CJ Online Exam-2022 Model Answer Keys

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No. / 2 ffixam/CJ/2022 Dated 14-01-2024

The High Court of M.P. has been pleased to publish the Proposed
Model Answer Keys for the Question Paper (Objective Type) of Online
Preliminary Exam, Civil Judge, Junior Division (Entry Level), Exam-
2022, held on 14-01-2024. High Court of M.P. intends to use the Proposed
Model Answer keys in the evaluation of the aforementioned question
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(Sanja •`11` `..


Attached :- Question Paper alongwith Proposed Model Answer Keys and

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Proi)osecl Moclel Ans`^rer aloiiawith Question Paper of Online Preliminary Exam of Ci\/il Judge. Junior Di`rision lEntr\/ Let/el
a.NO. Question ProposedAns. Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

1 Constitution of India - Under Article 332 of 1 Assam Mizoram
the Consti ution of India, seats shal bereservedfortheScheduledCastesand theScheduledTribes,except heScheduledTribesintheautonomousdistrictsof. ,intheLegislativeAs emblyofe#?%rmwiEFrmsrm¥REngirREriRErfeft¥rmr marTgiv, rm :ifend fan{H REra

2 Constitution of India -Which of the 2 Article 94 Article 96 Article 97 Article 98

fol owingArticleoftheConsti utionofIndiaprovidesthat"at nysit ngoftheHouseofthePeople,whileanyresolutionforther movaloftheSpeakerf omhisof iceisunderconsideration.theSpeaker,orwhileanyresolutionforther movaloftheDeputySpeakerf omhisof iceisunderconsideration,theDeputySpeaker,shal #thfuEL,:#egt,#e#ei?- =-f= I-i?: -.=-: =:- f -I?-: -i -f :- `-fi `=:-=:-f= - =fi=-dr,? diiat 94 Or5a5E 96 qEdr 97 Orgiv 98

3 Constitution of India -According to the 2 Democratic Right Democratic Right

verdict given by Supreme Court in the case #m#Right 3nifejoREght at5ife3tfin only and not a
of Rajbala Vs State of Haryana (2016) 2 fundamental or
SCC 445. after introduction of Part lx of constitutional right
the Constitution of India "Right to vote" and a5iRT at5ffi
3tfin, ire "edrfu3tfinxp.
#h##n#Sie#°n#FT----.:-:--i-:=:-I-.-.---:--`:i:--:i-f`---:=[:: rfuwdran5T3rfgivfGfr{«B]Ti]wiffl3fftw.,a-

4 Constitution of India- In which oTfre 1 S.P. Sampath Kumar L Chandra Kumar Vs n re Special Courts S. R. Bommai Vs
following judgments it was held that the Vs Union Of India & Union of India (1997) Bill (1979) 1 SCC Union of India

jurisdiction conferred upon the High Courts Ors (1987) 1 SCC 3 SCC 261 380
under Article 226 can be supplanted by the 124 nIj¥FT@]" EN apTqTFTq fafro $9.9ft3*Tan
Administrative Tribunal if it is not less qu.th. in FT rm th (1 997) 3 qH (1979) 1 qH th th 380 rna wh (1 994) 3 RT
FT rm th qa 3ffl(1987)1Wtltl difl261 di th 1
a,NO' Question ProposedAns. Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

5 Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 -At the first 3 can only frame the may permit cross- shall, with a view to will grant leave to
hearing of the suit, the court - issues. examination of either elucidating matters in deliver
fma rfu gil, 1 908 - TTtTTRT Eta ch froqTanma party by the other controversy in the interrogatories in
urmut#- a5THfflai art. suit, examine, orally writing for the
such of the parties tothesuitappearingin examination of theopositeparty.
q51Or5FTraa©%i person or present incourt.tTerENa.aenqerananth-EL5E!af li.-.`. .,. . .i:`' REthqer5Tti@qfleneda7fckfafhaqRREqRaided#qFfuani

6 Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 - Under 2 under Order lx Rule 2 under Order XI Rule under Order lx Rule 3 under Order XI Rule
which provision of the Code of Civil dtTai{T ix fir 2 a7wh 21rfu xi fin 21 aith anttIT ix fir 3 Sth 33TTaH xl ffro 3 ath
Procedure, 1908, in case of dismis al ofthesuit,theplaintif shal beprecludedfrombringingafreshsuitonthesamecauseofaction-fREthingil,19o8_fsRIHfr mtitw,1908a7fbeTuTatma-ctf lfa-dTaqrfu{rfuFT¥£¥faf la5@TEELpap

7 Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 -A 2 the .udgment debtor judgment debtor's judgment debtor's Financier to the
'Garnishee' is -
RErm debtor creditor jud ment Debtor
fen thin en, 1 908 _ q5 .TTTfffl a _ fffi di iFT rfu fffi rfu ffl aTFT REdia7fckfaafro
8 Code of Civil Procedure,1908 -Which 3 Section 1 1 Section 10 Order XLVII Rule 9 Order lx Rule 9
provision of the Code of Civil Procedure,1908barsentertainmentofanyapplicationtoreviewanordermadeonanapplicationforarevieworadecre ororderpas edormadeonareview?¥asf #±rfuThFRETff£? urU 1 1 urIT 1 0 rfu xLvl I ffro 9 rfu lx fin 9

9 Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 -A suit may 3 Non-joinder of a Misjoinder of a Non-joinder of a Misjoinder of a
be defeated due to the reason of - proper party. necessary party. necessary party. proper party.
fed qffl atlrfua1 3traRE qffl aJFrfuS1 tlTqRE qFT SdithaI rfu qerFT aTFtha1
10 Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 -Which 3 Order 2 Rule 7 Order 2 Rule 1 Order 2 Rule 2 Order 2 Rule 6
provision prescribes that every suit shallIncludethewholeoftheclaimwhichtheplaintif isentitledtomakeinrespectofthecauseofaction?RETEEN¥£¥#-:rfu#@rmtr=ar= rfu 2 ffro 7 rfu 2 fin 1 enaIT 2 fin 2 rfu 2 fin 6

11 Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 -Which of 1 SuitaTa' Prescribed Rulesfin

the following words has not been defined intheCodeofCivilProcedure?esEtrRER;anfa`m9°fufflEFTREysit:;affuTTqT%? fatty REgn

12 Code of Civil Procedure,1908 -under 2 The Facts Statement of The Facts showing The name of the
Order Vll Rule 1 of Code of Civil constituting the evidence. that the court has court in which the suit
Procedure,1908, a plaint shall not contain cause of action. enen ffl " I jurisdiction. is brought.
qE End ed ndHqufSqTqTena i3H-ffl"REqrarmTTZTra I
RE'ELg#C,u;agr68.-_faeurfu :.---::;-....-i--.=-.=.f=.--
tien, 1 908 ai qTaiiT vi I ffro 1 3t- cjfflfu,v5i]TEi}.f*TfafaFTfaRrt€qtFTTfhaT€t.¥i.7ft 3rfurfu%i
a.No. Question ProposedAns. Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

13 Code of Civil Procedure,1908 -In which of 4 To examine any To perform any For scientific, For collection of
the following cases, the Court may not ministerial act. technical or expert evidence.
issue a commission ? ffi°fro#qflen "enFTedtel
fRE thin gil, 1 908 _ fiHfRE # a
fad nd i qTqien 55Tflm di ap ailtTffla?
eda5fcki SRTuted #g,aELqT
fa€tqFT ch a; fck I
14 Code of Civil Procedure,1908 -Which of the 4 Only I, '1 and Ill Only 11,Ill and lv Only I,11 and lv .11.Ill and IV

fol wingconditonsmustbesatisfedforap lication fthedoctrineofresjudicat betwe nco-def ndants?I.Ther mustbeaconflictofinter stbetwe nthed fendantsconcerned.1 .Itmustben ces arytodecidetheconflictogivether liefswhicht eplaintfclaims.Il Thequestionbetwe nthed fendantsmusthaveb enfi alydecide .lvTheco-def ndantswer then ces aryorRE+fir#is#RE:RES3mREa?I.rfuqfan rfuREiFTz 5iTadrFftrlft lqa E Lfl%flTra#vEirRT@Efa]I .than 5rmfaFTq5TetfaqF aELELTmE'givfrmRT5"rfuqeraI fro I.11 giv Ill a5iTer 11,Ill qa iv tier I,11 giv lv I,11,Ill giv lv

15 Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 -An order 2 Appealable as an Appealable as a The order shall be Only revision against
made under Rule 468, Rule 46C or Rule Order. decree. appealable subject to the order shall lie.
46E of order Xxl shall be - 3tTaH a FT a. fan S FT ji' discretion of the rfu a faiiiE TTT]
fma rfu gil, 1 908 . ctTaH xxi a7 tlTflrfuani OrtftanqaJTTi Court. gidowan,
firq 46®, fir 46TT qT fin 46g ai cftfl] rmfu xpTqTFT aJ
fin TTqT ct rfu - fancy- $ 6twhorrmani
16 Transfer of Property Act, 1882 - 3 Only (1) and (2) Only (2) and (3) Only (2) Only (1 )
AtransfersRs.5,0 0to8onconditonthatheshalmar ywith econsentofC,D.andE.Amongwhichofthefolowingconditonsit halbed emedthathe asfulfileditsubstantialy-(1)8marneswithoutheconsentofC,DandE,butobtainstheirconsentafterthemar iage.(2)Ediesthen8mar ieswith econsentofCandD.(3)8mar ieswithoutheconsentofC,DandE,and idnot btaintheirconsentafterthe¥ ±iferif ±#rfi¥ rm*#aE;i ¥g%fr= SIT£= RE=i€ a5iTd (1 ) a (2) fro (2) a (3) fro (2) a5iTer(1)
a.NO. Question ProposedAns. Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

17 Transfer of Property Act, 1882-Choose the 1 18 years 24 years

cor ectoptiontobefiledintheblankspace-Wher thet rmsofatr nsferofpropertydirecthatheincomearisngfromthepropertyshalbeac umulated itherwholyorinpartdijrngaperioclthanthelifeofthetransfero ,oraperiod f. .fromthedateoftransfer,suchdirectionshalbevoidtohe xtentohep riod uri gwhicht eac umulationisdirected xce dsthelongerSe#Sf i:;8 2.RiHREfiwl=# ¥fanch*SfirFTEedifeP iF#¥*%rmfr- iRE#¥f ENfrFTfaELur 18Of :8#ars :: £ars 24 arf

