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Global Auto Parts & Accessories

Banepa-6, Kavre
Provisional Statement of Financial Position
As on 31 Ashadh, 2080 (16th July, 2023)

Amount in NPR
Particulars Note 31.03.2080 32.03.2079


Share Capital 1 3,00,000.00 3,00,000.00
Retained Earnings 2 23,71,730.83 17,51,132.00
Total Equity 26,71,730.83 20,51,132.00
Non-Current Liabilities
Medium & Long Term Loan 3 - 15,00,000.00
Total Non-Current Liabilities - 15,00,000.00
Current Liabilities
Short Term Loan 4 38,98,329.76 36,96,652.00
Trade & Other Payables 5 - 5,650.00
Provision for Income Tax 8,587.53 11,877.00
Total Current Liabilities 39,06,917.29 37,14,179.00

TOTAL OF EQUITY & LIABILITIES 65,78,648.12 72,65,311.00

Non Current Assets
Property, Plant and Equipment 14 33,113.78 43,865.00
Investments - -
Total Non Current Assets 33,113.78 43,865.00
Current Assets
Inventories 6 41,95,300.00 34,26,000.00
Trade & Other Receivables 7 16,50,000.00 21,24,926.00
Cash & Cash Equivalents 8 1,00,234.34 3,95,270.00
Prepayments, Loans, Advances & Deposits 9 6,00,000.00 12,75,250.00
Total Current Assets 65,45,534.34 72,21,446.00

TOTAL ASSETS 65,78,648.12 72,65,311.00

The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial


For & on behalf of Global Auto Parts & Accessories As per our attached report of even date

Uttam Manandhar
- -

Global Auto Parts & Accessories
Banepa-6, Kavre
Provisional Statement of Profit or Loss
For the period from 1 Shrawan 2079 to 31 Ashad 2080
(Corresponding to 16 July 2022 to 16 July 2023)

Amount in NPR
Particulars Note Year Ended Year Ended

Income 11 49,25,600.00 49,75,250.00

Total Income 49,25,600.00 49,75,250.00
Less: Cost of Sales 12 35,10,990.00 37,00,162.00
Gross Profit 14,14,610.00 12,75,088.00
Add: Other Income - -
Less: Repair & Maintenances Expenses 10 - -
Less: Administrative Expenses 13 1,94,550.00 1,92,400.00
Net Operating Profit (Loss) before Dep. & Tax 12,20,060.00 10,82,688.00
Less: Depreciation 14 10,751.22 13,975.00
Net Profit (Loss) before Interest & Income Tax 12,09,308.78 10,68,713.00
Less: Bank Interest 5,80,122.42 3,37,410.00
Net Profit (Loss) before Income Tax 6,29,186.36 7,31,303.00
Less: Provision for Income Tax 8,587.53 11,877.00
Deferred Tax Income/ (expenses) - -
Net Profit / (Loss) for the year 6,20,598.83 7,19,426.00
The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements

For & on behalf of Global Auto Parts & Accessories As per our attached report of even date

Uttam Manandhar
Global Auto Parts & Accessories
Banepa-6, Kavre
Provisional Statement of Cash Flows
For the period from 1 Shrawan 2079 to 31 Ashad 2080
(Corresponding to 16 July 2022 to 16 July 2023)

Amount in NPR
Particulars Year Ended Year Ended
Cash Flow form Operating Activities
Surplus/(Deficit) Before Tax 6,29,186.36 7,31,303.00
Interest Expenses 5,80,122.42 3,37,410.00
Depreciation 10,751.22 13,975.00
Tax Expenses - (11,877.00)
Cash Flow before changes in Working Capital 12,20,060.00 10,70,811.00
Changes in Working Capital
Decrease / (Increase) in Trade & Other Receivables (2,94,374.00) (20,58,815.00)
Decrease / (Increase) Prepayments, Loans, Advances & Deposits 6,75,250.00 -
Increase / (Decrease) in Trade & Other Payables (5,650.00) (11,926.00)
Cash Flow from Operation 15,95,286.00 (9,99,930.00)
Interest Payment (5,80,122.42) -
IncomeTax Payment/(Refund) (11,877.00) -
Net Cash avaialble from / (used in) Operating Activities (A) 10,03,286.58 (9,99,930.00)
Cash Flow from Investing Activities
Proceed from Sale of Property, Plant & Equipment - -
Deposit - -
Cash paid for Purchase of Property, Plant & Equipment - -
Net Cash avaialble from / (used in) Investing Activities (B) - -

