Neurotrophic Factors, Childhood Trauma and Psychiatric Disorders

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Journal of Affective Disorders 308 (2022) 76–88

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Review article

Neurotrophic factors, childhood trauma and psychiatric disorders: A

systematic review of genetic, biochemical, cognitive and imaging studies to
identify potential biomarkers
Maria Grazia Di Benedetto a, b, 1, Catia Scassellati a, 1, Nadia Cattane a, Marco Andrea Riva a, b,
Annamaria Cattaneo a, b, *
Biological Psychiatry Unit, IRCCS Istituto Centro S. Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli, Brescia, Italy
Department of Pharmacological and Biomolecular Sciences, University of Milan, Italy


Keywords: Background: Exposure to traumatic experience represents one of the key environmental factors influencing the
Childhood trauma risk for several psychiatric disorders, in particular when suffered during childhood, a critical period for brain
Neurotrophic factors development, characterized by a high level of neuroplasticity. Abnormalities affecting neurotrophic factors might
Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor
play a fundamental role in the link between childhood trauma (CT) and early life stress (ELS) and psychiatric
Psychiatric disorders
Brain imaging Methods: A systematic review was conducted, considering genetic, biochemical and expression studies along with
cognitive and brain structure imaging investigations, based on PubMed and Web of Science databases (available
up until November 2021), to identify potential neuroplasticity related biomarkers associated both with CT/ELS
and psychiatric disorders. The search was followed by data abstraction and study quality assessment (Newcastle-
Ottawa Scale).
Results: 103 studies met our eligibility criteria. Among them, 65 were available for genetic, 30 for biochemical
and 3 for mRNA data; 45 findings were linked to specific symptomatology/pathologies, 16 with various cognitive
functions, 19 with different brain areas, 6 on methylation and 36 performed on control subjects for the Brain
Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF); whereas 4 expression/biochemical studies covered Neurotrophin 4 (NT-4),
Vascular Endothelium Growth Factor (VEGF), Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF), Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF),
and Transforming Growth Factor β1 (TGF-β1).
Limitations: Heterogeneity of assessments (biological, psychological, of symptomatology, and CT/ELS), age range
and ethnicity of samples for BDNF studies; limited studies for other neurotrophins.
Conclusions: Results support the key role of BDNF (in form of Met allele) as biomarker, both at genetic and
biochemical level, in mediating the effect of CT/ELS in psychiatric disorders, passing through specific cognitive
functions and specific brain region architecture.

1. Introduction as psychological abuse, as well as physical or emotional neglect

(American Psychiatric Association, 2013). These negative experiences
Childhood trauma (CT) represents a key vulnerability factor have a major impact on the vulnerable psyche of children (Arafat et al.,
increasing the risk for mental disorders, and affecting the severity, type 2019; Terr, 2013), contributing to the development of a wide array of
of symptoms, and frequency of comorbid conditions (Danese, 2019; emotional and/or cognitive dysfunctions (Dvir et al., 2014; Majer et al.,
Stanton et al., 2020; Terr, 2013). CT is represented by the direct expo­ 2010), which can potentially outbreak in psychiatric disorders, such as
sure to, or witnessing of, actual or threatened death, serious injury, or Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) (Poole et al., 2017), Post-traumatic
sexual violence during childhood, but it also includes experiences such Stress Disorder (PTSD), Schizophrenia (SZ) (Varese et al., 2012) and

* Corresponding author at: IRCCS Istituto Centro S. Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli, Via Pilastroni 4, 25125 Brescia, Italy.
E-mail addresses:, (A. Cattaneo).
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Received 4 June 2021; Received in revised form 1 March 2022; Accepted 29 March 2022
Available online 2 April 2022
0165-0327/© 2022 Published by Elsevier B.V.
M.G. Di Benedetto et al. Journal of Affective Disorders 308 (2022) 76–88

