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S.Y. 2023-2024

Name: _________________________ Grade & Section: ________ Score: _______

I. Directions: Read and understand the questions carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. In what part of the house can you usually find these materials?

A. in the bathroom C. in the kitchen

B. In the bedroom D. in the living room

2. Observe the pictures below, what materials are they made of?
A. Wood C. paper

B. Plastic D. fiber

3. How will you classify the household materials above?

A. according to their color C. according to their shape
B. according to their hardness D. according to their use

4. Which solid material does not belong to the group?

A. Gold bracelet C. Plastic spoon
B. iron nail D. silver ring

5. Metal is a substance. Why is it used for making machines?

A. Metal has many colors C. Metal is strong
B. Metal is shiny D. Metal is transparent

6. Gold can be shaped into rings. What property does gold have?
A. brittleness C. hardness
B. elasticity D. malleability

7. Rubber bands can be used to secure things tightly because they can be
stretched and can go back to their original shape. What property do rubber bands have?
A. elasticity C. softness
B. hardness D. strength

8. Which of the following is the ability of the material to easily decompose?

A. Biodegradability C. Flammability
B. Combustibility D. Reactivity

9. Why is a piece of paper easily catch fire?

A. Because it can be decomposed by nature.
B. Because it has the ability to ignite fire and combustible.
C. Because of its texture and and being fibrous.
D. Because it is white and smooth.

10. Which material below has the property of being ductile?

Copper wire Paper clip rubber bands

A. B. C. D.
11. Arlyn is fond of cleaning the toilet. What is the best way she can use to clean it?
A. Using soap detergent and water. C. Pouring baking soda.
B. Using muriatic acid. D. Pouring soft drinks on it.

12. Sonia loves buying air fresheners. Which will be good for the environment and
best alternative to use?
A. peelings of calamansi C. mothballs
B. cologne D. detergent powder
13. Chemical substances like fertilizers when not properly handled will .
A. Help plants grow C. Make the soil more fertile
B. Make the soil less fertile D. Pollute the soils
14. Warning symbols is used to indicate that a material is harmful.
Which of them symbolizes that a material is poisonous?

A B. C. D.

15. Why are metal useful?

A. They are hard and can be made into different shapes.
B. They can produce good sounds.
C. They can be broken easily
D. They can be thrown away easily.

16. Which is not a harmful substance or material?

A. a slice of pizza C. insecticides
B. chlorine D. old batteries

17. When do we consider a material to be useful?

A If it has served its uses.
B If it was put in a corner and wait for disposal.
C. If it was located in a place seen by people.
D. If it gives a person a reason to be happy.

18. Study the pictures below that show different activities.

Which of them shows harmful effects of materials?

A C.



19. Which of the following activities showed chemical change due to application of heat?
A. pancake making C. straightening of hair
B. cutting of wood D. rusting of nail

20. Which of the following results physical change in an object?

A. Burning a piece of paper.
B. Chewing a piece of bread
C. Cutting of wood into smaller pieces
D. Mixing paint with a thinner

21. What type of change does a material undergo if only the appearance changes and
no new material were formed?
A. Atmospheric change C. Chemical change
B. Biological change D. Physical change

22. Aling Tanya burns leaves early in the morning in their backyard. Which of the
following is an indication that new material was formed when heat is applied on it?
A. ash B. fire C. heat D. smoke

23. Which of the following is an example of a chemical change?

A. Cutting a broken glass C. Cutting a piece of wood
B. cutting a paper into one-fourth D. Rusting of a steel wool
24. When the matchstick burned, what will happen?
A. there was change in color, smell and substance.
B. It remains the same
C. No change at all
D. None of above
25. Why is rusting chain an example of chemical change?
A. Because a chain is part of the environment where we live.
B. Because it gives a beautiful image after.
C. Because the characteristic of the chain doesn’t change.
D. Because rust is weak powdery substance produce during chemical change.

