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de-a lungul vieții mele am participat la multe competiții sportive care m-au ajutat sa

dobandesc spiritul de echipă și să înțeleg faptul ca colaborarea dintre membrii acesteia

poate aduce rezultate excepționale, poate crea momente de neuitat și o atmosfera placuta
deasemenea m au mai invatat ca pentru o echipa de succes este nevoie de munca si
dedicare din partea fiecarui jucator, fiecare rol fiin necesar in echipa.

Am fost voluntar la olimpiada Tinerii dezbat și pot spune ca a fost o plăcere sa ajut scoala să
organizeze aceasta olimpiada.

Am participat la cursuri de karate care m-au invatat ce înseamnă disciplina și


Și pentru concursurile de geografie am invatat despre geografia și cultura țărilor europene

Throughout my life, I have participated in many sports competitions that have helped
me develop a sense of teamwork and understand that collaboration among its
members can yield exceptional results, create unforgettable moments, and foster a
pleasant atmosphere. I have also learned that, for a successful team, every player
needs to contribute with hard work and dedication; each role is necessary within the

I volunteered at the Youth Debate Olympiad, and I can say that it was a pleasure to
help the school organize this event.

I took karate courses that taught me the importance of discipline and responsibility.

And through geography contests, I learned about the geography and culture of
European countries.

Throughout my life, I have participated in many sports competitions that have helped
me develop a sense of teamwork and understand that collaboration among its
members can yield exceptional results, create unforgettable moments, and foster a
pleasant atmosphere. I have also learned that, for a successful team, every player
needs to contribute with hard work and dedication; each role is necessary within the

I volunteered at the Youth Debate Olympiad, and I can say that it was a pleasure to
help the school organize this event.

I took karate courses that taught me the importance of discipline and responsibility.

And through geography contests, I learned about the geography and culture of
European countries.

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