Borderline-personality Disorder (BPD) (Cattane et al., 2017), at any cognitive and brain structural imaging studies, with the aim to identify
point during life. This increased clinical risk suggests an impairment in potential biomarkers mediating and predicting the effects of childhood
the brain wiring and function, above all during the critical early stages of adversities exposure in psychiatric disorders.
neurodevelopment, when brain trajectories are shaping, causing bio­
logical alterations that lurk for years, until they erupt in clinically severe 2. Methods
manifestations (Andersen, 2003; Carrion et al., 2007; De Bellis and Zisk,
2014). 2.1. Search strategy and selection criteria
Early-life stress (ELS), such as childhood maltreatment, is a well-
known etiological factor in psychopathology, including psychosis This systematic review summarizes the current knowledge linking
(DeRosse and Barber, 2021). A recent meta-analysis examining the psychiatric disorders with NFs and CT/ELS, based on PubMed and Web
impact of various types of childhood stress exposures on risk for psy­ of Science database searches conducted according to the PRISMA
chotic disorders estimated that 33% of cases worldwide are attributable guidelines. We selected published articles until November 2021,
to such exposures (Varese et al., 2012). In general, ELS encompasses a excluding preclinical studies, review articles, as well as articles not
range of stress exposures, including abuse, neglect, institutionalization, published in the English language. There was no restriction on year of
poverty, parental psychopathology, and family dysfunction, occurring publication. In PubMed, we used the following search terms/syntax:
during the delicate early years of life, when these events can have a huge ((Neurotrophic factor) OR (Neurotrophin) OR (NT-3) OR (NT-4) OR
impact. (NT-5) OR (NGF) OR (Nerve Growth Factor) OR (BDNF) OR (Brain
From this perspective, abnormalities related to neuroplasticity across Derived Neurotrophic Factor) OR (GDNF) OR (Glial Derived Neuro­
brain development might represent a biological model for explaining the trophic Factor) OR (Neurturin) OR (NTN) OR (Artemin) OR (ARTN) OR
well documented structural brain alterations (Fannon et al., 2000; Liu (PSPN) OR (PSP) OR (Persephin) OR (EGF) OR (Epidermal Growth
et al., 2017; Zhang et al., 2018), which contribute to the multifactorial Factor) OR (IGF) OR (IGF-1) OR (Insulin-like Growth Factor) OR (CNTF)
picture of major psychiatric disorders. Neurotrophic factors (NFs), like OR (Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor) OR (FGF) OR (Fibroblast Growth
Neurotrophin- (NT-)3, NT-4, Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor Factor) OR (VEGF) OR (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) OR (TGF)
(BDNF), Neural Growth Factor (NGF) and Glial Derived Neurotrophic OR (Transforming Growth Factor) OR (Neuropoetin)) AND ((Childhood
Factor (GDNF), are important players for maturation and phenotypic trauma) OR (Early life trauma)).
differentiation of different neuronal populations (Huang and Reichardt,
2001; Snider, 1994). Their role is particularly relevant during early 2.2. Inclusion and exclusion criteria
stages of development, when the brain is characterized by elevated
plasticity and is also highly sensitive to environmental stimuli (Brown We included articles that assessed diagnostic criteria for CT/ELS
and Jernigan, 2012). Along this line of reasoning, altered expression or together with NFs, both as genes (genetic and expression studies) and
function of specific neurotrophic molecules may contribute to the proteins (biochemical studies). We included studies reporting sufficient
development of psychiatric disorders. Indeed, alterations in the pe­ details on performance measures on cognitive tasks, imaging findings of
ripheral levels of NFs have been found in patients affected by several the brain, and clinical and subclinical neuropsychiatric symptoms. We
neuropsychiatric disorders, such as SZ, Bipolar Disorder (BD), MDD, excluded: a) other molecules beside NFs; b) studies performed on animal
Anxiety Disorders, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), models; c) reviews, editorials, commentaries, letters or case reports on
and Autism Spectrum Disorder (Bora, 2019; Di Carlo et al., 2019; the topic; and d) articles not published in the English language.
Fourrier et al., 2019; Galvez-Contreras et al., 2017; Molendijk et al.,
2014), which have been also confirmed by genetic studies (Penadés 2.2.1. Data extraction
et al., 2020). Therefore, NFs could represent important biomarkers to MGDB and CS independently extracted the following data: first
predict a genetic-based susceptibility for mental health problems. author and year of publication, study design (genetic, expression and
Specific gene–environment (G × E) interactions have been identified biochemical, cross-sectional, case-control and cohort longitudinal
as playing a crucial role in the etiopathology of major psychiatric dis­ study), nationality, sample size, age, CT/ELS assessment and type of
orders (Zwicker et al., 2018). Of relevance, many studies have investi­ trauma, SNPs, biological source, NFs, pathology or healthy subjects,
gated the role that the hypofunctional form of BDNF carrying the single symptomatology, cognitive performance, structural brain imaging and
nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs6265, (causing Valine (Val) to key results from each study.
Methionine (Met) substitution at codon 66, Val66Met) (Egan et al.,
2003), exerts in moderating the impact of environmental risk factors in 2.3. Quality assessment and strength of evidence
the increased susceptibility for depression (Zhao et al., 2018). Other
genes involved in neuroplasticity and neurogenesis have also been We used the Newcastle-Ottawa quality assessment scale to assess
proposed in mediating G × E interactions for other psychiatric disorders, methodological quality and risk of bias (Wells et al., 2012). In brief, each
such as SZ (Strat et al., 2009). These G × E interactions have emerged as study is rated on three broad criteria: selection of the study groups;
a novel research approach that might serve as a missing link in the comparability of the groups; and the ascertainment of the exposure or
biological trajectories leading to the onset of psychiatric diseases. This outcome of interest. A score of 7 or more for case-control and cohort
strategy can refer to two scenarios: the effects of environmental expo­ studies, and of 6 or more for cross-sectional studies, is indicative of
sures depend on a specific genotype; or the effects of some candidate “good” quality and bias control. Two reviewers independently applied
genes might be significant only when certain high risk environmental the tool, and discrepancies were resolved through discussion with a
factors, such as the exposure to CT, are considered (Ayhan et al., 2016; third reviewer. As this is an under-researched area, all studies were
Ottman, 1996; Van Os et al., 2008). included regardless of quality rating.
Overall, it is possible to infer that CT but also ELS, which are highly
prevalent in psychiatric patients, might also be associated with alter­ 3. Results
ations in NFs. Indeed, a plethora of studies has investigated whether
alterations of NFs levels observed in major psychiatric disorders may be Using the mentioned search terms, a total of 326 results appeared in
attributable to the effects of child suffering. The aim of our review was PubMed, whereas 237 results appeared using Web of Science. From
thus to provide a detailed picture of these studies in order to improve our these lists, during the screening, we selected 103 studies that were
understanding of the relationship among childhood adversity (in form of investigating NFs at genetic, expression and biochemical levels and
CT, ELS), NFs and mental illnesses. We included in this research also meeting our eligibility criteria. We selected articles in relation to specific

M.G. Di Benedetto et al. Journal of Affective Disorders 308 (2022) 76–88

NFs (Fig. 1, PRISMA flow chart). obsessive-compulsive disorder, OCD), other diagnoses (self-harm
To achieve the highest homogeneity among the studies, we struc­ behaviour, substance abuse), studies on healthy subjects (HC). More­
tured this review describing genetic and biochemical and expression over, we described findings related to cognitive functions and structural
studies. In each of these paragraphs, we reported subparagraphs brain features. Also studies on methylation pattern have been reported.
evidencing the data in relation to mood and psychotic disorders (MDD, The further classifications were based on CT versus ELS assessments and
BD, SZ); anxiety-related disorders (post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD; Caucasian versus Asian/South African/Latin American/mixed

Fig. 1. PRISMA flow chart that summarizes the criteria used for the selection of published articles.
Briefly, through PubMed and Web of Science database searches, we selected published articles until November 2021, excluding preclinical studies, review articles,
studies related to other molecules/genes besides neurotrophic factors, as well as articles not published in the English language.

M.G. Di Benedetto et al. Journal of Affective Disorders 308 (2022) 76–88

populations. As most of the work was performed on BDNF, we described Asian/South African/Latin American/mixed populations.
in primis the studies on this neurotrophin. In the following paragraphs, we described the different genetic
studies on the role of BDNF according to pathology/symptomatology
3.1. Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) including the different diagnoses (pathology) and the studies performed
on HC (symptomatology). In the second part, we described the studies
Ninety-nine studies met our eligibility criteria regarding analyses for which investigated the role of genetic BDNF alterations on cognitive
BDNF: 71 studies were available for genetic (single nucleotide poly­ functions and structural brain features. The results related to all these
morphisms, SNPs) and epigenetic (DNA methylation) data, and 33 for studies were summarized in Table 1. Finally, we described gene
biochemical and mRNA expression approaches (Fig. 1). methylation findings.

