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Name :Asad Farooq

Roll No. 1846-BH-U-20
Semester: 1st
Code Course: MASCOM-1101


Q.No.01: Using the barriers of communication process devise a plan to remove

those hurdles created in a communication process that you are a part of.
Ans. The barriers of communication mean all the hurdles and the problems occurs during the
communication process which distort the original message from reaching to its destination or problems
in the way which make understanding of message somehow difficult for the receiver of the message.

These hurdles are further classified into two types of hurdles i.e., Physical hurdles and Psychological

Physical Hurdles:
Physical hurdle is the problem occurs during the transmission of message from its source to the receiver.
There are different physical hurdles which can distort a message to reach to its destination.

1. Climatic Hurdles: the noise of wind, rain and thunder will be considered as a physical problem
because it can also interrupt the message to reach to its destination.
2. Noise of Environmental Factors : Noise of environmental sources can be a cause of physical
hurdles that can be of noise of traffic and other environmental factors. Written noise is also a
type of physical hurdles there can be written mistakes in a written message.
3. Mechanical hurdles: This is the physical hurdle which occurs due to technical and technological
problems within different mediums of the communication. Example is in examples section 1st
Time and Distance: Time and distance can be a physical hurdle if you receive any message out of date or
you call abroad in your day hours and person from European countries will not Examples

4. receive that call at daytime because at that time there will be night hours. You can reduce it by
considering the time zone of receiver’s location

All physical hurdles can be reduced by using redundancy techniques i.e. by repetition of the

 1. Once I was on Whatsapp call there was a service problem so my call got distorted then I
changed my place and I repeat my message to overcome this hurdle by redundancy techniques.
 2. Once my friend was on the opposite side of the road with respect to my position there was
traffic on road I said something to him but he didn’t understand anything so I repeat my
message in clear loud voice he heard and responded to it. In this way I reduce this physical
 3. Once i bought a book from a bookshop its pages were missing so I face difficulty in
understanding I replaced it next day in order to reduce this hurdle in order to understand
written message of book.

Psychological hurdles :
Psychological hurdles are those in which message reach to its destination safely but receiver reacts to
the message. There are different types of psychological hurdles as given below:

1. Semantic Noise: This hurdle appears when source use difficult terminology or different language
which is unknown to the receivers of the message. It can be overcome by explaining it in simple
language which is known to the receivers or by defining the terms used by the source.
Example: One of my friend who is master of Persian. He often speak some sentences in Persian
but I can not understand him this is the hurdle in understanding Persian.
He reduce this hurdle by explaining all those sentences in my native language.
2. Field of Experience: This hurdle occurs when there will nothing common between source and
the receiver of the message. For understanding to take place there must be something common.
It can be reduced by training the receiver of that message first then source tell them about that
specific field of experience.
Example: My father and my uncle both are retired from Pak Army. They always talked about the
Pak army and its corps I didn’t understand their conversation because i don’t understand the
different corps what exactly these corps are responsible in the Pak Army and also different ranks
and their responsibilities. Sometime they told me and teach me about the different corps in Pak
Army in this way they reduce this hurdle I faced.
3. Frame of Reference: This hurdle deals with the different perceptions of different persons about
one thing. By frame of reference different receivers may suggest different meaning for one
thing. In order to over come this hurdle by explaining a common and definite meaning for that
particular thing.
Example: One day I went to home with my college female friend when I entered in my home
everyone present at that time have different perspective about that girl. This was the hurdle
when I clarify that she was just my friend nothing more than this. Everyone have a clear image
about our relation and then everyone have one perceptive about that girl.
4. Poor Understanding: This problem occurs when receiver have poor Understanding about
anything. It can be reduced by asking clarifying questions and checking alternative strategies.
Example: i faced this hurdle when my parents wanted to study medicine but I choose Urdu as
major subject for graduation because they think Doctor have bright future but BA with Urdu will
be useless for my future. I reduce this hurdle by telling the scope of BA Urdu in every field.