26. Which of these is an example of a chemical change in material?

A. wood turns into charcoal C. matches in a box
B. ice turn to water D. crumpled paper on the table

27. What evidence shows a chemical change?

A. formation of precipitate C. formation of new substance
B. formation of gas or smoke D. all of the above

28. Which of the following will produce rust when it is wet?

A. A nail B. A glass C. a rubber band D. a plastic spoon

29. What is one bad effect of chemical change to food?

A. The food might not be cooked.
B. The food might get less tasteful.
C. The food might get softer.
D. The food might be spoiled.

30. In what ways does burning fuel affect the atmosphere?

A. It increases oxygen in the air.
B. It makes air pure.
C. It releases harmful chemicals in the air
D. It reduces carbon dioxide in the air.

31. A cup of soup is on the table. You observed that it has bubbles and a foul smell. What
would you infer?
A. The soup is newly cooked. C. The soup is spoiled.
B. The soup is sour D. The soup is tasty

32. It is a part of the air that surrounds us. It is used by the body
to continue life. It also has effects on different materials.
A. Carbon B. Helium C. Nitrogen D. Oxygen

33. People and animals use oxygen in respiration. As oxygen is inhaled, some materials
inside the body combine with it and undergoes
A. chemical reaction that gives off carbon dioxide, water and energy.
B. harmful substances to mixed with the air.
C. physical change to all the matter around it.
D. social changes to those living organism on the environment.

34. Matter could be changed chemically due to

A. Application of change C. cold resistance
B. Application of heat D. oxygen
35. What happens to trash after the garbage truck picks it up?
A. It goes to a river or a resource recovery facility
B. It goes to a landfill or a resource recovery facility
C. It goes to a landfill or in the river
D. It goes to the air
36. What is the proper way of disposing dry leaves, and vegetable peelings?
A. burn in backyards C. Put in a compost pit.
B. Let children play on it. D. Throw on rivers bank

37. Which describes a landfill?

A. A place where animals live and look for food.
B. An area where vendors displayed their materials to sell
C. Dumping sites where waste materials are covered with layers of soil to avoid
pollute the land.
D. An open area where biodegradable materials were put.

38. How can you properly dispose garbage that easily decomposes?
A. burn them C. recycle them
B. bury them D. throw them anywhere

39. Which of these garbage materials do not decompose?

A. falling leaves C. Plastics, glass, bottles left-over
B. Fruit peelings and food D. Used cooking oil

40. Which of the following is bad for the environment?

A. Littering B. Recycling C. Reducing D. Reusing

41. Plastic bottles, cups and bottle cups .

A. Can be made into a beautiful lantern product C. Both a and b
B. Can be used as recycled materials D. Cannot be recycled

42. Which of the following is recyclable material?

A. aluminum C. glass
B. cardboard D. all of the above
43. Which of these local materials can be recycled?
A. juice wrappers C. plastic bags
B. paper towels D. tissues

44. Which of the following cannot be recycled?

A. paper C. organic waste
B. glass D. all of the above can be recycled

45. Why it is important to recycle waste materials?

A. to improve the community
B. to make something new
C. to conserve raw materials and reduce the need to consume other precious resources
D. none of the above
46. Which of the following concepts below expresses the method of reducing waste?
A. Make something into something new.
B. Make something ugly into something beautiful.
C. Use less of something, creating smaller amounts of waste.
D. Use something over and over again.

47. Which of the following represents the five Rs?

A. Reduce - Reuse – Recycle- Recover-Repair B. Reduce - Rearrange - Recycle -Repair
C. Reduce - Respect – Recycle-Repair-Recover D. Reduce - Reconsider Respect

48. In her class, Mrs. Magbanua told her students to Reuse paper instead of
throwing it in the bin. How will they do it?
A. Give it to your classmate.
B. Make an origami.
C. Never mind the advice of your teacher.
D Use it as a scratch paper in computing mathematical equation.

49. Ben is cleaning his room. He found lots of plastic bags. What will he do with it?
A. Burned the plastic bag.
B. Bury it
C. Keep them for future use.
D. Throw them along with the other trash

50. Which is the proper way to dispose the used syringe?

A. Burn them.
B. Dispose it in an open field at the backyard
C. Put it in an empty bottle of mineral water; label it with toxic material before disposing.
D. Throw those in a trash can.

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