18 Transfer of Property Act, 1882 -Where a 1 to the extent of the Not liable for any Only to the extent of To the extent of all
gift consists of the donor's whole property, property comperised extent. the property, which is iabilities of the donor.
to what extent the donee is personally in gift. fan th faRI{ iTF burdened by ana7dianS
iable for all the debts due by and liabilities an # HFTPrtE ffi anT@'%l Obligation. faiand5I
of the donor at the time of the gift ? a7 frRT FT I a5tra ca an a
th efFT dtfrm, 1 882 - giv fS qTaT farm ai5., fin q{
19 Transfer of Property Act, 1882 -A property 1 Religion. knowledge, Religion, knowledge, Religion, knowledge, Commerce, health,
can be transferred for perpetuity for the commerce, health. sale & purchase. defence and sale & sale & purchase.
benefit of the public in the advancement of urf,flFT,fflPri3FT, ut, IT], fairrzT Ta RT Ipurchase. Frfha, RITRT, farm
iFT' `--i:-::--`-i?i---`=


20 ndian Contract Act,1872 -ln which case it 3 Satyabrata Ghose Vs Carlill Vs Carbolic Bhagwandas State of West Bengal
was decided that a contract made on Mugneeram Bangur Smoke Ball Co. Goverdhandas Kedia Vs B.K. Mondal &
telephone becomes complete at the place and Company and rfu iFrm fflRE Vs Girdharilal Sons
where acceptance is heard? another dr -giv an Purushottamdas & qfdr fro rm FT
Th+itv gil erfDfin, 1 872 _ ffu lrma i}. FRT tin rm Company and other @.S, Ti5iT ng rfu
qE tlfffl fin TTqT fS Ean TIT fin`=-?`=:=:-f-:==-::-``-=f:`-i:i---=-```--`-------:``=` -:-:-.----::i:-:-:`-:--: vTTaTRTThafroSfinqTanfievTfroFT#TU5

212223 ndian Contract Act, 1872 -Whether a suit 2 Yes, only if the Yes, only if the No, as the No, as it is an
is maintainable to recover the amount of amount is not more amount is 500 Rs. Or agreement by way of offence under section
subscription under an agreement entered than 500 Rs. wager is void. 294-A of the Indian
into for any sum of money to be awarded to
grv, fas dth ffl Trfir Penal code (45 of
500 wh a rfu i 5oo FTS " ed #.'qseTseFTFTchS 1860)
a' 3tffrodl
-ffi¥#+EL##ife¥RET-aaqqtlTrfuan7SpecificReliefAct,1963-'A'hasbeen FhaseTqusEusrmrfu4-ffi"ri5Jfl
4 is maintainable. Is maintainable with is beyond civil is maintainable only
dispossessed by his brother '8' from the tnrfual relief of jurisdiction. with further reliefs to
ancestral property denying his title. A suit compensation. fRE 6rfurfu a5 which plaintiff is able
for mere declaration -ffiFT¥gr¥a#¥iri#Gwh FT%l
in ffl ap -SpecificRelief Act, 1963 -The specific
2 The whole of India The whole of India. only to capital cities the whole of India
except the state of rd`mdtR, of the States. except the Union
Jammu and Kashmir. StTer Trm ai " Territories.
RECRE#6!ST:i;REngpe maiREI 3rfuREchgivrdrmqTi
a.No. Question ProposedAns. Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

24 Specific Relief Act, 1963 - The specific 3 Subject to the Subject to the Subject to the Subject to the
performance of a contract shall be enforced provisions contained provisions contained provisions contained provisions contained
by the court subject to the provisions in sub section (3) of in sub section (2) of in sub section (2) of in sub section (1) of
contained in . . . . . section 12, section section 12, section section 11, section section 11 , section
14 A and section 15 13 and section 15 of 14 and section 16 of 12 and section 13 of
FTffifafan¥fan"FTERE93:RT of The specific relief The specific relief The specific relief The specific relief
Act,1963 Act,1963

Act , 1 963 Act 1963

#::g##(:!' #::#-urrmT5(23.I #:|thckurrmVIU{!2# #:;#evrmT3(13.I
j}. ife with a7
ife ritft a
25 Specific Relief Act, 1963 - Any person 1 When the thing When compensation When it would be When the possession
having the possession or control of a claimed is held by in money would extremely easy to of the thing claimed
particular article of movable property, of the defendant as the afford the plaintiff ascertain the actual has been rightfully
which he is not the owner, may be agent or trustee of adequate relief for damage caused by transferred from the
compelled specifically to deliver it to the the laintiff. the loss of the thing its loss.
ifediaea plaintiff,
person entitled to its immediate
possession, in which of the following #RTffl¥a¥ claimed.

drfffi 3trm fflth #SFTVI¥E

rfufflae #ffl¥H¥rmngffl
cases? 5i5RE ffl OrftrPrffl i-i-f=f--:ff-------=---
SFTa.rfu©i j}. qfaiH ffl® ch#afv rm 37iqi5 OnFT a I
EL¥whng#6#i#EL-- - =f=:=f : :=f: -` i-_=f-: ±`f-. i- : GH5Tfaf i:qRFTedSfaqfa"ffuf lth?

26 Specific Relief Act, 1963 - Special 2 Section 20 Section 20A Section 21 Section 22
provisions for contract relatjng toinfrastructureprojectisprescribed underwhichsection?#rm¥rfu##9#-afa¥tr¥v rm20 rm 20tF rm21 rm22

27 Limitation Act, 1963 -Which provision of 2 Section 5 Section 6 Section 13 Section 4

the Limitation Act, 1963 is related with#i#i9#,-RTfffingrmng'ena? tJTIT 5 rm6 UTU 1 3 rm4

28 Limitation Act, 1963 -Where the defendant 3 as the date of filing of as the date of as the date of the suit as the date of First
has filed a claim by way of a set off, it shall written Statement. Service of Summons in which the set off is hearing of the suit.
be deemed to have been instituted on the fir rfu al fafad on defendant. leaded. fto fflfro ch ffl FT
same date - firrfuchRE
qRth erfrm, 1 963 - giv RE i grugrfinTrm qT rna ffl RErfufinchTh¥¥ gRTut#Trf
i-i-ff:i:f::``i±:i`--=`:-:=``i=`- 5ev%,
29 M.P. Accommodation Control Act,1961 - 3 Section 180 & 182 of Section 180 & 182 of Section 193 & 228 of Section 186 & 190 of
Any proceeding before the Rent Controlling the Code of Criminal the Code of Criminal the Indian Penal the Code of Criminal
Authority shall be deemed to be a 'judicial Procedure 1898 (Act Procedure, 1973 (Act Code,1860 (Act No. Procedure,1973 (Act
proceeding' within the meaning of which of No. V of 1898) XLV of 1 860)
the following sections :- qu6 rfu gil #g2#9!3dr' VTthusgiv, %2#9fu'
F.I. tin fffi OTmu, 1 961 -mgT 1898 (1898 ffl 1973 (1973 ffl 1860 (1860 ffl 1973 (1973 ffl
'rfu fflffl fir j}. a fir erm3Pr a7 or4SchuF5\an-
ti- 5) # rm 18o 3tfanapT tienF 2) tirfe 45) i*1 rm tlfrm ti- 2)
an 1 82 an mT 1 80 Hqu 1 82 1 93 dam 228 di rm 1 86 iTm 1 9o
Q.No. Question ProposedAns. Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

30 M.P. Accommodation Control Act,1961 - 4 That the decision is That the decision is That there has been That, the decision
Which one of the following is not a ground contrary to usages a substantial error in has failed due to
for second Appeal against any order £n#aELwfafaS having the force of procedure as Inappropriate
passed in First appeal ? qffiigr%, law. prescribed by this appreciation of the
q.H. F+Pl ffro 3rfen, 1 961 _ fir i a qF fS fafRE fafa act, which may facts of the case.
th HT mutt OmF i. rfu fen TTa fan ffl RI wi ffl@ rm possibly have qEfSdQzii#faaffl
etTdr a fa5i= RE erita 5T en€iiT 7€t. a 7 Sqffigr%, produced er or in thedecisionofthecase##i#±tlfrmrfuEL¥RT=¥ffl%,

31 M.P. Accommodation Control Act,1961 -lf 1 Interim rent Final rent Lawiul rent Standard rent
on an ap lication for fixing the standardrentismadeundersection10,TheRentControl ingAuthorityshal pendingfinaldecisionontheap lication,makeprovisionalorderspecifyingtheamountofwhichrent?H.H.t2mfiziFTOrfrm,1961-th?IT Tir£#REis¥isRIkf i=f i:FT¥g:RTPrifethEN7 3Trfu `trer 3tfaT] rm faftyvTg FTFT rm

32_5_3_ M.P. Accommodation Control Act,1961 - 4 One month from the Six months from the Three months from Two months from the
Where an order for the eviction of a tenant date of the order. date of the order. the date of the order. date of the order.
is made on the ground specified in clause rfu th rfu a q5 rfu # rfu a 5: rfu di rfu a th 3tTdr # fflife a a
(e) of sub-Section (1 ) of Sectionl 2, thelandlordshallnotbeentitledtoobtainpossessionthereofbeforeexpirationoffi#i#REffiFifeFTugT:2Tfl'dr? qTHl ITTu I 7TTH I FTul

M.P. Accommodation Control Act,1961 -lf 2 mprisonment for a mprisonment for a mprisonment for a mprisonment for a
any landlord re-lets or transfers the whole term which may term which may term which may term which may
or any part of any accommodation in extend to one month, extend to three extend to one month, extend to three
contravention of the provisions of sub- or with fine, which months, or with fine, or with fine, which months, or with fine,
section (3) or sub-section (4) of section 23- may extend to one which may extend to may extend to three which may extend to
G, he shall be punishable with which one of thousand rupees or one thousand rupees thousand rupees or three thousand
the following penalties ? with both. or with both. with both. rupees or with both.
TT.q. enT fin ctf@firTIT, 1 961 - qfe i5t€@RE:¥i:2¥fa¥i#EEL##5 i+5T{Taru a, fRE ~dyFTITrm a, fen
5TEN a, fan ffl© a fRE
drofo Tq3- TIN FT a rmfa th "u diJ a 3Trfuq5TTTuFT5@ qrfuffiifeFTa
whit, qT en a, th en, H en a, th en, qT en a, th en, qT en a, ch
tT5 FT rna ffl a qiJ FT aiF ffl -a th FT RE ffl a ffiFTFTffl@
ch, qT an a I ch, qT an a I th, qT an a I th, qT an a I
34 M.P. Land Revenue Code,1959 -What will 1 Transfer shall be void Transfer is valid. Transfer is valid to Subject to order of
be the effect of transfer by a Bhumiswami unless the land itself oranaudri the extent of land the Court, valid.
of any trees, except the produce, standing is transferred. covered under tree. qTqTffl a Ondr ai
dith, aq an I
•_-fi:::-:?`:::-i-:i::--=:-:i-::--::=:i:---::::::-i-i: faertrFwhutpavaTTTl
a.NO. Question ProposedAns. Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