3.1.1. Study characteristics 3.1.4. Pathology/symptomatology

The study characteristics were summarized in supplementary mate­ Seventy-one findings assessed the role of BDNF genetic variants on
rial (Tables 3S–11S). These tables described each study evidencing symptomatology and/or psychiatric diagnosis.
sample source, study design, sample size, age disease informant,
assessment, diagnostic criteria, exposure type, exposure informant, Mood and psychotic disorders. Twenty-seven studies examined
exposure type of report, exposure measure, cognitive performance, the impact of BDNF gene polymorphism in mediating the effect of CT/
structural brain features, biological source, main results obtained. The ELS on MDD, BD and SZ (Table 3S). Twenty-one studies (77%) agreed to
studies were included in two categories: 67 were from clinical and 36 show a G × E interaction with Met allele carriers modulating the CT/ELS
from non-clinical samples. Clinical populations included patients diag­ and mood and psychotic disorders outcome (Table 1). Six studies
nosed with mood and psychotic disorders (MDD, BD, SZ), anxiety- (Cristóbal-Narváez et al., 2017; Hernaus et al., 2014; Molendijk et al.,
related disorders (PTSD, OCD) and self-harm behaviour or substance 2012; Ramsay et al., 2013; Rimay et al., 2015; Serretti et al., 2013) did
abuse (as other diagnoses). Of the included papers, 9 were cohort- not find association, whereas 1 reported the involvement of rs6265 ge­
longitudinal studies in genetic investigations and 2 for biochemical notype (Bi et al., 2018) (Table 3S; Table 1). Most of the investigations
and expression investigations; 24 were case-control studies for genetic were performed in Caucasian populations (N = 23, 85%).
investigations (of which 5 were case-only), and 19 for biochemical and
expression investigations (of which 2 were case-only); 38 were cross- Anxiety-related disorders. Five studies investigated the Val66­
sectional studies in genetic investigations and 11 for biochemical and Met × CT/ELS effect on a spectrum of different clinical expressions of
expression investigations. anxiety disorders (Table 4S). Among these, one study (Hemmings et al.,
2013) identified the Met allele to significantly increase the susceptibil­
3.1.2. Quality and strength of evidence appraisal ity, due to CT exposure, of developing OCD; but this was not confirmed
A detailed description of the methodological quality of the studies as by a second study (Breet et al., 2019). Met allele was also found to be
measured on the Newcastle Ottawa Scale is presented in supplementary associated to mixed anxiety disorders; however, the sample size was too
material (Tables 1S, 2S). Among studies which met the criteria for small (McGregor et al., 2018). On the contrary, only 1 study recognized
“good” quality, there are 34 cross-sectional, 14 case-control and 7 those with a Val/Val genotype to show more severe PTSD symptoms, in
cohort-longitudinal studies for genetic findings; whereas, 14 case- the context of CT/ELS, as compared to Met allele carriers, in a Korean
control, 10 cross sectional and 2 cohort-longitudinal studies for population (Jin et al., 2019). In addition, one study did not find signif­
biochemical findings. We identified some methodological limitations/ icant G × CT/ELS effect on the cognitive-behavioural therapy outcome
strengths of the included studies. In general, the cross-sectional nature in panic disorder patients (Santacana et al., 2016) (Table 4S; Table 1).
has the limitation to not allow causal associations to be tested robustly, Most of the studies were conducted in non-Caucasian populations (N =
although a priori hypotheses were clearly defined and guided all ana­ 4).
lyses. Moreover, although some studies have found high reliability of
self-reports of childhood adversity, its retrospective measure may be Other diagnoses. Two studies investigated the role of BDNF
influenced by recall bias. All the cohort-longitudinal studies had good Val66Met polymorphism in predisposing those subjects with a history of
follow-up rates. Most of studies utilized validated psychometric in­ CT to develop self-destructive behaviours. Interestingly, both studies
struments and used methods of recruitment which did not limit the identified the Val/Val genotype as a risk factor increasing the likelihood
generalizability. of adult violent suicidal attempt in those sexually abused (Perroud et al.,
2008), and the prevalence of self-injurious behaviours in emotionally
3.1.3. Genetic studies maltreated individuals (Bresin et al., 2013) (Table 5S; Table 1). Third
We performed subparagraphs considering: 1. different pathologies: research reported contrary results; however, this was performed on
mood and psychotic disorders (N = 27, Table 3S); anxiety-related dis­ autopsies of suicide victims (Pregelj et al., 2011).
orders (N = 5, Table 4S); other diagnoses (self-harm behaviours and
substance abuse, N = 3, Table 5S); 2. healthy subjects (HC, N = 30, Healthy subjects. Thirty studies were performed on HC
Table 6S); 3. different trauma assessments (CT versus ELS); 4. cognitive (Table 6S, Table 1). From samples of HC characterized by a history of
functions and assessment (memory, emotional regulation, and atten­ CT/ELS, with different ages from childhood to adulthood, developing
tion/executive functions with respective test batteries) (Tables 3S–11S); depressive symptomatology and psychotic experiences, we observed
and 5. structural and functional imaging in specific brain areas, mainly that the presence of a Met allele represented a risk factor in 20 studies
hippocampus, amygdala, hypothalamus, anterior cingulate cortex (67%) (Table 6S, Table 1). In a group of healthy adolescents, sexual
(ACC), fusiform gyrus, subcallosal area (Tables 3S–11S). Six studies abuse was found to be the type of trauma that significantly interacted
investigated the methylation status of the BDNF gene, with ELS (N = 3) with the Val66Met genotype to alter levels of depressive symptoms
versus CT (N = 5) assessments (Table 7S). In the mood and psychotic (Comasco et al., 2013). Seven studies (Caldwell et al., 2013; Chen et al.,
disorders section, there were 13 studies that used ELS assessments 2012; de Castro-Catala et al., 2016; Jiang et al., 2013; Min et al., 2013;
whereas 17 used CT tests. In anxiety disorders, there were 5 using CT Tian et al., 2021; van Velzen et al., 2016) reported the Val/Val genotype
and 1 ELS assessments. In self-harm behaviours and substance abuse, all as a risk factor for depressive symptoms and higher anxiety symptoms in
studies available investigated CT. Finally, in HC, there were 17 studies children/young adults/adults, on the exposure to CT/ELS. In one study,
that performed CT questionnaires, whereas 15 used different tests for conducted in two independent cohorts of nonclinical subjects, a
ELS. 6. We identified 55 studies with Caucasian subjects and 16 for

M.G. Di Benedetto et al. Journal of Affective Disorders 308 (2022) 76–88

Table 1 Table 1 (continued )