Cash Flow from Financing Activities

Proceeds from Issue of Ordinary Shares - -
Increase/(Repayment) of Long Term Loans (15,00,000.00) 15,00,000.00
Increase/(Repayment) of Short Term Loans 2,01,677.76 (2,32,049.00)
Drawings / Other Changes in Retained Earnings - -

Net Cash avaialble from / (used in) Financing Activities (12,98,322.24) 12,67,951.00
Net Cash Increase / (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents (A+B+C) (2,95,035.66) 2,68,021.00
Cash and Cash Equivalents at the beginning of the period 3,95,271.00 1,27,250.00
Cash and Cash Equivalents at the end of the year 1,00,235.34 3,95,271.00

The accompanying notes form an integral part of the financial statements

For & on behalf of Global Auto Parts & Accessories As per our attached report of even date

Uttam Manandhar

3,95,270.00 -1.00
Global Auto Parts & Accessories
Banepa-6, Kavre
Provisional Statement of Changes in Equity
For the period from 1 Shrawan 2079 to 31 Ashad 2080
Amount in NPR
Share Other
Particular Notes Share Capital Retained Earnings Total Equity
Premium Reserves
Balance at 01.04.2078 3,00,000.00 - 17,51,132.00 - 20,51,132.00
Profit for the Year - - 6,20,598.83 - 6,20,598.83
Issue of Share Capital - - - - -
Dividends to Shareholders - - - - -
Other Changes - - - - -
Balance at 32.03.2079 3,00,000.00 - 23,71,730.83 - 26,71,730.83 26,71,730.83

For & on behalf of Global Auto Parts & Accessories As per our attached report of even date,

Uttam Manandhar
Glob&al Auto Parts & Accessories
Banepa-6, Kavre
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the period from 1 Shrawan 2079 to 31 Ashad 2080

Note 1: Share Capital

Particulars 31.03.2080 32.03.2079

Registered Capital 3,00,000.00 3,00,000.00

Total 3,00,000.00 3,00,000.00

Note 2: Retained Earnings

Particulars 31.03.2080 32.03.2079

Opening Balance 17,51,132.00 10,31,707.00

Profit/(loss) for the period 6,20,598.83 7,19,425.00
Drawings During the Year -

Total 23,71,730.83 17,51,132.00

Note 3: Medium & Long Term Loan

Particulars 31.03.2080 32.03.2079

Secured Loans - -
Demand Loan -
Term Loan - -
Unsecured Loans
Loan from Proprietor - 15,00,000.00

Total - 15,00,000.00

Note 4: Short Term Loan

Particulars 31.03.2080 32.03.2079

Restucture Loan- SME 1,98,333.64 -

Working capital loan 36,99,996.12 36,96,652.00
Total 38,98,329.76 36,96,652.00

Note 5: Trade & Other Payables

Particulars 31.03.2080 32.03.2079

Sundry Creditors - -
Trade Creditors/payables
TDS Payable - -
Social Security Tax
TDS on Audit Fee
TDS on Wages
TDS Payables
Other Payables
Audit Fee Payble 5,650.00
Advance from Proprietor -
Total - 5,650.00
Note 6: Inventories