35 M.P. Land Revenue Code,1959 -A person 1 has been a Revenue has been a Revenue has been a Revenue has been a Revenue
shall not be qualified for appointment as a officer, & has held, officer, & has held, officer, & has held, officer, & has held,
member of the Board of Revenue unless for atleast five years, for atleast ten years, for atleast three for atleast seven
he- an office not lower in an office not lower in years, an office not years, an office not
rank than that of a rank than that of a ower in rank than ower in rank than

#faffi¥¥+9*ifeal€ap€SF¥ collector.
-tlfenTH - tlfen i Tt'J
a, ck q5aRT

a, ch{ 5dr
URI eyfrm i T5
a, 3fr{ ffraRT
that of a collector.
`Trm difen i TF
a, ck ffiaRT
that of a collector.

q€ an a 3rfin q€ an a rfu qi{ an a rfu qil an a 3tfin

rm ffl Ta FT a FT rm ffl q€ FT a en rm ffl q¥ en a FT rm ffl q€ FT a FT
qfa Of d5 rm i ffl Of FT en" i FT th Of ffi " i a5{ rm Of a5 rm i
5{FT@, FT@, qutl, 55TFT@,
36 M.P. Land Revenue Code,1959 - 2 Revenue officer of Revenue officer of Revenue officer of Revenue ofricer of
Permission of which revenue officer is not below the rank of not below the rank of not below the rank of not below the rank of
necessary under clause (ii) of sub section Sub Divisional Collector Commissioner Tehsildar
ffraRT ch q€auPr a dEthFT di TIRE
(6) of section 165 ?
==I--:i:---:f=:-f=f-----=--:i:.:-=-ff==i-:= #ELFRE rfu qE an a5 RE£RE¥a a rfu qil an a5
ffiqFanaffi^qarma5tlREeyfen@ © difen ffl -eyfrm@ -etfen@
37 M.P. Land Revenue Code,1959 -Where a 2 shall proceed to shall stay the shall send the shall dismiss the
partition proceeding is filed before partition ,n proceedings for a proceeding to the partition proceeding
Tehsildar and a question of title is raised in accordance with the period of 3 months to civil court for as partition is not
it, the Tehsildar - entries in the record facilitate the appropriate decision possible until
of rights. institution of a civil of title and partition of decision of title.

difin tlfira® it.
6fPrfRE thaRE a7
onun q{ Hqfa S
suit for determination
of uestion of title.
RE#C#iim aEdr#REch
RE@andrl f i di un a fardranfREE5SHHa-rmrmSELfaerfuq#]Tgrawhl --:i-:I:::i.-f`--:-i:i-`:-awl

38 ndian Evidence Act,1872 -A agrees to sell 1 May be given May not be given Shall not be given Can be only
fanfflchi T@fanfflthl TSfanmui
to a, for Rs.100,000 "my white car ". A hastwowhitecars.Toclarifywhichcarhe
intended evidence -•iTthenor3tfrm, 1 872 -q7 1 00,000wifi'f iHtr5Tr'f i FT5iT{5iaT¥'¥#%¥diF{a¥j#thd*ffl,@3fmath."or-

39 ndian Evidence Act, 1872 -Consider the 4 Only i, ii & iii are Only ii & iii are Only i and iii are Only ii, iii & iv are

following statements with regard to lawrelatingtoDyingDeclarationinIndia:- correct. correct. correct. correct.

a5ffl i . ii ck iii u@ fro ii ch{ iji H@ a I fro i ch{ iii H3 %i fro ii, iii ch{ iv H©
i.ADyingDeclar tioncanonlyber cordedbyaMagistrate.i Nar ationofthewholeincidentisnotnec s ary.i .CertifcatjonofDoctor egardingmentalstaeofthewitnes ,ad suptoitsreliabilty.iv.Itke psthestaementofthedeadatparwith eoraltestimonyofaneye-witnes .aiTchenFTetfun,1872-vTrda.RE#*¥f ¥*¥Svi # f i¥ha=- #¥=E=#g%gRTFprchenFT@%' %1 ?I
lQ.NO. Question ProposedAns. Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

40 Indian Evidence Act, 1872 -A acquired 4 I and 11 both Only I Only ll Neither I and nor 11
fol owing documents to be used as a pro fjnthecourt.Whichofthesedocumentsarenotadmis ibleinevidence:I.Documentprocuredbyimpropermeans.;,mD#uEeftREc#j:#,;egaLmte;aqnfrdq:H¥SgdrTdr%TE*ri*RE¥{ FE:I.f enHgiviravmamafinfinTm7"FT¥l I ck 11 an a5tTd I fro ll i a 13ft{ i 11

41 Indian Evidence Act, 1872 - lf a custom is 4 Only I Only 1„ I,11 and Ill

to be proved in a court, the fol owingprovisionsoftheIndianEvidenceAct, 1872becomesrelevant:I.Section32(4)1 .Section32(7)Il .Section48faRthchFT#ITEL8#Egr@rmT¥REJFTwl'$872SfaHfREI.rm32(4)1 .rm32(7)Il .rm48 #',a#;: inl a5T5 I I I I,1I3fr{1II

42 Indian Evidence Act,1872 -Section 69 of 1 Only I Only ll Both I and 11 Neither I nor 11
-}5tLI I I
the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 may beinvokedinthefol owingsituation:I. fnosuchat estingwitnes canbefound.l .Onlywhentheabsenceoftheat estingwf isfafnELTtc:e7n2t]ya#nt&d±orerfufinT,1872@€TRT69firTfREfendi¥`:`= =-:- =-:-i-I` .I-:-:` =`. `-` =` -.=`=-.`-IwhlREthf lf lqrfung# p frol I ck 11 an i ch I ck i a I I

43 ndian Evidence Act,1872 -A and 8 were 4 Section 1 10 Section 1 15 Section 105 Section 106
alotedthesamehostelro m.Ononefatefulnight,bothAand8wer sle pinginthero m,whichwaslockedfrominside.8wasfound eadonthen xtmorni g.Aisther afterp osecutedformurder.Theprosecutionhas hiftedtheburdenofpro f orexplain gthefactswhichiswithntheknowledgeofAinrespectofmurderof8,underthefol wingprovison fIndianEvidenceAct,1872-#chen#¥f *+ifeqa#¥Fr'fa#ri¥envI*@#RErm=T:,@ genSd2zj¥aJwivfiwli5tFTqT#gr iv%,E¥_faqwi{Tf l rm 1 1 0 rm 1 1 5 rm 1 05 rm 106

44 ndian Evidence Act, 1872 -Whether a 3 No, because he has No, because it Yes, if he knows that Cannot testify to
book-keeper may testify to facts recorded forgotten the :annot be presumed the books were facts recorded by him.
by him in books regularly kept in the course particular that he kept the wh ap qcTfin
of business, although he has forgotten the transactions. books correctly. 19,r#tl#e#a anfflTRFTenT@.a
particular transactions entered ?
ttrrfu "er 3tfrm, 1 872 - Rut jt€ tianchxpTTqT
ap qE

di TT! tffl
RE¥ffi£FTwh#rmapfflFTfa£ %1

d2zff FT uRenFT a ch, ffi a¥ ufaEfgiv7TqfafhetigivchOarmTa7 thl

a.NO. Question ProposedAns. Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

45 ndian Evidence Act,1872 - An accused in 4 That he committed That he opened lock That he committed That he kept the key
police custody informs to the Station House the offence of theft. of safe. theft by opening safe in patio of house.
Officer that the key by which he opened the qEfSwhanffl q€ fS wh fen ffl and destroying q6 fs wi ffl@ @
safe and committed theft is kept by him in 3Tq" rfu ffu I rm chT I evidence. q{ 37 wh *' " I
the patio of his house. To what extent this qF
wh fan ffl
an di
information can be proved ?
vi enen Tg fch I

46 ndian Evidence Act,1872 -A woman 3 Admissible as a Admissible under Admissible under nadmissible in
subjected to rape gives a statement under substantive piece of Section 32 of the Section 33 of the evidence.
•ffler j}. orFT a.Tl I
Section 164 Code of Criminal Procedure, evidence. Evidence Act. Evidence Act.
1973 implicating the accused for the HTrm "en S FT j}. VRI 32 enev rfuha rm 33 enev tlfrm
offence . She commits suicide some timelaterbutbeforehertestimonycouldberecordedatthetrial.SuchStatementrecordedunderSection164oftheCodeofi:i: : i: ngdrl a5 ch FT an I SthFTan1

47 ndian Evidence Act.1872 -A Constitutional 2 Hostile witness Primary and Primary evidence Secondary evidence
Bench of the Supreme Court in Cement peran ench Only Only
Corporation of India Ltd. Vs Purya and ;eTvC#a#`eifee fro uTffi enen hafaew&q
other, (2004) 8 SCC 270 has explained theREir§ffirioifeife#TREffieTTPri7Tfli5.afast3+iTtmuiTdizFTerT#8? even

48 ndian Evidence Act,1872 -lf a witness is 3 without such writing after proving such his-attentionmust, the previous written
intended to be contradicted during cross being shown to him. before the writing can statement of the
examination by his previous statement in REaRIchndRFT #nfechHTRI be proved, be called witness can not be
WRE'#as3ffRE,bTe8$2n.ederfuflen fanl edSrfu1 to those parts of itswhicharetobeused contradicted at all.#=Ten5aHaREfinaT@.fflHfflaI
a5 a" fan ench 5T GHS aRE5tiTa5u5|ediFTemTtT,chgivfin for the purpose ofcontradictinghim.

ffl H5ffl a -

H%¥a5ti=Ffgivrmldijit{3tTrfuf lanftwwhG"HUHeda7rfuafir mal

49 ndian Evidence Act, 1872 -Which of the 3 A man heard Words lithographed A caricature is not a A man said certain
following statement with reference to something is a fact. are documents. document. words, is a fact.
section 3 of Indian Evidence Act, 1872 is Gq6rfuHwh
not correct ?eTRthenffl etfrm, 1 872 - vTwh engretfrm1872@enlT3a7rafa.firEarfuFTHaT#a7 Fd=gJigrgr' ELEB%iHF T®'€l gr#%tu¥,
a.No. Question ProposedAns. Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

50 Indian Penal Code,1860 -A instigates a to 4 is not guilty of any is not guilty Of is guilty of abetment is guilty of abetting
instigate C to murder Z. 8, accordingly offence. by conspiracy. murder.
instigates C to murder Z and C commits fan rmq ffl an #tt:nREu#5l rfuRTGedffl FT a far nd ffl
that offence in consequence of B's#j¥±inS~,fa8q6%-#¥ELFT_g,REri#diRI¥*SSftr#PrRlFTTT"rmeralf laIF- Ta`al anra'al anal anal

