GENG202-Chapter 2-Force Vectors

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GENG 202



Najwa HANY
PhD in Structural Engineering

Fall 2021/2022
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Resultant force

A force is a vector quantity characterized by its point of application, magnitude, line of action, and

The combined effect of two forces may be represented by a single resultant force.

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Vector Operations

Negative vector of a given

Equal vectors have the vector has the same magnitude
same magnitude, line of and line of action, and the
action and sense opposite sense

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Vector Operations
Vector Addition

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Vector Operations
Vector Subtraction

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Vector Operations

The magnitude & direction (angle with horizontal) of resultant force

obtained by a trigonometric solution

Cosine law: 𝐶 2 = 𝐴2 + 𝐵2 − 2𝐴 𝐵 cos 𝑐

Sine law: sin 𝑎 sin 𝑏 sin 𝑐

= =

Or a Graphical Solution:
Draw to scale the parallelogram and measure the magnitude and direction of the resultant.

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Addition of Several Forces

As number of forces increases, the problem

gets complicated
=> Cartesian notation (Discussed later)

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Sample Problem 1
Two forces P and Q act on a bolt A. Determine their resultant.

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Resolution of a Force into Components
We have seen that two or more forces acting
on a particle may be replaced by a single force
that has the same effect on the particle.

Conversely, a single force F acting on a

particle may be replaced by two or more
forces that, together, have the same effect
on the particle.

These forces are called components of the

original force F.

The process is called resolving the force F

into components

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Sample Problem 2

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Sample Problem 3

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Sample Problem 4


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We previously described how to resolve a force into components.

Here we discuss how to add forces by using their components, especially

rectangular components.

This method is often the most convenient way to add forces and, in practice, is the
most common approach.

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2.2A Rectangular Components of a Force: Unit Vectors

The x and y axes are usually chosen to They may, however, be chosen in
be horizontal and vertical, respectively any two perpendicular directions

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2.2A Rectangular Components of a Force: Unit Vectors
To simplify working with rectangular components, we introduce two vectors of unit magnitude,
directed respectively along the positive x and y axes.

These vectors are called unit vectors and are denoted by i and j, respectively (Fig. 2.16).

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2.2A Rectangular Components of a Force: Unit Vectors

θ is the angle between F and the x axis, which is

measured counterclockwise from the positive x

These relations hold for any value of the angle θ

from 0° to 360°, and they define the signs as
well as the absolute values of the scalar
components Fx and Fy

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ϴ = 180 – 35 = 145°
Fx = F cos ϴ = F cos145 = 800 cos 145 = - 655 N
Fy = F sin ϴ =F sin 145 = 800 sin 145 = + 459 N

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Fig. 2.19-

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2.2A Rectangular Components of a Force: Unit Vectors

Recall that:

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2.2B Addition of Forces by Summing X and Y Components
When we need to add three or more forces, the best approach is to obtain an analytic
solution of the problem by resolving each force into two rectangular components.

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2.2B Addition of Forces by Summing X and Y Components

Resolve the given forces (Fig. 2.21a) into their Add these components to Apply the parallelogram
x and y components (Fig. 2.21b). obtain the x and y law to determine the
components of R (Fig. 2.21c). resultant (Fig. 2.21d).

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2.2B Addition of Forces by Summing X and Y Components


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2.3A Equilibrium of a Particle
When the resultant of all the forces acting on a particle is
zero, the particle is in equilibrium.

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2.3B Newton’s First Law of Motion
If the resultant force acting on a particle is zero, the particle will remain at rest (if originally at
rest) or will move with constant speed in a straight line (if originally in motion).
Note that most of statics involves using Newton’s first law to analyze an equilibrium situation.

In practice, this means designing a bridge or a building that remains stable and does not fall

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2.3C Free-Body Diagrams and Problem Solving
A problem in engineering mechanics is derived from an actual physical situation.
A sketch showing the physical conditions of the problem is known as a space diagram.

