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Name: _________________________________________ Grade and section: ___________ Date: ________________

Experiment Sheet: Acids and Bases

Objectives: Investigate properties of acidic and basic mixtures using natural indicators.
Materials: kalamansi juice, tap water, soap, sweet potato extract (violet leaves), 10pcs plastic cups, permanent marker,
kremil S tablet, isopropyl alcohol, vinegar, sprite, baking soda, sanitizer, and sugar.
Preparation of natural indicator from sweet potato leaves (violet) extract. (this should be done at home; ask for elders'
assistance in preparing the extract)
1. Remove the leaves of sweet potato (at least 3 bundles of sweet potato leaves)
2. Boil 3 cups of water
3. Add the sweet potato leaves and boil for five to seven minutes.
4. Separate the leaves from the extract.
5. Place the extract in a clean container and wait for it to cool. (refrigerate if needed)
Testing the acidity or alkalinity of common substances and mixtures (school-based observation)
1. Using 20 ml tap water, prepare a saturated solution of the following: soap solution, antacid solution, baking soda
and water solution, and sugar solution.
2. Place all the prepared solutions in separate plastic cups and label them.
3. Place 20 ml of kalamansi juice, tap water, isopropyl alcohol, hand sanitizer, vinegar, and Sprite in a separate
plastic cup and label each cup/
4. Pour an equal amount of sweet potato extract into each container.
5. Observe the change in color of the substances/extract.
6. Use the anthocyanin chart to identify the acidity/ alkalinity of the substances and mixture.

Guide Questions:
1. What substance/ mixture is the most acidic?
2. What substance/ mixture is the most alkaline/basic?
3. Arrange the substances/ mixture from the most acidic to neutral and most alkaline/basic.
4. Aside from sweet potato extract, what other plants have anthocyanin that can be used as a natural pH indicator?
5. What is the beneficial effect of using alkaline water?

6. The normal pH range of human saliva is slightly acidic to neutral or between 6.8 and 7.4. What would happen to
the oral cavity if the pH of human saliva is acidic?

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