51 Indian Penal Code,1860 -'A', knowing that 1 Imprisonment of Imprisonment of Imprisonment of Imprisonment of
`8' has murdered 'Z' assists `8' to hide the
either discription of a either discription of a either discription of a either discription of a
body with the intention of screening `8' from term which may term which may term which may term which may
punishment. A is liable to be punished with - extend to Seven extend to Ten Years extend to Five Years extend to Three
Years and shall also and shall also be and shall also be Years, or with fine or
¥BIT#inapF6.anngt`ng:6£-ii6TFaFqthTaTj5grT5FfatlfS be liable to fine.
-dtjt 1}. a fan ttifa -S liable to fine. liable to fine. with both.
an li a fa5|ft rrifa a a-it. fi a fSth rrifu a7 an j¥ a fan ffi a7
=edFTS#V%i¥#ffl@¥REA|Pr_U¢T q5TTfflH a fRE 5TrmafRE iFi{Trm a fRE i5TrmaRE
wh rm Of diF di 3tala FT of FT @ 3tala qfa of FTii # utthOfffi#
Eriwhrfueftan{anapa aenckenathl aenjinenathl
52 Indian Penal Code,1860 -A attacks Z 4 Both A and 8 are Both A and 8 are A is guilty of Culpable A is guilty of Culpable
under such circumstances of grave guilty of Culpable Homicide and a is Homicide and 8 is
provocation that his killing of Z would be 3;u#ofm#9edrar Homicide. guilty of Abetment of guilty of Murder.
only culpable homicide not amounting to an%l a- 3Pr{ H aif Murder. qJ OnqTTPe rna au
murder. 8, having ill-will towards Z and enqrfe FTfflv a5 5 tlTqufha T]TTa tTv ffl an 3 ck 5 FT
intending to kill him, and not having been afl%l ffl an a 3fr{ a FT fflan%l
subject to the provocation, assists A in a7 ftr 3ed ffl an
kil ing Z. In such circumstances which oneiscor ect- -:i.I`.-.:- :i. -:.i: :-=-: - i.:-.:=-i-:.i:I: :-:- .:.:`:-i- :-.i: - ¥;giv# HTEqF%a*FTTK£?a,i3v5TavedaiermTqa3ft{whia7RE7£Hvirif lrfuedflB#EFT %1

5354 ndian Penal Code, 1860 -When the right 4 An assault with the An assault with the An act of throwing or An Assault with intent
of private defence of the body does not intention of gratifying intention of administering acid to outrage modesty
extend to causing death ? unnatural lust. kidnapping or which may of women.
+TTthT -Gu5 en, 1 860 _ Fra ITfl{ hSi --:--:`-:-:-+:--:--::
--;3---:::-::--.----: -:-:`:-i-: i:---I i -I --- abducting. reasonably cause the Fen3ff @ TTR" a
5PqFT qT 3tUFT apprehension that 3H qEFTi a7 OnRT a
finTTqTFTI ed S chRI a fchTTqTFT1 grievous hurt wil otherwisebetheconsequenceofsuchact.3tRIca"a]f l- f=-: - -:fi- - - f =f:I•.-.-B.##lut ffuT"TFTI

ndian Penal Code, 1860 -A offers a bribe 2 Under Section 115 of under Section 1 16 of under Section 1 17 of Under Section 118 of
to 8, a public servant, as a reward for ndian Penal Code. ndian Penal Code. ndian Penal Code. ndian Penal Code
showing A some favour in the exercise of
B's official functions. a refuses to acceptthebribe.Aispunishableunderwhichsection?F#¥isRErfu¥:Sir5RET:wlL%:F-ERE:#EinFT{fin5{*a}Fffu
rm 1 1 5 a orth I
thusenift rfuusendi whusenin
rm 1 1 7 $ 3tth I
VIu 1 1 6 a7 3Tth I rm 1 1 8 aJ Orth I
a.NO. Question ProposedAns. Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

55 ndian Penal Code, 1860 -'A' dies in 3 Section 403 of Indian Section 379 of Indian Section 404 of Indian Section 409 of Indian
possession of a diamond ring and a gold Penal Code Penal Code Penal Code Penal Code
chain. His servant '8', before the said ring whREgiv@ thusenqft whap5giv@ rfuusenth
and gold chain comes into the posses ionofanypersonentitledtosuchposses ion,dishonestlymisappropriatesthesame.'8'hascommit edanoffencedefinedunderwhichsection?¥£fuRE#ifa§EFis*:¥ rm 403 rm 379 rm 404 rm 409

56 ndian Penal Code,1860 -A introduces 3 Breach of Trust Nuisance Mischief Mffipriat,on

water in to an ice-house belonging to Z andthuscausestheicetomelt,intendingwrongful os toZ.Ahascommit edwhichoffence?•Tr fuape n,1860-q#tw6TReda3tT¥iqa,ch*-q{a.q7qfflae#*FgFa¥aftrmanaIF? rmwh giv Rfe

57 ndian Penal Code,1860 -Dislocation of 1 under Section 325 of Under Section 323 of under Section 324 of Under Section 326 of
ndian Penal Code ndian Penal Code ndian Penal Code ndian Penal Code
tooth by a fist blow is an offence
punishable under which Section ? thusen#
vTthusench rfuqu6rfudi whusgivdi
rm 323 aJ ch rm324Swh rm326Swi
58 ndian Penal Code,1860 -A knowing that Z 1 Murde-r-FT Culpable homicide Grievous hurt Negligently causing
abouring under such as disease that a not amounting to ck uqgiv death of Z
blow is likely to cause his death strikes him murder
with the intention of causing bodily injury. Z FT # ae a. i ut Eirrfefflq#TB
dies in consequence of the blow. A is guiltyof-#¥dr¥ffi£FT¥ng#FanFg nd 3tTqthie -v

59 ndian Penal Code,1860 - Section 377 1 Partially wh-o,,y Partially

ndian Penal Code, is: unconstitutional only unconstitutional unconstitutional only #°"as°#utiona,
¢TTdi au5 gil, 1 86o - etT{T 377 itTth with respect to rfe: 3redenfie with respect to
us en, a: criminalizingconsensualsexualconductbetwe nadults.q i#a5maenaREffiuchchrmqata5f lufi feiFTardenifiei criminalizing non-consensualsexualconductbetwe nadults.aqedaT Eqorgana isf iqatarmtlcha5f ivfi3t f roiFTarfurfui

60 ndian Penal Code,1860 -ln which of the 4 Only I O#l,a#l:,

fol owing cases the ac used is liable for thepunishmentofof enceofhurt:I.Drag ingbyhair nag res iveman erl .Fistingonfaceinthecourseofat ackIl .Forcefulkickonthebackir+#a¥ife|ft fi=REk¥: ;.¥:#ana*FTVIFTFTf lEf lrmiv.atchegivedaJfareT5anrm a5HI 8*',,,I,I,a#::i ::::::::#d,'y
a.NO. Question ProposedAns. Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

61 Indian Penal Code,1860 -A threatens to 2 Theftan Extortion

publish a defamatory libel concerning aunles 8giveshimanamountof10,0 0Rupe s.Athusinduces8togivehim10,0 0Rupe s.Ahascommit edwhichof enceunderIndianPenalCode?etTdiqau6giv,1860-qJqBtf ldian aB-# TRE°ETSisfanrfuaEq¥#SFut¥+#¥5:aofchng7 FTi 33#,ty #sentation

62 Indian Penal Code,1860 -A boy, X was 1 not guilty of murder guilty of murder of C, guilty of culpable guilty of causing
born on 01.08.2017 to Mrs. a and Mr. C, on of C, under Section as X had attained homicide not death b negligence.
12.09.2023 the family of three watched a 82 of Indian Penal maturity of amounting to murder.
thriller movie. Imitating a scene from the Code.
understanding the FT th ae a i wi #ELF5rfu
movie, X picked a knife and proceeds consequences of his ut q"thha 7Thfflv
towards C. While walking towards C he rm 82 a} th q5., TT conduct and the act. fflanl
narrated the dialogues, "I will cut you into ffiFTfflanTct.al TTdiFTfflana,
pieces" and actually stabs C thereafter asFawi

I;T=qfas0i.08.20i7ch9PrqtftTiTafflTT qRTen rna F{ di
RE5#T#ffro#%2#3VIp#¥kERTIT5@q3¥¥gT'IT5ffiqFckqTwh¥wi-?:- -: :- :.- - -: -=: - f=:- :-:=f:- i:i:=- -`-i?I- - :- - :i- ,-

6364 Code of Criminal Procedure,1973 -ln Part 1 Cognizable and non- Non-cognizable and Cognizable and Non-cognizable and
I of the First Schedule of Code of Criminal bailable non-bailable bailable bailable
Procedure,1973, if an of ence againstotherlawsifpunishablewithimprisonmentforthre yearsandupwardsbutnotmoregnaf in#;',hga7S3b_e#CELe#:#3Sdi#f i*# Falfanca 3f l: -:- .- ?- -:- :-:- -:-:`-: -: - :i-===:- :i-:.:- en ch 3tqqTrfu rfu 3fr{ ctqFTffl en ck qFTRE Oren ck qFTRE

Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 - Every 2 attested by at least attested by at least attested by at least attested by at least
Police officer while making an arrest shall two witnesses, one of one witness, who is a two witnesses, one of one witness.
prepare a memorandum of arrest under whom should be a member of the family whom should be en a FT FT "ch
Section 418 of the Code of Criminal member of the family of the person gazetted officer. an tlrfu fin
Procedure, 1973 which shall be - of the person arrested or a FTaFTaHrfajdi whl
usrfufinffl¥ng.:¥3druasus#FTTgil,i973fl€mT4i@Scjwhffafl arrested or a respectable member FT, RE a TIT
respectable member of the locality where urfu orRE a,
ffl FT thR dr, wl fS _
of the locality where the arrest is made.
the arrest is made.f laFTadr+diEnITFg#Tfin hanrfuqu
a.No. Question ProposedAns. Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

65 Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 -Written 3 7 days 15 days 30 days 60 days

proclamation under Section 82 of the CodeofCriminalProcedurerequir ngapersontoap earataspecif edplaceandataspecif edtimeshal notbeforles than. .fromthedateofpublishingsuch#EL#±5:#iferfuRTed=FT=*- f-f= = ±=:=- : - :-irfua,. 7fae 15RI 3o ffro 6o ffro

66 Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 -The 4 Surya Dev Rai Vs Shakuntala Devi & V. D. Bhanot Vs Rajnesh Vs Neha,
affidavit of Disclosure of Assets and Ram Chander Rai, Ors. Vs Chamru Savita Bhanot, (2021) 2 SCC 324
Liabilities shall be filed by the parties in all (2003) 6 SCC 675 Mahto & Anr., (2009) (2012) 3 SCC 183
-edtdichFT whFTjgr,
maintenance proceedings. This direction aF"FT" 3 SCC 310 (2021 ) 2 TEE 324

¥ELbck,Stugp7r:TrfuS*an EL"6(725003)6 HfflanFanfarmgiv gr#3t20.2,3

5T u5an ed am rm-q7, qcrfed q5 3TT, (2009) 3
gTITenfto+iuTrfuffl5TfaTRE#qngafinrfuiqgRE3iaFTFTTFTErmfanrmrm- en31o

67 Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 - ln 3 warrant case warrant case summons case summons case
which case Chief Judicial Magistrate may instituted otherwise instituted on a police instituted otherwise instituted otherwise
stop the proceedings at any stage without than upon a than upon complaint. than a police report.
qRFT a ffl] enm RE a fitq
pronouncing any Judgement under Section
258 of Code of Criminal Procedure,1973 ?
au6 rfu gil, 1 973 - qu5 thin gil.
qRE a fin onrm
u{ ffi rfe nd
:RE*±on# q{unFTF"a Onrmq{enFT
-::--=`:==f-f=-i:-i===:I-. ii''
a`l fil

68 Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 -A is material. not in-aterial as A has irrelevant.

