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Training Material for IT Recruiters

Essential Requirements for a Recruiter

1. MS Office (Word / Excel)
2. Microsoft Outlook
3. Yahoo Chat
4. Typewriting
5. US Timing (Willingness)
6. Technologies
7. Terminology
8. Excellent communication skills.


11:07 am 12:07 pm 13:07 pm 14:07 pm 23:37 pm


S.No Code United States S.No Code United States

1 AL Alabama 26 MT Montana

2 AK Alaska 27 NE Nebraska

3 AZ Arizona 28 NV Nevada

4 AR Arkansas 29 NH New Hampshire

5 CA California 30 NJ New Jersey

6 CO Colorado 31 NM New Mexico

7 CT Connecticut 32 NY New York

8 DE Delaware 33 NC North Carolina

9 FL Florida 34 ND North Dakota

10 GA Georgia 35 OH Ohio

11 HI Hawaii 36 OK Oklahoma

12 ID Idaho 37 OR Oregon

13 IL Illinois 38 PA Pennsylvania

14 IN Indiana 39 RI Rhode Island

15 LA Iowa 40 SC South Carolina

16 KS Kansas 41 SD South Dakota

17 KY Kentucky 42 TN Tennessee

18 LA Louisiana 43 TX Texas

19 ME Maine 44 UT Utah

20 MD Maryland 45 VT Vermont

21 MA Massachusetts 46 VA Virginia

22 MI Michigan 47 WA Washington

23 MN Minnesota 48 WV West Virginia

24 MS Mississippi 49 WI Wisconsin

25 MO Missouri 50 WY Wyoming

S.No State Capital S.No State Capital
1 Alabama Montgomery 26 Montana Helena
2 Alaska Juneau 27 Nebraska Lincoln
3 Arizona Phoenix 28 Nevada Carson City
4 Arkansas Little Rock 29 New Hampshire Concord
5 California Sacramento 30 New Jersey Trenton
6 Colorado Denver 31 New Mexico Santa Fe
7 Connecticut Hartford 32 New York Albany
8 Delaware Dover 33 North Carolina Raleigh
9 Florida Tallahassee 34 North Dakota Bismarck
10 Georgia Atlanta 35 Ohio Columbus
11 Hawaii Honolulu 36 Oklahoma Oklahoma City
12 Idaho Boise 37 Oregon Salem
13 Illinois Springfield 38 Pennsylvania Harrisburg
14 Indiana Indianapolis 39 Rhode Island Providence
15 Iowa Des Moines 40 South Carolina Columbia
16 Kansas Topeka 41 South Dakota Pierre
17 Kentucky Frankfort 42 Tennessee Nashville
18 Louisiana Baton Rouge 43 Texas Austin
19 Maine Augusta 44 Utah Salt Lake City
20 Maryland Annapolis 45 Vermont Montpelier
21 Massachusetts Boston 46 Virginia Richmond
22 Michigan Lansing 47 Washington Olympia
23 Minnesota St. Paul 48 West Virginia Charleston
24 Mississippi Jackson 49 Wisconsin Madison
25 Missouri Jefferson City 50 Wyoming Cheyenne

Timings in USA
There are 4 Time Zones in USA
1. EST (Eastern Standard time) 9.30 Hours Back to IST
2. CST (Central Standard time) 10.30 Hours Back to IST
3. MST (Mountain Standard time) 11.30 Hours Back to IST
4. PST (Pacific Standard time) 12.30 Hours Back to IST

Pacific Standard Time 11:07 am

Mountain Standard Time 12:07 pm
Central Standard Time 13:07 pm
Eastern Standard Time 14:07 pm

There is 1 hour difference between every Zone

Indian standard time (IST) 23:37 pm

Alaskan standard time 10:07 am
Hawaiian standard time 08:07 am

Note: Every Six months the whole US timing changes for 1 hrs
In October they will forward one hour and in March revert

For Example:

From April to September

1. EST 9.00AM – IST 6.30 PM
2. CST 9.00AM – IST 7.30 PM
3. MST 9.00AM – IST 8.30 PM
4. PST 9.00AM – IST 9.30 PM

From October to March

1. EST 9.00AM – IST 7.30 PM
2. CST 9.00AM – IST 8.30 PM
3. MST 9.00AM – IST 9.30 PM
4. PST 9.00AM – IST 10.30 PM


1. J – 1 (Doctors & research purpose, Scientists)

2. F – 1 (Study purpose)
3. H – 1 (Work Permission) (5-7 years)
4. B – 1 (Business purpose) (3 months)
5. L – 1 (Labor work purpose) (max. 1 year)

TN Permit (for Canadian people)

A3 (for Australian people)
EAD (Employment Authorization Document)
(About to get Green Card in 6 months)
Green Card holders (Permanent Residents)
U.S Citizens (Born in USA)

OPT (Optional Practical Training)

CPT (Curriculum Practical Training)

H1b / Legal Stuff / Payment Structures

USA Immigration law states that you must obtain a visa / permit to enter
America. A visa is an official 'permit' authorizing you to enter the USA, for a specific
reason and for a specified period of time. There are many different types of visas /
permits and depending on the nature of your visit to the USA (e.g. travel, study, work),
this will decide which the most appropriate visa is / permit for you. There are two
separate USA Visa / permit classifications: - "Immigrant" visa and "Nonimmigrant" visa:

The most common USA Visa is a "Nonimmigrant" Visa - this is for someone who intends
to come to the USA "temporarily" and for a specific purpose.

