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Do you have enthusiasm? I do have it, we can learn and enjoy...

The number of hours of individual dedication required of you is 150.

Whoever does not show that dedication could hardly pass the course ...
I hope that everything you do will fill you up and generate, or
consolidate, your critical thinking. This subject is impossible to pass
leaving everything for the last moments. Do you count the hours when
you are enjoying life? Me neither, so if we choose the topics we like, we
learn and enjoy at the same time, and time passes very quickly...

It is necessary that all the students have a NEW photo (only of the face,
clearly seen ...) in the virtual campus, otherwise, they could not be
assessed ... Assessment criteria are:

To get a mark from 5 to 7.

1. (GROUP ACTIVITY). Reading and presentation in class of the

reading of two books, or its equivalent, "in pages" and hours of
work, in articles, book chapters, documentaries, large book, etc.
There are a large number of options, that we will deal with in
class so that no one has doubts and can be formed based on the
needs of the real world and their own personal ones ... The books
are read individually, and are exposed in groups. The readings
are not divided between simple chapters to be read by group
members, since the teacher´s questions to any member of the
group can be on any topic in the book, and not being able to give
an answer would harm the whole group.
It is not a written essay, but to enjoy, learn, and make people learn and
enjoy. To the virtual campus, in the corresponding forum, the
presentation script is uploaded, and everything that will be used in it,
too. This is essential for the final essay, which is explained later, and
for those classmates who have part-time status.

2. Participation:
A) (INDIVIDUAL) Why was I raised like this? Explained in class.
Examples of issues to discuss: Did they teach me to be free or did
they indoctrinate me? Do I know what critical thinking is or was
I trained to be addicted to my phone and believe what is around
me without questioning anything? We enter the Theory of
Education of what we are, to begin to learn who we really are. In
about three minutes (it can be a little less or more), we speak in
public for the first time in English. There is no mark here. You
don´t have to upload anything.

B) (GROUP ACTIVITY) 1. My topic of the subjetc. Each group selects

one of the topics that subdivides the subject and researches
about it (this is not writing the topic in Google, taking the first 2-
3 results and cutting and pasting paragraphs, or plagiarizing
Wikipedia). You have the option to pick another topic of your
interest which is not in the list, obviously related to the subject.
Presentations are thought for your classmates, interacting with
them, as if you were already the teacher, trying to forget that the
real one is there.
Again: It is not a written essay, but to enjoy, learn, and make people
learn and enjoy. To the virtual campus, in the corresponding forum, the
presentation script is uploaded, and everything that will be used in it,
too. This is essential for the final essay, which is explained later, and
for those classmates who have part-time status.

C) (INDIVIDUAL) Attendance and active participation in class,

including on specific tasks. Coming in and looking at the phone
"scores" very negatively. Going and being attentive to
classmates, and being able to ask them questions, and answer
what the teacher asks will be highly valued. Being the teacher
pet, lying, pretending, talking for the sake of talking, not showing
the ability to synthesize (that is, talking more than is strictly
necessary, rambling ...) scores negatively. Asking what is not
known, real doubts, answering the questions of the comrades,
contributing to other people's exhibitions ... will be valued as
constructive. I will try more to ask in class than checking the

D) Final individual critical essay at the end of the course. In it, a

self-evaluation will be carried out, showing the learning (or not)
obtained, as well as a critical evaluation of the teacher and class
dynamics. The task to upload it will be opened on the virtual
campus a few weeks before the end of the course. This writing is
very important. Includes cover, index, introduction,
bibliography. It has no maximum page limit.

Possible index of this essay:

1. What did I learn? (a general critical reflection on everything
discussed in class, in the forum, etc.).
2. Did I learn from the excursions and activities?
3. Reasoned evaluation of the presentations and class dynamics
(includes numerical mark of all of them).
4. Reasoned teacher evaluation and numerical self-assessment.
5. Conclusions (for example: have I been able to know, analyze and
attend to social, educational and cultural diversity due to gender, class,
ethnicity, age, disability, religion or others? What would I say to a
future student of this subject about it? Did I enjoy the subject? Why?

