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Hello and welcome to training, I will be your trainer Eclipse.

First we will be moving through sections, and then you'll take a quiz.

Also feel free not to attend the quiz, since it's optional.

Any question before we start? Silence will be taken as no.

Our first section is about XP.

XP is to track your progress through the ranks and helps you to keep track of how
close or how far you are from a rank.

You will earn XP every minute and the amount of XP you earn increases the higher
you get!

You should never ask or beg for free XP as this is NOT allowed.

Which is called as *Hinting*.

You are able to get free XP from award sessions which are hosted through out the
day, which is located in the basement.

And award sessions can happen every TWO hours.

Our next section is on how to behave within Vinay’s Kingdom.

Our King has made Vinay’s Kingdom so there is a fun and safe place for people to

Our King has made a set of rules that apply to everyone, even himself.

At Vinay’s Kingdom we use the ‘Bow’ emote to show respect and kindness to others.

You can use this by pressing ‘Ctrl’ on your keyboard or by pressing the ‘bow’
button on the left hand of your screen if you are a mobile user.

Please remember to be kind and friendly to everyone.

If you ever need help from a HR+, you can use the ‘!help’ command and somebody will
be with you ASAP!

Our next section is on how to do your job.

When a guest or recruit joins Vinay’s Kingdom, you MUST check their rank.

If they are a guest, then you must ask them to join the group.

If the user is a Recruit, tell them that they will be sent to security and then
sent to training!

Always make sure to wish them goodluck!

Now for the quiz who wants to participate? If not I'd like you stand behind me.

First question. True or false- Do we need to sent guests to the security room while
we tell recruits to join the group?
Second question. True or false- We must show kindness towords all the employees?

Third question. Fill the blank- The award session is located at the -blank- and it
begins every -blank- hours

Fourth question. Choose an option- What should you do if you saw a troller at your
register? A- yell at the troller and curse at him. B- call a HR+ for typing out *!

Fifth question. Fill the blank- We call a HR+ typing out the word -blank-.

Thanks to who attended the quiz! I hope everyone succeed with their journey in
Vinay's Kingdom.

We have now completed the training, wait here till i rank you and then take a tour

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