➢ H1B Work Visa,

➢ F1 Study Visa,

➢ L1 Intra-Company Transfer Visa,

➢ K and V Fiancé Visas.

An "Immigrant" Visa is for someone who intends to relocate to the USA, to live and
work "permanently" (Green Card - Lawful Permanent Residents).

Type of consultants
L1, H1B, B1, OPT, CPT, TN, A3, EAD, Green card and Citizens

OPT/Green card and Citizens are authorized to work with any employer or any
organization, Taxes will be same

Another Option they can choose regarding payment structure is W2 or 1099

The United States L1 visa is a non-immigrant visa which allows companies operating
both in the US and abroad to transfer certain classes of employee from its foreign
operations to the USA operations for up to seven years. The employee must have
worked for a subsidiary, parent, affiliate or branch office of your US Company outside
of the US for at least one year out of the last three years.

Companies operating in the US can apply to the relevant BCIS service center for an L1
visa to transfer someone to the US from their overseas operations. Employees in this
category will, initially, be granted an L-1 visa for up to three years.

There are two types of employees who may be sponsored for USA L1 visas:

• Managers/Executives

The legal definition of management and executive roles for these purposes is quite strict,
and a detailed description of the duties attached to the position will be required. In
particular, the executive or manager should have supervisory responsibility for
professional staff and/or for a key function, department or subdivision of the employer.
Such personnel are issued an L1A visa, initially for a three year period extendible in two
year increments to a maximum of seven years.

• Specialized Knowledge Staff

This category covers those with knowledge of the company's products/services,

research, systems, proprietary techniques, management, or procedures. These categories
are issued an L1B visa, initially for three years extendible to a maximum of five years.

On completing the maximum allowable period in L-1 status, the employee must be
employed outside the United States for a minimum of one year before a new application
is made for L or H status.

The H1B Visa Program is the official and primary USA work visa / work permit.
The US Government offers the H1B visa to enable highly skilled International Workers
and International Students, from all over the World, or already in the USA, the
opportunity to legally live and work in America.


To obtain an H1B visa, an applicant must, first, find a job with an H1B visa employer
company in the USA; commonly known as your 'H1B sponsor'.

Your H1B sponsor then applies for / files your H1B visa application. Individuals can
NOT sponsor or apply for their own H1B visa - ONLY your new employer (sponsor)

An H1B visa is typically valid for up to six (6) years and entitles your spouse
(husband/wife) and children to accompany you and 'live' in America.

One of the main advantages of the H1B visa (US work permit) is that it is a 'dual intent'
visa which means that you can apply for a Green Card (Legal Permanent Residency).

To obtain an H1B visa to work in the USA.... the 1st step is that you must find an H1B
Job with an H1B sponsor company.
* Individuals cannot sponsor/apply for your own H1B visa - only your new employer

IF A CONSULTANT HAS WORK IN AMERICA: the primary USA Work Visa is the
H1B Visa.
The US Governments H1B Visa Program is designed to provide highly skilled Workers
and Graduates, from all over the World, the opportunity to live and work in the USA.

The Fact is: You cannot work in America without a visa! - H1 Base will help you....
You Must Find a Job with a company who will sponsor (file) an H1B visa for you.

How to Successfully Get Your H1B Visa to Work in USA....

Step 1) you must find a job with a company who will 'sponsor' an H1B visa for you
Step 2) your new employer (sponsor company) then files your H1B application
Step 3) your visa application is approved by the US Immigration Bureau
Step 4) you can start work for your new employer (H1B sponsor company) in the USA.

NEED PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANCE? ~~ SAVE Months of Searching for H1B Jobs:

GET A BOOST: use the most proven and trusted services available, to help you Find &
Secure your USA H1B Visa Job with a top H1B visa employer. Many of the Top US
sponsor company’s place a 'premium' on H1 Base candidates for their H1B recruitment
needs. For years our services have been successfully used by job seekers from all over
the world.

The H1B Visa Program is the official and primary USA work visa / work permit.
The US Government introduced the H1B visa to offer and enable highly skilled
International Professionals and/or International Students, from all over the World, the
opportunity to live and work in the USA.

The H1B is the most sought after US work visa and US Immigration requires 'every'
foreign national to obtain a visa in order to legally work in America.

To Obtain an official H1B Visa :-

Step 1 - you must 'first' find an H1B Job with a US Employer (known as your "sponsor")
Step 2 - your Employer files your H1B Visa Application with the US Immigration
* individuals can NOT sponsor or apply for their own H1B visa. Only Your Employer

* To Qualify for the H1B Visa Program, you must work in a 'specialty occupation':
The core Specialty Occupations include: IT, Computing, Finance, Accounting, Banking,
Marketing, Advertising, PR, Sales, Recruiting, Engineering (all types), Teaching,
HealthCare/Medical, Legal, Lawyers, Networking, Telecoms, Business, Management.