5. Expression: When the expression of the source doesn’t match with his words or situation and
receiver feel difficulty in understanding his communication. It can be reduced by controlling
expressions and should focus on feelings of receiver.
Example: Once I tell a lie to my elder brother about something and my expression did not
remain favorable but I overcome this hurdle by controlling my facial expression and
communicated properly.
6. Change in Custom and Traditions: if a source wants to talk about changes in customs and
traditions in any society his communication will be failure. This hurdle can be reduced by making
a thorough belief changes in any existing society. A cultural shift can be possible if globalizations
and new media take part in reframing existing narratives.
Example: In Muslim community of Pakistan if any body wants to introduce Hinduism there will
be hurdle in the communication.
7. Cognitive dissonance:
A state that is created by two cognitions or items of knowledge are psychologically inconsistent
is known as Cognitive dissonance. It is a hurdle in the process of communication in which
communicator want to change existing ideas or attitudes of receiver of the message.
I used to listen to different extremist of Islam who are considering the other sect as Non Muslim
will was really a great hurdle in my beliefs so that after that I started to read about every sect of
Islam now I am fully understandable about basic difference in different sects.

Q.No.02. Why Communication is important? How your style of Communication

is different from others? How do other people perceive your communication
style? Write down opinion of five people.

Ans. Importance of Communication:

Communication is the process of sending message from source to receiver or its destination, one of the
oldest features of human being. Communication is foundation for sharing information between different
people to make sure that everything is understood and can be acted upon. In my opinion,
Communication has great importance in society and modern world as given below:
 Interaction with society: Communication is important to have an interaction with the society.
When someone asked anything we answer to his questions in this way we are actually
interacting with him. As human are social animals they need to be in touch with each other.
 Entertainment: Communication is essential for the sake of entertainment as every entertaining
channel on TV or on Internet is actually a mode of communication. Entertainment is only
possible with effective communication skills.
 Education: Education is to convey knowledge in the form of message to the students. It is
possible due to communication. A good communicator can be a good teacher. The students will
understood him easily and effectively.
 Transmission of ideas: When we communicate we transfer different ideas and in this way when
everybody share his ideas we collect more ideas in order to become a effective communicator.
Hence , communication is a source of transmission of ideas.
 To Understand world: Communication helps in understanding the world we communicate about
different issues of world then we realize how everything is piled up and related to one another.
In order to understand life we have to interact with our existing environment.
 Decision making: When we communicate to other people we have different ideas about any
situation and then we decide in the light of existing ideas and we make conclusions with
available ideas. So in this way communication is important for decision making.
 Co-operation: Any society is came into existence due to the cooperation between the living
creatures of that society. Cooperation is only possible when we communicate and help someone
in the hour of need.
 Relationships: It would be somehow difficult to promote any life style without acknowledging
the relationships among people living together for some time. Relationships remain strong due
to proper communication. Communication is essential for people to accomplish their tasks.
 Persuasion: This is something that is trendy and communication is essential in the course of
persuasion and influence with the updated information to keep human civilization grow.
Different techniques used in complex world of communication.
 Power: Communication is the important for getting influenced upon other. People with better
communication skills become more powerful. Power is used to remain influenced in this society.
 Social Needs: Communication between people is more important when people try to live
together , their social needs also expands . Social needs can be solved by communicating to each
other. Everybody help each other by communicating to each other.
 Survival: The foremost reason to communicate with others is the survival of individuals with in
any society. No one can live all alone. For survival its essential to live together. When we live
together we will have to communicate to fulfill our basic needs for survival.
 Information: Communication is essential for getting information. When communication occurs
there will be possibility of exchange of ideas and new information among the individuals. A
small bit of information may have a long lasting influence on your business. Communication is
actually a source of information.
 Solutions: When we communicate we actually solve different problems by communicating so
communication has a great importance in the solutions of different problems.

My Style of Communication:
There are different things which distinguish my communication over others described as follows:
 I’m less expressive and less talkative. I remain with in any point. To the point is main theme of
my communication.
 I’m using moderate voice and tone while communicating.
 Some time I talk a little fast as compared to usual.
 When I tell a story in my words I explain it very impressively. I have an art of story telling.
 Sometime I feel shyness when I communicate in a large group of people and body language do
not remain favorable.
 Sometime I communicate aggressively at some points without degrading others.
 I can tell others what exactly I think about them in this way my communication is assertive.

