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Vocabulary Quiz | Group A

Unit 7 LESSON 7B
Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Complete the definitions with the missing words. 3 Complete the conversation with the words from the
The first letters are given. box. There is one extra word.
0 A TV show is often divided into episodes. Each one credits dialogue season title sequence statistics
develops the story. subtitles trailer
1 If you hear these, then you know what is going to
A: Okay! So that’s the end of the first episode of the
happen in the film before you watch it. s____________
second 0 season of our favourite show. What did you think
2 This is the amount of time a person spends watching
of it?
TV. s____________ time.
B: I was disappointed. When I saw the 1 ____________,
3 You watch one episode, then another, and another,
I thought it would be really fantastic, but it wasn’t. On the
without stopping. b____________ watching.
other hand, the new music was really good. Who did that?
4 People decide what they want to watch and when to
A: I don’t know. We can check the 2 ____________ in a
watch it. on-d____________ content.
moment. What didn’t you like about episode?
5 If you pay for these, you can find and watch TV shows
B: I couldn’t understand what the new characters were
on the internet directly. s____________ streaming
saying. Their 3 ____________ was too fast.
A: If that’s the problem, we can watch the next episode
___ / 5 with 4 ____________. Then you can read what they say ...
2 Complete the sentences with the words from the Shall we watch it now?
box to form compound adjectives. There is one B: If you really want to, but please – let’s skip the
extra word. ____________ and go straight to the episode.
___ / 5
award discussion eagerly feature little reviewed
thought TOTAL ___ / 15
0 I like to go to the cinema with my friend because we
always have an interesting discussion after the film.
1 Walkabout (1971) is a ____________-known film
about survival in Australia. But it’s very good and
I think more people should see it.
2 Titanic (1997) was an ____________-winning film
about the sinking of a famous ship of the same name.
3 The latest James Bond film was well-____________
by critics, but I didn’t like it.
4 The Matrix (1999) is worth watching more than once.
It’s very ____________-provoking.
5 Black Widow (2019) is an ____________-awaited film
starring Scarlett Johansson.
___ / 5

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