>>> an H1B visa is typically valid for up to six (6) years and entitles your spouse
(husband/wife) and children to accompany you and live in America.

One of the main advantages of the H1B visa is that it is a 'dual intent' visa which means
that you can apply for a Green Card (Legal Permanent Residency)


TN1 Visa is an US Work Visa for Canadian and Mexican Nationals Only. The process to
obtain a TN1 work visa is the same as to obtain an H1B visa (you must first find a job
with a sponsor company). This means that H1B employers and sponsors also recruit and
hire people on TN1 visas.

Canadians & Mexicans looking for short term work permits should consider the NAFTA
"TN" (treaty national) visa. The visa includes most professional designations. The TN
visa is not designed for self-employment. The visa is designed to accommodate short
term employment in a professional capacity. Consultants must demonstrate that they
are coming to the US to service a client, not to set up their own US business.

Applicants may apply at border posts. Show your professional credentials, proof of
university education and a cover letter from the employer describing your job duties.
The INS border inspector should process your application within a few hours.

If you are already in the US you can apply for TN status by mail through an INS
regional processing center.

The Visa lasts one year but is renewable indefinitely. Common sense dictates that the
longer you have the TN visa the more scrutiny you face at the border.

The TN visa automatically expires upon application for permanent residence. If you
have a TN and want a green card, change status to H1B or E treaty status before
applying for the green card. The H1B lasts for up to six years, which is generally more
than enough time to process the green card.

The TN visa is only available to Canadian citizens, not landed immigrants.

The TN category offers Canadian professionals a fast track into the US. Once in the US
one may consider other options for a longer term stay.


The process to obtain an E3 work visa is the same as to obtain an H1B visa (you must
first find a job with a sponsor company). This means that H1B employers and sponsors
also recruit and hire people on E3 visas.

The regulations implementing the new E3 visa were published in the US Federal
Register on 2 September 2005. With the publication of the regulations, Australians are
now able to apply for E3 visas in order to live and work in the USA. The E3 visa will

help Australian business people and professionals capitalize on the opportunities
offered under the Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement (AUSFTA).

Qualified Australians wishing to live and work in the USA now find themselves in a
privileged position. They have access to a dedicated visa that is easier and less costly to
obtain than the traditional H1B work visa. 10,500 E3 visas per annum have been
reserved exclusively for Australian nationals. Unlike the H1B visa, spouses of E3 visa
holders are now able to work in the United States - eliminating a barrier that in practice
has stopped many Australians from applying for temporary residence in the US. E-3
visa holders will be able to apply for extensions. The application fee for an E3 visa is
significantly lower than for the H1B visa.

To qualify for an E3 visa, an applicant must demonstrate:

• that he or she must have a legitimate offer of employment in the US
• that the position he or she is coming to fill qualifies as specialty occupation
• that he or she is an Australian citizen
• that he or she has the necessary academic or other qualifying credentials
• that his or her stay will be temporary, and
• if required before the alien may commence employment in the specialty occupation,
that he or she has the necessary license or other official permission to practice in the
specialty occupation.

An approved Labor Condition Application is required and no more than 10,500 E3 visas
can be issued per year.


USA Green Card holders are known as 'Lawful Permanent Residents' of America
('Immigrants'). A Green Card is the official card issued by the US Immigration Service
( to foreign nationals granting them permanent residency in the USA. A
Green Card allows you to legally live and work in the USA. It is officially called Form I-
551, the Permanent Resident Card.

Naturalization is the way immigrants become citizens of the United States. If you were
not born a citizen, you become one through naturalization. Citizenship is a lifetime
benefit bestowed upon you.

As a citizen, you get unique rights and privileges which include the right to vote, having
a U.S. passport, the U.S. government's protection when abroad and the right to petition
for green cards for your children and close relatives. As a U.S. citizen, you cannot be
deported or lose your citizenship even if you commit a crime or choose to live elsewhere
in the world, unless you misrepresented yourself to get citizenship or were ineligible at
the time.

If You're an International Professional or International Student who Wants To Work in
the USA:
the biggest challenge that you face, is Not just trying to find a Job in the USA....
it's finding an H1B Job: with a Company that will 'sponsor' (apply for) an H1B visa for

H1 Base has helped thousands of foreign nationals find H1B Jobs & Sponsorship to work
in the USA.


Contract positions
1. Corp – Corp
2. W2
3. 1099

C2C (Corp to Corp) & 1099 are basically the same. You are paid the gross amount w/o
any deductions. So basically, you have your own corporation or you are a sole

Now, the question maybe should have been "What are the difference between a 1099
and a W2?"

