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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI
Schools Division of Bago City
Second Quarter Examination
SY 2023 - 2024

I. Directions: Read the questions carefully and write the letter of the correct answer on
your paper.

1. What is the main function of the bones?

A. They supply the body with oxygen. C. They help the body remove wastes.
B. They give shape and support to the body. D. It allows our body to move.

2. How does a pair of muscles work?

A. By contracting C. By relaxing
B. By contracting and relaxing D. By bending and relaxing

3. It is a bone disorder caused mainly by inadequate calcium in the diet. It softens

bones and become porous and fragile.
A. Arthritis B. Gout C. Poliomyelitis D. Osteoporosis

4. Which of the following will you do if you experienced muscle cramps?

A. Massage affected area or soaked in warm water
B. Apply cold compress to the injured area.
C. Apply rubbing alcohol to the affected area.
D. Apply a splint to keep the affected area from moving.

5. What is the function of stomach in digestion?

A. It removes body wastes like urea and urine.
B. It allows our body to move.
C. It filters the oxygen that enters the body.
D. It allows the food to be broken down into nutrients.

6. It is a common ailment of the digestive system that is caused by eating spoiled food
or contaminated food that results in frequent movement of the bowels with watery
feces coming out.
A. Diarrhea B. Indigestion C. Constipation D. Appendicitis

7. It is a bean-shaped paired organ which is about four to five inches long that remove
liquid wastes from the blood in the form of urine.
A. B. C. D.

A. B. C. D.

8. The kidneys contain microscopic chemical filtration factories called?

A. Alveoli B. Nephrons C. Bronchi D. Cilia
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI
Schools Division of Bago City

9. It is the inflammation of some parts of the kidneys, reducing its ability to filter blood.
A. Kidney stone C. Hematuria
B. Nephritis D. Urinary Tract Infection

10. Its main function is to pump blood through the blood vessels by repeat rhythmic
A. Heart B. Esophagus C. Lungs D. Liver

11. Its major function is to sustain the body’s chemical balance by getting out waste
products and excess fluid in the form of urine.
A. Stomach B. Kidneys C. Skin D. Heart

12. It controls the voluntary activities of the body like thinking, solving problems, and
decision making.
A. Intestine B. Heart C. Brain D. Bones

13. How do heart and lungs work together to make the body function properly?
A. It allows distribution of oxygenated blood with nutrients to all parts and removal of
carbon dioxide as a waste product in the body.
B. It filters the blood and formed urine in the body.
C. It digested the food and helps filter carbon dioxide in the body.
D. It controls the involuntary muscles and helps coordinate bodily functions.

14. This ailment is characterized by a sudden rise of blood pressure.

A. Heart Attack B. Rheumatic fever C. Stroke D. Hypertension

15. What is the main function of the brain?

A. To process information it receives and sends instructions to the different parts of the
B. It carries blood to the different parts of the body and at the same time pick up
carbon dioxide.
C. It removes excess amino acids from the blood and breaks them down into urea.
D. It is where final digestion and absorption of food takes place.

16. This disease is caused by the wasting away of nerve cells and decrease substances
in the brain. It is manifested by tremor and stiffness of muscles.
A. Meningitis B. Epilepsy C. Brain tumor D. Parkinson’s disease

17. These are the proper ways in caring for our body EXCEPT one.
A. Eat a balanced diet. C. Get enough rest and exercise.
B. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water D. smoke cigarettes and prohibited drugs.

18. Which group of animals are found in water habitat?

A. Horse, cow, carabao C. shark, snake, frog
B. Sea horse, fish, whale D. eagle, hawk, pelican
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI
Schools Division of Bago City

19. Which of these animals uses its beak to get food?

A. B. C. D.

20. How are snakes, frogs and grasshoppers protected from their prey?
A. They mimic the shape, smell and sound of their prey.
B. They secrete a poisonous substance.
C. They “play dead”.
D. They blend color with their environment.

21. Which of the following group of animals move in the same way?
A. Snake, monitor lizard, hawk C. Gold fish, clown fish, shark
B. Carabao, goat, parrot D. Horse, deer, manta ray

22. What common animals can be found in a farm?

A. C.

B. D.

23. Why do eagles can live in high places? Because of their ___________
A. eyes B. feathers C. claws D. wings

24-26 Directions: Write TP if the plant is Terrestrial Plant that grows directly on soil and
write AP if it is Aquatic Plant that grows in water.

24. Tree __________

25. Ferns __________

26. Water Lily __________

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI
Schools Division of Bago City
27. What characteristics make the water hyacinth float on water?
A. Spreading, feathery root system C. light rounded waxy leaves
B. Bulbous stem filled with water D. light weight of the plant

28. What characteristics of cactus plant that help survive in the desert?
A. It has no leaves through which water escapes to the atmosphere.
B. It has spines that protect it from the enemies.
C. A only
D. A and B

29. Which factors does not affect plant growth and development?
A. water B. sunlight C. soil D. plastic container

30. These insects undergo complete metamorphosis EXCEPT one.

A. butterfly B. grasshopper C. mosquito D. fly

31. What do you call the second stage of incomplete metamorphosis?

A. Adult B. egg C. larvae D. nymph

32. Plants living in different places are exposed to varied conditions, however; their
structures are suited to particular needs. For example, forest plants tend to grow tall and
sturdy. Which of these plants is an example of forest plant?
A. Lawaan B. Santol C. Cactus D. Santol
Almaciga Acacia Ferns Rambutan
Apitong Durian Marang Atis

33. What kind of interaction is shown in the diagram?

A. Commensalism B. Parasitism C. Predation D. Competition

34. How can we say that the relationship between a bee and a flower is considered
A. The flower benefits from the interaction because of the pollen grain.
B. The bee benefits from the interaction while the flower is affected.
C. The bee benefits from the interaction because of the nectar it gets from the
D. Both the bee and the flower benefit from the interaction because of the good
things that contribute to their development.

35. Why can fish live in water?

I. They have a mouth that can drink much water
II. They have tail that helps them swim.
III. They can open their eyes under the water.
IV. They have gills that helps them breath in water.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region VI
Schools Division of Bago City

A. I and II B. II and IV C. II and III D. I and IV

36. Which of the following organisms has harmful interaction?

A. Orchids on a trunk of a tree C. Bird resting on its nest.
B. Butterflies sipping nectar from flowers. D. Snake eats rat as food.

37. Mang Tino lives along the seashore? He is planning to put up a business. Which of
the following may he do?
A. piggery B. poultry C. fishery D. cattle raising

38. Man interferes with the balance of nature when he____________________

A. Pollute air and water
B. Practice selective logging
C. Disposes his garbage properly
D. Helps control overpopulation by practicing family planning.

39. Overpopulation affects the balance of nature. Which of the following does not
support this statement?
A. More consumers may upset the balance of nature.
B. Overpopulation may result to fighting and struggle for survival.
C. More people will work and the balance of nature could be improved.
D. It may result to death of some organisms.

40. Which of the following can help conserve our ecosystem?

A. Encourage the political leaders to build farm to market roads to reach all
beautiful places.
B. Protect forests and bodies of water against harmful activities.
C. Improve the ecosystem by inviting tourists to visit your place.
D. Construct buildings near the river banks.

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