3.0 M Explosives

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A. Ideal and Non-Ideal Explosives

1. Ideal explosives have the same characteristics (velocity,

detonation pressure) regardless of diameter, shape or
environmental conditions
a. ideal explosives include cast primers, TNT, PETN,

2. Non-ideal explosives characteristics are dependent on

diameter, temperature, confinement, etc.
a. non-ideal explosives include ANFO, Heavy ANFO
emulsions, water gels, slurries

B. Physical Selection Parameters

1. Density
a. weight of explosives per unit of volume
b. expressed in grams per cubic centimeter (g/cc)
c. density of bulk ANFO is approximately .82 g/cc
d. density less than 1.0 g/cc will float in water
e. higher density products are more easily dead
pressed (low order detonation caused by loss of
sensitivity due to high transient pressures) than
lower density ones
f. loading density is the pounds of explosive per foot
(kg/m) of blasthole (Loading Density = 0.000785 x
Explosive Density x Charge Diameter ^2)
g. hard massive rock - high density, high VOD
h. soft / structured rock - low density, low VOD

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Efficient Blasting Techniques___________________________________________


B. Physical Selection Parameters

1. Density (cont.)

Figure 1. Loading density calculation

What is the loading density for a bulk explosive with a density of 1.05
g/cc in a 229 mm blasthole? kg/m

What is the loading density for a bulk explosive with a density of 0.82
g/cc in a 311 mm blasthole? kg/m

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B. Physical Selection Parameters

1. Density (cont.)

Typical Loading Densities

Explosive Type Typical Charge Diameter (mm)
Density (g/cc) 200 229 270 311
ANFO 0.82 25.7 33.8 46.9 62.3
Augered 20% Emulsion 80% ANFO 1.00 31.4 41.2 57.2 75.9
Augered 35% Emulsion 65% ANFO 1.23 38.6 50.6 70.4 93.4
Gassed and Pumped 50% Emulsion 50% ANFO 1.23 38.6 50.6 70.4 93.4
Gassed and Pumped 65% Emulsion 35% ANFO 1.23 38.6 50.6 70.4 93.4
Gassed and Pumped 70% Emulsion 30% ANFO 1.23 38.6 50.6 70.4 93.4
Gassed and Pumped 100% Emulsion 1.23 38.6 50.6 70.4 93.4

Figure 2. Typical explosive densities

2. Sensitivity
a. measure of the ease of initiation of explosive or
minimum booster size required
b. will vary according to explosive composition,
diameter, temperature, ambient pressure
c. high explosive (1.1D) - sensitive to a No. 8 strength
blasting cap
d. blasting agent (1.5D) - not sensitive to a No.8
strength blasting cap - requires booster
e. some blasting agents can become cord sensitive
and prevent proper downhole delay sequencing
f. common sensitizers are air, gas, chemical, metal,
micro balloons (glass or plastic spheres)
g. micro balloon strength recommendations dry holes
1.7 mPa (250 psi), wet holes 3.4 mPa (500 psi),
water filled holes 6.9 mPa (1,000 psi)

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B. Physical Selection Parameters

3. Water resistance
a. ability of explosive to withstand exposure to water
without losing sensitivity or efficiency expressed in
qualitative terms
b. explosives vary widely in water resistance – ANFO -
no water resistance, emulsions, watergels - good
water resistance
c. brown-orange nitrogen oxide fumes from blast
indicate inefficient detonation which might have
been caused by wet explosives
d. water resistance can be improved by using borehole
liners or water resistant cartridges

4. Chemical stability
a. ability to remain chemically unchanged and retain
sensitivity when stored under specified conditions
b. less stable explosives have shorter shelf lives and
deteriorate quicker with time
c. factors that effect chemical instability include: heat,
cold, humidity, quality of raw materials,
contamination, packaging and storage facilities
d. signs of product deterioration are crystallization,
increase in viscosity and increases in density
e. underground magazines can reduce the effects of
temperature cycling