With a 1099 you have to match your FICA (7.65%), with a W2, they match it for you.
Another benefit of W2 is that they pay your unemployment tax. Now a day that is
important! You see, as a sole proprietor or a corporate officer, you can't collect
unemployment! That has become a big deal (where's the next gig?). Also, a sole
proprietor doesn't pay unemployment tax. As a corporation you do, but can't collect if
you're a corporate officer (and you are with your own corporation). Either way, you can
deduct your expenses. A W2, for the most part, can't.

Now, the bigger when traveling is per diem. When working as a W2 some agencies will
allow part of your rate to be per diem. Per Diem is tax free.

For 1099, and a corporate officer, per Diem is not allowed (expenses only). However,
you can 'hire someone to be your employer'. This can work out well. With this
arrangement, you are able to deduct (off the top) the standard daily food & lodging
allowance for the locale in which you are staying.

1099s and TAXES

When a person is paid on the form, 1099-misc, all money earned by the individual is
paid on an untaxed basis. It is then the responsibility of the individual to file and pay the
appropriate taxes. These taxes can be owed to Federal, State and Local governments.
Workers compensation and unemployment issues also must be addressed

W-2s and TAXES
When a person is paid on the form W-2, the employer automatically withholds and pays
all of the necessary employee income taxes as required by the IRS. These taxes include:
Federal Income Tax, State Income Tax, and FICA (Social Security and Medicare). In
addition, the employer will pay all of the necessary employer taxes. These taxes include:
FICA (Social Security and Medicare), FUTA (Federal Unemployment Tax), and SUI
(State Unemployment Tax).


In recent years, the IRS has begun to realize the large sums of potential tax revenue they
are losing due to misclassified 1099 independent contractors who should legally be W-2
employees. When a company pays a contractor on a 1099-misc form, they avoid the
following: federal and state tax withholdings, deposits and reports, the employer’s share
of Social Security and Medicare taxes, state and federal unemployment insurance
premiums, state disability insurance premiums, Workers’ Compensation costs, fringe
benefits, vicarious liability for employee negligence, and EEOC regulations. The IRS
estimates that it loses $4 to $20 billion per year in unpaid taxes as a result of this
misclassification problem. Understandably, the IRS has made it a priority to investigate
1099-misc forms that are turned in at the end of the tax year. The IRS is continually
conducting audits to determine whether or not contractors are being properly classified.

C2c and W2 are tax terms. C2C means it is between 2 corporations (many H1s do this
term, but US Citizens and Green Card holders can do it as well if you they own their
own business) W2 can be used for full-time or contract positions. On this term the
employer deducts 10% out of your pay for taxes (must be a US Citizen or Green Card
holder). A contract to hire is exactly how it sounds. You start out as a contractor earning
an hourly rate, than after a few months (whatever you agree upon) you convert to a full-
time salaried employee, able to participate in the companies benefits.

Permanent positions

Contract to Hire

A Contract to Hire is a type of Contract which means, the consultants will be initially
hired for a contract of a period (Generally 6 months) and will be Hired Permanently
after initial Contract of some months.

1. Corp – Corp

This is a Contract type between two Incorporations. The Employer of H1/GC (If GC is
going through an Incorporation and submitted to an Incorporation) / Citizen (If Citizen
is going through an Incorporation and submitted to an Incorporation). H1 can be hired
only on Corp-Corp.

2. W2

W2 (No Benefits):

This is a Contract type for Payroll for Citizens & Green Card Holders. If a consultant is
hire on W2, the Client will be responsible to pay consultant’s payroll taxes. The
consultant will have no other benefits other than the payroll tax payment by the client.

W2 (Benefits):

In W2 the consultant can also choose W2 payment with benefits like Health Insurance
(Generally 80%), Paid Vacation with No Payroll Tax Deduction.

3. 1099

This is a Contract type for Payroll for Citizens & Green Card Holders. If a consultant is
hire on 1099, the Consultant will be responsible to pay his/her payroll taxes. The
consultant will have no benefits.


Corp – Corp and 1099 both are Similar.

We can submit a consultant on Corp – Corp or 1099 by keeping our margin

Ex. If 50$/hr is the Hourly rate of the consultant

50$/hr + 10$/hr (Margin) = 60$/hr

When it comes to W2 without benefits.

We have to submit a consultant by keeping our margin and also keeping the taxes of the

(We (Employer) have to pay the consultant payroll taxes up to 10 – 12% of his hourly

Ex. If 50$/hr is the Hourly rate of the consultant

Submitting at

50$/hr + 5$/hr (Taxes) + 10$/hr (Margin) = 65$/hr

W2 with benefits.

We have to submit a consultant by keeping our margin, keeping the taxes of the
consultant and also keeping the benefits of the consultant.

Benefits like health Insurance (company has to pay up to 80%)

Paid vacation (20 days per year)

160hrs is paid by the company.


