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is one of the greatest romantic English poets. He lost his parents at an early age.

So he had to spend his childhood in the countryside. There he was affected by

nature. He was called the poet of Man and Nature. He loved nature so much that
he wrote his poems in a simple way to be read by all people. As a romantic poet,
he believes that nature represents God.
I WANDER'D lonely as a cloud a
That floats on high o'er vales and hills, b
When all at once I saw a crowd, a
A host, of golden daffodils; b
Beside the lake, beneath the trees, c
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. c

Continuous as the stars that shine d

And twinkle on the Milky Way, e
They stretch'd in never-ending line d
Along the margin of a bay: e
Ten thousand saw I at a glance, f
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. f

The waves beside them danced; but they g

Out-did the sparkling waves in glee: h
A poet could not but be gay, g
In such a jocund company: h
I gazed -- and gazed -- but little thought i
What wealth the show to me had brought: i

For oft, when on my couch I lie j

In vacant or in pensive mood, k
They flash upon that inward eye j
Which is the bliss of solitude k
And then my heart with pleasure fills, l
And dances with the daffodils. l

Stanza 1
When the poet is wandering as a single cloud in the sky which rises high
over valleys and hills, he sees a group of fantastic golden daffodils
under the trees, near the lake and a gentle wind is moving them so they
seem as if they were dancing.
Figures of speech
Simile: "as a cloud"
He likens himself to a lonely cloud.
Personification in "crowd of daffodils – dance"
He gives the daffodils human qualities.
1- dance refers to the rhythm of the universe; Round
dancing, refers to the sun's course in the heavens
and to the eternal movement of the universe.
2- Golden round daffodils: refer to the sun itself, the
sacred sun of honest wisdom, superior and noble.
Alliteration: as – a/ high – hills/ all- at –a /
Visual image
The image of the beautiful daffodils dancing under the trees.
Stanza 2
The movement of the daffodils is continuous and eternal like the
movement of the stars. The daffodils spread along the edge of the bay
and seem that they have no ending (exactly like the stars in the sky), In
one look, the poet sees thousand of them dancing actively.
Figures of speech
Metaphor in "milky way"
He means the heavens and universe.
Simile in "as the stars"
He likens the daffodils to the stars in the sky.
Personification in "tossing their heads"
He gives the daffodils human qualities.
Visual image
The image of the endless daffodils dancing along the bay.
The stars, the eyes of night, and hope.

Stanza 3
The waves of the lake's water are also dancing and shining in delight with
the daffodils. So the poet himself feels so happy, as if he was taken to
another spiritual world which gives him a wealth of mental relief.
Figures of speech
Personification in the waves can't dance like humans.
Visual image
The image of the waves dancing in delight.
Metaphor in "wealth"
He doesn't mean having money but he means that believing in God
and thinking about his greatness; give us a comfortable life.
The waves refer to the fade and flow of life.
Stanza 4
Lying on a couch in a thinking mood could easily remind you of the
universe and our powerful God. This solitude is a happy situation to the
poet who remembers the daffodils and his heart feels pleasant and begins
to dance with them.
Metaphor in "inward eye"
He means his mind and thoughts.
Symbols: "And dances with the Daffodils.
refers to the dance of angels round the throne of God.
Visual image
The poet lying on his couch and feeling pleasant.
Personification in "my heart…..dances with the daffodils"
The heart can't dance like a human being
How is the "Daffodils" typically romantic?
1. There is great love for nature
The poet starts the poem with a natural picture (walking aimlessly like a
cloud) and likens himself to a cloud.
2. Touch of loneliness : The poet is walking alone.
3. Touch of sadness
4. Great interest in personal experience : He talks about his own feelings
when he sees nature.
What is the theme of the "Daffodils"?
The poem is essentially a comment on the pleasure Wordsworth get from
his loneliness. His loneliness is not like ours. He enjoys being alone
thinking of the greatness of our God and the gifts He gives us such as, the
universe, daffodils and sun.

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