A large number of problems involving actual

structures can be reduced to problems
concerning the equilibrium of a particle

The method is to choose a significant particle

and draw a separate diagram showing this
particle and all the forces acting on it.

Such a diagram is called a free-body diagram

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2.3C Free-Body Diagrams and Problem Solving
As an example, consider the 75-kg crate shown in the
space diagram of Fig. 2.24a.

This crate was lying between two buildings, and is

now being lifted onto a truck, which will remove it.

The crate is supported by a vertical cable that is joined

at A to two ropes, which pass over pulleys attached to
the buildings at B and C.

We want to determine the tension in each of the

ropes AB and AC.

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2.3C Free-Body Diagrams and Problem Solving
1- Draw the free-body diagram for the particle A.

The force exerted by the vertical cable at

A is directed downward, and its
magnitude is equal to the weight W of
the crate

2- Equilibrium
Since point A is in equilibrium, the three
forces acting on it must form a closed
triangle when drawn in tip-to-tail fashion.

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2.3C Free-Body Diagrams and Problem Solving
3- Solve for TAB and TAC

The values TAB and TAC of the tensions in the ropes may be found graphically if the
triangle is drawn to scale, or they may be found by trigonometry.

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1- Draw the free-body 2- Equilibrium
diagram for the particle A.

3- Solve for TAB and TAC

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1- Draw the free-body 2- Equilibrium 3- Solve for F
diagram for the body
treated as a particle.

The minimum force “F” is such that “F” is

perpendicular to “P” => α = 15°.
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Recall that: In fluid dynamics, drag is a force acting opposite to the relative motion of any
object moving with respect to a surrounding fluid. Here the drag force is FD.

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Force Magnitude, lb x Component, lb y Component, lb
TAB 40 -40 sin (60.26) = -34.73 40 cos (60.26) = 19.84
TAC TAC TAC sin (20.56) TAC cos (20.56)
TAE 60 0 -60
Sum = FD + TAC sin (20.56) – 34.73 TAC cos (20.56) – 40.16

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෍ 𝐹𝑥 = 0 ⇒ FD + TAC sin (20.56) – 34.73 = 0

෍ 𝐹𝑦 = 0 ⇒ TAC cos (20.56) – 40.16 = 0

Solving for TAC and FD => TAC = 42.9 lb

=> FD = 19.67 lb

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Summary on Springs:

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Example 1:

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78.5 78.5
tan 30° = ⇒ 𝑇𝐴𝐵 = = 136 𝑁
𝑇𝐴𝐵 tan 30
𝑇𝐴𝐵 136
𝑇𝐴𝐵 = 𝑘𝐴𝐵 𝑠𝐴𝐵 ⇒ 𝑠𝐴𝐵 = = = 0.453 𝑚
𝑘𝐴𝐵 300
The stretched length lAB is:

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In this part we discuss problems involving the three dimensions of space
2.4A Rectangular Components of a Force in Space

0 ≤ ϴy < 180°
0 ≤ Φ < 360°

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2.4A Rectangular Components of a Force in Space

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2.4A Rectangular Components of a Force in Space

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2.4A Rectangular Components of a Force in Space

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2.4A Rectangular Components of a Force in Space

We define the vector λ as:

The vector λ is referred to as the unit vector along the
line of action of F. Its magnitude is equal to 1.

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2.4A Rectangular Components of a Force in Space

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2.4B Force Defined by Its Magnitude and Two Points on Its Line of Action

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2.4C Addition of Concurrent Forces in Space

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2.4C Addition of Concurrent Forces in Space

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2.4C Addition of Concurrent Forces in Space

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2.4C Addition of Concurrent Forces in Space

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2.4C Addition of Concurrent Forces in Space

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2.4C Addition of Concurrent Forces in Space

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Example 2:

Free-body diagram

Solving the three equations

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