If 50$/hr is the Hourly rate of the consultant

Health Insurance = 500$/hr

80% of the Health Insurance is paid by the company = 400$/hr

20 Vacation Days per year

20 days x 8 hrs x 50$/hr = 8000$

Total Benefits = 8000$ + 400$

= 8400$

Total benefits per hour

12 months x 22 days x 8 hrs = 2112 hrs

8400$ = 3.977 Approx. 4$/hr


Benefits for the employee is 4$/hr

Submitting at

50$/hr + 5$/hr (Taxes) + 4$/hr (Benefits) + 10$/hr (Margin) = 69$/hr

Consultant will be on our payroll, i.e. every month first, they are supposed to get
paystub from company and company will deduct approx 30% of taxes and will give rest
to consultant

State Taxes
All together approximately 30% of gross salary

Consultant can work on two types of payment options

First: fixed salary
I.e. if he is working on 48k salary means 48,000 US$ per year and 4000 US$ per month
(160 hours per month)

So Gross salary: 4000 US$

Net salary = gross – taxes = 4000 – 30% of 4000(1200) = 2800 US$ per month

Employer will pay above said 1200 and also employer taxes (15% of gross i.e. 15% of
4000 = 600 US$) to government every month

Advantages: here consultant will get relocation charges and medical (only single) as free
of cost from organization
No bench salary, but on bench he will get free food and accommodation until he gets

Second: Percentage system

Fresh consultant will start his career with 65-35 deal and every 6 months he will get 5%
hike until 80-20.
Consultant will get 65% of his bill rate (we will show PO purchase order to the
consultant) so he will know the actual bill rate
For example if the bill rate is 40 US$ per hour, he will get 65% of 40 US$ = 26 US$ per
Monthly salary: 160 hours * 26 US$ per hour = 4160 US$ per month
Taxes will be same as in fixed salary system
No relocation charges and No medical insurance will provided by employer in this
percentage system

Green card/Citizens and OPT consultants can choose another option of payment
I.e. 1099
Here employer will pay the consultant total gross salary without deducting any thing
for taxes and end of the year employer will issue 1099 for the total amount and he is
supposed to pay taxes end of the year at once to government
Here Employer need not to pay any taxes

Above example: employer will give total 4000 US$ to consultant without deducting 1200

But majority of the consultants is reluctant to take up this option

End of the year h1b consultants will get W2 from employer which shows how much
total taxes company and himself paid to government so by using this W2 , he can apply
for re-imbursement with the help of charted accountant , he will get easily 50% total
amount he paid to government depends on situations

Payments from Vendors

Jan 1st to Jan 31st – 4 time Sheets

8*5*4 = 160
Feb 1st – Invoice to Vendors

Net 10 or Net 15 or Net 30 or Net 45 or Net 60 - Payments

Weekly or Bi-Weekly or Monthly - Invoicing


B1/L1/H4/F1 consultants can not work for our company until they get H1B through
our company
For this you need to know h1b-related stuff

H1B Quota

65,000 H1B’S per year

All other visas like H4, B1, L1, OPT, are included in this only
For MS (OPT) 30,000

Work Visa for Non Immigrants through companies LLC / Inc / Colleges
It comes from INS (Immigration Naturalization Services)

Rules According to INS

• Minimum 16 years of Education
• Degree, PG and Passport (All Pages) X-Rox copies + Exp Certificate and Resume.

Attorney can fill it

After 2 Weeks we will get Receipt No - LIN / EAC
Vermont – EAC
Nebraska – LIN

It’s a visa provided by US government for non-immigrant software professionals

Visa duration: 3 years initially and can get another 3 years, so total 6 years
Meanwhile he can apply for Green card, if he get GC, he can stay for unlimited time in
USA if not he should return back from USA after 6 years of stay

Documents required applying H1B

All educational documents
All PGDCA and computer related documents
Passport all pages copies
All experience certificates and offer letters

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services: USCIS

Four centers
1. Vermont
2. Nebraska
3. California
4. Texas
Our company is in NJ so we come under Vermont centre

Fee structure:
INS fee 185
INS educational fee 1500
INS anti-Fraud fee 500
Attorney fee 700
Education Evaluation 100

Total 3000 US$

Premium processing 1000 US$

Company should send all the documents of applicant along with Fee and petition to INS
(new name is USCIS)
With in 2 weeks we will get receipt number starts with EAC12345678
And after 2 months can get approval

The above said is the procedure for

All applicants seeking h1b from India
F1/B1/L1 and H4 visa holders already in USA

H1b Quota
65,000 per year
FY 2007 quota will open from April 2006 onwards
And approval date will be October 2006 onwards only
I.e. anybody who wants to work in USA now can work only from October 2006

OPT consultants

Optional Practical Training (OPT): this is the period you can treat this as probation
period for MS or BS completed graduates
This period will be for One year
During this time they can work with any employer (almost equivalent to GC)
They can work on both W2 and 1099 option

But immediately after OPT status they are supposed to change their status to H1b so
that is the time they should approach employers for h1b sponsorship
After got into h1b status: no difference between other h1b holders and MS graduates

OPT’S mainly come out in May, Aug and December

CPT Consultants

Pupils who are doing BS/MS they can work for a particular thesis period.

