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Name/title Realization of projects that address environmental problems

Overview of the materials The project is an active-participatory teaching-learning method, which

promotes the development of students' skills and abilities, but also a
modern, alternative assessment method. THE PROJECT is a
personalized activity, students can decide not only on the content, but
also on the form of presentation.

The challenge culminates in project presentations where students present

their ideas to a panel of judges. This challenge stimulates creativity,
sustainability and communication skills among pupils and students.

The project is an active-participatory teaching-learning method, which

promotes the development of students' skills and abilities, but also a
modern, alternative assessment method. THE PROJECT is a
personalized activity, students can decide not only on the content, but
also on the form of presentation.

The challenge culminates in project presentations where students present

their ideas to a panel of judges. This challenge stimulates creativity,
sustainability and communication skills among pupils and students.

The project-based learning method has the following characteristics:

focuses on a central content in the curriculum, which makes learning

and assessment more efficient

starts from important and dynamic questions, derived from the

content, which in turn generates optimal student engagement and
structures the intellectual level of finding solutions

Sprijinul Comisiei Europene pentru realizarea acestei publicații nu constituie o aprobare a conținutului care reflectă numai punctele de vedere ale autorii, iar Comisia nu poate fi
trasă la răspundere pentru niciuna dintre noi care ar putea fi făcută din informațiile conținute de acestea.
involves students in problem identification activities, generating
solutions or creating a final product such as a report, presentation,
invention or model for solving a problematic situation

the projects are mostly carried out by the students, the teacher only
having the role of facilitator/guide

the projects are developed starting from real ideas or situations rather
than from academic approaches and initiatives, being genuine efforts to
solve and investigate real-life dilemmas

Target group(s). Young people between the ages of 16 and 20

The project aims to achieve several key objectives:

The purpose of the proposed
materials 1. Stimulating innovation: Students are challenged to find innovative
solutions that incorporate the principles of sustainability.
2. Promoting sustainability: The game emphasizes the importance of
sustainable practices and solutions in entrepreneurship, promoting
responsible business practices.
3. Encouraging Problem Solving: Students tackle real-world
environmental problems, developing solutions that create a positive real-
life impact.
4. Development of communication skills: Through the project, students
improve their skills in critical thinking, creativity, teamwork,
communication and presentation.
When choosing a project, it is necessary to respect certain criteria:
- the subject will be negotiated with the students;
- students must know in advance the sources of documentation;
- we do not select topics from old books and do not follow the classroom
- we determine from the start what will be the product presented for the
benefit of the project;

Sprijinul Comisiei Europene pentru realizarea acestei publicații nu constituie o aprobare a conținutului care reflectă numai punctele de vedere ale autorii, iar Comisia nu poate fi
trasă la răspundere pentru niciuna dintre noi care ar putea fi făcută din informațiile conținute de acestea.
- we aim for the students to have a certain interest in the respective
Interactive communication at work
Team work
Communication in Romanian
Interpersonal communication
Competencies taken from the Practical Training Standard
➢ increasing self-confidence and improving the attitude towards learning;

➢ involvement in projects and taking responsibility for one's own studies,

with traditional teaching-learning-evaluation activities;
➢ developing complex skills, such as higher order thinking skills, problem solving
problems, collaboration and communication;
➢encouraging active questioning and higher-level thinking;
➢ the involvement of all students in the team and the valorization of each one.

Description/structure ▪ Materials required:

▪ 1. Whiteboard or flip chart

▪ 2. Markers

▪ 3. Sheets of paper

▪ 4. Solar panels, LEDs, electronic components

▪ 5. Awards (optional)


Students are divided into groups of 5-6 students.

Each team will receive a topic in the field of renewable energy.
For half of the teams, students will be given concrete tasks and
roles: a leader, a secretary, etc.

Sprijinul Comisiei Europene pentru realizarea acestei publicații nu constituie o aprobare a conținutului care reflectă numai punctele de vedere ale autorii, iar Comisia nu poate fi
trasă la răspundere pentru niciuna dintre noi care ar putea fi făcută din informațiile conținute de acestea.
The other half, the students will be left to organize themselves.
Set a time limit (eg 20 minutes).
Each team will have 20 minutes to make a project plan, make its
diagram and a short presentation.
Each team will present the project idea and the project itself.
Research/creation/investigation – individual study of
bibliographic sources; writing articles, stories; interviewing
some people etc.

Processing the material – this is when the teacher can flag

content errors or language accuracy.

Realization of the final form - group discussions regarding the

unit of conception, editing
After each presentation, allow a short question-and-answer
session where other teams can ask questions or provide
Encourage constructive feedback and discussions between
Congratulations to all teams for their efforts and innovative ideas.

Why do you suggest it? What Through the project method, the student is given more freedom of
can be used to prepare our expression and action and real opportunities are offered to make
decisions and assume responsibilities.
All this leads, implicitly, to the creation of a strong motivation and to an
equally effective and affective involvement of the students. The simple
fact that they are consulted in the choice of topics and their opinion is
taken into account makes students have more confidence in their own
The integrated activities that take place during a thematic project ensure
active learning, reflecting the interests and experience of the students
and have real goals.

Sprijinul Comisiei Europene pentru realizarea acestei publicații nu constituie o aprobare a conținutului care reflectă numai punctele de vedere ale autorii, iar Comisia nu poate fi
trasă la răspundere pentru niciuna dintre noi care ar putea fi făcută din informațiile conținute de acestea.
The work based on thematic projects has an interdisciplinary character
and allows approaching the proposed subjects from several angles,
developing the student's personality multilaterally.
the project best encourages the integrated approach to learning;
- students are given the opportunity to use the knowledge and
work techniques acquired in many disciplines;
- Being a student-centered activity, the project gives him the
opportunity to assemble the knowledge he has in a personal
vision, thus answering an essential question, namely: What can I
do with what I learned at school?
The key to the success of a project lies in the organization of the
student body. Next, we propose some good rules for teachers to
follow, namely:
- use active-participative techniques and methods:
brainstorming, alternating activities - individual, in pairs, in
- be consistent;
- give students time for investigations;
- use the lucrative noise;
- get students to think.
Next, we propose, as an example, the presentation of the task for
Other usefull informations
the course project in the discipline "Analysis and synthesis of
optoelectronic devices". The purpose of this course project is: to
consolidate and deepen the knowledge obtained in theoretical and
laboratory lessons, to train practical skills in the analysis and synthesis
of combinational circuits with logical elements, to design digital circuits
that fulfill the function of converting numerical information, to train the
skills of their design practical, of designing the structural and functional
schemes of digital devices, training the skills to use the literature in the
field given to the development

Sprijinul Comisiei Europene pentru realizarea acestei publicații nu constituie o aprobare a conținutului care reflectă numai punctele de vedere ale autorii, iar Comisia nu poate fi
trasă la răspundere pentru niciuna dintre noi care ar putea fi făcută din informațiile conținute de acestea.
The project - an alternative method of learning/evaluating the
project, but also the design documentation in accordance with the
standards in force.
The ϐfnal product of the project is the report, in written form,
according to the recommendations of the project task and the practical
part designed in a computer-assisted environment, with the presentation
of the product in electronic form, attached to the report.

Sprijinul Comisiei Europene pentru realizarea acestei publicații nu constituie o aprobare a conținutului care reflectă numai punctele de vedere ale autorii, iar Comisia nu poate fi
trasă la răspundere pentru niciuna dintre noi care ar putea fi făcută din informațiile conținute de acestea.

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