Summary of the major results obtained from the studies included in the review N
between BDNF genetic, biochemical, expression, cognitive and structural brain
findings with childhood adversity and psychiatric disorders (N = number of Healthy subjects Higher levels 2
n=6 No association 2
Childhood trauma 5
N Early life stress 2
Caucasian populations 4
Genetic studies
Asian/South African/Latin American/mixed 2
Major psychiatric Met allele carriers 21
disorders (MDD, BD, SZ) rs6265 genotype 1
Cognitive functions/ Lower levels associated to immediate verbal 2
n = 27 No association 6
structural brain regions recall, reduced working memory/executive
Childhood trauma 17
n=7 function and general cognition
Early life stress 13
Lower levels associated to smaller hippocampal 2
Caucasian populations 23
Asian/South African/Latin American/mixed 4
No association 3
Anxiety-related disorders Met allele carriers (OCD) 1
(PTSD, OCD) No association (OCD) 1
n=5 Met allele carriers (mixed) 1 significant interaction was found between total CT, especially neglect,
Val/Val (PTSD) 1 and BDNF Val66Met on subclinical positive psychotic episodes. How­
No association 1 ever, the results for allele associated with the vulnerability were oppo­
Childhood trauma 5 site between the two included groups: in one cohort the Val allele
Early life stress 1
Caucasian populations 1
carriers were more at risk for psychotic experiences after CT, while in
Asian/South African/Latin American/mixed 4 the second cohort the Met carriers were the ones with the higher risk (de
populations Castro-Catala et al., 2016). Finally, four studies reported negative as­
Self-harm behaviours and Val/Val 2 sociations for psychological symptomatology (Agnafors et al., 2013;
substance abuse Childhood trauma 3
Martin et al., 2018; Nederhof et al., 2010; Tian et al., 2021), although
n=3 Caucasian populations 3
Healthy subjects Met allele carriers 20 Tian and colleagues (Tian et al., 2021) found an interaction between
n = 30 rs6265 genotype 1 Val/Val × CT on modulation of structural and functional connectivity in
Val/Val 7 an Asian population. Most of the studies were performed in Caucasian
No association 4 populations (N = 23, 77%) (Table 1).
Childhood trauma 17
Early life stress 15
From the remaining studies, only 1 identified the TT genotype at the
Caucasian populations 23 rs7103411 BDNF SNP as a risk factor for depressive symptoms in
Asian/South African/Latin American/mixed 7 African-American maltreated children (Cicchetti and Rogosch, 2014)
populations (Table 6S, Table 1).
Cognitive functions Met allele carriers in emotional processing and 4
n = 14 regulation
Met allele carriers in working memory, verbal 6 3.1.5. Cognitive functions
learning and visual recall memory, affective Fourteen studies regarded cognitive functions interacting with BDNF
memory, executive functions and CT/ELS (Tables 3S–7S).
Met allele carriers in cognitive flexibility 1
Met allele carriers in Perceptual Organization 1
Index Emotional processing and regulation. In a population of remitted
No association 2 depressed adults, those carrying the Met allele and who had also a his­
Structural brain features Met allele carriers in hippocampus 5 tory of ELS, presented a significantly altered performance in the pro­
n = 14 No association (hippocampus) 3 cessing of positive emotions, detected by emotional n-back task (Vrijsen
Met allele carriers in other brain regions 6
Val/Val carriers in other brain regions 3
et al., 2014). Similarly, 2 studies investigated the reappraisal ability in
healthy young adults exposed to CT. Again, Met carriers with the higher
levels of CT performed worse in reappraisal ability tasks, conducted with
Biochemical and expression studies
Major psychiatric Lower levels 13
a very similar procedure (Bîlc et al., 2018; Miu et al., 2017). Finally, one
disorders (MDD, BD, SZ) No association 3 study conducted on healthy adult women, found that those carrying the
n = 18 Childhood trauma 14 Met allele and reporting an emotional abuse during childhood, exhibited
Early life stress 7 an increased attention bias variability to emotional information,
Caucasian populations 11
compared to those with Val/Val genotype, using the Dot-probe task
Asian/South African/Latin American/mixed 7
populations (Hori et al., 2021) (Table 1).
Anxiety-related disorders Lower levels (PTSD) 2
(PTSD, OCD) No association (PTSD) 1 Memory, attention and executive functions. Seven studies
n=6 Higher levels (OCD) 1
investigated the role of the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism in the asso­
Higher levels (Anxiety) 1
No association (Anxiety) 1 ciation between CT/ELS and various aspects of memory functions, using
Childhood trauma 3 different cognitive tasks (Table 1). In particular, Met allele was associ­
Early life stress 3 ated to impairments in working memory (evaluated using the Integ­
Caucasian populations 2
Neuro battery) (Gatt et al., 2009), in verbal learning and visual recall
Asian/South African/Latin American/mixed 4
memory (assessed by a combined assessment of the Rey Auditory Verbal
Self-harm behaviours and Lower levels 1 Learning Test, RAVLT and Rey Complex Figure, RCF Test) (Savitz et al.,
substance abuse No association 2 2007), in affective memory (Self-referent encoding task, SRET) (van
n=3 Childhood trauma 3 Oostrom et al., 2012), and poorer working memory/executive function
Caucasian populations 1
and general cognition functioning evaluated with a standardized neu­
Asian/South African/Latin American/mixed 2
populations ropsychological test battery (Aas et al., 2013, 2014). Moreover, alter­
Lower levels 2 ation in BDNF promoter methylation was observed associated to
working and verbal learning memory (Hopkins Verbal Learning Test