H1b transfers

H1b holders can transfer their h1b to multiple companies at any time, so at any point of
One can hold multiple valid h1b’s but they are supposed to get salary from only one h1b
Documents Required for H1b transfer:
All the documents required for Fresh H1b plus
I797 copy (existing H1b copy)
Existing company recent 2 pay stubs

Fee is the same for H1b and h1b transfer

H1b transfer consultants can start working for new company immediately after INS
application receipt number

Payment structure and others are same for H1b/ and h1b transfer consultants

H1b for consultants who are not from software background

Still we can apply h1b’s for graduates from other departments like Bio, commerce, but
need to show software experience and need show Software PGDCA’s

Guest House consultants:

We can invite the following consultants to Guest house without any hesitation
1. MS / BS completed graduates who are on OPT status
2. All h1b Holders
3. H1b holders who does not want to transfer h1b but willing to work Corp – Corp
4. green card and citizen’s
Our company will provide
Free Food and Accommodation along with Training in Various technologies until
they get into projects
Guest House: per room 4 to 5 consultants need to stay
Will provide interview assistance
Will provide on Job assistance
Will offer them best salaries
Will sponsor h1b’s for fresh graduates
Will sponsor h1b transfers for existing H1b’s

Types of Deals
1. Corp-Corp ( C2C)
2. Contract to hire(C2H)
3. On W2 ( On Boat )


Consultants will stick to their employers only and will work thro their company
Majority of the our business is Corp-Corp, i.e. here we approach consultants who are
with other companies and will get their employer (recruiters) permission to market their
resources, we place them, and finally consultants will work thro layers

Contract to hire:
Some times our Top vendor will ask for contract to Hire after x months
Means: they are asking our permission to take our consultant to their Boat presently
after x months
Sometimes they will pay us one time settlement, sometimes nope.

On W2 (On Boat):
Consultants who are on our payroll or consultants who wish to come on our boat by
transferring their h1b’s to our company are most valuable consultants because our
company will be recognized by W2 consultants only not Corp to Corp consultants.
Mobile Minutes
• Day Minutes 400 Free
• After 9 pm to 6 am total free
• Saturday and Sunday total free
• Every Minute 40 Cents

Types of Contracts or Agreements:

• Main Services Contract
• NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement)
• We can take NDA from Consultants and Vendors and Clients

N.S.A – Non Solicited Agreement (To avoid By-Passing)

N.C.A – Non Compete agreement (To avoid multiple/double Submission)
N.D.A – Non Disclosure Agreement (Holding the consultant for next 24 hrs. He cannot
go to any interview without client permission for next 24 hours)
E.A.C – Employment Authorization Certificate (Getting Signed by Green Card holders,
U.S Citizens)

Contract Includes
• Payment terms
• No Direct Dealing with Vendors
• 1 year Not Approaching Client

Portals Used for Searching Consultants:

1. Dice
2. Monster
3. Net temps
4. Staffing DB
5. Flippy Dog
6. Workopolis


Types of Interviews:
1. Telephonic
2. In Person or Face to Face
3. Skype

Requirements from the Consultants:

1. Full Name (First Name and Last Name)
2. Contact Details :- Email Id and Contact No(Mobile, Landline) , Any other
3. Their Present Location
4. Availability
5. Willingness to Relocation
6. Rate (Rate confirmation from employer if he is H1)
7. Last 4 digit SSN No: (Only few cases)
8. Date of Birth (Only few cases)

Recruiting Process



Implementation T2 PrimeVendor T3 Vendor/ Employer


Consultant: Candidate or the person who works for a Client on Contract Basis.

Client: The Project Implementer (Or Casually MNC) E.g.: JP Morgan Chase, IBM,
Accenture, and GMAC etc.

Employer: The Person who holds the Pay roll or H1 of a Consultant (In short the person
who markets His own Consultant.

Vendor: The Individual Company

Preferred Vendor: Who has a Direct Client?

(The Client sends his Requirements directly to the Preferred Vendor) But not Tier

Tier, Tier 1,2,3: These are the layers. The other vendors

Portals: There are few Job Portals where the Companies float their Job Requirements as
well as Consultants Profile (Resume) So that you can find the consultants as well as Job
requirements on The Portals.

Recruitment Staff






Duties of a Recruiter: To manage the Client Job Requirements, by sourcing, Screening

and finding the Potentials of the Consultant by matching the Skill sets demanded by the
Client and Finally Negotiating the Rate from the Employer and finally submitting the
Profile to the Client.

Process of Recruitment:
1. Getting Requirements – A/c Mgrs or BDM’S
2. Identifying the Sources of Recruitment
▪ Dice Search
▪ Posting
▪ Friends & Colleagues
▪ Sending Requirement to Vendors
▪ Sending Requirement to Yahoo Groups
▪ Search Internal Database
▪ Ask through Messenger
3. Qualified person identification
4. Need to communicate about the requirement to the qualified people.
5. Making them to apply for the requirement.

Process of Selection and Submitting to A/c Manager

• Study the Requirement Carefully

• List out the skills that the client is looking
• Major of the Requirement Skills
• Minor or the Preferred Skills
• Then start screening of resumes basing on the skills
• Telephonic Screening regarding communication skills, Real time Experience etc.,
• Taking rate confirmation with employers
• Submitting to A/c Manager.