#elgnREt¥,not been misled.arfea5TaraRE i7

charged with cheating a, and the manner inwhichhecheated8isnotsetoutinthe anfa5I wh1

charge. There were many transactionsbetwe nAand8,andAhadnomeans ofknowingtowhichofthemthechargerefer ed,andof erednodefence.TheCourtmayinferfromsuchfactsthat heomis iontosetout heman erofthe: : : : +

69 Negotiable Instrument Act,1881 -Which of 3 promise to Pay 8 promise to Pay a acknowledge myself promise to Pay 8
Rs. 500 and all other Rs. 500 seven days to be indebted to 8 in Rs. 500 on D's death,
#o#wjELr:#j3:o.ryife# sums which shall be after my marriage Rs. 1,000, to be paid provided D leaves
me enough to pay
a ch en irffl qF' an 7 due to him. with C. on demand, for value
a. H ch rfu th ri TT S rm wi faap received. that sum.
a.No. Question ProposedAns. Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

70 Negotiable Instrument Act,1881 -Which 1 ln re: Expeditious Dashrathbhai Dilip Hariramani Vs Gajanand Burange
among the following case is decided by Trial of Cases Under Trikambhai Patel Vs Bank of Baroda, Vs Laxmi Chand
Constitutional Bench of Supreme Court on Section 138 of N.I. Hitesh Mahendrabhai 2022 SCC OnLine Goyal, 2022 SCC
Negotiable Instrument Act,1881 ? Act, 2021 SCC Patel and Another, SC 579 OnLine SC 1711
qlffirm fin 3tfrm, 1 881 -faHfRE fi OnLine SC 354 (2023) 1 SCC 578 fanFREFT
a ch en Fmen T7IE5TTz7 fin 3TfanqTT, F fl: rm 1 38 u3ng imuutBat fa ife th, 2022 uT#a¥givri#022
1 88 1 qT GiEtFT qTqTffl i51 ch€TTPrEF tfla -a- 3tfaha ai dH qEFFTRE en 3ffima giv 3ffTFT
ETIT rna a ? '.:i-'-:--i:i-:i:--:--`--578 di 579 qdi 1711

71 Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881 -ln which 2 Kalamani Tex and Meters and Goa Plast Pvt. Ltd Vs N Parameswaran
case the Supreme Court held that -The Another Vs P. Instruments Private Chico Ursula unni Vs G. Kannan &
object of introducing Section 138 and other Balasubramanian, Limited and Another D'Souza (2004) 2 Anr. (2017) 5 SCC
provisions of chapter Xvll in the act in the Vs Kanchan Mehta, SCC 235 737
year 1988 was to enhance the acceptability
of cheques in the settlement of ljabjlities.
rm iFrm TIT.
(2018) 1 SCC 560
TPren taTE Thck
FT di, 5iFT giv T5
The drawer of cheque is made liable to •, I...,..i.I.: , rm (2oi 7) 5 w di
prosecution on dishonour of cheque with rmFTfutw, grthesF5t2004,2 $737
safeguards to prevent haras ment ofhonestdrawers.uif lTqfhaofafin,1881_fedFFTa fi:- - - - : -:- :.-.- - -=.-:- -:-=-.-i:r-: -`.- - -: : - -I- i:- -: I=faRES#S#¥ELES=a5jFTTFTa7ctfirin5T3REaimal (2018) 1 qH th th 560

72 nformation Technology Act, 2000 -Which 2 Section 2(1 )(r) Section 3 Section 5 Section 7
Section of the Information Technology Act,2000isrelatedtoauthenticationofelectronicrecords?ELthENrfufini¥6#o#grVIiTae,rfudea#rmTuftrma rm 2(1 )(D rm3 rm5 rm7

73 nformation Technology Act, 2000 -The 1 Data of individuals. National security. Trade secrets of ntegrity Of
"reasonable security practices" mentioned
apfanSeni rtyHen, companies. government
in Section 43A of the InformationTechnologyAct.2000areprimarily aimed i5ffi a} lan.qul database.Hdi3TETaH di


nformation Technology Act, 2000 -What 2 mprisonment which mprisonment which mprisonment which mprisonment which
are the penal provisions under section 66E may extend to one may extend to three may extend to three may extend to one
years or with fine not years or with fine not years or with fine not years or with fine not
#oREprfu,2000_qthffiTtFT exceeding one lakh exceeding two lakh exceeding one lakh exceeding two lakh
rupees or with both. rupees or with both. rupees or with both. rupees or with both.
:.----= -- : : i --:--:.:? --i- i::- =-i : -i- ----=`- - 5TENathq5a¢ fflrmffl
-drF a th
a chffi "Of 5Trm a wl th Of q5i"achq5of
diJ ffl -5} th qT ffi ffl a th qT ffi ffl a th qT
a, th \T5 eniF a, th a rna a, th qff rna a, th a rm
wh a Orfha ffl TarawhrmqTani FTa a 3tffro Ta. achqTanI wh a chtr ffl T@.achtr'aifi wh a 3tfbe q5T T@.athqTanl
75 What do you understand by 'key pair', 3 t is a private key t is a public key A private key and its t is an electronic key
under the Information Technology Act, having both having both mathematically in form of two
2000 ?i::-i----:::i--::-i -.--i:::i:-i:-:---2=i:--= i--i --- symmetric and symmetric and passwords.
asymmetric crypto asymmetric crypto #a#ub#k% q€ a qTds a7 FT a.
features. features. . ii . . FTEaiapan%
ELTF##affi%ap7F Fffi¥bffap{ap--I::.-:-----`-:---=-i.I
a.No. Question ProposedAns. Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

76 Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of 1 The Child Welfare The District The Juvenile Justice The Principal District
Children) Act, 2015 -Which of the following Committee Magistrate Board Judge of the district
authority has been vested with the power to rm5anma finFffiiir fanizmaas where the child
declare a child is in need of care and ordinarily resides
protection under the Juvenile Justice (Care ca fca ai qm ftw
f iJl:§#ifeA#a##rmRT@apchaeThanfoquffiwi¥faan#ined#rfuITEFT#FT€%7

77 Protection of Children from Sexual 4 Being a police officer, Being a police officer, Being a police officer, Commits penetrative
Offences Act, 2012 - Which one of the commits penetrative commits penetrative commits penetrative sexual assault on a
following is not Aggravated penetrative sexual assault on a sexual assault on a sexual assault on a
sexual assault - child in the course of child otherwise from child where he is #:f3iq3+%afa
ire emTch a RE 5T ckem erfuinT, his duties. the course of his known as a police q{, rfu aPrqJ
2oi 2 -ft:I ti tl ttl:I en :}t=tit mall dii`¢FTT#%- officer. FTffl1
#sgrvgEL5q#fr#*ifeFTffli RERTqT,¥¥REEL#T

78 Protection of Children from Sexual 1 Attorney General for Afjal Ansari Vs State Pradeep Kumar Vs Jayant and Others
Offences Act, 2012 -ln which of the ndia Vs Satish and of uttar Pradesh State of Haryana Vs State of Madhya
following case it has been held by Supreme Another 3ttrm di FT Pradesh
Court that 'it is not required to prove "skin masorzfflqRE FTrfuma ELFTvlrm wh qa 3ffl FT
to skin" contact for the purpose of proving FTthqaFT Frfuma
the charge of sexual as ault under section7oftheProtectionofChildrenfromSexualOf encesAct,2012'?f ietqThf af lan5Tate+uT3tfrm,2012-fin#afir ri#3iFaqFT3#chF%dREt@VTgrf lEFEL,2012,di€mT75TetTinFT RIfcawlSrfua"aFTa ar'5TgivHTRIfa5tITrm3mRETera? rm,

79 Protection of Children from Sexual 1 First proviso to sub- First proviso to sub- Sub-section (6) of Sub-section (3) of
Offences Act, 2012 -Which of the following section (1 ) of Section section (2) of Section Section 164 of Code Section 164 of Code
provisions of Section 164 of Code of 164 of Code of 164 of Code of of Criminal of Criminal
Criminal Procedure,1973 shall not apply to Criminal Procedure, Criminal Procedure, Procedure,1973, so Procedure,1973, so
recording of statement of a child by 1973, so far it 1973, so far it far it permits the far it permits the
Magistrate under Section 25 of the permits the presence permits the presence presence of the presence of the
Protection of Children from Sexual of the advocate of of the advocate of advocate of the advocate of the
Offences Act 2012? the accused. the accused. accused. accused.
ifeemTdi'aRE5TcketuTetfrm, aprfuen, usrfuen, usrfuffl, usrfugiv,
1 973 # rm 1 64 # 1 973 di rm 1 64 di
201 2 -pug ffl en, 1 973 di emT 1 64 1 973 # rm 1 64 th 1 973 th erRI 1 64 #
a7 ffiHra # a rfu FT riu affli5 FTrm (1 ) ffl qFT evenu (2) ffl RT urrm (6) giv aiF a6 fflrm (3) giv tT5 FE
e+u¥"l a RE ffl ckcm erfenin, 20 1 2 uigrgivFTqE qiIrgivmsap

Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of 1
RErigr RErigr =ffiri# ¥3rm#ff
Head Constable Assistant Sub- Sub- Inspector All of the above
Children) Act, 2015 - under The JuvenileJustice(CareandProtectionofChildren)Act,2015whomaynotbedesignatedas aChildWelfarePoliceOfficer?RT#E#T!tify#¥apF rm rmtl5 ev-fratliF RESdi
Q.NO. Question ProposedAns. Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

81 The Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of 3 Petty offence heinous offence Serious offence None of these
Children) Act, 2015 -Which of the fol owingdefinitionofdif erentkindsofof enceswasamendedbyActno.23of2021intheJuvenileJustice(Care&Protectionofife#RTfa#iferi:¥ifeap=;fREdTfrmfro23H]2021gT¥TwhtFTfinTTqTin7 aermu GTqiq rmv tPr{ rmtJ enach€Tgr

82 Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881 -What are 4 That every negotiable That a lost That every negotiable Both 1 & 3
the presumptions applied to all negotiable instrument was made promissory note was instrument bearing a an, 1 qa 3
instruments? or drawn for not duly stamped. date was made on
tRE5iTZT fir 6tfen, 1 881 -enft T{:ffrm consideration. qEfS@qT5onffl such date.
fanu{fflTstTeTRUIT€en7.ian%7 q6 fs E{ q5 qiRT q* tTRE FT a qF fS en F{ qqi
faTid thEN ffiqTfan"ithI rfuq®'m1 qTma fir few q{RE#faenfl,

83 Negotiable Instrument Act,1881 -Under 4 The drawee is The acceptance is The presentment is All of the above.
Section 91 of the Negotiable Instruments Incompetent to qualified. excused and the bill 3Tha di I
Act,1881, a dishonour by non-acceptance contract. tha"fREai is not accepted.
occurs when: EqTaT@tha7 3tTtrm ed a
iTusiTq fir Offlin, 1 881 _ uia5iTz] tlenal aaTts@
fin 3fflin, 1 881 ift tnt 91 a5 etrfu, 3fr{ qT
attha" ETtT 3t]Ta{ aiF dr a tFTa: FffiTfr]fanfflqi
84 Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 - lf a 1 acquit the accused. discharge the acquit the accused None of the above
complaint is withdrawn under Section 257 3rfu8fflchaqEffli accused. after the charge has Gqha*.ach€7a.
of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the ctPrEfflchFTtfaHi been framed and
Magistrate shall - discharge before the
atJ€ rfu gil, 1 973 - qf± au5 pfin charge has been
tifan ijl tnt 257 a7 3tFTfa tiut fflqv a framed.
fin rm a ch qPr* th -
8586 Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 -Which 1 Notice of appearance Failure to comply with Authorizing detention None of the above is
of the following is incorrect as per the in terms of Section the directions aforesaid without recording Incorrect.
guidelines for arrest without a warrant 41A of Cr.P.C. be shall, apart from reasons as aforesaid Gqhaa.aaeth
Issued in the case of Arnesh Kumar v. served on the rendering the Police TTfflra.%i
by the Judicial
State of Bihar (2014) SCC 273 ? accused within seven officers concerned
days from the date of iable for departmental
concerned shall be

###¥,Sffi##_F institution of the case, action, they shall also

which may be
extended by the
be liable to be punishedforcontemptofCourtto

be instituted before the

iable for
departmental action
by the appropriate
•--=f---_:=-i-i----=-i-I`-_-i--==I---=-.--i---=`=-- Superintendent of High Court.
High Court having
Police of the District
territorial .urisdiction GFHqu 5TFT
for the reasons to be
GqitadRES orPrfRE fan fin
#:ifew#gwlSrmfroa7thFTFELrm#getFTdifaech *ap#ffi@enJiFTqTRTapfrm
-`:;:::::--i-``-:-:---::---`--:fSaffl?ndanaiFan"chI qqu1

Code of Criminal Procedure,1973 -ln 3 C.B.I. Vs Vikas Ankit Kothari Vs Premchand Vs. State Omprakash Sahni Vs
which recent Judgment Supreme Court has Mishra @ Vikash State of M.P. I.L.R. of Maharashtra Jai Shankar
briefly summarised the legal proposition Mjshra (2023) 6 SCC 2023 MP 1783 2023) 5 SCC 522 Choudhary & Anr.
followed from previous pronouncements on 49 ffiENFT (2023) 6 SCC 123
Section 313 of Code of Criminal Procedure,
1973 ?
th.-fl.3tT€. ira
7T.U. rm
.qtl.ur. 2023
th 522
zu5 ufin given, 1 973 _ fed rdtRE fife:-`-:-i:::-:I:`---.-?:ii:-:`:-:--i::-:-:.ii-i-:``::`---:---=`.` ut 1 783
RE#Tgt2o23j6 thT!§°23)6wth
Q.NO. Question ProposedAns. Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

87 Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 -Which 3 A Chief Judicial A Judicial Magistrate Tender of pardon is None of these.
of the following statements is false with Magistrate or a of First class may not permissible if the ET#ach€ra.I
respect to tender of pardon to accomplice Metropolitan tender a pardon at offence is punishable
under Section 306 of Code of Criminal Magistrate may any stage of inquiry with imprisonment of
Procedure,1973 ? tender a pardon at or trial. a term exceeding
ap5 rfu gil, 1 973 - Eu5 rfu gil, any stage of ife7TRErm seven years.
1 973 # emT 3o6 a ofrfu Hg:-3mTfl ch investigation or an wh qT fafflTUT a5 qfa rmq FT of a
on-an aa a} ffitf # ff a th en inquiry or trial. fan th EL5F qT qu- rfu di un a5
rm 6tRE a ? an5T-%l i5l-a-achapT-RTfafin:quT3%,


88 Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 -The 1 The rationale for The powers of a The distinction none of the above.
judgment of the Supreme Court in the case special procedure Court of Sessions in between interim bail Gqrfu#ach€Tgri
of K. K. Mishra vs. State of Madhya provided in Section matter of bail. a#d#g#a#
Pradesh, 2018 SCC Online SC 374 199 of Code of qrm a5 nd i}. RE
Criminal Procedure.usrfugivch i-#¥Tfan1 frm FqTffl S RE3jFTI
FeF rfu iTffl, 201 8 giv 3ffang giv rm 1 99 a. fifed th
374 a nd fi aiafiF qTqiaq q5T f" T€Prdrrfuffl
iHTen rm a - chfaiql
89 Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 -Which 2 t does not apply t does not apply t does not apply All of the above.
of the following statements is true with where such offences where such offences where such offences Gufro di I
respect to Chapter Xxl-A of Code of has been committed has been committed is punishable with
Criminal Procedure,1973 on plea against a child below against women. Imprisonment for a
the age of eighteen giv giv 6tquv term exceeding three
E%g#faffl,1973.qu6rfugiv, years. a7 fair:a years.
giv giv rmq finTTqTaFT®qE giv giv rmv th
#.9EL#axx*AendrFTTRE%$7{idv ffliiT#dri Of a ife a rfuaq5TufflFachaap°qEenTT@givl

90 Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 -Which 2 A Judicial Magistrate A Judicial Magistrate A Judicial Magistrate none of the above.
of the following proceeding shall be void of Second Class of Second Class of Second Class Gqha#a*itil
under Section 461 of Code of Criminal tenders a pardon tries an offence issues a search
Procedure,1973 ? under Section 306 of summarily. warrant under
aus rfu en, 1 973 - au6 rfu gil, Code of Criminal RE an ffl rfe Section 94 of Code
1 973 @ €mT 461 a a6a ffiFfRE i a rfu Procedure. qfREfanrmv of Criminal
thffiRTan7 RE an ffl rfu ffl . tltaiT: farm Procedure.

i-:i::---=T-:--`:-i:--::ithou-anfflal fflal RE rm ffl rfuREdi£RI¥S-fflfli*ffl%1

91 ndian Penal Code, 1860 - To constitute the 1 Use of force or Creation of a distinct Possession of a All of above
offence of riot under Section 146 of Indian violence by an or unusual force by deadly weapon by an Gqrfu di
Penal Code there shall be - unlawful assembly an unlawiul assembly unlawiul assembly
tTh{.iflq as ffi 1 860 - t+Rt{tq as en fan fafflai¥ rm fanfafafaF5irm fan ftfafaFa Grma
diq"i46S#anffl3tq"TTf8tT FTiidqTtrffl FT qS fafu¥ qT avqREJgivffl
edSfaedrfflftq- whT ortnqFT iFer ffl fth diTffro
92 Indian Penal Code 1860 -The case of 1 Murder Rape Abetment of suicide None of these
Virsa Singh vs. State of Punjab,1958 SCCOnlineSC37isrelatedwithwhichoffence?#¥#qu:#:fl;RE+¥FTth FT qowrR 3maFTaJfen{giv enajtfra

1 Section 24 Section 27 Section 31 None of these

93 Code of Criminal Procedure 1973 -Which
of the fol owing provision of Code ofCriminalProcedure,1973wasamended bytheMadhyaPradeshlegislaturethrough###;,3?:7###±aprfufaenfingTIT1995aT7tFrfu3tfrmgiv21a7"tH7]achi nftwTTqTrm? rm24 qu27 rm31 atach€Tgr
Question ProposedAns. Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

94 Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 - lt shall 1 Who has been Who commits, in the Who has a released None of these
be la\^rful for any police officer to arrest proclaimed as an presence of a police convict.
-uliin7TqTfen F#ach€Tfl
without warrant a person - offender. officer, a non-


¥#T¥%Eiife;STRT© REiffi=faa,
9596 ndian Evidence Act, 1872 - Under section 4 Motive is relevant. Preparation is Conduct is relevant. All of the above.
8 of Indian Evidence Act, 1872 - tegiva, relevant.arena, fflFTgiv%, 5qwhdil
ruth engr crfffl, 1 872 - `flth engrdrfafir1872-dftemT8Scfwh-

ndian Evidence Act, 1872 - Doctrine of 4 b Silence by Negligence by Election All of the above
Estoppel provided under Section 115 of theIndianEvidenceAct,1872canbe#a#efyrfu,1872_rfuFTFT::--::---i-=:-=-i---L.i:-=:i=:=:I---.--i--- MEN rmHTiflap FTFT Gqwhdi

97 ndian Evidence Act,1872 -Indian 3 Proceedings before Proceedings before Judicial proceedings All of the above
Courts-martial the arbitrator in courts Gqwhdi
convened under the
Army Act (44 & 45EL#!8,£#aFTerani}.
FtqRI a FTer
an fl' "ii.
qTqTan fi rfe