Particulars 31.03.2080 32.03.2079

Closing Stock 41,95,300.00 34,26,000.00

Total 41,95,300.00 34,26,000.00

Note 7: Trade & Other Receivables

Particulars 31.03.2080 32.03.2079

Sundry Debtors 16,50,000.00 21,24,926.00

Total 16,50,000.00 21,24,926.00

Note 8: Cash & Cash Equivalents

Particulars 31.03.2080 32.03.2079

Cash and Bank Balance 1,00,234.34 3,95,270.00
Total 1,00,234.34 3,95,270.00

Note 9: Prepayments, Loans, Advances & Deposits

Particulars 31.03.2080 32.03.2079

Advance Tax Deposit - -

Advance to Proprietor - -
Other Advances 6,00,000.00 12,75,250.00
Total 6,00,000.00 12,75,250.00

Note 10: Repairs & Maintenances Expenses

Particulars 31.03.2080 32.03.2079

Building - -
Furniture & Fixtures - -
Office Equipments - -
Vehicles - -

Total - -



- 2,527
Global Auto Parts & Accessories
Banepa-6, Kavre
Notes to the Financial Statements
For the period from 1 Shrawan 2079 to 31 Ashad 2080

Note 11: Revenue

Particulars Year Ended Year Ended

Sale of Goods 49,25,600.00 49,75,250.00

Total Income 49,25,600.00 49,75,250.00

Note 12: Cost of Sales

Particulars Year Ended Year Ended

Opening Stock 34,26,000.00 21,75,750.00
Add: Direct Expenses - -
Purchases 42,80,290.00 49,50,412.00 22,00,588
Less: Closing Stock (41,95,300.00) (34,26,000.00) 17,72,447 41
Total 35,10,990.00 37,00,162.00

Note 13: Administrative Expenses

Particulars Year Ended Year Ended

Audit Fee 10,000.00 5,650.00
Bank Charges -
Local Conveyance & Fuel Expenses -
Consultancy Fee -
Packing & Delivery Expenses -
Printing, Stationery & Photocopy Expenses 2,650.00 1,500.00
Office Expenses 13,900.00 17,250.00
Salary Expenses Admin Staffs 1,20,000.00 1,20,000.00
Staff Lodging & Fooding -
Telephone & Communication Expenses -
Wages Expenses
Rent 48,000.00 48,000.00
Total 1,94,550.00 1,92,400.00

Note 14: Finance Cost/Interest Expenses

Year Ended Year Ended
Particulars 31.03.2080 32.03.2079
Interest on Loan 5,80,122.42 3,37,410.00 5,80,122.42
Total 5,80,122.42 3,37,410.00


29,61,316 ####### 27,000

Global Auto Parts & Accessories
Banepa-6, Kavre
Notes to the Financial Statements
As on 31 Ashadh, 2080 (16th July, 2023)
Note 15: Property, Plant and Equipment

Furniture, Fixture & Plant and Intangible

Particulars Land & Building Vehicle Total
Office Equipment Machinery Assets
Block A Block B Block C Block D Block E
WDV As at 01.04.2079 36,106.00 - - 7,759.00 43,865.00
Addition during the Period - - - - - -
Addition upto 2079 Paush End - - - - - -
Addition upto 2079 Chaitra End - - - - - -
Addition upto 2080 Ashad End - - - - - -
Disposal During the Year - - - - - -
Total PPE at 31 Ashad, 2080 - 36,106.00 - - 7,759.00 43,865.00 -
- #REF!
Depreciation and Impairment - #REF!
Dep. For the Year - 9,027.00 - - 1,724.22 10,751.22 #REF! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Adjustment Due to Impairment Losses - - - - - - #REF!
Disposals - - - - - -
Dep. For the Previous Year - 12,035.00 - - 1,940.00 13,975.00
Total Depreciation and Impairment (2079.80) - 9,027.00 - - 1,724.22 10,751.22
Capitalisation of Repair & Improvement Cost - - - - - -
WDV as at 31 Ashadh 2080 - 27,079.00 - - 6,034.78 33,113.78

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