Opinions of different people about me :

Every body has its own style of communication. Some people proved themselves a good communicator I
am not one of them but here I will describe some of the people’s about myself. Different people have
different opinions about my communication. Some of the opinions are given below:

1. My University Friends: According to my friends I’m less talkative. I can tell them any story in my
words more understandably. They always love to hear different stories by me. Sometime they
think I murmur and they do not understand me.
2. My Parents: They think I am shy and I have lake of confidence while speaking to elders.
Sometime I behave little bit aggressively.
3. My Teachers: According to my teachers my communication is smooth and to the point. Less
expressive. Listen others carefully then I replied. Obedience while communicating.
4. My Room mates: According to my room mates my communication is good I speak on exact time
where there is need to speak. Confident in my thoughts and expressions.
5. My Siblings: according to my siblings I am confident, expressive and assertive communicators.
Sometime speak a little faster and they do not understand completely. Some time speak in loud
voice. I show my facial expression and change in color of my face more abruptly.
6. My Cousins: They think I am a good communicator and confident while expressing myself to
others. Speak accordingly. Speak less with valuable words.

Q.No.03. What are the factors that influence your communication process?
Critically analyze pros and cons.
Ans. Factors influencing communication:

There are different factors of communication that influence the process of communication more
effectively. Some of them are described below with critical analysis :

1. Attitude:
Attitude is referred to the internal predisposition of a person to look at a situation or react
towards the situation with his on perspective. The attitude of a person is influenced by the
different factors such as by environment, life experience, perceptions, intellectual
processes ,peers and parents. There are two types of attitude one is positive and one is
negative. Positive attitude is actually a encouraging attitude of a person to look positively
towards a situation.
Negative attitude is something that discourage you. You look at the present situation negatively
and as a result you will lose your courage. Negative attitude will give you regrets.
For example , when you do some hard-working task and a person is motivating you by saying,
“Carry on you can do it” these words encourage you this is example of positive attitude.
Positive attitude will influence you and you will win. By looking positively to any situation will
help you to make more ways to solve any problem. Your positive words bring the advancement
in the life of a person.
For example , If you do the same thing and person discourage you by saying “ you are not going
to get it , this is useless” these words discourage you and at the end you will definitely not get
expected results. You lose your courage because of negative words and attitude of any person.
Negative attitude is not influential as this end up with bad results.
2. Sociocultural Background:
Sociocultural background means different nations and ethnic groups have some traditions and
to display various communications pattern. For example different people from European
countries are gregarious and talkative and always willing to share their thoughts with other as
compared to them people from Laos and Thailand are quite. They do not want to share their
feelings and thoughts with other people.
Cultural background influence the communication process where there is culture of sharing
their thoughts and feelings with others as they want to share and listen to other people’s
opinion and problems in order to sort out their problems there must be communication and in
this situation we should not remain quite. This is the advantage of freely sharing of feeling with
others. Culture adoption will make you representative of that culture so it is essential to live
with own cultural traditions. And also some time its essential to remain quite when there is no
one to understand your feelings so in both cases communication becomes influential due to
sociocultural background.
Sometime its not important to share personal feelings to any unknown person as described in
example. Communication can be influential but it will not worthwhile for other person so this is
not necessary to share feelings everywhere. Sometime you should not be so confined as sharing
and listening to others will make you feel good in both situation criticism will be on behalf of
your social cultures.
3. Past experience:
Past experiences are basically that life experiences which influence one’s ability to communicate
with others. Past experiences can be positive and negative. For example a positive response in
result of any communication will be a positive experience. Embarrassing responses in result of a
communication is actually a negative experience of communication. Teenager who have been
criticized would not take part in any communication because they think their opinion is not
Past experience always help you to make your communication skills better. Past experience will
develop your communication ability. Both experience groom and influence your speaking ability.
By negative past experience may be you feel hesitation while sharing your ideas through
communication this is the disadvantage of negative experience of communication. You feel lake
of confidence in your personality. Increase your shy level.
4. Knowledge of Subject Matter:
A person who has knowledge about different topics may communicate with others at high level
of understanding. If receiver don’t know or less knowledge about that topic under discussion
may be unable to understand that person completely and may develop a wrong understanding
about that topic.
In this way receiver receive new information about the some new topics and may be he develop
his communication skills. This is influential and beneficial in this way.
Due to this misperception receiver do not question to that person in this way receiver get false
information. He remain confused about that topic and always hesitate to discuss about that
specific topic. This way this remain uninfluential for the receiver of the message.
5. Ability to relate with Others:
Some people have ability to talk to strangers as they are known to each other. This is how they
capture the attention of strangers and become familiar to them. They posses a intuitive trait
that they relate situation well and make them able to say right thing at the right time. They can
communicate to the strangers for hours and do not feel to end up with the communication
In this way they understand the nature of other people. They become familiar to their problems.
These people can share own problems to strangers. They show a strong side of personality to
others. All these are advantages of this factor.
Your communication may irritate others but they do not want to show their irritation. May be
someone want to be alone and you disturb his moment by communicating randomly. In all
situation communication will not be influenced.
6. Interpersonal perceptions:
Interpersonal perceptions are mental process in which it is determine how we perceive others.
How we react or attend the communication of others. This is done by reorganizing all the
intellectual and emotional data logically. If someone is listening to a source but due to
inattentiveness and lake of interest receive distorted perception then communication will not
take place properly. When we perceive others not taking interest in communication then we
repeat our message hence this factor influence communication.
Pros &Cons:
Always be attentive during communication. Repeating message will clear all misperceptions. It
has a disadvantage that we do not understand everyone logically so distorted message can be a
problem for source or receiver or for both.
7. Environmental factors:
 Response at time will influence communication.
 The place where communication takes place.
 Number of people present will also influence communication.