98 M.P. Land Revenue Code,1959 -What 4 Application for Affial Both 1 and 2 None of these
remedy is available to a party aggrieved by revision 1 iJ 2 an enari€Ta
the confirmation of demarcation report byTehsildarundersubsection(4)ofsection129?RE#EL*##:#=S TTflqu ffl rmaH

99 Limitation Act, 1963 -Which of the 4 Pragmatic approach A distinction is to be Hypertechnical All of the above.
following statement is correct regarding the should be adopted by made between the approach must be upwh di
duty of Court in case of condonation of the Courts. cases in which the avoided.
- . `.`
HTrwi ch delay is inordinate.
#unfini963-faedqua7Fnd en cttTrm qTRI I VI F"di a RE 3jFT aanrfui
a.qTqTFTairfuSffieTi.frFfRE#a fin rm fflBT fan.
rfuenREHa%7 fads diRlffro a I
100 Limitation Act,1963 -During computation 3 n computing the n computing the n computing the None of them.
of the period of limitation certain facts are period of limitation for period of limitation for period of limitation for at.ach€thTgri
considered. Which of the following fact is any suit, appeal or an appeal, the day on an application to set
incorrect ? application, the day which the judgment aside an award, the
qrm tlfrm, 1 963 . qftth a+trio -crfi from which such complained of was time requisite for
---:.-+-:.---3.-:---.-:-i----i:-------:---:.=:--:.--:,----fI-:.--- obtaining a copy of
period is to be pronounced and the
reckoned, shall be time requisite for the award shall not
excluded. obtaining a copy of be excluded.
fan ffla, rfu qT the decree shall be fan iFT ai dtqTRI
rfu a7 qRth excluded. ftrriS
rm q@ tiTTurm ed # fanrfua7fck, rfu ar qftth
qE fir dtqalRE 5T qRth ffl th ffl di tiTTum ed a.
fan qu, fRE ee tiTTuffl ed i ap fal, ifflE di gfan
qrm RT @ TTuffl ffu fal qftrfu orfro ed a far
a5t an a I unenrmtlqffiTa.fanmuI
d#ENFTfanTTffl"VIthf itlfinedSELgfcafanREquI
a.No. Question ProposedAns. Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

101 Specific Relief Act, 1963 - under section 4 who has obtained who has become who acts in fraud of All of the options.
16, of specific performance of a contract substituted incapable of the contract, or di faiRT I
cannot be enforced in favour of a person - performance of performing, or willfully acts at
contract under violates any essential variance with, or in
section 20.
fan rm 20 a7 3{tha
term of, the contract.
ch ffl a7 fan
subversion of, the
relation intended to
th ffl qfarfuqTFTeyfroq5{
mafinrmchadrmaa#g,ffli3FT3tREUTri I
be established by thecontract.


102 ndian Contract Act, 1872 - Which of the 1 A "contingent Contingent contracts Contingent contracts All of the above
following options are correct regarding the contract" is a to do or not to do to do or not to do Gqha wh
contract to do or not anything if an anything if an
ffigdi°EL"72_RTTfhath to do something, if uncertain future uncertain future
SffivfifiHfafhafiarfutnrdffro some event, event happens can event does not
ua%? collateral to such be enforced by law till happen, can be
contract, does or that event has not enforced when the

g:#tRE:* £p#HtfraT3ff #e#qThrfuhREncff

ffl%chenth ffl rfe, wl fan ffl rfu, th fan
fflwhrmS 3rfRE un tian a7
a enqTfife fan
qfEd an qT, fan an qfed i en q{, fan
anq{@fanFTal ed ed TIT i ed a5 RT ch ed qT i ed
ed qT i ed a fan fan a, fan ap ffl a5 fan a, if q5"
al msi5rm-ulRTT3ELF:#Efft7an " Hrh 3 ffl aEUEFTElwh1

103 ndian Contract Act, 1872 -A sub-agent is 3 Who is employed by Who is employed by Who is employed by, None of these
the principal to assist the original agent for and acts under the ETa.ach€Ta.
ffiofroqfrm"72.TF control of, the original
8qrfuedqErfuan%: #erfuthFTqfflS#F##%l ##*if#SerfREfanTFT agent in the business#tREC#irmTELorGawi3it#fina73tthatd5TflaI

104 ndian Contract Act, 1872 - How an agency 4 by the principal by the business of principal being All of the above
can be terminated ? revoking his authority. the agency being adjudicated an Gqfro di
vTwh. eyfrm 1872_fan FTfdr `av ut completed. insolvent.
difrofflqfuifegiv%7 mftw ai Effitr 3tmu S fflRE ai FTffrofan
Sl TR a ffl;i a I RTPruife fan wl a I
105 ndian Contract Act, 1872 -Consent is said 1 An erroneous opinlon A mistake as to a law Mistake as to a All of the above
to be free even when it is caused by which as to the value of the not in force in India. matter of fact Gqwh di
one of the following mistake of both the thing which form en fafa a7 dr i¥
essential to the
subject matter of the#r#m#@faFT
a.NO. Question Proposed Option 1Ans. Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

106 Indian Contract Act,1872 -A puts M as 2 A is Liable to 8 on A is not liable to 8 on A is liable to 8 only to None of the above
apprentice to 8, and gives a guarantee to 8 his guarantee. his guarantee. the extent of loss. GTha#a*T#
for M's fidelity. 8 promises on his part that H ai rfu 5 3ITfl 5 a7 aha 5 wh
he wil , at least once a month, see M makeupthecash.aomitstoseethisdoneaspromisedandMembezzles,whatwil be#§ELi5trf i #%#L§T¥? rmq{an%, qfflmq{anffiai EL@£5FH3T

107 Indian Contract Act, 1872 -Which of the 4 An Agreement to An Agreement to An Agreement which None of the above
following agreement shall be void in refer to arbitration refer to arbitration extinguishes the rfuii.ach€T©.
any question any dispute which rights of any party
;effindigrfeFd]':;2'_fir*.ath between the parties may arise between thereto, under or in
enif5iT{faffrofflma37ctedui}.RT which has already parties in respect of respect of any
dr? arisen.Teran a7 Fgr fan contract on the expiryofaspecifiedperiod
machchngaaaHELsrfu"#ffls but it does not restrictanypartyfromenforcinghisrights.
ffl1 fREedrmffl1
ELFTfufan@unqTfantha53t flTqTGHa7ck#GHa7fanuerf lai3tfenchfEN#ri¥chf e%rdeta-Ta`dr%l

108109 Transfer of Property Act,1882 -ln which 1 Ram Bharosey Lal Pawan Kumar Gupta Ambica Prasad Vs State Bank of India
case Supreme Court has held that Gupta (dead) by LRs Vs 8. R. Gupta, Mohd Alam and and another Vs Metta
Possession of demised property after the and others Vs (2017) 14 SCC 541 another, (2015) 13 Chandra Sekhar Rao
termination of lease renders the status of Hindustan Petroleum qffiFTFTFT SCC 13 and others, (2017) 16
the lessee to that of a trespasser ? Corporation Ltd. and rfuRTFTth. SCC 777
th ctan 3rfanqTT, 1 882 _ffu FTqa # another, (2013) 9 P4.gthH'5(421017) 3tTFT qa T5 rm, whdrasTa
SCC 714FRETE7]4 (2015) 13 W th th 13 q53fflprftyaptr"qaqu,(2017)16Wdidi777

Transfer of Property Act, 1882 -Which of 2 The onus to prove The onus to prove f the intent to defeat All options are
the following fact is incorrect about the that the transfer is that the transfer is or delay the creditor correct.
onus of proof in a suit under Section 53 of made with intent to made with intent to is proved, the onus to difacaapei
theTransferofpropertyAct,1882, to set ' defeat or delay the defeat or delay the prove that the
aside a sale ? creditor is on the creditor is on the transfer is in good
thfa 3tfluT etfrm, 1 882 - tipfa etanuT „Creditor". "Transferee."
faith and for
erfrm, 1 882 ift eTRT 53 a5 efrfe farm qE HTRI ed ffl VI{ q6 enfad ed ffl vT{ consideration is on
•tw, FT a fs •mu, q{ a fS
P#g+isPrELfcaEE#:¥ orFT rfu ch dfFT rfu ch
the "Transferee."
qfa aFT ch fatFtT
TTca a ? fatFa ed " an ffro ed " ae ed qT ae wi ffl
ed a7 film a fan wh a7 fflrm a fch 3tTRT enfaa a rm
7TqTal TTqTal
a, al q5 rfu edFT+tReyanu{a=::--:-----i-+-------:
a.NO. Question ProposedAns. Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

110 Transfer of Property Act, 1882- A 1 8 is entitled to the 8 is entitled to the 8 is entitled to the 8 is not entitled to
mortgages a certain plot of building land to house as well as the house Only. the house or the plot.
plot Only.
8 and afterwards erects a house on the plot.
==f=.===::.:f-:f= F,FTTFffl6FT

111 Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 -The 1 Order XXI Rule 18 Order XXI Rule 14 Order XXI Rule 11 (2) Order XXI Rule 5
provision relating to execution in case ofcross-decreesis:fRErfugil,1908_rfu-fan@=¥TTfifhaach"aetFTa: rfu xxi ffro 1 8 enaffl xxl fin 1 4 rfu xxl fin 1 1 t2i ffltr xxi fir 5

112 Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 -Which of 3 An order returning a The plaint shall show The plaint can not be None of these.
the following statement is not true ? plaint to be the grounds for returned to be ETPr.aingra.I
fRE ffi en, 1 908 _ ftrfRE # a presented to the exemption from presented to the
thenanrmT@a? proper court, is imitation. court in which the suit
appealable. FT-qF # qftth a
-:ff -:-i. --------i .+`==-
should have been
FT-q5 rfu fflqTFTkeF¥rfug#f insti uted, after theREgrfuanaELFTa:qrfeTrfe da7farfREFTf lf urmFrfaein,apdrf litemI

113 Code of Civil Procedure,1908 -In which of 1 State Bank of India Pathumma & other Deewan Singh and None of these
the following case the phrase "substantial and Others Vs S.N. Vs Kuntalan Kutty & Others Vs Rajendra Fj}.ach€Tdi
question of law" under Section 100 of Code Goyal (2008) 8 SCC others (1981) 3 SCC Ardevi and Others
92whdras¢ 589 (2007) 10 SCC 528
g#|#eg#,h,a8ob8e.eifee£.a qFT giv rm FT an Rig qa 3TT
ffuwhi}. fRErfu. @€mTioo rm FT qH. u. FT wi eyan giv
a7etwhliafa5THTtaT]qer"qachRIr 7fro t2OO8) 8 qH th ffiFqHqri#589 rm (2oo7) io qHth
fir TTqT in 7 thg2 th 528

