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LeConte PTA Meeting

October 18, 2011

PTA Meeting Notes Summary:

Approved funding for field trips requested by Cheryl Wilson. One More Month campaign raised over $10,000 with 50% of kindergarten families participating! School budget was reviewed and approved. Annual Fund (Lecontes direct giving fundraising campaign) is being organized. Next PTA meeting (11/22) Dana Blanchard will present on BUSDs current implementation of Response to Intervention.

1. ELAC is beginning work on Latino Heritage Event in December. Morning coffee and pastry fundraiser continues on Fridays outside the office. 2. Principal Wilson1. PTA traditionally gives $1000 per grade level for transportation to field trips. Requesting this amount again: $6000. APPROVED due to possible surplus in funds this year. 2. Holiday gift wrap fundraiser- need a coordinator. Raised $2500 last year. Cant do this year unless someone coordinates. Materials are in office. Corynne Escalante volunteered to coordinate. 3. Requested $5/student for 125 students to attend Annie at Julia Morgan center. APPROVED 2. SGC voted on officers. New parents involved. Will be looking at test scores next meeting. 3. One More Month- raised $10,000- over 50% participation from all kindergarten classes! 4. Review of Budget: $28,000 surplus from fundraising last year. Projecting $162,000 will be raised this year. 5. Halloween Festival: Need people to make chili and cakes for cake walk (can be a group of cupcakes). Volunteers are coordinated through room parents. Friday before meet at 6pm in auditorium to help set up. Scholastic book fair going on during Halloween event. 6. Annual Fund- Direct Giving campaign to support Leconte. Organizational meeting at Katrine Sheltons house 2462 Prince Street at 8pm Monday October 24 for Annual Fund. If youd like to help but cant make the meeting, email Katrine at 7. After-School Classes: Unfortunately the gymnastics class cannot be offered due to Head Over Heels instructors not completing fingerprints and TB testing in time so BUSD has said they cant teach the gymnastics class. Theater instructor is planning a play for older kids- need 2 more characters. Tuesdays 2:303:30. 8. Next PTA meeting November 22nd- Dana Blanchard will be presenting on Response to Intervention in BUSD.

Get involved at LeConte! Can you help with any of the following needs?

Currently we need people to help with:

Halloween Festival on October 29th- contact Cata Negrin at Especially needed are parents to donate pots of chili for the lunch, and cakes and cupcakes for the cake walk. Scholastic Book Fair during the Halloween Festival on October 29th- contact Basia Lubicz at Annual Fund organizational meeting to begin the direct giving campaign to support Leconte. Meeting will be at Katrine Sheltons house at 2462 Prince Street 8pm Monday 10/24. Contact Katrine if you cannot attend but would like to help organize the fundraising campaign: Berkeley Bowl Scrip, E-Scrip, and Whole Foods Scrip program coordination- contact Gloria Park at Interviewing teachers and updating website teacher bios- contact Paz Melndez-Canales at

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