You must pass both parts of the course (1 and 2) to obtain a

minimum of 5 in the final mark. This subject is not based on the
subjectivity of the teacher, but on the sample of the work done.
Books, articles, films, etc., not included in the bibliography,
should be consulted with the teacher and be in the library,
online, or somewhere ... so that he can check the work done.

The order of the presentations will be the order of registration

in the virtual campus, and it will not be the responsibility of the
teacher if there are students who leave everything for last. There
seems to be plenty of time. Readings by individuals or groups
are not repeated, respecting the order of choice; that is to say, no
group or person will display something already read and
exposed by another. If there is a similarity, and whoever chooses
first accepts it, you can form a group. The calendar of everything
will be on the virtual campus, so that nobody has any doubt
about anything ...

Emotionality and all kinds of factors will try to be taken care of.
It is necessary to speak in public and "study", but this does not
imply feeling bad, suffering anxiety, panic or fear of ridicule.
Let's try to build a dynamic of well-being that shows what we
really do. Of course, those who does not make an effort and
waste time: you may feel bad. In any case, we must try to reflect
what we feel in everything we do, as long as it is within
minimally rational parameters ... Emotional and social
intelligence if possible ...

Any input of creativity is welcome. There is life beyond power

points, who does not take risks never discovers anything ... And
resignation is a daily suicide ...

Options to have a mark equal to or greater than 7:

1. “I find another topic that interests me.” You make an individual

text comment in the forum about it (You open a thread if there is
not one already opened), after researching (this is not putting
the topic in Google, taking the first 2-3 results and cutting and
pasting paragraphs, or plagiarizing Wikipedia). This comment
has a basis, and has quotes/paragraphs, and bibliography
following APA rules, 7th Edition.

2. Theory of Education. Interview / dialogue with a person related

to education. Exposed in class, or on the virtual campus if there
was no time. It can be done individually or in a group, not
necessarily with power point, you can make videos, podcast and
presentations with all the originality you want. It is exposed to
the classmates, not only to the teacher.

3. Small presentations complementary to those of the two books

and the topic of the subject. When those two ones are not being
displayed, any contribution in class related to the subject is
welcome. For example, critical analysis of books / articles / news
/ documentaries / movies. The contrast of information sources is
highly valued. Exposed in class, or on the virtual campus if there
was no time.

4. Working in the forum:

1. Reading and founded critical comment on the topics that make up
the subject.
2. Personal contributions related to the subject: Readings carried out;
tested through reviews of books / articles / news / documentaries /
movies related to the subject. The contrast of information sources is
highly valued.

All those activities not included that are agreed with the teacher
and students and that are constructive. For example, writing a
research article for a journal.


Ideas related to reality, depth in the approach, development and
conclusions of the issues raised will be valued. Similarly, the use of
academic sources and the use of reference systems, personal
contributions -originality, capacity to find the connection between
past and present, and critical sense- and the quantity and quality of the
sources consulted.
Attendance and commitment to learning activities will also be valued.
Oral and written presentations must follow academic standards (APA
style standards).
Technology devices in class will only be used under the direction of
teachers, which means if I see you regularly on your phone, you may
lost the mark.
All students must carry out the activities with the same quality criteria.
Full plagiarism detection or partial in what is delivered through the
virtual campus or a copy in what is delivered on paper implies a 0 in
the subject in the call correspondent.
Likewise, if there are more than two misspellings in any of the
deliveries made by the students through the virtual campus, that
activity will be repeated in the following call.
Inclusion, constant encouragement of the active participation of
classmates (do not ask if there is no relationship with the exhibition),
contrast of information, use of primary sources, past-present
relationship, creativity, reduction or elimination of power point,
synthesis capacity... are also fundamental evaluation criteria. Can you
have an impact on your classmates?

There is no maximum number of pages in anything, nor a maximum

participation, as long as the participation is logical (don't ask
nonsense) and not related to attract attention. Don´t forget: synthesis
capacity. What is not shown in class, or on the virtual campus, it is
impossible for me to mark positively, since I have not seen it...

It is not a competitive class, but participatory and inclusive. Within the

spaces and times we have, we will agree on everything possible.

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