5. Fume characteristics
a. explosives detonation can produce non toxic (CO2,
H2O) and toxic fumes (NO, NO2, CO)
b. toxic fumes are of particular concern in deep
opencut operations with minimal air movement or
when neighbors are close to the operation

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B. Physical Selection Parameters

5. Fume characteristics (cont.)

c. factors increasing toxic fume generation: improper
priming, lack of confinement, water, improper
explosive composition, improper timing, improper
loading techniques and adverse reaction with rock

Figure 3. Excessive fume production

d. fume reduction checks – explosive formulation,

quality control, delivery system (if the explosive is
solid sensitized it’s density should not change during
the storage and loading), sensitizing agent
e. reduction techniques - replace gas sensitizer with
microballoons, slow loading down, use larger
primers, add aluminum sensitizer, increase
emulsion % in blends, use pre-oiled ANFO in
blends, use liners when using ANFO, add urea to
emulsion and anfo, replace fuel oils with mineral
oils, use higher quality emulsifier

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C. Detonation Performance Selection Parameters

1. Energy by weight (Absolute Weight Strength - AWS)

a. maximum theoretical explosive heat energy based
on the ingredients in the explosive
b. energy per unit of weight expressed in joules per
gram - AWS of ANFO is 3730 j/g (when mixed 94%
AN and 6 % FO) - 100% emulsion is around 2,845
c. actual explosive efficiencies range between 35 to

2. Relative energy by weight (Relative Weight Strength -

a. explosive’s absolute weight strength compared to
b. an explosive’s RWS is equal to its AWS divided by
c. an 100 % emulsion with a AWS of 2,845 has a
relative weight strength of 76%

3. Energy by volume (Absolute bulk strength - ABS)

a. energy per unit of volume expressed in joules per
cubic centimeter (j/cc)
b. equal to the explosive’s AWS multiplied by it’s
c. bulk ANFO’s ABS equals 3730 x .82 or 3,059 j/cc
d. a bulk 100 % Emulsion’s ABS equals 2,845 x 1.20
or 3,414 j/cc

What is the absolute bulk strength (ABS) for an explosive with a density
of 1.05 g/cc and an absolute weight strength of 3220 j/g? j/cc

What is the absolute bulk strength (ABS) for an explosive with a density
of 0.95 g/cc and an absolute weight strength of 2950 j/g? j/cc

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C. Detonation Performance Selection Parameters

4. Relative bulk strength (RBS)

a. is an explosive’s bulk strength compared to ANFO
b. an explosives RBS is equal to it’s ABS divided by
c. a 100% emulsion’s RBS is equal to 850 / 7.3 or

Some tech sheets do not provide Absolute Weight Strength data –

To calculate AWS use the following formula:

Absolute Weight Strength Calculation

Absolute Weight Strength (j/g) = 30.59 x Relative Bulk Strength / Explosive Density

Relative Bulk Strength = 136
Explosive Density (g/cc) = 1.25

Absolute Weight Strength (j/g) = 30.59 x 136 / 1.25

Enter Constant: 30.59


Enter Relative Bulk Strength: 136


Enter the Explosive Density: 1.25


Answer = 3328

Absolute Weight Strength = 3,328 j/g

Figure 4. Calculating absolute weight strength

What is the absolute weight strength for an explosive that has a relative
bulk strength of 139 and a density of 1.30 g/cc?

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C. Detonation Performance Selection Parameters

4. Relative bulk strength (RBS) (cont.)

Explosive Type Typical Velocity

Density (g/cc) 311 mm AWS RWS ABS RBS
ANFO 0.82 4,116 3,730 100 3,059 100
Augered 20% Emulsion 80% ANFO 1.00 4,573 3,520 94 3,520 115
Augered 35% Emulsion 65% ANFO 1.25 4,817 3,353 90 4,191 137
Gassed and Pumped 50% Emulsion 50% ANFO 1.23 5,000 3,269 88 4,021 131
Gassed and Pumped 65% Emulsion 35% ANFO 1.23 5,183 3,100 83 3,813 125
Gassed and Pumped 70% Emulsion 30% ANFO 1.23 5,488 3,000 80 3,690 121
Gassed and Pumped 100% Emulsion 1.23 5,671 2,850 76 3,506 115

