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1. According to the Structural Functionalist Perspective, Society is an organic being
A. Interconnected association of groups
B. International relationship of people
C. Interrelated parts that work together

2. John went to the University to acquire knowledge but upon completion, he found a
potential mate for a wife. How will you describe Johns decision based on the
structural functionalist’s perspective of society……………………….?
A. Latent function
B. Manifest function
C. Social function

3. Ibrahim, a young boy of about 6 months has doubled his weight in relation to his
birth weight. There has also been an increase in his height compared to the time of
his birth. What phenomenon accounts for these increase in height and weight of
A. Development
B. Growth
C. Maturation

4. The unfolding of a genetically influenced and age related sequence of physical

changes and behaviour to master new abilities in termed as………………………?
A. Development
B. Hypertrophy
C. Maturation

5. Ruhaina, a student midwife has progressively acquired and mastered various skill
set such as learning, expressing her feelings which hitherto getting to the nurses
training school could not do. What has contributed to this skill acquisition?
A. Development
B. Growth
C. Maturation

6. The growth of an organism depends on the increase in the size of a cell and that of
the number of cells in the system of that organism. What name is given to the
growth pattern involving an increase in the number of cells of the individual………?
A. Hyperplasia
B. Hypertrophy
C. Hypervigilance
7. The kind of function (Structural Functionalist Perspective) whose results are
intended or whose outcomes are expected as is pursued is referred to in Sociology
A. Latent Function
B. Manifest Function
C. Required Function

8. Aisha has improved in her ability to reason, be creative, use language and solve
basic mathematical tasks as compared to when she was in the basic school. Which
domain of development has accounted for Aisha’s improved problem solving skills?
A. Cognitive domain
B. Emotional domain
C. Social domain

9. Which principle of growth and development suggest that as one grows, there will be
the appearance of new features on an already existing ones which had no prior
A. Cephalo-caudal principle
B. Cumulative principle
C. Epigenetic principle
10. Which one of these sociologists referred to religion or described religion as “the
opiates of the masses” ……………………………?
A. Auguste Comte
B. Emil Durkheim
C. Karl Marx

11. Iddrisu has acquired various skills set and he attributes this improvement in these
skills set to consistent practice of tasks. Which principle of growth and development
will you relate this improvement to?
A. Asynchronous principle
B. Cumulative principle
C. Proximo-distal principle

12. Which stage of the prenatal development of a foetus does implantation takes
A. Embryonic stage
B. Foetal stage
C. Germinal stage
13. Mariam has a chromosomal defect with a presentation of one X sex chromosome
instead of double XX sex chromosomes and this has made her to have an extremely
small breast and lacks secondary sexual characteristics. Which type of chromosomal
defect is Mariam having………………….?
A. Downs Syndrome
B. Klinefelters syndrome
C. Turners syndrome

14. ………………are agents or substances that cause abnormal prenatal development?

A. Huntington’s
B. Malnutrition
C. Teratogen

15. Maxwell is 3 months and has not walked, yet, when his mother held him with his
feet touching a firm surface, he made coordinated movements as though he had
already walked, what kind of reflex has Maxwell demonstrated………………….?
A. Moro reflex
B. Rooting reflex
C. Stepping reflex

16. All the following senses are present and developed at birth in an infant except…...?
A. Hearing
B. Sight
C. Smell

17. Sandra celebrated her birthday on the 19th of February, 2022. She says she is 23
years old. Of the concept of age, how will you classify Sandra’s age?
A. Biological age
B. Chronological age
C. Social age
18. Yussif, has demonstrated a unique and enduring behaviour pattern such that he
shows consistency in a special blend of talents, attitude, values hates and habits.
This unique pattern of Yussifs behaviour pattern is called……………………….?
A. Character
B. Personality
C. Temperament

19. Charles has such characteristics such as being outgoing, friendly, dramatic and
attention seeker. Which type of temperamental type does he possess…………....?
A. Choleric
B. Phlegmatic
C. Sanguine
20. The traits theory is such that they are categorized into three main types namely
common, cardinal and ………………………………….?
A. Central trait
B. Primitive trait
C. Secondary trait

21. The Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung proposed the idea of personality into two distinct
types namely…………………………………?
A. Ambivert and introvert
B. Introvert and Extrovert
C. Type A and Type B

22. According to the psychoanalytical theory of personality development, Freud

suggested that a part of conscious being is the seat of most unpleasant and unwanted
life experiences repressed overtime. What name is this level of consciousness……?
A. Conscious mind
B. Pre/subconscious mind
C. Unconscious mind

23. The component of personality which is entirely unconscious and includes the
instinctive and primitive behaviours driven by the pleasure principle and strives for
immediate gratification is known as………………………………….………?
A. Ego.
B. Id.
C. Super-Ego.