M.G. Di Benedetto et al. Journal of Affective Disorders 308 (2022) 76–88

Revised TM, HVLT-R; Brief Visuospatial Memory Test Revised TM, women with bulimia nervosa, who had been exposed to sexual abuse at
BVMTR, the Rey Complex Figure Test, RCFT) (Ferrer et al., 2019). childhood, had a significantly higher percentage of methylation at the
However, in 2 further studies, in healthy individuals and in psychotic specific CpGs site 19, of the exon IV promoter region of this gene,
patients, investigating verbal learning functions with similar tests compared to healthy controls. Conversely, bulimic women, without CT,
(Hernaus et al., 2014; Tian et al., 2021), as well as spatial memory using had a greater percentage of DNA methylation at sites 2, 17, 19 and 25 of
block design task (Hernaus et al., 2014), no significant effect was found the same region, as compared to controls (Thaler et al., 2014).
(Table 1). A second study, performed by Ferrer and collaborators, reported that
Additional studies regarded the association between Met allele car­ a combination of higher methylation levels at multiple sites in both
riers × CT and cognitive flexibility assessed by Wisconsin Card Sorting promoters I and IV of BDNF gene and a more severe history of CT were
Task (WCST) (Gabrys et al., 2017), as well as with Perceptual Organi­ associated with poorer cognitive functioning in attention, executive
zation Index assessed by Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, 3rd Edition function, visual and verbal memory (Ferrer et al., 2019). Finally, 4
(WAIS-III) (Veras et al., 2019). remaining studies, performed in adults and children, respectively,
demonstrated that individuals who had been maltreated in childhood
3.1.6. Structural brain features had significantly different methylation levels at multiple sites within the
Fourteen studies investigated alterations in structural brain features BDNF gene when compared to non-maltreated subjects (Hossack et al.,
related with interacting effect of BDNF and CT/ELS (Tables 3S–7S, 2020; Peng et al., 2018; Perroud et al., 2013; Weder et al., 2014) and in 3
Table 1). of these studies the methylation × CT/ELS was associated with psy­
chopathology (Hossack et al., 2020; Peng et al., 2018; Perroud et al., Hippocampus. Five studies assessed potential hippocampal al­ 2013).
terations due to CT/ELS exposure, on the basis of the differential BDNF
genotypes. Four of these studies showed that adults affected by mood 3.1.8. Biochemical and gene expression studies
and psychotic disorders (MDD, BD, SZ), with a history of CT/ELS and Thirty biochemical and 3 gene expression studies investigated the
carrying the Met allele, showed smaller hippocampal volumes (Aas associations between protein and/or mRNA levels of BDNF with CT/ELS
et al., 2013, 2014; Carballedo et al., 2013; Frodl et al., 2014), and these and mood and psychotic disorders (N = 16 for biochemical and 2 for
data were confirmed also in an independent cohort of adult healthy expression approaches, 14 performed for CT and 7 for ELS assessments;
subjects (Gatt et al., 2009). Table 8S); anxiety-related disorders (N = 6, 3 performed for CT and 3 for
On the other hand, 3 studies did not find any significant alterations at ELS assessments Table 9S); other diagnoses (N = 3 on CT assessment,
the hippocampal level, when they looked at BDNF × CT interaction Table 10S) and in HC (N = 5 biochemical studies, N = 1 expression
(Gerritsen et al., 2012; Hernaus et al., 2014; Molendijk et al., 2012) studies, 5 performed for CT and 2 for ELS assessments; Table 11S)
(Table 1). (Table 1).
In patients affected by mood and psychotic disorders, BDNF levels in Other brain regions. Two studies reported reduced gray matter serum/plasma seemed to follow the same direction, with CT/ELS being
and amygdala volumes in BDNF Met carriers with a CT/ELS history (Gatt associated with a decrease in the protein levels in 13 studies (72%)
et al., 2009; van Velzen et al., 2016). However, subregion-specific re­ (Table 8S; Table 1). Three studies reported negative results (Counotte
sults were collected for the ACC: in one study, the Met allele was asso­ et al., 2019; Jeon et al., 2012; Perroud et al., 2013). One study (Dimi­
ciated with reduced gray matter in the subgenual ACC (Gerritsen et al., triadis et al., 2019) reported higher BDNF serum levels, but detected in
2012), whereas a second study reported that Val/Val carriers with CT traumatized depressed patients without SSRI usage and in non-
history had thinner rostral ACC (van Velzen et al., 2016). Moreover, traumatized depressed patients who used SSRIs. In addition, in
when investigating the functionality of the hypothalamus, Juhasz and another study conducted in forensic patients with mixed diagnosis those
colleagues observed a greater hypothalamic reactivity to sad faces who experienced sexual abuse during childhood reported higher levels
stimuli in healthy Met carriers reporting a history of CT/ELS (Juhasz of serum BDNF (Dotta-Panichi et al., 2015). Most of the studies were
et al., 2011). Furthermore, the condition of Met carriers with CT was conducted in Caucasian populations (N = 11, 61%) (Table 1).
found to be associated with significantly lower subcallosal gray matter In PTSD patients, 2 studies detected lower peripheral levels of BDNF
in healthy individuals (Marusak et al., 2016) and to reductions in white (Angelucci et al., 2014; Hauck et al., 2010), whereas a further one
matter integrity in MDD patients (Tatham et al., 2016). (Dell'Osso et al., 2009) did not observe any alterations in relation to ELS
In addition, 1 study investigated the interaction between BDNF ge­ interaction (Table 9S; Table 1). In OCD patients with CT, Li and col­
notype and CT history looking at the thickness of temporal lobe sub­ leagues reported higher plasma levels of BDNF (Li et al., 2021). In
regions in adults affected by PTSD: Val/Val carriers with higher levels of anxiety disorders, two studies were contrasting: (Bortoluzzi et al., 2014)
CT/ELS showed thinner left fusiform and left transverse temporal gyri, reported higher serum levels, whereas (de Baumont et al., 2019) no
compared to individuals with lower levels of trauma (Jin et al., 2019). alterations (Table 9S; Table 1).
Finally, 1 study investigated, in healthy subjects, the Val66Met × CT In other diagnoses, we found 2 negative studies in crack cocaine
interaction on connectivity in different cortical structures. In Val/Val dependent patients (Sordi et al., 2020; Viola et al., 2014), whereas one
homozygotes the CT severity was inversely associated with nodal simi­ study showed lower serum levels of BDNF in the interaction between
larity of the left precentral gyrus and the right middle temporal gyrus, self-harm behaviour and CT (Kavurma et al., 2017) (Table 10S; Table 1).
and positively associated with nodal similarity of the right parsorbitalis. In healthy subjects, two studies found lower peripheral BDNF levels
However, when investigating functional connectivity between net­ (Do Prado et al., 2017; Simsek et al., 2015), whereas two others (Bücker
works, Val/Val carriers with CT history had reduced connectivity be­ et al., 2015; Watt et al., 2020) found higher levels, associated with CT/
tween the dorsal attention network and the salience network (Tian et al., ELS (Table 11S; Table 1). One study did not observe any alterations (van
2021) (Table 1). Velzen et al., 2016). When assessing the correlation between CT/ELS
and BDNF gene expression in peripheral blood, 2 studies showed similar
3.1.7. Gene methylation. We found 6 studies investigating the role of results. Indeed, in psychotic patients, CT/ELS was associated with lower
methylation across the BDNF gene in mediating the effect of CT (N = 5)/ BDNF mRNA levels, and, also with smaller hippocampal subfields vol­
ELS (N = 3) (Table 7S) on mental disorders and cognitive performances. ume, especially in those subjects which were BDNF Met carriers (Aas
For instance, Thaler and colleagues analysed the methylation of BDNF et al., 2014; Mondelli et al., 2011). Conversely, no difference was
gene in women affected by bulimic eating syndrome. They reported that observed in a study performed by van Velzen and colleagues, where
BDNF mRNA levels were not significantly altered by a history of