Figure 7. Typical explosive strengths

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D. Detonation Performance Selection Parameters

5. Detonation velocity (VOD)

a. rate that the detonation wave travels through the
explosive - expressed in metres per second
b. factors that effect detonation velocity:
 confinement
 formulation
 density – column head or pressure
 sensitizer (gas, chemical, microballoon?)
 temperature
 primer size
 sleep time
 critical diameter
 loading procedure
 impact of explosive during loading
 initiation sequence
 water entrapment
 cord downlines
 shelf life
 temperature cycling

c. ANFO's detonation velocity can range from 2,500 to

4,500 mps depending on hole diameter
d. detonation velocity is the main component of shock
energy and is responsible for rock breakage
e. the detonation velocity of the explosive should meet
or exceed the sonic velocity of the rockmass
(impedance matching)
f. can be measured to determine explosive efficiency

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C. Detonation Performance Selection Parameters

5. Detonation velocity (VOD) (cont.)

g. velocity test can help determine:
 consistency of in hole detonation
 minimum primer size
 density / pressure relationship
 evaluate field practices
 evaluate blasthole conditions

6. Detonation pressure (Pd)

a. pressure produced in primary reaction zone of

Explosive Detonation

Shock Wave Front Shock

Front Undisturbed

Expanding Gases EXPLOSIVE

Primary Reaction

Figure 8. Primary reaction zone

b. expressed in megapascals (mPa)

c. Pd (psi) = to 250 x explosive density x VOD ^2
d. the key factor in detonation pressure is velocity of

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C. Detonation Performance Selection Parameters

6. Detonation pressure (Pd) (cont.)

Figure 9. Calculating detonation pressure

What is detonation pressure for an explosive with a density of 1.1 and a

velocity of 4.116 km/s?

What is detonation pressure for an explosive with a density of 1.1 and a

velocity of 4,500 km/s ?

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C. Detonation Performance Selection Parameters

6. Detonation pressure (Pd) (cont.)

e. ANFO with a density of .82 and a VOD of 4.116
km/s has a Pd of 3,473 mPa

Typical Explosive Velocity and Pressure Charateristics in 311 mm blasthole

Explosive Type Typical Typical Detonation Borehole
Density (g/cc) Velocity Pressure Pressure
ANFO 0.82 4,116 3,473 1,736
20% Emulsion 80% ANFO 1.00 4,573 5,228 2,614
35% Emulsion 65% ANFO 1.23 4,817 7,135 3,568
50% Emulsion 50% ANFO 1.23 5,000 7,688 3,844
65% Emulsion 35% ANFO 1.23 5,183 8,260 4,130
70% Emulsion 30% ANFO 1.23 5,488 9,261 4,630
100% Emulsion 1.23 5,671 9,888 4,944

Figure 10. typical explosive velocities and detonation pressures

7. Borehole pressure
a. pressure on the walls of the blasthole from the
expansion of detonation gases
b. normally around 50% of detonation pressure
c. the volume of and rate that gas is produced by the
explosive controls the heave or displacement of the

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C. Detonation Performance Selection Parameters

7. Borehole pressure (cont.)

d. when using charge diameters that are less than the
borehole diameter the effect of decoupling should
be taken into account
e. dry hole decoupling calculation

Dry Hole Pressure Reduction (%) = 1- (Explosive Diameter / Blasthole Diameter)^2.6

Explosive Diameter (mm) = 127
Blasthole Diameter (mm) = 171

Dry Hole Pressure Reduction (%) = 1- (127 / 171)^2.6

Enter 1



Enter Explosive Diameter: 127


Enter the Blasthole Diameter: 171



Enter 2.6


Answer = 0.538

Dry Hole Pressure Reduction (%) = 54%

Figure 11. Decoupled dry blasthole pressure reduction

What is the pressure reduction for a 179 mm explosive diameter in a 229

mm dry blasthole?