24. The part of the super-ego which is concerned about information on things that are
viewed as bad by parents and society is called………………………………?
A. Conscience
B. Ego-ideal
C. Gratification

25. Putin abuses alcohol, he contends that he only takes the alcohol because he has a
chronic illness which he uses the alcohol to ease the pain that comes with it. What
defense mechanism is Putin using……………………………?
A. Denial
B. Displacement
C. Rationalization

26. Asante suffers from antisocial personality such that he fights unnecessarily but he
has channeled these unwanted behaviour and impulses into a more desirable one
such as boxing, what defense mechanism is Asante using………………………….?
A. Regression
B. Repression
C. Sublimation

27. In the psychosexual development of personality, Freud believed that children

develop sexual stimulation and sensitivity to an area of the body. This, he called as?
A. Erogenous zone
B. Repression zone
C. Thanatos zone

28. Which one of the stages of psychosexual personality development indicates that
children develops unconscious sexual desires for either of the opposite sex of their
A. Latency stage
B. Oral stage
C. Phallic stage

29. Madam Ruhaina, a 60-year-old retired midwife makes a reflection of her life and
contemplates on her accomplishments. She feels very happy about her life but her
only regret has to do with the man she married. Which stage of Erikson’s
psychosocial development is madam Ruhaina operating from……………………?
A. Autonomy vs. Shame and doubt
B. Ego integrity vs. Despair
C. Trust vs. Mistrust

30. Mrs. Biden shouts and criticizes her child of 2 years anytime she tries to make
choices on what to wear, toys to play with and her ability to be independent. This
behaviour of Mrs. Biden makes the little girl to feel inadequate and becomes
dependent on others. In psychosocial personality development, what stage will the
girl be…………………………..?
A. Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
B. Generativity vs. Stagnation
C. Initiative vs. Guilt

31. In Piaget’s cognitive development of personality, children at the sensorimotor stage

achieve a critical state where they are able to maintain a mental image of objects.
Piaget called this development as ……………………………….?
A. Object achievement
B. Object permanency
C. Object recognition

32. Children at the preoperational cognitive development achieves all the following
developmental characteristics but lack……………………………………….?
A. Deferred imitation
B. Imaginative play
C. Reversibility of the mind

33. Which stage in cognitive development of personality is characterized by logical

thinking, reflective thinking and makes use of combinational thinking……………?
A. Concrete operational stage
B. Formal operational stage
C. Sensorimotor stage

34. Kolhberg in the moral theory of personality development indicated that at one
stage, individual judgement is based on self-chosen principles and reasoning. What
is the name he gave to this state………………………?
A. Conventional morality
B. Post-conventional morality
C. Pre-conventional morality

35. All the following are advantages of interview as a personality assessment tool
A. Gives rapid insight into personality
B. It is cheap
C. The Interviewer may influence interviewee

36. According to Feldman (1996), learning is a relatively permanent change

in…………….as a result of experience.
A. Behaviour
B. Performance potential
C. Relationship

37. Mr. Akuffo Addo is a teacher in one primary school. He uses a procedure which
seeks to use reward to guide his students natural behaviour towards desired
behaviours. What procedure is Mr. Addo using……………………………….?
A. Classical learning
B. Observational learning
C. Shaping

