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Galileo Galilei was an Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher.

He was a brilliant scientist.


Galileo was born in 1564 in Pisa, Italy. He was the first of six children of Vincenzo Galilei and
Giulia Ammannati. His father was a famous musician. Galileo's early education was in a
monastery. From there, in 1581, he went to the University of Pisa, where he was a student of
medicine and mathematics. Then from 1592 to 1610 he went to the University of Padua.
He wasn't a student at this university - he was a professor of mathematics and astronomy.
Galileo was the father of three children - two daughters
and a son - but he wasn't married to their mother.


Galileo made excellent telescopes. With them he could see moons going round the planet
Jupiter and the planet Venus going round the sun. At the time, there was the belief that the earth
was the center of the universe and the sun went round the earth. However, by 1610 Galileo's
theory was that the earth was not the center of our universe. Galileo said that the sun was the
center, and the earth moved round it.


Some religious organizations weren't happy with Galileo's theories. His ideas were dangerous
because they were different from the ideas in the Bible. Finally, in 1634 there was a trial.
Galileo was 70 and not in good health so he wasn't sent to prison, but he couldn't leave his
house in Florence. It was here that he died in 1642. He was 78 years old and completely blind.

1) Read the text again. Answer the questions.

1) When was he born?

2) What was his job at the University of Padua?
3) Was he married?
4) What could he see with his telescope?
5) Why were his ideas dangerous?

/ 5 marks

2) Make the questions about Galileo Galilei.

1) _________________________________________?
He studied at the University of Padua
2) _________________________________________?
Yes, he had three children.
3) _________________________________________?
He discovered that the Earth was not the center of the Universe
4) _________________________________________?
Because he didn’t have good health

/ 8 marks

3) Complete the sentences with and, but, so, or because.

1) I usually love cats, but I really don't like your cat.

2) We have a holiday in summer, ____ we go skiing in winter.
3) I work hard ____ I need the money.
4) I work hard, I don't earn a lot of money.
5) Yesterday was a long day at work, I was tired this morning

/ 5 marks

4) Complete the time expressions with in, at or on.

1) ____ Saturday
2) _____ summer
3) _____the twenty-first century
4) _____ eight 0'clock
5) _____ the 12th of March

/5 marks

5) Read the text and complete with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Chinese girl makes pop song on her mobile

/ 7 marks

6) Listen to Pete and Olivia talking about their childhood. Complete the chart.

/ 10 marks

Imagine you are a salesperson trying to sell a house. Write an e mail to your client
suggesting the best option to buy. Include description of the neighborhood, compare the
houses, and write about the stores and facilities nearby.
Situated: private neighborhood
Commodities: swimming pool, three bathrooms, four
bedrooms, big garden.
Nearby: supermarket, school, butcher’s, bakery.
No shopping center, no bus stop
Price: 1 million dollars

Situated: In the city

Commodities: two bedrooms, one bathroom, small garden,
Nearby: all facilities near.
Price: 563.000 dollars

Situated: Country side

Commodities: three bedrooms, two bathrooms, fireplace,
Jacuzzi, great views of the nature
Nearby: the nearest facilities are at 3 kilometers.
Price: 470.000 dollars

Nearby = cerca, alrededor
Facilities: servicios

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