114115 Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 -Which of 2 No application for The court may, at There is no time limit None of these.
amendment of any stage of to amend pleadings anach€Tgri
RE'ELgffirTegn::S_tife#a pleadings shall be proceedings, order to after order for leave
chenrmRT%? allowed under any be struck out or to amend has been
circumstances after amended any matter obtained by a party.
commencement of in any pleading which fan qerFT FT
whVI ed ffloranaJfckrfu
trial.fa"uT a7 rfu an ai-

FT fan th
fan in RT j}. enan rna fat wl ai FT
qftfan a' a ch fS fan `fl eyfflan i}. cheffl
eyRE fi chv] a7 difflffl i}. ch ch€ th eda5faeaeRT-
enFTFTawhqTwiifhai5iawh@3t-€l thT#%l

Suit for restitution of All of the above

Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 -Which of 3 Suit against
ex ulsion from cast
Suit for upholding a
person's dignity and conjugal rights rfudi
RE'#gasuitgoof8cj.vEL7a.a a fa5iffl a5 honour rfu 3tfen di
thenfaed#fflfflaa7 faF5 FT fan rfu @ TTR7TTjPr{Hrm@FTwhaifanap ETrfua7faeFT

1 An order of dismissal An order rejecting the An order of court None of these.

116 Code of Civil Procedure 1908 -Which of
for default. plaint for non- holding that the right ETf¥ach€Tari
fflfaRTarfanrfu to sue does not
EL+##t%;;do:c.refaaa ed 5T Ongiv I fees.-Tftffl=#ich¥Pe survive.Eap:#k#anT®aI
payment of the court
a.NO. Question ProposedAns. Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

117 Code of Civil Procedure,1908 -Mark the 4 A statute ousting the Every Court has Consent can neither None of them is
incorrect statement - jurisdiction of a Court inherent power to confer nor take away Incorrect.
frm rfu gil, 1 908 . 7iaa q5.VI @ must be strictly decide the question the jurisdiction of a enaasthTTffl
fafir 5* - T@al

rfurR dr d FrF{
of its own jurisdiction.
Htfa fflrm ch
un drorfarfu a7

ffl tlfin dr, i ch

edndfarm# " ch ftfma ed RT q5T di a dfr{
E5an a tfflen #ffliflfflftFl :i-I-_±==-=---`:-=

118 Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 -A sues 8 1 as a statutory as a nan-statutory Both (1) & (2) option None of these
for recovery of possession of immovable transfer of the transfer of the an ti 7 i t2] fa5FT ET#aaeTa.
property. The defence is that 8 is the owner interest of the interest of the
of the property. During the pendency of the insolvent in the insolvent in the
suit, 8 is adjudged insolvent and his estate subject-matter of the subject-matter of the
vests in the official assignee, because the suit to the official suit to the official

Fffla qg a fs dp th FT di a I aTa
aenfir Eirfu a7
aunfiq7 ERTt" ar
rfu wi a5 dr ith ch farfu diha q5T FT it. fflfarfe FT i 3tTmrfe
fan TiqT cia di en utorfuREffl@RE@#%in¥ FTRTch HFRT@

119 Code of Civil Procedure,1908 -Which of 4 Dhulabhai & Ors Vs Premier Automobiles Rajasthan State All of the above
the following case(s) lays down the State of Madhya Ltd. Vs Kamaleshwar Road Transport GqwhHm
principle for governing the exclusion of Pradesh and Another Shantaram Wadke Corporation and
JRECELofjEL?jTv:oC8o.uhaa.a AIR 1969 SC 78 (1976) 1 SCC 496
---i-:--i.:--:`--f==:-f= rm Another Vs Krishna
3ffaTPrFTERI Kant and Others
ch vT FTFfflr a nd fffi qTqTffl di faeFT (1995) 5 SCC 75
3rfdyrfu a 3tqrfu ch fan ed a rm T rmig69 q5Fin fflifflVI iTGTRT rm RE
fin thma rmnd % _ qH th 78 qRFTfintiw3fflFTqurfuEthi5(t995)5RT

120 Constitution of India --At the 4 who was born in the either of whose who has been All of the above.
commencement of the Constitution of India territory of India. parents was born in ordinarily resident in GTrfu an I
every person shall be a citizen of India, th rna a madr fi the territory of India. the territory of India
who has his domicile in the territory of India FT VI I fas rm qT fin a for not less than five
and.... a ch€ rm S mach years immediately
1+ted 5T ffierm - `+Rd aJ ffi€ii=T S utv tit i]' -ffl vl I preceding such
rfu a+ffa ttTdiq iTTTltF -6Th, faHa5T ImIT commencement.
-a ¥Tffldr j¥ 3tfin a 3ft{ . . . . .

General Knowleda e / imm an ITotal - 10 Questions) (a.No.121 -130)

121 General Knowledge -The Shanghai 3 China, Malaysia, China, Singapore, China, Kazakhstan, China, South Korea,
Cooperation Organization (SCO) is an Vietnam Russia, Indonesia Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Singapore, Russia
intergovernmental mutual-security th, Fan, fatTrm and Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan, and
organization which was founded in 2001 by
--:::-::f::.-€== Uzbekistan
`...- #,M#iEmEL,
the leaders of which countries ?
try, ira ch{TZTTFT
122 General Knowledge -Variable Reserve 2 Fiscal Policy Planetary Policy Financial Policy
rates and Open market Operations are the#m##+#iapat%¥@ uENpma yft°#tajrytryfapolicy H€ iflfa fath itfa

123 General Knowledge -Where is the "WorldHealthOrganization-GlobalCentreforTraditionalMedicine"establishedinIndia?RE#g`¥a.¥enTE#%? 3 Jajpurng Delhifan Jamnagarq"TTT{ HaridwarERFT
a.No. Question ProposedAns. Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

124 General Knowledge - Raja Todar Mal 1 Shershah Suri BirbalRE Raja Mansingh Mohammad Bin
introduced standard weights and frogiv rmFTife Tughluk
measures, a land survey and set lementsystem,revenuedistrictsandofficersduringAkbar'sreign.RajaTodarmalservedwhichotherruler?H¥+ifetrHFTin#Ei# 7ifeRIFTgiv

125 General Knowledge -Gypsum, Chalk &

Limestone are examples of which kind ofrock?#q@FTriFg#:g#¥7FTURTffu
3 Residuary Rocks
gneous Rocks
rfugiv. REen#Rocks -qEfi
Metamorphic Rocks

126 General Knowledge - Which of thefollowinglakeissharedbytwoStates ofIndia?-I::i:---i=:;`-:.-i-:----€ 3 Chilkafaffl Lonardr PulicatBfdr Sambharrm

127 General Knowledge -Space craft Aditya L- 1 Lagrange Point Shivshakti Point Suryashakti Point Centripetal Point
1, for studying the solar atmosphere, whichisrecentlylaunchedbylsROispositionedatthepointbetweentheEarthandtheSunknownas-HFTELaFRE#¥¥gHS REffi¥ finqrfufa€ edffifi3 fflapffi3

128 General Knowledge -Stockholm 2 1973 1972 1992 1942

Conference on "Human Environment" was-.--=:ff-ff--::-:i-.-:-i_=:i-:-:i-I:---:- t\ts3 i(\®? '\\3 8\¥3

129 General Knowledge -``Hinglajgarh fort" issituatedinwhichdistrictofMadhyaPradesh?FTREFTfi-#T9FEfin'F8]rfuS 2 Burhanpur5HFTg{ Mandsaurq* Chhatarpurng


130 General Knowledge -The author of book"Rajtarangini"is:enFTapgrT-TT5ckfm'qRI5aJdr%: 2 VishakhduttafaRTTRT Kalhana55iFT Bhasarm Kalidasa5Tffro

Coml)uter Knowleda® An d Enalish Knowl®dQe (Total -20 Questions} (a.No.131 -1sO)

131 Computer Knowledge -Ctrl. Alt and Shiftarecalledwhichtypeof.....Keys 1 Modifier Function Alphanumeric Adjustment

132 Computer Knowledge -Full form of Gul is- 3 Google usual Internet Google user Interface Graphical userInterface Global user Internet

133 Computer Knowledge -An alternativenameforthecompletelyinterconnectednetworktopologyis. 1 Mesh Tree Star Ring

134 Computer Knowledge -Size of lp addressinlpv4is- 1 32 bit 128 bit 64 bit 16 bit

135 Computer Knowledge - What are the two 4 user name and Legal name and Initials and password user name and
arts of e-mail address. street address phone number domain name
PComputer Knowledge - Trace Mechanismisa-
4 File Compression Disk Fragmentation File Encryption Debugging Tool

137 Computer Knowledge: Amongst of these,Whichisthelargestunitofstorage? 1

3 Light pen MOuse Acoustic coupler Touch panel

138 Computer Knowledge -A special type ofdevicewhichusesanordinarytelephonewithacomputeris

1 Expressed anguish Trusted him Expressed Love Fell in love

139 English Knowledge - I gave him a piece ofmymind.

4 Hedonist Disciplinarian Athelst Ascet'c

140 English Knowledge - Person leading a lifeofstrictself-disciplineis-

2 Conclusion Epilogue Epigraph Epitaph

141 English Knowledge -The concluding part ofaliteraryworkiscalled-
a.No. Question ProposedAns. Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

142 English Knowledge - Fill in the blanks withthecorrectpreposition:Herblondehairwashidden.........acap. 2 Above underneath On at

143 English Knowledge -Identify the tense in 2 Past Perfect Past Perfect Simple Past Present Perfect
the given Sentence : He had been keepingitinasafetydepositboxattheBankofAmerica. Continuous

144 English Knowledge -Choose the correctspellingfromthegivenwords- 1 Labyrinth Labirinth Lebyrenth Labyrieth

145 English Knowledge - Identify the Sentence 1 Researchers usually Elements are usually He was arrested by The rat was killed by
in the Active Voice - classify elements asmetalsornon-metals. classified as MetalsorNon-Metals. the police. the cat.

146 English Knowledge -The faculty for myth isinnateinthehumanrace."Faculty"intheabovesentencemostnearly: 1 Capacity Breach of learning Authority Teaching

147 English Knowledge -Although Lily was atractableyoungwoman,shehadastreakofdefiance.lntheabovesentence,"Tractable"isclosestinthemeaning- 1 malleable willful inelastic steady

148 English Knowledge -weshouldspendmore money on education. 4 In my thinking As my opinion According to me ln my Opinion

149 Computer Knowledge -Which of thefollowingisusedtocloseatabonabrowser? 3 Ctrl + Y Ctrl + A Ctrl + W Ctrl + T

150 Computer Knowledge -The output quality 2 Data per Sq. Inch Dot per inch Dots printed per unit All of the options
of a printer is measured by time
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