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Dear Students,

Given below is scenarios related to prejudice and discrimination, which have been discussed in
Lecture 25 & 26 of your course. Please read it carefully to prepare the assignment. You need to:
1. Define prejudice and identify any two instances of prejudice from the given scenario.
2. Define discrimination and identify any TWO instances of discrimination.
3. Explain the prejudice and discrimination directed towards Hira in the light of Social
Identity theory.
4. Explain any one method to combat prejudice and discrimination in general from our

Please read the given scenario carefully and answer the subsequent questions. Each Question
carries 5 marks.

Hira, a good student, has recently joined a new school due to his father’s transfer to a new city.
Hira comes from a different cultural background, and unfortunately, receives cold welcome from
both teachers and students. In class, the teachers ignore Hira’s contributions and achievements
and keep her grades to a minimum level based on stereotypes about her cultural background.
Students also make her feel different and inferior by excluding her from their groups and not
taking any Assignments or homework with her as a team member. If somehow, she managed to
get a chance for group activity, the boys in her group would always assign her less challenging
tasks, assuming she couldn’t handle the more complex aspects of the project. The majority of the
students and teachers assumed her to be less intelligent, less talkative, less confident and a less
optimistic Person. Hira also learned about several rumors being spread against her in school. On
the other hand Hira is trying her best to make new friends in her class, cooperating with them in
different assigned tasks, dressing like them, and following the rules and regulations of the class
to get identified as an in-group member.

1. Prejudice is when someone unfairly judges another person based on their social group. In
this situation, Hira is being treated unfairly because of stereotypes about her culture.
Teachers are ignoring her achievements and students are leaving her out because they
think she is less intelligent, talkative, confident, and optimistic.

2. Discrimination is when people treat certain groups of people unfairly because of their
race, age, or gender. In this case, Hira is experiencing discrimination because of
stereotypes about her culture. Teachers are giving her lower grades because of her
background and boys in her group are giving her easier tasks because they think she can’t
handle the more challenging aspects of the project.

3. Hira is facing prejudice and discrimination because of her different cultural background.
These attitudes and behaviors can be explained by Social Identity Theory. According to
this theory, people want to feel good about their own group and put down people from
other groups.In Hira’s case, the majority of students and teachers perceive her as an out-
group member due to her distinct cultural background. Consequently, they exhibit
prejudice and discrimination to fortify their collective in-group identity.

4. One approach to counter prejudice and discrimination prevailing in society is through

the dissemination of education and awareness. By imparting knowledge about cultural
diversity, fostering comprehension, and embracing differences, individuals can be
sensitized to their preconceptions and discriminatory actions. It holds great significance
to instill acceptance and inclusivity right from a tender age, cultivating a culture of
reverence for every individual, regardless of their origins. Social initiatives and
workshops designed to champion diversity and inclusiveness can empower people to
confront their biases and actively contribute work towards creating a more inclusive and
equitable society.

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