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Uranus & Neptune: Crash Course Astronomy #19

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1. How was Uranus discovered? Explain.

a. To distinguish it from the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn, Uranus is called an

b. _____________ is really good at absorbing red light, which means the light we see
reflected from Uranus is mostly green and blue, making the planet look distinctly
___________ or _____________________.

c. The weirdest thing about this planet is that it’s _________________.

i. Uranus has a _________________________, but it’s truly odd: it’s axis is

tipped by over _______ from the planet’s spin axis, and it’s way ______

d. What is the major characteristic of Verona Rupes on Uranus’s moon, Miranda?

e. Like Jupiter and Saturn, Uranus has a ______________________, too.

i. The rings are made of _______________________, probably ice and

reddish organic molecules.

2. What are some differences between Neptune and Uranus? Explain.

a. There are three main __________; two _____________ and one ____________.

b. Most of Neptune’s moons are small, but one, __________, is by far the largest.

i. What are some of the characteristics of this “weird” little moon?

c. Neptune is the only planet in the solar system

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Astronomy Crash Course Answer Keys
Crash Course 19 – Uranus & Neptune
1. in 1781, William Herschel was mapping the skies through his telescope when he spotted a greenish
object that was clearly a disk and not a dot, like a star; when he observed it again sometime later, he
was astonished to discover it had moved; it was quickly determined to be a planet, more distant from
the Sun than Saturn
a. ice giant
b. methane; cyan; aquamarine
c. sideways
i. magnetic field; 50 degrees; off-center
d. it’s the tallest cliff in the solar system, 5-10 km high
e. ring system
i. dark particles
2. Neptune is more massive than Uranus (17x Earth’s mass); Neptune is slightly smaller than Uranus and
a lot denser; Neptune is a deep, rich azure; Neptune has clouds of methane, ammonia, and hydrogen
sulfide lying the skies at different depths
a. rings; narrow; broad
b. Triton
i. surface is covered in nitrogen ice as well as water and carbon dioxide ice; really flat with
few craters; mostly likely resurfaced from cryovolcanoes; has active geysers of nitrogen
erupting from its surface; very thin layer of nitrogen
c. math

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