38. Ama is a sales girl in a supermarket in Tamale. She says her manager pays her
wages after the sale of a specific number of items not regarding the time frame
within which these items will be sold. What schedule of partial reinforcement is her
boss using………………………………?
A. Fixed interval
B. Fixed ratio
C. Variable ratio
39. A dog who has been trained using classical conditioning (bell) is now responding to
items that has a sound similar to the one used in the learning process. What
principle of classical conditioning accounts for this reaction from the dog………..?
A. Discrimination
B. Extinction
C. Stimulus generalization
40. Successful application of modelling or observational learning depends on four key
conditions. All the following are parts of the conditions for effective modeling
A. Recognition
B. Reproduction
C. Retention
41. Atanga, a student makes searches for material for learning on his own through self-
motivation and active exploration of areas of personal interest. Which of the
learning theories is Atanga using…………………………………….?
A. Discovery learning
B. Meaningful reception learning
C. Operant learning
42. The information processing approach to learning indicates that effective memory of
information depends on three key factors, encoding, retrieval and ………………..?
A. Storage
B. Reading
C. Sharing
43. Which part of the human memory is responsible for receiving information from the
outside world through our senses and is a temporal holding tank for such incoming
A. Long-Term memory
B. Sensory memory
C. Short-Term memory
44. In the long term memory, if an individual is able to store information relating to
events and situations, it is called………………………………………?
A. Episodic memory
B. Non-declarative memory
C. Semantic memory
45. According to Aristotle human beings are “social animals”. What then differentiates
the human being from animals……………………?
A. Desire for food and water
B. Inherent spirituality
C. Mating relationship
46. Socialization is a matter of learning and not acquired through adoption and
biological inheritance………………?
A. True
B. False
47. Amina 6 years, who has just begun schooling is about experiencing one stage of the
socialization process. Which of these stages will she experience whiles in
A. Adolescent socialization
B. Child socialization
C. Infant socialization
48. Majeed who has recently been employed in a firm learns about the firm and its
history, values, jargons, culture, and procedures used in the firm. Which form of
secondary socialization is Majeed experiencing at this new firm………………..…?
A. Anticipatory socialization
B. Group socialization
C. Organizational socialization
49. The Adolescent Health Policy comprises of several topics on subjects related to
ensuring that the well-being and growth of adolescents are enhanced. Which of the
following topics fall within the policy………………………………………..….?
A. Child labour, Nutrition and Mental health
B. Nutrition, Mental Health and Excursions
C. Substance use, Dating and HIV/STI’s

50. The Ghana Health Service is governed by a …………………. member committee

called the Ghana Health Service Council. How many people make up this
A. 9
B. 10
C. 12

51. The National Health Insurance ACT 650 has been replaced with a new ACT 852. In
which year was this new ACT enacted……………………………….?
A. 2003
B. 2012
C. 2015
52. The rights of persons with mental disorders include all the following as enshrined in
the Mental Health Act EXCEPT………………………………………?
A. Confidentiality
B. Mistreatment of others in society
C. Non-discrimination
53. The hospital as a social system comprises of series of relationships that exist between
the nurse and other stakeholders. Such relationship which exist between the nurse
and patient is guided by power, trust and respect.
A. True
B. False
54. A conflict situation in which desired end states or preferred outcomes appear to be
incompatible is termed as cognitive conflict.
A. True
B. False
55. Conflicts can occur between individuals, organizations, within and between groups
but can never happen in an individual.
A. True
B. False
56. When a person is confronted with a situation in which a choice is to be made
between two or more alternative positive outcomes is known as………………….?
A. Approach-approach
B. Approach-avoidance
C. Avoidance-avoidance
57. Intragroup conflict is seen from three main categories namely substantive, affective
and cognitive conflict.
A. True
B. False
58. In solving behavioural conflict, when one covers the conflict by appealing for the
need for unity instead of addressing the issue of the conflict it’s called…………..?
A. Compromising
B. Forcing
C. Smoothing
59. The National Health Insurance Policy of Ghana covers a certain percentage of
disease conditions in Ghana. What is the percentage…………………….?
A. 70%
B. 80%
C. 95%
60. The maternal health category of the national health policy involves the care of
women in an organized manner involving all of these EXCEPT………………….?
A. BCG injections
B. Focus antenatal care
C. Skilled attendance at delivery
61. The goals of psychology are to find out about behaviours and mental processes of an
organism through the use of psychological approach to describe, explain, predict
and……………. behaviours and mental process. What is the last approach that is
A. Analyze
B. Conclude
C. Control