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C. Detonation Performance Selection Parameters

7. Borehole pressure (cont.)

f. wet hole decoupling calculation

Wet Hole Pressure Reduction (%) = 1- (Explosive Diameter / Blasthole Diameter)^1.8

Explosive Diameter (mm) = 127
Blasthole Diameter (mm) = 171

Dry Hole Pressure Reduction (%) = 1 - (127 / 171) ^ 1.8

Enter 1



Enter Explosive Diameter: 127


Enter the Blasthole Diameter: 171



Enter 1.8


Answer = 0.415

Dry Hole Pressure Reduction (%) = 41%

Figure 12. Decoupled dry blasthole pressure reduction

What is the pressure reduction for a 179 mm explosive diameter in a 229

mm wet borehole?

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C. Detonation Performance Selection Parameters

8. Explosive power
a. the rate of doing work
b. depends on both AWS and detonation velocity
c. if two explosives have the same detonation velocity
the one that has the greater AWS will be more
powerful since more energy will be released during
the same time period

9. Effective energy
a. the total energy released by an explosive until the
gasses vent
b. the cut off or vent pressure commonly used is 100

D. Site Specific Selection Parameters

1. Cost of drilling / availability

a. high drilling costs are normally controlled by
expanding the blasthole pattern which can require
the use of higher density explosives to achieve the
desired fragmentation

2. Rock type
a. hard massive rock generally requires products with
higher detonation velocities for optimum breakage
b. fractured rock requires more gas for displacement
c. cracks or voids can require bagged product to
prevent overloading of borehole

3. Blasthole diameter
a. all non ideal explosives have critical diameters
below which they will not reliably detonate

4. Ambient temperature
a. sensitivity is reduced in lower temperatures
b. cold products can warm to ground temperature if
enough time after loading is allowed

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D. Site Specific Selection Parameters (cont.)

5. Water
a. water in the blastholes can require that the
explosive be selected based on water resistance as
opposed to overall performance
b. pressure pulse 60 times greater in water than in air

6. Explosive cost
a. compare similar explosives based on $ per kg and kj
of energy provided per $
b. compare the explosive cost per metre of blasthole

E. Types Of Explosives

1. Bulk ANFO

Figure 13. Bulk ANFO truck

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E. Types of Explosives

1. Bulk ANFO (cont.)

a. bulk ANFO (Ammonium Nitrate and Fuel Oil) is by
far the most commonly used explosive
b. improper mixes produce lower explosive energy and
noxious gases
c. the proper mix is oxygen balanced and occurs with
a mix of 94.3% AN and 5.7% FO by weight

ANFO Performance
5 .7 % Fuel Oil
8 9 0 calories of heat per gram
10 0
Nit rous Carbon
oxides monoxide
Energy Out put (%)


Oxygen balanced
80 s t eam produced


2 4 6 8 10
ANFO Fuel Oil (%)

Figure 14. ANFO’s performance related to fuel oil %

d. an over fueled mix of 92% AN and 8% FO produces

6 % less energy and dangerous carbon monoxide
e. an under fueled mix of 96% AN and 4% FO 12 %
less energy and dangerous nitrogen dioxide gas and
has increased sensitivity
f. it is generally better to over fuel rather than under
fuel ANFO
g. inexpensive, simple to manufacture
h. not waterproof
i. can include various amounts of aluminum for extra

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E. Types of Explosives

1. Bulk ANFO (cont.)

j. can be mixed with filler (polystyrene beads,
sawdust) to achieve lower densities
k. nitrate prill recrystallizes at -17 and 32° C and
becomes more dense with finer particle sizes, these
fines attract moisture from the air and can adversely
effect explosive performance

2. Emulsions
a. consists of oxidizers dissolved in water surrounded
by a fuel - fine particle size
b. relatively expensive compared to ANFO
c. very water resistant in full concentration
d. plant or truck mixed
e. typical density range of 1.1 to 1.35 g/cc
f. typically high detonation velocity and bulk strength
g. some specialty emulsions have low densities of
around 0.6 g/cc

