Yeshi Wo

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First, I would like to thank my GOD and my Parents for helping me to do this internship practice

And prepare this report within the scheduled time.

Next, I would like to thank the Mr. ASHENAFI ICT center for giving us the opportunity

To do an internship within the organization. I also would like to thank all the instructor that worked

Along with us with their patience and openness they created an enjoyable working environment. It

is indeed with a great sense of pleasure and immense sense of gratitude that I acknowledge the

Help of these individuals. I am highly indebted to principal for the facilities provided to accomplish

This internship. I would like to thank our advisor for his constructive criticism throughout our

Internship. I would like to thank college coordinator and department internship coordinator for

Their support and advice to get and complete internship. I am extremely grateful to our department

Staff members and friends who helped for us in successful completion of this internship.

Chapter One
1. Introduction
Internship program is known by giving students the opportunity to apply their knowledge in

real world environments. In the same manner, the student will also be able to develop skills

Which will help them to perform well at real world jobs, so based on this reality on the ground?

I have done my internship program in Kepata ZONE Information Technology center. I have

Done my internship on “Wired Network Installation and computer maintenance at

DURAME ICT center”. I have done lots of activity and got more tangible

Knowledge and skill about network related concepts and, I have seen how the current network

Installation works and the future network installation plan, cable crimping and testing.

Generally, describes the whole tasks I did in this intern program, the experience and practice
Work benefit I got the challenges faced and measures taken to solve it. The Kepata ICT

Is under network cabal or (UTP) cabal and expansion during I have worked here for my apparent

Ship, and I learned a lot about networking in detail by practicing on network infrastructure by

Working in DURAME ICT center. My apparent report is mainly focused on network cable

Or (UTP) cable I started my report by acknowledgement and then I listed the detail information

of what I have done during the progression of the internship, and finally I finished my report

By writing summary of the overall internship, conclusion, recommendation, and reference.

“The vision of AMDEWORQ ICT center is to give sustainable ICT services and facilitate

Change through the effective use of ICT in the Town and to expand the usage of information

Technology that creates continuous, seasonal and reliable exchange of data for the

Development of DURAME town”.

The center has mission which is “provide a customer centered ICT and Business Development

Service “that includes as follow: -

Provide technologically skillful, active, creative, effective, committed, and globalized citizen

Exploits technology to its fullest potential

Leads and manages information resources in DURAME town

Provides leadership in ICT to ensure the effective use of academic and business information

System within the DURAME town

Provides leadership in ICT to ensure the effective use of academic and business information

System within the DURAME town

1.2 Given Task by Organization

To build up network installation and configuration for DURAME ICT lab room. ICT
Center offices members have done a lot of activities with us. The organization gives a lot of

Services to the town. From these: -

✓ They give internet services

✓ They each for the employees and students of the Town society about technology

✓ They solve problems of the Town that are related with networking

✓ Basic and advanced computer trails for the sector office employees

✓ Give training to the Town society

✓ Cable crimp and configuration

✓ TP-link wireless configuration

1.3 Problem of the Organization

DURAME ICT center service have list of problems based on ICT Infrastructure, technical

Issues related to network functions and service. In short look them below: -

✓ Lack appropriate management of available ICT resources and services

✓ The materials that are need for configure network, install network were not well

✓ Lack of wireless network

✓ Cable insertion node were not distributed for all offices in the center

✓ The connection is slow and sometimes not available

✓ Not enough computers was existing for the users

✓ All users of the service were not use on time as they want since there were a smaller

Number of computers was existing with less internet connection and data rate.

✓ the established trunk nodes were not distributed for all offices

✓ Most devices are unmanaged

✓ Network installation is not leveled

1.4 Objective of the Internship

1.4.1 General Objective

The main objective of this internship is network installation and configuration for

DURAME ICT center including other Sectors which had network malfunction in their

Lab and maintaining malfunctioned computers.

1.4.2 Specific Objective

To perform the objective of the field practice, the following specific activities are necessary

To perform the general objective of the study: -

✓ To study the existing environment regarding network service within the DURAME

ICT center

✓ To identify the problems related to network service within the DURAME ICT center

✓ To implement the proposed solutions

✓ to write a report of all internships

✓ to put a kind of recommend for DURAME ICT center

✓ To maintain malfunctioned computer

✓ To present the report to the audience

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