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PHYSICS for Sciences and Engineering / 101

Chapter 4 : Motion in two dimension

Q1: A motorist drives south at for , then turns west and
travels at for , and finally travels northwest at for
. For this trip , find :
a) the total vector displacement
b) the average speed
c) the average velocity ( let the positive x-axis point east )

( ) ( ̂)
( ) ( )̂

a) Net displacement at angle ⃗

⃗ ( ̂ )̂
Ms. Lara Samen
|⃗ | √

√( ) ( )

( )

( )

b) Average speed

c) Average velocity
⃗ ⃗

⁄ ⃗
Ms. Lara Samen
Q3: Suppose the position vector for a particle is given as a function of time
⃗( ) ( ) ̂ ( ) ̂ , with
( ) and ( ) ,where

, , , and
(a) Calculate the average velocity during the time interval from to
(b) Determine the velocity and the speed at .

( ) and ( )

a) For the average velocity, we have

( ) ( )

[( ) ] [( ) ]

( ) ( )

Ms. Lara Samen
[( ) ] [( ) ]

( ̂ ̂)

b) For the velocity components, we have

( )

( ) ̂

( )

( )

( )

( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ̂ ̂)

Ms. Lara Samen
Then the speed is

| )| √(
( ( )) ( ( )

√( ) ( )

Q5: A golf ball is hit off a tee at the edge of a cliff its and coordinates as
functions of time are given by the following expressions :
( ⁄ )
( ⁄ ) ( ⁄ )
a) write a vector expression for the ball's position as a function of time.
using the unit vectors ̂ and ̂ .
By taking derivatives , obtain expressions for:
b) the velocity vector as a function of time.
c) the acceleration vector a function of time.
next use unit vector notation to write expressions for
(d) the position (e) the velocity (f) the acceleration of the golf ball ,all at


̂ ( ) ̂


[ ] ̂ [ ( )] ̂


( ⁄ ) ̂
Ms. Lara Samen
d) By substitution ,

( ) ( ) ̂ ( ) ̂


( ) ( ⁄ ) ̂ ( ⁄ ) ̂


( ) ( ⁄ ) ̂

Q6: A particle initially located at the origin has an acceleration of

( ̂) and an initial velocity of ( )̂ . Find
(a) the vector position and velocity of the particle at any time
(b) the coordinates and speed of the particle at

( ̂ ̂)


[ ( ) ̂ ( ) ]̂

( ̂ )̂

[( ) ̂ ( ) ]̂

Ms. Lara Samen
b) at

[( ) ̂ ( ) ̂] ( ̂ )̂


[( ) ̂ ( ) ]̂ ( ̂ )̂


The speed

| | √

√( ) ( )

Q7: The vector position of a particle varies in time according to the

expression ( ̂ )̂ .
(a) Find expressions for the velocity and acceleration of the particle as
functions of time.
(b) Determine the particle’s position and velocity at .

( ̂ )̂

( )̂

( ̂)

( ̂)
Ms. Lara Samen
b) by substitution

( ) ( ̂ ( ) )̂

( ) ( ̂ )̂

( ) ( ( ) )̂

( ) ( )̂

Q9: A fish swimming

a horizontal plane has velocity in
( ̂ ̂) ⁄
at a point in the ocean where the position relative to a certain is
⃗ ( ̂ ̂)
After the fish swims with constant acceleration for its velocity is
( ̂ ̂) ⁄
a) What are the component of the acceleration ?
b) What is the direction of the acceleration with respect to unit vector ̂?
c) If the fish maintains constant acceleration , where is it at and in
what direction is it moving ?
⃗⃗⃗ ( ̂ )̂

( ) ( ̂ )̂ ⁄


Ms. Lara Samen

( )

( ) →


[ ( )] [ ( )( ) ]

[ ( )] [ ( )( ) ]

( ) ⁄

( ) ⁄

( )

( ) → ⃗

Ms. Lara Samen
Q15: A projectile is fired in such a way that its horizontal range is equal to
three times its maximum height . what is the angle of projection?

[ ]

( )

Q19: The speed of a projectile when it reaches its maximum height is one-
half its speed when it is at half its maximum height. What is the initial
projection angle of the projectile?

Ms. Lara Samen

Consider the motion from original zero height to maximum height h:

( )
[ ( )]

Now consider the motion from the original point to half the maximum height:

( )

(√ ) [ ( )]

At maximum height, the speed is

Ms. Lara Samen
√ ( )

Sub. in eqn. ( )

Now the projection angle is

( )

( )
(√ ) →

Q21: A firefighter, a distance from a

burning building, directs a stream of water
from a fire hose at angle above the
horizontal as shown in Figure P4.14. If the
initial speed of the stream is , at what
height does the water strike the building?