M.G. Di Benedetto et al. Journal of Affective Disorders 308 (2022) 76–88

childhood maltreatment in adults affected by MDD/anxiety (van Velzen well as to be a potential moderator in the relationship between child­
et al., 2016). Five studies were performed in Caucasian populations hood adversity and pathologies linked to psychiatry field. On the other
(Table 1). hand, the low numbers of available studies on other NFs did not allow us
Furthermore, some studies showed that lower BDNF plasma levels to clearly define further potential biomarkers in this field.
were associated to impairment on immediate verbal recall using logical BDNF is a member of the neurotrophins family, involved in brain
memory test (Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised, WMS-R) (Grassi-Oliveira plasticity, including neuronal genesis, maturation and maintenance
et al., 2008), as well as to poorer working memory/executive function (Begni et al., 2017; Gomez Palacio Schjetnan and Escobar, 2013). Be­
and general cognition functioning, by evaluation with a standardized sides playing an important role in neurodevelopmental processes (Lu
neuropsychological test battery (Aas et al., 2014). However, no associ­ et al., 2014), this NF also mediates neuronal survival during adult life,
ation was observed with cognitive measures using different tests, in one strongly influencing cognitive functions (Kowiański et al., 2018).
study (Theleritis et al., 2014) (Table 11S; Table 1). Moreover, BDNF is highly expressed in both cerebral cortex and limbic
areas, where it participates in memory and learning functions (Cunha
3.2. Other neurotrophic factors et al., 2010). Aberrant BDNF signaling has been associated to several
neuropsychiatric conditions such as BD, MDD, SZ, ADHD, and anxiety
In addition to BDNF, further studies have investigated other NFs in disorders (Autry and Monteggia, 2012; Miranda et al., 2019). Therefore,
association with CT and the development of psychiatric disorders. The alterations in the expression and function of BDNF may represent a
investigated NFs were represented by the NT-4, the Vascular Endothe­ putative mechanism underlying the etiopathogenesis of these mental
lium Growth Factor (VEGF), the Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF), the health disorders.
Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) and the Transforming Growth Factor β1 To further support these findings, preclinical studies demonstrated
(TGF-β1) (Fig. 1). The literature research produced four studies: 3 re­ that exposure to ELS is associated with altered levels of BDNF (Bondar
ported biochemical data, and only 1 genetic data (Table 2). and Merkulova, 2016), suggesting that the experience of these events
In first episode psychosis, decreased levels of serum VEGF were has a negative impact on neuronal plasticity. Interestingly, some studies
observed in patients with a history of CT, in comparison with patients (Luoni et al., 2014) including a meta-analysis (Zhou et al., 2017) found
without trauma, whereas no significant alterations in EGF levels were that pharmacological intervention during critical time windows may
found (Di Nicola et al., 2013). Conversely, when assessing NFs levels in prove effective in preventing neuroplastic dysfunction, leading to long-
MDD, depressed individuals with CT were more likely to show higher term beneficial effects on brain function, through the increase of BDNF
levels of NT-4 and FGF in plasma than non-traumatized ones (Lu et al., expression. These findings further corroborate the role of BDNF as a
2013) (Table 2). Additionally, a G × E interaction was found between 4 valid biomarker, due to its ability to reflect alterations occurring in the
SNPs within TGF-β1 gene with sexual abuse, and 1 SNP with emotional brain and body, in the context of stress or pharmacological treatment,
abuse, on depressive symptoms (Cattaneo et al., 2018) (Table 2). Pe­ which is likely dependent on its genetic and epigenetic regulation
ripheral higher levels of this growth factor were observed in a small (Cattaneo et al., 2016).
sample of MDD patients and controls with CT (Jovanovic et al., 2021). From this perspective, genetic studies reported that BDNF activity
To our knowledge, no studies on NFs other than BDNF are available could be influenced by the common functional rs6265 SNP within the
in relation to cognitive tasks and brain structure features. gene, which causes a Valine to Methionine substitution at codon 66
(Val66Met) (Egan et al., 2003). Val66Met polymorphism has been
associated with reduced trafficking of BNDF mRNA to dendrites as well
4. Discussion
as decreased packaging and secretion of the neurotrophin (Baj et al.,
2013). Indeed, the extracellular levels of BDNF strictly depend on its
The current work represents the first systematic review of studies
activity-dependent release, which is impaired in Met carriers (Egan
investigating the relationship among CT/ELS, neuroplasticity molecules
et al., 2003). This impairment has been related to the presence of the
and psychiatric disorders, with the aim to improve our understanding of
Met allele in the pro-BDNF amino acid sequence which could impact its
how adverse and traumatic events, especially when experienced early in
ability to be packed from Golgi apparatus into secretory vesicles and to
life, could mediate the vulnerability for psychiatric disorders via alter­
be afterwards released into synapses (Egan et al., 2003).
ations of molecules involved in neuroplasticity, in particular NFs. The
This pattern of hypo-activity of BDNF in the Met form represents an
results indicate that, among the different NFs analysed, BDNF was the
example of genetic vulnerability that could significantly mediate the
most studied and consequently could represent a candidate biomarker
impact of environmental risk factors, including childhood adversity,
for the development of different phenotypes/endophenotypes such as
toward the development of mental health illnesses. Indeed, a
psychiatric symptomatology, cognitive functions and brain structure, as

Table 2
Summary of studies included in the systematic review regarding Neurotrophin 4 (NT-4), Vascular Endothelium Growth Factor (VEGF), Epidermal Growth Factor
(EGF), Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF), Transforming Growth Factor β1 (TGF-β1) levels and childhood trauma in psychiatric disorders.
Article Age (mean, Sample size NFs Childhood Trauma type Biological Pathology/ Results
(authors, year) years) trauma source healthy subjects

Di Nicola 28 24 VEGF CECA Serum FEP LOWER × CT

et al., 2013 EGF CECA Serum FEP NO
Lu et al., 2013 31 65 NT-4 CTQ Plasma MDD HIGHER × CT
Cattaneo et al., 40 4791 (Grady TGF- CTQ Emotional, Blood Healthy subjects 4 SNPs × sexual abuse, 1 SNP ×
2018 Trauma cohort) β1 physical, sexual emotional abuse × depressive
61 1620 (Helsinki abuse symptoms
birth cohort)
Jovanovic 43 55 MDD TGF-β CTQ Plasma MDD vs Healthy HIGHER × CT
et al., 2021 45 healthy subjects

NFs: neurotrophic factors; CT: childhood trauma; CECA: Childhood Experience of Care and Abuse; CTQ: Childhood Trauma Questionnaire; FEP: first episode psychosis;
MDD: Major Depressive Disorder; SNP: single nucleotide polymorphism.