62. Lukman, a psychologist diagnoses, classifies, treats and manage abnormal

behaviours in clients. Which branch of psychology does Lukman practices…….?
A. Clinical psychology
B. Counselling psychology
C. Forensic psychology
63. To make an observation in psychology, the ideal step that is required follows a four-
step approach or order. Which one of the following is the ideal order……………?
A. Analyze/interpret, observe, record and generalize.
B. Generalize, observe, record and analyze/interpret.
C. Observe, record, analyze/interpret and generalize.
64. Munira is conducting an observation on how children relates with each other when
they are in school. She does this when they are playing and are not aware that they
are being studied. Which type of observation is Munira adopting to study these
children’s behaviour…..……………...….?
A. Direct observation
B. Naturalistic observation
C. Non-participant observation

Answer question 65 and 66 from the scenario below.

Baby Jackson weighed 3.1kg as at the time of his birth. He couldn’t perform much
coordinated activities as at the time of his birth except crying until he reached the third
month onwards. At month six, he had a weight of 5.4kg and is able to identify the mother
as well as sit with support.
65. What accounted for the progressive increase in the size or parts of Baby Jackson’s
weight at month six ………………………….?
A. Assimilation
B. Development
C. Growth
66. Baby Jackson can demonstrate all the following reflexes such as rooting, sucking,
moro at month six.
A. True
B. False
67. Knowledge of one’s own personality traits which includes a collection of beliefs,
ideas and feeling about one’s own identity is termed as……………………..?
A. Self-assessment
B. Self-awareness
C. Self-concept
68. Rashidatu, a student of Nursing and Midwifery Training College complains that she
easily forgets anything she reads and finds it difficult to retrieve information stored
in memory. To assist Rashidatu to remember information she has read, all the
following strategies are most effective EXCEPT…………………………..?
A. Forming Acronyms of points
B. Practicing rote learning
C. The use of external aids
69. Which of the following pseudo-psychology believe that one’s handwriting reveals
one’s personality and could be used to predict job performance.
A. Graphology
B. Numerology
C. Palmistry
70. One of these parapsychology believe that they can exert influence over inanimate
objects by will power. This parapsychology is termed as…………………………….?
A. Clairvoyance
B. Psychokinesis
C. Telepathy
71. Which one of the following psychologist used a method called introspection to assess
his client during his days of practice………………………………….?
A. Edward Titchener
B. Wilhelm Wundt
C. William James
72. In personality assessment interviews are used to engage people in conversation
because it offers the following advantages over others EXCEPT…………………….?
A. Gives rapid insight into personality
B. Gives room for clarification of questions
C. It gives room for halo-effect
73. In the concept of memory, when information is filed in memory and a label is
attached to the information for storage such that retrieval becomes easy is called…?
A. Encoding
B. Storage
C. Retrieval
74. In forgetting, one theory states that we fail to remember information we have
received because traces of such information erases with time. This theory is known
as ………………………….?
A. The decay theory
B. The disuse theory
C. The interference theory
75. When motivations from individual arises from goods that are essentially needful for
the sustenance of life its termed as…………………………………?
A. Personal motive
B. Physiological motive
C. Social motive
76. Socialization plays an essential role in shaping the character and behaviour of every
individual. Which of these agents plays the primitive role of inculcating cultural
elements in an individual?
A. The Family
B. The Mass Media
C. The school
77. The conflict perspective of society believed in the existence of two classes of people
in society, thus the Bourgeoisies and the …………………………………………….?
A. Barristers
B. Caste
C. Proletariat
78. All the following are forms of extrinsic motivation techniques EXCEPT……….?
A. Presenting unusual stimulus
B. Token economy
C. Verbal praise
79. Mr. Macron, a successful businessman has self-respect and that of the society in
which he lives, and has many status symbols. On the Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy
of needs which level would you classify Mr. Macron……………………………….?
A. Love and Belonging
B. Physiological needs
C. Self Esteem need
80. The Behaviourist theory of motivation is of the view that before one can learn have
a drive, notice a cue, do something and ………………………………?
A. Explain a concept
B. Get a reward
C. Motivate a person

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