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1.0 What is the usual dose of zidovudine?

Answ: 300mg 12hrly
2.0 Which drug is used for the managemnet of pneumocystic carni in HIV patients?
Answ: co-trimoxazole
3.0 What are the essentials amino acids?
Answ: Amino acids needed but not produced by the body.
4.0 Rabies vaccine is given on days …
Answ: Post-exposure for unimmunized: 0, 3, 7, and 14. If immunocompromized, a fifth dose
is given day 28.
If previously immunized: two doses given on day 0 and any day within 3rd to 7th day.
Pre-exposure prophylaxis: 0, 7, and 21 or 28.
5.0 Why is vitB6 taken with isoniazid?
Answ: to prevent peripheral neuropathy.
6.0 Example of class 3 antiarrhythmic drugs is ...
Answ: Amiodarone
7.0 Mandatory parameters for patients on anticoagulants include …
Answ: INR and Prothrombin time.
8.0 When was NHIS established?
Answ: 1999
9.0 Which antihypertensive is best used din diabetic patients?
Answ: ACEIs
10.0 What is the first line drug for diabetes?
Answ: Metformin
11.0 Which antihypertensive is used in pregnancy?
Answ: Alpha- methyldopa
12.0 Which vaccines is given in a 4 months’ baby?

Answ: Diptheria, Tetanus and whooping cough (DTap), Haemophilus influenza type b(Hib),
inactivated polio vaccine (IPV), pneumococcal(Pcv) and Rotavirus vaccine(Rv)
13.0 What are the side effects of typical and atypical antipsychotics?
Answ: Typical: akathisia, dystonia, weight gain, erectile dysfunction etc.
Atypical: constipation, hypotension, sialorrhea etc..
14.0 What is the indication for nitrofurantoin?
Answ: UTI
15.0 what is the indication for Ethosuximide?
Answ: Epilepsy (Absence seizure)
16.0 The following are members of the disciplinary tribunal for the PCN…
Answ: Chairman and 6 members of the council.
17.0 The principal agent of the Nigerian stock exchange is …
Answ: Stock brockers and issuing houses.
18.0 What is e-dispensing?
Answ: electronic dispensing
19.0 What is mottling?
Answ: Dye migration (unequal distribution of colours on a tablet surface)
20.0 What is creaming and cracking of emulsion?
Answ: Creaming: separation of emulsion into two, such that one part is richer in dispersed
It is reversible on shaking.
Cracking: water phase separate from oil phase. It is irreversible on shaking.
21.0 What is levigation?
Answ: Moistening powdered chemicals before mixing into a cream or ointment.
Or grinding insoluble substance to fine powder while wet.
22.0 What are the 4Ms?
Answ: Money, Man, Machine and Materials.
23.0 What are the drugs for the treatment of tissue nematode infections?
Answ: Mebendazole, Albendazole, Pyrantel pamoate,
24.0 Antihypertensive that cause hypokalemia include:
Answ: Frusemide
25.0 What are the uses of computer in pharmacy?
Answ: e-dispensing, improved confidentiality of patients information, etc
26.0 what class of drugs causes cheese reaction?
Answ: Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors.
27.0 Which drug is dopamine agonist?
Answ: Apomorphine, Bromocriptine, etc.
28.0 Which antimalarial requires a fatty meal?
Answ: Arthemeter/Lumefantrine.
29.0 What is the main objective of pharmacovigilance?
Answ: To detect, assess, prevent and manage ADRs.
30.0 The treatment that is not suitable for metastatic breast cancer is …
Answ: Surgery
31.0 There is beneficial drug-drug interaction between …
Answ: Lopinavir/Ritonavir
32.0 What is the use of magnesium sulphate in pregnant woman?
Answ: pre-eclampsia, eclampsia and toxemia.
33.0 Which antihypertensive decreases libido in men?
Answ: Methyldopa
34.0 A brand of Methocarbamol Robaxin(N) by Sandofi is used for …
Answ: Muscle spasm
35.0 What is the antidote for paracetamol overdose?
Answ: N-acetylcysteine
36.0 What is the antidote for organophosphate poisoning?
Answ: Atropine, Pralidoxime, Benzodiazepines.
37.0 What is the causative agent for trichomoniasis?
Answ: Trichomonas vaginalis (A parasitic protozoan)

38.0 How many years does PSN chairman spends in the office?
Answ: 3 years

39.0 When was PSN established?

a)1925 b)1926 c)1927 d) 1928
Answ: 1927

40.0 Types of PSN membership?

Answ: we have 4 types; Full membership, Associate membership(interns), Affiliate
membership( final year students), Honorary membership( for non-Nigerians)

41.0 What is the causative agent for cervical cancer?

Answ: Human Pappiloma virus

42.0 Factors affecting the flow properties of powder?

Answ: Angle of ripose, bulk density, etc.

43.0 What is the name of collar used on dogs to prevent them from leaking the medication
on their body?
Answ: Cone collar

44.0 What is the underlying pathophysiology of asthma?

Answ: chronic air-way inflammation.

45.0 What are the side effects of phenytoin?

Answ: Restlessness, slurred speech, constipation etc.

46.0 Walking bear footed can result to worm infection by…

Answ: hook worm, threadworm etc.

47.0 The ARV that acts during the production of protein formed virons is…
Answ: Protease inhibitors, e.g Lopinavir.

48.0 What is the suitable inhaler treatment for children?

Answ: Spacer inhaler

49.0 What are the side effects of Lisinopril?

Answ: hyperkalemia, dry cough, chest pain, etc.

