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EE 312/ Lecture no.

1/system modelling/ Block diagram approach

University of Benghazi
Faculty of Engineering
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department
Control systems EE312 Fall 2011/2012

Course Format and Assessment

The course will be delivered in 56 hours, with 4 home works. Final exam will be in February
2012. Course material will include handouts.
Dr. Awad Shamekh

Lecture no. (1) Date: 26/11/2011

Learning Outcomes of this lecture

The students will:
• Understand the principle concepts about systems, linearity, nonlinearity, modeling, and
transfer functions.
• Be familiar with the fundamentals of block diagram representations and how to simplify
this representation to obtain transfer functions

- Modern control systems, R.C. Dorf
- Control systems Engineering, Norman Nise
- Linear control systems engineering, Morris Driels

In control theory, systems can be classified as linear and non-linear. In linear systems
the parameters that describe the system do not change over the time (time in-variant).
However, in non-linear systems these parameters tend to vary with the time as the
system operating conditions change (time variant).

In technical applications modeling is a useful way to consolidate information a bout

systems and to uncover its characteristics. This can lead to important information
regarding the plant to be revealed. Determining suitable parameters for the model can
play an important role in specifying critical operating conditions, and through
simulation can prevent costly failures in future plant operation.

EE 312/ Lecture no. 1/system modelling/ Block diagram approach

There are three different ways in which a model of a process can be constructed: 1)
through theoretical analysis of the process; 2) by experimentation and data analysis;
3) a combination of experimentation and theoretical analysis.

A process can be described by many types of model, ranging from sophisticated and
detailed models to more basic ones depending on the complexity of the process and
requirements of the developed controller. Typically models can have either an internal
structure, such as a ‘‘state space’’ model or an external relationship, as with an
‘‘input-output model’’.

Linear systems
A system is said to be linear
• if the superposition principle holds good
• if the system can be represented by either linear differential equations or
linear algebraic equations

Properties of linear systems

• property of homogeneity
nu ⎯
⎯→ ny
• If the system excitation (input) was a sinusoid the resultant response (output)
must be a sinusoid of the same frequency. However, a phase shift commonly
exists due to the system dead time.
• Interchanging in the system components (position) does not affect the system

Mathematical Modelling approach


Electrical system RLC circuit

EE 312/ Lecture no. 1/system modelling/ Block diagram approach

Derive a mathematical model for the system given in figure (1).

Figure (1)


the electrical RLC circuit can be descried utilizing Kirchhoff’s voltage law. This
should satisfy:

duC (t )
i (t ) = C (1)
Where the system input is represented by
di (t )
u (t ) = Ri (t ) + L + uc (t ) (2)

Substitute (1) into (2), yields

d 2uc (t ) du (t )
LC 2
+ RC c + u c (t ) = u (t ) (3)
dt dt
Equation (3) denotes a second-order ordinary differential equation (ODE), which
represents the mathematical model of the electric circuit that shown in Figure (1).

Transfer functions are normally constructed in s-domain, therefore it is required to

apply Laplace transformation. The Laplace transformation for a function of time, f(t), is

F ( s ) = ∫ f (t )e − st dt = L { f (t )}

Generally , the Laplace variable 's' can be considered to be the differential operator so that

EE 312/ Lecture no. 1/system modelling/ Block diagram approach

And the integral operator

1 t
≡ ∫ dt
s 0

Then equation (3) can be transformed into an “algebraic” equation as follows:

LCU c ( s ) s 2 + RCU c ( s ) s + U c ( s ) = U ( s ) (4)

Assuming zero initial conditions for uc(t) and its derivatives, then the transfer
function from the input signal u(t) to the output signal uc(t) can be given as:

U c (s) 1
= (5)
U ( s ) LCs + RCs + 1


U (s ) U c (s)
LCs + RCs + 1

Mechanical system: spring-mass-damper
For the system shown in Figure (2), obtain the mathematical model and transfer
where k : spring constant
b : friction constant

Figure (2)

EE 312/ Lecture no. 1/system modelling/ Block diagram approach

In this example, the physical relationship that can be utilized is Newton's second law.
Summing up the forces acting on mass M as:
d 2 y (t ) dy (t )
M 2
+b + ky (t ) = r (t ) (6)
dt dt
Similarly to the first example, Taking the Laplace transform of equation (6),
assuming zero initial conditions, yields

Ms 2Y ( s ) + bsY ( s ) + kY ( s ) = R ( s ) (7)

Solving for the transfer function should give:

Y ( s) 1
= (8)
R ( s ) Ms + bs + k


R(s ) 1 Y (s )
Ms + bs + k

Methods of representing a linear system:

• Block diagram
• Signal flow graph
• State space

Block diagram
In the block diagram representation the system is represented by the interconnection
of unidirectional blocks where each block is characterized by its transfer function
laplace transform of the output O( s)
TF = =
laplace transform of the input I ( s)

Transfer function of time-invariant system is defined to be the ratio of the output
(response function) to the input (driving function). Both should be in the frequency
domain and assuming that all initial conditions are zeros.