M.G. Di Benedetto et al. Journal of Affective Disorders 308 (2022) 76–88

disadvantaged genetic background in genes related to neuroplasticity negative findings (Hernaus et al., 2014; Tian et al., 2021). These results
might shape the vulnerability in some individuals, due to a loss of are in line with previous studies showing that CT/ELS can impair
adaptive behaviours of resilience after exposure to an adverse environ­ cognitive functions, including working memory, either in healthy sub­
ment, potentially explaining how not every child develops mental dis­ jects or psychiatric patients, even years after the traumatic experience
orders as a consequence of traumatizing experiences. (Dodaj et al., 2017; Shannon et al., 2011).
In this scenario, we have identified several studies investigating the As further support to these conclusions, 6 studies reported the evi­
role of the Val66Met SNP in mediating the vulnerability for mental dence that Met carriers showed smaller hippocampal volumes in genetic
disorders in individuals exposed to childhood adversity. The most recent and expression studies (Aas et al., 2013, 2014; Carballedo et al., 2013;
meta-analysis that was performed on this SNP, life stress and depression Frodl et al., 2014; Gatt et al., 2009; Mondelli et al., 2011). The hippo­
dated back to 2018 (Zhao et al., 2018). The authors highlighted that Met campus is a fundamental brain region implicated in cognitive functions,
allele significantly moderated the relationship between stress and including those related to the memory domains and to emotion regu­
depression, supporting the hypothesis of the impact of BDNF G × E in lation and processing that are impaired in Met carriers with a CT history
depression; hypothesis that was for the first time supported in 2006 by (Opitz, 2014; Zhu et al., 2019). As a matter of facts, the hippocampal
Kaufman and colleagues (Kaufman et al., 2006). They found the same structure significantly develops, both in volume and complexity of
results both stratifying for ELS versus CT, for study design (cross- subregions, during childhood (Brown and Jernigan, 2012; Gómez and
sectional versus case-control/cohort studies) and for ancestry of popu­ Edgin, 2016; Tamnes et al., 2018), a period that is characterized by a
lation (Caucasian versus Asian populations). As compared to 31 in­ high level of neuronal plasticity and during which these complex
vestigations reported in Zhao et al., 2018, in which the authors meta- cognitive abilities begin being developed (Herba et al., 2006; Schneider
analysed studies from both MDD patients and HC with depressive and Ornstein, 2015). For these reasons, exposure to trauma during these
symptomatology, we detected a total number of 57 studies. A high critical years increases the risk for structural and functional alterations
percentage in which Met allele was implicated in CT/ELS interaction of regions that are not completely developed (Gould et al., 2012; Majer
was found of 77% in mood/psychotic disorders and 63% in depressive/ et al., 2010; Malhi et al., 2019), in a way that has been found to be
psychotic subclinical symptomatology (Table 1). Most of them were specific for the different subtypes of CT (Cassiers et al., 2018). For
performed in Caucasian populations (85%) (Table 1). These findings example, it has been suggested that sexual abuse affects more severely
support the notion that adverse stressful events during childhood play the reward circuit and the hippocampal volume, whereas emotional
an important role in mood and psychotic disorders and that BDNF ge­ maltreatment has been more related to alterations in the fronto-limbic
netic variants (the presence of the Met allele) represent a genetic socioemotional networks (Cassiers et al., 2018).
vulnerability factor that can mediate the effect of an adverse environ­ In relation to other brain regions, most of the studies reported the
ment on the development of these mental illnesses. involvement of Met allele, whereas others, even though in minority,
On a further note, when analysing the collected results in view of the showed evidence for a role of Val/Val genotype. In particular, 6 studies
age range of studies' participants, it is interesting to look at those studies found increased stress reactivity by smaller amygdala volumes and less
conducted in children and adolescents, who are potentially character­ gray matter among Met allele carriers exposed to ELS and childhood
ized by a higher neuroplasticity, but might also be more vulnerable to adversity (Gatt et al., 2009; Gerritsen et al., 2012; Juhasz et al., 2011;
the effects of traumatic events. In this perspective, 5 studies reported an Marusak et al., 2016; Tatham et al., 2016; van Velzen et al., 2016),
impact of 66Met allele × CT/ELS on the development of depressive whereas other studies reported the implication of the Val/Val genotype
symptoms in childhood samples (Cruz-Fuentes et al., 2014; Dalton et al., (Jin et al., 2019; Tian et al., 2021; van Velzen et al., 2016).
2014; Kaufman et al., 2006; La Greca et al., 2013; Marusak et al., 2016), From the peripheral point of view, most of biochemical and
whereas 4 studies did not find any association (Martin et al., 2018; expression studies agreed with lower peripheral levels of BDNF, asso­
Nederhof et al., 2010; Ramsay et al., 2013; Rimay et al., 2015). Inter­ ciated with CT/ELS, observed in patients affected by mood and psy­
estingly, one study investigating the impact of increasing severity of chotic disorders (72%), prevalently of Caucasian origin. Importantly,
family discord, in the context of genetic vulnerability, on depressive lower levels were associated to impairments in immediate verbal recall,
symptomatology at different ages, reported an association for increased reduced working memory/executive function and general cognition, as
symptoms at 15 years old, which was not maintained at 20 or 22–25 well as to smaller left hippocampal volume (Aas et al., 2014; Grassi-
years old (Dalton et al., 2014). Furthermore, at age 15, genetically Oliveira et al., 2008; Mondelli et al., 2011). Thus, these findings
susceptible subjects exhibited fewer depressive symptoms under con­ strengthen the evidence that Met allele and lower BDNF levels, with
ditions of positive family environment and more symptoms in adverse impairments in specific cognitive functions and specific brain areas
environment, compared to non-genetically-susceptible peers. On the (mainly hippocampus volume) could be considered as potential bio­
other hand, at older ages, they appeared sensitive only to negative markers for mood and psychotic disorders in Caucasian populations. It is
environment, and unaffected by positive stimuli. This might indicate also important to underline that these data are also supported by 6
that genetic susceptibility to positive stimuli diminishes over time, studies on BDNF promoter methylation pattern.
potentially together with the reduction of the neuroplasticity across Although CT/ELS is generally accepted as an important risk factor for
ages, whereas in adulthood the impact of negative stimuli remains brain impairment and mental disorders (Opel et al., 2019; Vythilingam
without a positive counterbalance, and this might explain why results et al., 2002), not all children who experience traumatic events ulti­
collected in young people are not so strong, whereas the direction of the mately develop them, but many apparently remain resilient during their
Met × CT interacting effect on mental health problems is so much more life; therefore, the genetic background plays a key role in mediating this
evident in studies conducted in adults. diverse vulnerability. In this regard, in order to give a better perspective
To all this, we add the data that come from cognitive and imaging of Met-allele vulnerability in the context of CT/ELS, we provide a
assessments. In particular, an important concordant finding is the role of comprehensive graphical representation of collected results, explaining
the Met allele in mediating the effect of CT/ELS on cognitive perfor­ how this interaction can influence the risk to develop psychiatric dis­
mances. In details, 12 studies observed that Met carriers with severe orders, impact cognitive domains and alter brain morphological struc­
exposure to CT/ELS showed impairments in emotional processing and tures and functioning (Fig. 2).
regulation, reappraisal ability (Bîlc et al., 2018; Hori et al., 2021; Miu On the other hand, controversial data as well as inconclusive results
et al., 2017; Vrijsen et al., 2014), memory and executive functions, are mostly present in anxiety-related disorders and in self-harm behav­
cognitive flexibility and Perceptual Organization Index (Aas et al., 2013, iours and substance abuse, both in genetic and in biochemical/expres­
2014; Ferrer et al., 2019; Gabrys et al., 2017; Gatt et al., 2009; Savitz sion studies (Table 1). For OCD, one study reported the involvement of
et al., 2007; van Oostrom et al., 2012; Veras et al., 2019), with only two Met allele (Hemmings et al., 2013), and higher BDNF levels (Li et al.,

