunities for professional
Last but not least, I would like to express our gratitude to all the participants for your
active engagement and enthusiasm throughout this program. Your presence and
participation have made this event truly memorable and impactful.

In conclusion, I would like to once again extend my heartfelt thanks to each and
every one of you for joining us today and making this Faculty Induction Program a
resounding success. We are confident that the knowledge shared, connections made,
and experiences gained during this program will have a lasting positive impact on
the teaching and research endeavors of our faculty members.

Thank you, and we look forward to continuing our journey towards excellence

Wishing you all a successful and fulfilling academic year ahead!

Thank you.

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