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Life in Victorian Times (FOR POOR CHILDREN)

1. They had to work in factories, chimney sweeps, miners, and other hard jobs (that could lead
to death!!!!!)
2. They had hardly any food but managed to survive
3. They had to skip school to help at home (daughters)
4. They sometimes became servants for rich people (girls)
5. They had hardly any toys, and most of them were home-made
6. Children were mostly orphans because most parents died, and even children with parents
had hardly any chance of living past infancy. Some were lucky, and lived on, but majority
died because of the conditions at work and at home.
7. Homes were bare and didn’t have proper furniture, so it was always cold, and the people
had to sleep on the hard floor.
8. People died from cholera, scarlet fever, pneumonia, influenza, measles etc...

Dear Diary, 26/12/1840

You are my very first present. Today was my birthday, and today Mary-
Anne was born. My twelfth sibling. And I knew as soon as I held her in my
arms, that she was going to be my favourite. Mama told me to stay at home
for the next few weeks until she is stronger, so that I can help her look after
her. That is no problem, since I am already a big girl of eleven, so I can
look after my little baby sister. She is a pretty little thing, and I hope she
survives past infancy. Five of my baby brothers died before turning one,
and triplet sisters died five days after their birth because they were too
weak. Shall I tell you of all my siblings?
There’s Lucie who is turning 11 next month,
Then there’s John, who works on a farm. He’s only 8.
John’s twin, Victoria is lucky because she gets to go to school.
Then there’s Will, who died before turning 1.
Sam, James, Jack, and Peter also died before turning one.
Isabel, Mary and Jill died five days after birth
And then there’s darling little Mary-Anne. I shall enjoy looking after her.
It also means I shan’t have to go to the veg factory.
But I wish I could go to school.
I must blow out the candle and sleep, or else Mama will box my ears for
Love, Lil xxx

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