Summing point

EE 312/ Lecture no. 1/system modelling/ Block diagram approach

At a summing point two or more signals are added up algebraically and the resultant
signal is transmitted through the next point.

Pick off point

The pick off point is a point at which the same signal is transmitted through different

Rules for simplifying block diagrams:

1- Two blocks in cascade

The equivalent TF of two blocks in cascade is the product of the two transfer

X 1 ( s ) = R( s )G1 ( s )
C ( s ) = X 1 ( s )G2 ( s )
C ( s ) = R( s )G1 ( s )G2 ( s )
C ( s)
TF = = G1 ( s )G2 ( s )
R( s)

2- Two blocks in parallel

EE 312/ Lecture no. 1/system modelling/ Block diagram approach

C ( s) = X 1 ( s) + X 2 ( s)
C ( s ) = R( s )G1 ( s ) + R( s )G2 ( s )
C ( s ) = R( s )(G1 ( s ) + G2 ( s ) )
C ( s)
= G1 ( s ) + G2 ( s )
R( s)

3-shifiting the summing point after the block

C ( s ) = (R1 ( s ) − R2 ( s ) )G1 ( s )
C ( s ) = R1 ( s )G1 ( s ) − R2 ( s )G1 ( s )

4-shifiting the block after the summing point

R1 ( s )G1 ( s ) − R2 ( s ) = C ( s )

EE 312/ Lecture no. 1/system modelling/ Block diagram approach

⎛ R (s) ⎞
C ( s ) = ⎜⎜ R1 ( s ) − 2 ⎟⎟G1
⎝ G1 ( s ) ⎠
C ( s ) = R1 ( s )G1 ( s ) − R1 ( s )

5- Elimination of a feedback loop

Negative feedback
E ( s) = R( s) − C ( s) H ( s)
C ( s ) = E ( s )G1 ( s )
C ( s ) = (R( s ) − C ( s ) H ( s ) )G1 ( s )
C ( s ) = (R( s )G1 ( s ) − C ( s ) H ( s )G1 ( s ) )
C ( s ) + C ( s ) H ( s )G1 ( s ) = R( s )G1 ( s )
C ( s )(1 + H ( s )G1 ( s ) ) = R( s )G1 ( s )
C ( s) G1 ( s )
R( s ) 1 + H ( s )G1 ( s )

Positive feedback

EE 312/ Lecture no. 1/system modelling/ Block diagram approach

E ( s) = R( s) + C ( s) H ( s)
C ( s ) = E ( s )G1 ( s )
C ( s ) = (R( s ) + C ( s ) H ( s ) )G1 ( s )
C ( s ) = (R( s )G1 ( s ) + C ( s ) H ( s )G1 ( s ) )
C ( s ) − C ( s ) H ( s )G1 ( s ) = R( s )G1 ( s )
C ( s )(1 − H ( s )G1 ( s ) ) = R( s )G1 ( s )
C ( s) G1 ( s )
R( s ) 1 − H ( s )G1 ( s )

Unity feedback
If H ( s ) = 1 then the negative feedback becomes:
C (s) G(s)
R( s ) 1 + G ( s )

And the positive feedback becomes:

C (s) G ( s)
R( s ) 1 − G ( s )

C ( s)
Find the overall transfer function for the system shown in the fig.
R( s)

EE 312/ Lecture no. 1/system modelling/ Block diagram approach


Step1: eliminate the inner negative feedback loop with G2 ( s ) & H 1 ( s )


G2 ( s)
Step2: G1 ( s ) and are in cascade and can be combined as:
1 + G2 ( s) H 1 ( s)
G1 ( s )G2 ( s )
1 + G2 ( s) H 1 ( s)

Step 3: eliminate the outer negative feedback loop

EE 312/ Lecture no. 1/system modelling/ Block diagram approach

This yields

C ( s) G1 ( s )G2 ( s )
R ( s ) 1 + G2 ( s ) H 1 ( s ) + G1 ( s )G2 ( s ) H 2 ( s )

For the system shown in the fig below find the output C(s)

Apply the super-position theorem as follows:

• R1 ( s ) is present and R2 ( s ) = 0
This gives


EE 312/ Lecture no. 1/system modelling/ Block diagram approach

C1 ( s ) G1 ( s )G2 ( s )
R1 ( s ) 1 + G1 ( s )G2 ( s ) × 1
⎛ G ( s )G2 ( s ) ⎞
C1 = ⎜⎜ 1 ⎟⎟ R1 ( s )
⎝ 1 + G1 ( s )G2 ( s ) ⎠

• R1 ( s ) = 0 and R2 ( s ) is present which results:

This can be further simplified as:


C 2 (s) G2 ( s)
R2 ( s ) 1 + G2 ( s )G1 ( s )
G2 ( s )
C 2 ( s) = R2 ( s )
1 + G2 ( s )G1 ( s )

Finally the total response can be written as:

C ( s ) = C1 ( s ) + C 2 ( s )


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