Selection Process:
• Resume Screening
• Telephone Screening
• Submitting to the Client
• Client Interview
• PO (Purchase Order) / SOW (Statement of Work)

Resume Screening
Checking the required skills in the resume
Check is it fit for the relevant experience

Telephone Screening
• Check real time experience
• Pose questions regarding his experience
• Stress on the skills required
• Observe communication skills
• Confidence level.

Resume Setting:
• Keep 1” Space on Left, Right, Top and Bottom
• Justification /Size of Font 10/11
• Deleting consultant/ Employer details in properties
• Maintain same font and colour Black for whole resume.

Process of talking to Consultant/ Vendor / Clients

• Wishing the opposite person
• Introducing yourself
• Knowing about the other person
• Taking permission to discuss with him
• Telling him about the purpose of call
• Explanation / Discussion.


❖ Read the Requirement (Still you understand)

❖ Analyze the Position
❖ Make a Query(String)
❖ Short List the Resumes
❖ Check the Summary

❖ Check the Latest Projects
❖ Check the Skills
❖ Certifications (if Required)


1. Good Communication Skills (Calling Tips)

2. Detailed Oriented
a) Title
b) Location
c) Duration
d) Job Description
e) Skills without Title
f) Client Name ( Hide the Client name)
g) Rate
h) Start Date of the Project
i) Availability of the Consultant
j) Benefits (If any ex. W2 with benefits)


❖ Make a call to the Prefer Vendor before submitting ask him the position is open
or not.
❖ Make a call to the employer before submitting (Inform him/her that we are
going submit your submit)

❖ Make a call to the Consultant before submitting (Call the consultant and say to
him/her that they have to represent our company.)

After Submission:

Keep a follow up for your submissions to the client and also keep the Consultants &
Employers Updated regarding Submission, Interview and Closure.

C Biz One
Importing / Uploading Resumes
Consultant folder > Import Resume > Browse and Select the Resume > Click (Next) then
Enter the details of Consultant > Click (Next) Check and Duplicate are there are not.
Click (Next) > Finish.



EX. SAP SD Consultant with Java, HTML

(“SAP SD Consultant” OR “SD Consultant” OR “SAP Sales and Distribution

Consultant”) AND (HTML) AND (JAVA)

(We can place modules like HR, BW, MM, PP and WM in place of SD)

2. If need a Senior SAP HR Consultant with XML, Oracle.

(“Senior SAP HR Consultant” OR “Senior HR Consultant” OR “Sr. SAP HR Consultant”

OR “Sr. HR Consultant” OR “SAP HR Senior Consultant” OR “HR Senior Consultant”)
AND (XML) AND (Oracle)

(We can place modules like BW, MM, PP and WM in place of HR)

3. If need a Java Consultant with HTML, XML, J2EE.

(“Java Consultant” OR “Java Developer” OR “Java Architect” OR “Java Programmer”

OR “Java Analyst” OR “Java Administrator”)

(We can place modules like Oracle, DW and J2EE in place of “Java”.)

4. If we need a Lead SAP MM Consultant with XML, PL SQL.

(“Lead SAP MM Consultant” OR “Lead MM Consultant” OR “Team Lead SAP MM

Consultant” OR “Team Lead MM Consultant” OR “SAP MM Lead Consultant” OR
“MM Lead Consultant”) AND (XML) OR (“PL SQL” OR “PL/SQL”)

Senior means you can type as (“Senior ………..” OR “Sr. ………..”)

Lead means you can type as (“Lead ………….” OR “……….. Lead …..” OR “Team Lead

For .Net you can type as (“.Net” OR “Dot Net”)

When it comes to Java, Oracle and .Net
You can type as

(“……………. Developer” OR “……………… Consultant” OR “………….. Architect” OR

“…………. Programmer” OR “…………. Analyst” OR “…………… Administrator”)



Here are the Call Tips.

Consultant Name: William Nagle

On Call:

You: Hello, Can I speak to William? (If the number you dialed you know it is Home

You: Hello, am i speaking to William? (If Cell number)

Consultant: Yes this is William (OR) Yes you are speaking to William (If Cell number)

You: Oh, Hi William (Good Morning/Good Afternoon/Good Evening -- Optional), this is

ADAM from PROHIRES. How are you doing today?

Consultant: I am doing good/Not bad/Great. How are you doing?

You: I am doing well. William, this is regarding a job position for you as an
Administrative Assistant (If the requirement is for Administrative Assistant) for Hewlett
Packard Company (if you know the name of client), in Houston, TX.

This is will start as a 4 months (if req says 4 months) Assignment and will be extended
further after initial 4 months engagement with Hewlett Packard.

Note: For other Companies, the position will not extend further after initial engagement

So, i am wondering to know whether you are available now.

Consultant: Yes, i am. Can you tell me something more about this position?

Note: See the job description and say a very short description about the job position. Like
the Job responsibilities.