Ms. Lara Samen
The horizontal component of displacement is

( )

Therefore, the time required to reach the building a distance away is

( )

At this time, the altitude of the water is

[ ] [ ( ) ]

[ ] [ ]

Therefore, the water strikes the building at a height h above ground level of

Q25: A playground is on the flat roof of a city school, above the

street below (Fig. P4.25). The vertical wall of the building is high,
forming a -high railing around the playground. A ball has fallen to the
Ms. Lara Samen
street below, and a passerby returns it by launching it at an angle of
above the horizontal at a point from the base of the building wall.
The ball takes to reach a point vertically above the wall.

(a) Find the speed at which the ball was launched.

(b) Find the vertical distance by which the ball clears the wall.
(c) Find the distance from the wall to the point on the roof where the ball

a) For the horizontal motion, we have

( )( )

Ms. Lara Samen
b) As it passes over the wall, the ball is above the street by

( )( )

[( )( )] [ ( ) ( ) ]

So it clears the parapet by

c) Note that the highest point of the ball’s trajectory is not directly above the
wall. For the whole flight, we have from the trajectory equation
method one

( ) ( )

( ) ( )
( ) ( )

( ) ( )

√( ) ( )( )
( )

Ms. Lara Samen
This yields two results:

√ √

( )
The ball passes twice through the level of the roof.
It hits the roof at distance from the wall

method two
Using an equation that combines the details that we have with the time of flight
t, we get the time of flight as follows:

( )( ) ( )


√( ) [ ]

This yields two results:

( )
Ms. Lara Samen
The time of flight of the ball past the point vertically above the wall is

The horizontal displacement farther from that point equals the product of
the horizontal speed and the duration ,

( )( )

Q27: A soccer player kicks a rock horizontally off a high cliff into a
pool of water. If the player hears the sound of the splash 3 s later ,what
was the initial speed given to the rock ? Assume the speed of sound in air is
343 m/s ?

( )

The extra time

This is the time required for the sound she hears to travel straight back to the
player . it covers distance
[( ) ( )]
Ms. Lara Samen

√ ( )

Where represent the horizontal distance the rock travels.

Q29: A student stands at the edge of a cliff and throws a stone

horizontally over the edge with a speed of . The cliff
is above a body of water as shown in Figure P4.29.
(a) What are the coordinates of the initial position of the stone?
(b) What are the components of the initial velocity of the stone?
(c) What is the appropriate analysis model for the vertical motion of the stone?
(d) What is the appropriate analysis model for the horizontal motion of the
(e) Write symbolic equations for the and components of the velocity of the
stone as a function of time.
(f) Write symbolic equations for the position of the stone as a function of time.
(g) How long after being released does the stone strike the water below the
(h) With what speed and angle of impact does the stone land?
Ms. Lara Samen
a) Initial coordinates:

b) Components of initial velocity:

̂ ̂

c) Free fall motion, with constant downward acceleration

d) Constant velocity motion in the horizontal direction. There is no horizontal

acceleration from gravity.



Ms. Lara Samen
g) We find the time of impact:

h) At impact, ,and the vertical component is

Ms. Lara Samen

√( ) ( )

( )

( )

( )

which in this case means the velocity points into the fourth quadrant because its
y component is negative.

Q36: A tire in radius rotates at a constant rate of . Find

the speed and acceleration of a small stone lodged in the tread of the tire
(on its outer edge).

The radius of the tire . The speed of the stone on its outer edge is

Ms. Lara Samen
and its acceleration is

( )

Q40: Figure P4.40 represents the total acceleration of a particle moving

clockwise in a circle of radius at a certain instant of time . At this
instant , find
(a) the radial acceleration
(b) the speed of the particle
(c) its tangential acceleration.


( )( )

Ms. Lara Samen

( ⁄ )

√ ⁄


√ √( ) ( ) ⁄

Q42: A ball swings in a vertical circle at the end of rope long .when
the ball is past the lowest point on its way up ,its total acceleration is
( ̂ ̂) ⁄ At that instant ,
(a) sketch a vector diagram showing the components of its acceleration ,
(b) determine the magnitude of its acceleration ,and
(c) determine the speed and velocity of the ball.

a) see the figure

Ms. Lara Samen
( ) ( ) ( )


√ ( )

Q45: (Delete)
Ms. Lara Samen

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