Health Iceberg Poster Sources

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Works Cited

“Definitions: Sexual Prejudice, Homophobia, and Heterosexism.”,

“Homophobia | Positive Space | Vancouver Island University | Canada.”, Accessed 21 Dec. 2023.

“How Homophobia Hurts Us All | Positive Space | Vancouver Island University.”,


Planned Parenthood. “What Is Homophobia?”, 2021,


The Rainbow Project. “Internalised Homophobia.” Rainbow Project, 2022,

Ventriglio, Antonio, et al. “Homophobia and Mental Health: A Scourge of Modern Era.”

Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, vol. 30, no. 52, 29 June 2021,

Wikipedia Contributors. “Homophobia.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 19 May 2019,

Most Significant:
The most significant idea listed in the bottom part of my iceberg would
be internalized homophobia. It can happen for many different reasons
and I think it’s significant because it isn’t a part of homophobia people
would ever expect to encounter. There are many reasons this can
happen and it can also be a combination of things such as: societal
norms, expectations, and ignorance from the individual or others. The
most interesting part is it’s not about judging or accepting other people
but rather self-acceptance. This concept is placed underneath my
iceberg because it’s a struggle about one’s self-identity. It also affects an
individual's world views influence and can one’s actions or beliefs.

How It Helps Me Understand The World:

This has helped me realize how stigmatized sexual orientation and
expression truly are. It shows how social norms and expectations can be
harmful and create a toxic environment. I realized the damaging impact
of how external judgment can harshly affect an individual. Understanding
internalized homophobia has given me a nuanced view of homophobia
and how there is much more beneath the surface.

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