50.0 What is the meaning of LMIS?

Answ: Logistic Management Information System

51.0 What is the purpose of LMIS?

Answ: to make informed decision

52.0 What is the name of microorganism that can contaminate left over salad?
Answ: Clostridium perfrigenes

53.0 Which of the following is not a selective B2 antagonist?

a) Metoprolol b) Atenolol c) Acebutalolol d) Bispurol
Answ: Atenolol
54.0 Which is the benefit of selective B1 antagonist in CCF?
Answ: B1 block is the major target.

55.0 Which of the following is not used in CCF?

a) Carvedilol. b) Labetalol c) Metoprolol d) Atenolol

Answ: Atenolol

56.0 What is the use of titanium dioxide in capsule?

a) as diluent b) as opaquest c) as thickener
Answ: Opaquest
57.0 What is the time for disintegration of uncoated tablet?
a) 15 minutes b) 10 minutes c) 30 minutes d) 20 minutes
Answ: 15 minutes

58.0 Which of the following is an official quality analyses of tablet?

a) Friability test b) Crushing strength c) Dissolution rate
Answ: Dissolution rate test

59.0 Which of the following is correct?

a) creamed emulsion can be reformed on shaking
b) creamed emulsion cannot be reformed on shaking
c) cracked emulsion can be reformed on shaking
d) both creamed and cracked emulsion can be reformed on shaking
Answ: A
60.0 Which of the following will not affect the flow of powder?
a) bulk density b) tapped density c) true density d) angle of repose
61.0 What is subjective data?
Answ: information given by the patient.
62.0 which of the following is not a vital sign?
a) body temperature b) body weight c) pulse rate d) blood pressure
Answ: body weight

63.0 Types of drug therapy problems.

Answ: wrong dose, poor adherence, wrong drug, etc.
64.0 First line agents in the treatment of T.B?
Answ: Isoniazid, Rifampicin, Pyrazinamide, Ethambutol
65.0 Adverse of effect of Ethambutol?
Answ: Optic neuritis, abdominal pain, confusion, etc.
66.0 which of the following worms cannot be contaminated from soil?
a) hookworm b) roundworm c) fluke.
Answ: fluke

67.0 If shareholder in a business alie, the company will________

Answ: smaller partners gain from alliance, while larger partners suffers loss.
68.0 Drug that causes Nausea, vomiting discoloration of urine is which of the following
(a) Phenytoin (b) PCM (c) Amlodipne (d) Furosemide
69.0 The following causes hypertension except
Answ: Clonidine
70.0 Antibiotics resistance can be caused by the following except _________
Answ: Antibiotic stewardship
71.0 Which of the following is type III antianythmic
(a) Procanamide (b) Amiodarone (c) flecinide
Answ: Amioderone
72.0 Diazepam is indicated in the following except
Ans: Prophylaxis for epilepsy
73.0 Spacer inhaler is used in
(a) Children (b) Elderly (c) Adult
Answ: Children

74.0 One of the following should be kept in school for primary school children with
Answ: Spacer inhaler
75.0 What is therapeutic index?
Answ: margin btw lethal and effective dose.
76.0 Dry used in iron deficiency anaemia ___________
Asnw: Ferrous salts.
77.0 Substitute for ACELs
Ans: Losartan
78.0 Who has the overall day to day management of community pharmacy?
(a) Superintendent pharm. (b) General Manager
Answ: A
79.0 Which of the following is not good for consumption?
Answ: omega 6

80.0 Composition of pharmacy & therapeutic committee

Answ: Pharmacists, Physician, Nurses
81.0 Causes of intraprofessional conflict _________
Answ: Poor salary structure, lack of mutual respect, etc.
82.0 What Destroy DRF in Nigeria?
Answ: poor economic, political, management and human factors.
83.0 What is Critical Thinking?
Answ: Objective analysis and evaluation of an issue to form a judgement.
84.0 FMCs are
(a) 1o healthcare (b) 2o healthcare (c) 3o healthcare
Answ: C
85.0 Drug that need adjustment in renal dysfunction _________
Answ: Gentamycin, thiazide diuretics

86.0 Which of the following activities in pharmacy cannot be cloned electronically?

Answ: extemporaneous preparation
87.0 Management of breast cancer that metastatise include the following except
Answ: Surgery
88.0 Effect of irradiation are as follows except
Answ: None of the options
89.0 What is job satisfaction?
Answ: a feeling of fulfilment or enjoyment that one derives from job.
90.0 Which of the following is a diffusible powder?
Answ: Kaolin, light magnesium Carbonate
91.0 Causes of Economic recession in Nigeria is
Answ: unemployment, high interest rates, government policy, etc.
92.0 Side effects of Minoxidil
Answ: Pericarditis, leukopenia, etc.
93.0 Properties of PCM (indications) include the following except _______
(a) Analgesic (b) anti inflammatory (c) Antipyretic
Answ: B
94.0 What is the cornerstone of pharmaceutice care?
(a) Patient Counselling (b) Communication (c) Listening
Answ: A
95.0 Extra pyramidal side effects include….
Answ: Acute dystonia, tardive dyskinesia, akathisia

96.0 Technical groups of PSN includes:

Remaining Questions

- Read M. Zayyad’s materials on pharmaceutical care

- Read Pharm Ayuba’s materials on management & NAFDAC PSN etc.
- Read Mal Shu’aibu’s material on PCN
- Read Dyslipidemia (so many questions on it)
- Read antihypertensive, & Antidisbetic, thoroughly, combination of antihypertensives
& pathophysiology of diabeties
- Read fatty acids, amino acids from Biochem.

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