Figure 15. Emulsion pump truck

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E. Types of Explosives

3. Watergels or slurries
a. consist of water, oxidizers, fuel, crosslinker - can
have coarse particle sizes
b. relatively expensive compared to ANFO
c. very water resistant in full concentration
d. plant or truck mixed
e. coarse particle size reduces detonation velocity

4. Heavy ANFO
a. consists of ANFO mixed with emulsions or
watergels in varying percentages

Figure 16. Heavy ANFO

b. full range of cost

c. varying degrees of water resistance
d. plant or truck mixed
e. as more ANFO is used the detonation velocity and
the absolute bulk strength will decrease
f. blends greater than 50/50 typically require pumping
instead of auger loading

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E. Types Of Explosives

5. Bagged products
a. can make ANFO water resistant
b. reduced pounds of explosive per foot of borehole
unless package is split
c. if the package is not split to achieve good coupling
the borehole pressure and energy output per foot
are substantially reduced
d. explosive must convert surrounding water into
steam during detonation reducing the available
explosive energy
e. can be used for presplitting by suspending bag in
the blasthole
f. should be lowered, not dropped, down dry

Figure 17. Bagged ANFO

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E. Types Of Explosives

6. Primers or Boosters
a. a primer is a unit of cap sensitive explosive
(booster) that contains a detonator

Figure 18. Primer (cast booster and detonator)

b. several charge diameters are required before main

explosive reaches full performance when using
inefficient primers
c. larger blastholes require larger boosters for full
energy efficiency
d. booster selection should be based on the shape,
composition, main explosive used, hole diameter
and site conditions

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E. Types Of Explosives

6. Primers or Boosters(cont.)

Figure 19. Dynamite and cast booster

e an “insurance primer” at the top of the explosive

column is recommended for blastholes greater than
15 m deep or when in adverse conditions (water
filled holes, weak seams)
g. minimum suggested detonation pressure for priming
ANFO is 10,000 mPa

7. Explosive Initiation Systems

a. initial energy sources - blasting machine - electric
system, shot shell primer – shock tube system, fuse
lighter - cap and fuse
b. energy distribution network - distributes energy to
blastholes - wire - electric system, tube – shock tube
system, fuse - cap and fuse
c. blasthole initiators relay energy down blasthole
d. booster - unit of cap sensitive explosive that
detonates the main explosive charge

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E. Types Of Explosives

7. Explosive Initiation Systems (cont.)

Initiation S ys te ms
init ial e ne r gy s our c e

e ne r gy dis tr ibut ion ne t wor k

bla s t hole init iat or

boos t e r

Figure 20. Typical initiation system

e. cap and fuse

 rarely the best system to use, no control once
the fuse is lit
 fuse burns at a rate of 131 seconds per
metre – all fuse should be tested for burn
time prior to use
 double fuses should be used for blast initiation
 initiation point should be outside the blasthole
pattern to reduce the potential for cutoffs

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E. Types Of Explosives

7. Explosive Initiation Systems

f. electric systems
 can permit all holes to be “lit” prior to the first
one detonating
 the initiation circuit can be checked for
 requires knowledge of electric circuits
 can be detonated by extraneous electricity

g. detonating cord

Figure 21. Various detonating cords

 typically PETN, .4 to 80 grams per metre

encased in a plastic tube and wrapped with
fiber to increase durability and tensile strength
 detonates at a velocity of around 7,000 metres
per second
 typically is tied in with two paths of initiation to
each hole

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E. Types Of Explosives

7. Explosive Initiation Systems

g. detonating cord (cont.)
 higher core loads (>5 gr/m) can cause
excessive airblast explosive energy loss (10%
in a 270 mm hole with gassed emulsion)
 detonating cord will disrupt the explosive and
stemming columns - use the lightest core load
downline that will reliably detonate the booster
 down hole delay systems can be bypassed by
cord initiating the primer or main explosive

h. shock tube
 consists of hollow plastic tube coated on the
inside with HMX flash powder, 17 milligrams
per metre, 1 kg will coat 60 km of tube

