Social Studies SBA

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Name: Yeishan Dayaram

School: Chinmaya Vidyalaya High School

Subject: Social Studies

Year: 2023/2024

Teacher: Ms.N.Ramsawak

Center Number: 160564

Registration Number:

Country: Trinidad W.I.

Topic: Substance Abuse

Table of Contents




Statement of Problem

Reason for selecting topic

Method of investigating topic

Instrument used to collect data

Analysis and Interpretation





I would like to acknowledge the victims of drug addiction. I would also like to
acknowledge websites and articles based on drug addiction in the world.


Drug addiction is a worldwide problem that impacts individuals, families, and

communities. It refers to the excessive and hazardous use of medicines for non-
medical purposes, both legal and illicit. Drug misuse can have serious physical,
psychological, and social effects, frequently resulting in addiction and a
reduction in overall well-being. Peer pressure, stress, curiosity, and underlying
mental health disorders are all factors that contribute to drug misuse.
Understanding the causes, impacts, and preventative techniques for drug misuse
is critical for addressing this urgent societal issue and assisting people impacted
by it. Criminal or anti-social behavior may occur in some situations when a
person is under the influence of a drug, and long-term personality changes in
individuals may also occur.

Statement of Problem

Substance abuse is a worldwide problem that involves the hazardous or excessive

use of legal and illegal substances such as alcohol, tobacco, prescription
medicines, and illicit narcotics. It can have medical, psychological, and social
ramifications, imposing a considerable burden on individuals and society.
Societal influences, peer pressure, genetic predisposition, mental health
difficulties, environmental circumstances, and substance availability are all
elements that contribute to its prevalence. Seeking pleasure, coping with stress,
self-medication, and peer approval are among motivations for substance misuse.
Substance misuse has serious medical and psychological repercussions, such as
organ damage, cardiovascular problems, respiratory problems, and an increased
risk of infectious infections. It can also cause anxiety, sadness, and psychosis, as
well as impair cognitive function and decision-making ability. It also has an
impact on people's social lives, resulting in domestic violence, child neglect, and
breakups. It can also lead to financial problems, unemployment, and legal
troubles. Substance misuse also has a negative impact on the community by
increasing crime rates, decreasing productivity, and putting a strain on
healthcare systems.
Substance misuse is a complicated problem that necessitates a varied response.
Education, raising knowledge about the risks and repercussions of substance
usage, and promoting healthy coping skills should all be part of the prevention
strategy. Early intervention and treatment programs that provide detoxification,
counseling, therapy, and support groups should be accessible and inexpensive. It
is also critical to address underlying problems such as poverty, mental health
concerns, and social inequities. To establish effective tactics and treatments,
healthcare professionals, educators, legislators, and communities must work

Reason for selecting topic

Drugs are substances that change a person's mental or physical state.

Here are some of my reasons why I chose Drug abuse:

 Social Impact: Drug abuse is a pressing issue that affects individuals,

families, and communities. Understanding the causes, consequences, and
potential solutions can help raise awareness and initiate meaningful

 Health and Well-being: Drug abuse has serious health implications, both
physical and mental. Exploring this topic can shed light on the various
health risks associated with drug use and help identify strategies for
prevention and treatment.

 Legal and Policy Considerations: Drug abuse often intersects with legal
and policy issues. Studying this topic can provide insights into the
effectiveness of current drug policies and contribute to discussions on
potential reforms.

 Public Health Perspective: Drug abuse is a public health concern that

requires a comprehensive approach. By focusing on this topic,
researchers can explore the different factors that contribute to drug abuse
and develop evidence-based interventions.

 Personal Experience: Some individuals may choose to study drug abuse

due to personal experiences with addiction or witnessing its impact on
loved ones. By delving into this topic, they can gain a deeper
understanding and potentially contribute to support and advocacy efforts.

Method of investigating topic

Drug abuse or substance abuse refers to the use of certain chemicals for the
purpose of creating pleasurable effects on the brain. My data for this SBA was
collected in the form of surveys. These surveys were conducted with persons who
were victims to constant intake of drugs. The following questions were asked to
20 persons who were victims of drug abuse:

1. Have you used drugs other than

those required for medical reasons? Yes/No

2. Have you abused prescription

drugs? Yes/No

3. Do you abuse more than one drug at

a time? Yes/No

4. Can you get through the week

without using drugs? Yes/No

5. Are you always able to stop using

drugs when you want to? Yes/No

6. Have you had blackouts as a result

of drug use? Yes/No

7. Do you ever feel bad or guilty about

your drug use? Yes/No

8. Does your spouse (or parents) ever

complain about your involvement with Yes/No

Instrument used to collect data

The instruments used to collect data for this SBA was a paper questionnaire.
This questionnaire was a hardcopy that was mailed for each of the persons to
complete and return. These questionnaires were sent out on Friday 2nd July,
2023. 13 responses were received back in the span of 2 weeks but 7 persons
however did not respond. These questions were found in websites, textbooks and
articles all at least having one chapter on drug abuse.

Analysis and Interpretation





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