M.G. Di Benedetto et al. Journal of Affective Disorders 308 (2022) 76–88

Fig. 2. Graphical representation, based on collected results, of the interaction between BDNF 66Met allele genetic background and exposure to childhood adversities.
The reduced BDNF bioavailability due to the presence of the 66Met allele, combined with the exposure to traumatic experiences during childhood can potentially
determine altered neuroplasticity and therefore affect brain development. These, in turn, can explain the observed brain structural and functional alterations,
cognitive functions impairment, as well as psychiatric symptomatology.

2021), whereas another showed negative results (Breet et al., 2019). For mainly in relation to anxiety-related disorders and in self-harm behav­
PTSD, one study reported the involvement of Val allele (Jin et al., 2019), iour and substance abuse.
2 studies with BDNF lower levels (Angelucci et al., 2014; Hauck et al., Moreover, the Met allele has a different frequency across general
2010), and 1 showing no alterations (Dell'Osso et al., 2009). On the same population and ranges from 0.55% for Sub-Saharan African individuals
line, when we considered self-harm behaviours and substance abuse, the to 19.9% and 43.6% for European and Asian subjects, respectively
available studies and collected results are not enough to reach consistent (Petryshen et al., 2010). Caucasians appear to be more susceptible to the
conclusions. Although these inconclusive results, it is interesting to effects of the 66Met, suggesting an ethnicity-specific effect of this
underline that some authors agreed on the role of Val/Val genotype variant (Notaras et al., 2015). Besides, cultural differences between
when considered the interaction with childhood maltreatment and Asian and Caucasians suggest that the interaction effect between BDNF
higher anxiety development, considering also the important evidence Val66Met SNP and childhood adversity in psychiatry may differ across
that Val allele is a potential risk factor for anxiety disorders suscepti­ cultural contexts.
bility (Gatt et al., 2009; Jin et al., 2019; Min et al., 2013). As for the difference in results between longitudinal and cross-
sectional group, retrospective assessment of exposure in cross-
5. Limitations sectional studies was often used in mental health research, because
many important exposure factors occur years before the disorder ap­
The studies reported in this systematic review suffer from some pears (e.g. childhood sexual abuse); however, the several dangers of
important limitations. For instance, we included studies characterized retrospective data are well known: normal forgetting, revisionist recall
by small sample sizes with a lower statistic power as evidenced in the and the best antidote to ills of retrospective data is collecting data
Newcastle-Ottawa quality assessment (Caldwell et al., 2013; Carver prospectively in a longitudinal study where repeated prospective mea­
et al., 2011; Hernaus et al., 2014; Hori et al., 2021; Kaufman et al., 2006; surement of environmental pathogens and mental health status en­
La Greca et al., 2013; Min et al., 2013; Quinn et al., 2012), by different hances the reliability and precision of measurement and augments
age range (from childhood to adulthood), and by different tests and scientific inference.
methodologies applied for the valuation of CT/ELS, symptomatology, Stress assessment methods used in studies are also an important
cognitive and structural brain functions. Although most of studies uti­ factor influencing the results. Specifically, genetic moderation was
lized validated psychometric instruments and used methods of recruit­ stronger in studies using in-person interviews or objective measures
ment which did not limit the generalizability, as obtained from the (such as trained investigators to assess stress) compared to studies which
Newcastle-Ottawa quality assessment, phenotypes were heterogeneous used self-reported methods (Verhagen et al., 2010).

M.G. Di Benedetto et al. Journal of Affective Disorders 308 (2022) 76–88

The year of the publication is similarly a further important factor. Acknowledgments

This implicates to have available an enough large sample size to perform
genetic studies (specific cohorts in longitudinal studies), more precise The manuscript was supported by Ricerca Corrente (Italian Ministry
methodology for high throughput genotyping and for peripheral and of Health).
mRNA expression detection, more precise instruments for imaging brain
regions recognition, and more accuracy in the clinical and neuropsy­ Appendix A. Supplementary data
chological assessments with huge availability of specific battery tests.
Furthermore, it is extremely important to note that we are not Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
reporting information regarding pharmacological treatment that org/10.1016/j.jad.2022.03.071.
mentally ill subjects might be undergoing, since in many of the included
studies there was no clear description of the effect of this variable on the References
outcomes we took in consideration.
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