Figure 22. Various shock tube detonators

 detonates at a velocity 2,000 metres per

 tube can be layered for extra durability
 relatively simple to use
 considerably less noisy than typical detonating
 will not disrupt stemming or explosive column
 cannot be checked for in hole continuity

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E. Types Of Explosives

7. Explosive Initiation Systems

h. electronic detonators
• developed in late 1980’s to present by all
major manufacturers
• very accurate – scatter less than 1 ms

Figure 23. Electronic delay systems

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F. Types Of Explosives

7. Explosive Initiation Systems

h. electronic detonators (cont.)
• currently relatively high priced
• still in evaluation and refinement stage by many

G. Types Of Explosives

7. Explosive Initiation Systems

i. advantages/disadvantages
Type Advantages Disadvantages
Cap and Fuse Simple, low cost No control after the fuse is lit,
unreliable, not precise, questionable
manufacturer quality control
Electric Can be tested for Cannot be used in all cases (RF,
continuity, flexible extraneous electricity), requires a
times, can be cut to higher level of expertise, blast size
fit limited, wire left over after blast
Cord Simple, cut to fit, Noisy (except in very low core
flexible timing, is loads), disrupts stemming and
consumed during explosive columns, requires two
detonation paths for initation, cannot be
checked for continuity (except
Shock Tube Relatively simple Somewhat limited timing selection,
not cut to fit (potential inventory
concerns), tube left over after blast,
cannot be checked for continuity
Electronic Accurate, can be More expensive, requires higher
tested for continuity, level of expertise, accuracy can
timing can be increase vibration levels (wave
modified up until the reinforcement)
blast is detonated,
unlimited times

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F. Quality Control For Bulk Explosives

1. Density control
a. very critical for higher density products
b. cup density easy but inaccurate when using blends
c. a larger sample is required for calibration of blend
d. when using bulk products other than ANFO the
density should be calculated on each truck load
e. when using straight emulsions with solid sensitizers
the storage density should be compared to the “end
of the loading hose” density to check for
microballoon damage (increase should be <0.03

2. Fuel oil percentage

a. each ANFO or ANFO mix truck load should be

3. Mix consistency
a. bulk mix consistency should be checked visually for
uniformity of blend
b. the crystallization of emulsion can be checked by
using a glass stirring rod to magnify the product or
rubbing the emulsion between your fingers (should
typically not be gritty)

5. In-hole velocity measurement

a. a check on explosive performance but remember
that many factors can affect explosive VOD
including charge diameter, explosive density,
priming, etc.
b. low explosive velocities do not necessarily mean
poor blast performance

H. Quality Control For Pre-manufactured Products

1. Report any abnormalities to manufacturer

a. record manufacturer's code date and lot number
b. retain sample for analysis by manufacturer

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Explosives Summary

A. Ideal and Non-Ideal Explosives

1. Ideal explosives – Detonating cord, Pentolite
2. Non-Ideal explosives – ANFO, Emulsions, Water Gels

B. Physical Selection Parameters

1. Density, Sensitivity, Water Resistance, Chemical Stability
Fume Charachteristics

C. Detonation Selection Parameters

1.Energy by Weight, Energy by Volume, Relative Bulk
Strength, Detonation Velocity, Detonation Pressure,
Borehole Pressure

D. Site Specific Selection Parameters

1.Drilling Cost and Availability, Rock Type, Blasthole
Diameter, Ambient Temperature, Water Conditions, Cost

E. Explosives Types
1. Bulk ANFO, Emulsions, Water Gels, Blend Products,
2. Initiation Systems, Cap and Fuse, Electric, Detonating
Cord, Shock Tube, Electronic Detonators

F. Quality Control
1. Densiity Control, Fuel Oil %, Mix Consistency, Velocity of

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