You: William, can u tell me how many years of experience you have as Administrative

Consultant: 5 years

You: Oh that’s great. Can you tell me what is the Hourly rate you are looking for a
position in Houston


You: Can you tell me what are you currently making? How many dollars an Hour?

Consultant: I am looking around $14/ Hour


Consultant: I am currently making $14 / Hour

You: Can you make it $13/Hour for this position. Is that Negotiable?

Consultant: Ok (OR) No, not workable.

Note: Whatever the answer he says, check whether we can give him that rate after
keeping our margin.

You: Ok, No problem (If rate is OK) (OR) Say him sorry we can’t give that much rate.
We are getting low rate from client.

If he doesn't agrees: say ok, No problem. I will contact you for other positions in future.


If he agrees:

You again: Hey William i have your email address, that is I will
Go-ahead and i will send you the job details right away. Can you reply me back with
your latest word resume and rate confirmation as $__/Hour (what u discussed)?

Consultant: That would be fine. I will do that.

You: Oh thanks. I will be waiting for your reply and i as soon as i get your resume, i will
submit it to the Hiring Manager and i will keep you updated.

Consultant: Ok

You: Ok William, i am sending you the job details right away, please reply me back

Consultant: OK

You: Thanks William. Have a Great/Nice Day.

Consultant: You too.

You: Bye

Consultant: Bye

Build up your Database and also the contacts.

9. General
(A) C
(B) C++
(C) C#
(D) VB
(E) .Net

10. E.R.P (Enterprise Resource Planning)

• Technical
(a) ABAP (Advance Business Application
(b) Cross Applications ( EDI , ALE , BAPI)

• Networking/ Administration
(b) Security

• Functional Modules
(a) MM (Material Management) :- (BOM, Purchasing,
(b) SRM (Sub in MM)
(c) WM (Warehouse Management) :- Inventory,
Warehousing Concepts.
(d) FI/CO (Finance and Controlling)
(e) FI :- AR, A/P, GL, SL ML
(f) CO:- Cost Centre A/c , Product Costs , PCA (Profit
Centre Accounting)
(g) Treasury : (Sub Module of FICO
(h) SD (Sales & Distribution: - Billing, Pricing,
Shipping, Transportation, Logistics.
(i) QM (Quality Management):- Inspection, Quality
Check, Standards.
(j) HR (Human Resource):- Payrolls, Benefits,
Insurance, Personnel Admin, Personnel
Development, Organization Development, ESS /
MSS, Time Expenses.
(k) PP (Production Planning) :- Production, Procure.

• New Dimensional Products
(a) APO (Advance Planner & Optimiser):- Dinand
Planning, SNP(Supplier Network Planning)
(b) SCM (Supply Chain Management)
(c) Netweaver
(d) CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
(e) SEM (Strategic Enterprise Management)
(f) BW (Business Warehousing)

(B) Peoplesoft
(i) Peoplesoft Financials (Functional / Technical)
(ii) Peoplesoft HRMS (Functional / Technical)

(C) Siebel
(i) Siebel CRM
(ii) Siebel Actuate

(D) Oracle Apps

(i) Oracle Apps Financials
(ii) Oracle Apps HRMS

(E) JD Edwards

(F) Boan

2. Data Ware housing (DWH)

(a) Informatica
(c) SAS
(d) Sy2base
(e) D2ataStage
(f) 2Hyperion
(B) Reporting Tools
(a) Business Objects
(b) Cognos
(c) Micro Strategy
(d) Crystal Reports
3. Networking
(B) Solaris
(C) Windows
(D) Linux

4. Oracle/SQL/DBA

5. Testing/BA (Business Analyst)

6. Java , Mainframes
(A) Java
(B) J2EE
(C) All Web Developers

7. Miscellaneous
(A) Tech Writer
(B) Remedy

List of Few Non SAP Technologies

3. AIX
4. Ariba
5. Business Objects
6. Business Analyst
7. BizTalk
8. C, C++, C#
9. Citrix
10. Clarify
11. Cognos
12. Crystal Reports
13. Data Modeler
14. Data Stage
15. Data Warehousing
16. DB2DBA
17. Documentum
18. Dot Net
19. ETL
20. File Net
21. HTML / Web Sphere
22. Hyperion
23. JD Edwards
24. Mainframes
25. Micro Strategy
26. Network
27. Oracle
28. Oracle Apps
29. Oracle Apps DBA
30. Oracle Financials
31. Oracle HRMS
32. Peoplesoft Financials
33. Peoplesoft HRMS
34. QA / Testers

35. Seebeyond
36. Siebel
37. SQL
38. Sybase
40. VB
41. Web developer

Few SAP Technologies

3. Advance Planner Optimizer
4. Basis
5. Business Intelligence
6. Business Warehousing
7. Customer Relationship Management
8. EDI
9. EHS
10. FICO
11. Human Resource
12. Material Management
13. Net weaver
14. Plant Management
15. Portals
16. Production Planning
17. Project Systems
18. Quality Management
19. Sales and Distribution
20. Security
21. Strategic Enterprise Management
22. SRM
23. Warehouse Management
24. Workflow
25. XI


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