Pros & Cons:

Your timely response will make you influential among the people present. You will capture
the whole attention of the surroundings.

If your response was not worthwhile you will demean yourself among the people present.

Q.No.04: Develop an advertisement campaign based on elements of

Ans. Social Media Advertisement campaign :

For advertisement we take social media as our channel for advertisement. Social media Advertisement
campaign means promotion of any type of product using social media. We offer our product in such a
way that we must target as much as possible audience on social media by using elements of
communication. This is necessary in order to purchase our product or content as much as possible. All
the brands advertise their products for more sale and target more audience by advertising their

Advertisement using Elements of Communication:

First of all we develop an advertisement campaign then explain the elements of communication used in
this advertisement. There are few basic steps how to develop an advertisement on social media
platforms . Detail is given below;

Step # 01- Brand Name:

I want to develop an advertisement about food item that is Burger. Now, I am going to give name to the
product’s brand as “Shahi Burger”

Step # 02- Slogan:

Selection of appropriate slogan for the product in order to catch the attention of target audience. for
example “ Eat like king”

Step # 03- Graphics:

I will make graphics of my product in picture. I will mention price of my product with 50% off that will
help in targeting more audience or giving discount on the purchase of two burgers. Every detail will
mention on the graphics of advertisement picture.

Step # 04- Launching Advertisement:

I share that advertisement on social media platform. I sponsor my advertisement so that my

advertisement reach to greater number of people. Social media audience or traffic get that
advertisement and order my product on the number given in the advertisement.
So now advertisement is ready . This is whole idea and the process how to develop Social Media
Advertisement Campaign. Elements of Communication used in this Advertisement is given below:

Elements of communication
1. Source: Source is the basic element of the communication which initiates the communication
process. The Advertisement that I share on social media platform is itself “Source” of this
2. Encoding: The process of giving physical shape to the ideas that is in the mind of source is called
encoding. Giving names to things ideas and experiences is also an act of encoding. The picture
and the graphics of the advertisement is encoding of the communication.
3. Message: The actual physical product that the source encodes is known as the message of
communication process. The “ Shahi Burger” that is showed in that picture is actually a message
of the communication.
4. Channel: Channel is actually a way through which message travel from source to its destination.
Sensing power of an individual is also channel of communication. In this Advertisement the
channel of communication is “Social Media Platforms”
5. Decoding: Eventual meaning of the source’s message is known as decoding. “Understanding of
audience” is the decoding of the message in this communication
6. Receiver : Recipient of the message is called “ Receiver” in communication process. It can be a
single person a group of people. In this Advertisement the recipient is “ Target Audience”.
7. Feedback: When a source send a message to the receiver and receiver respond to that message
that response is actually a Feedback. How much people buy this product after watching
advertisement is actually feedback or response of this message in this communication.
8. Noise : Noise is defined as anything that interferes message from reaching to its destination or
to reaching to its receivers. Network problem will be a noise in this Advertisement campaign.

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