Deep Water

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a ee NW vsera Cee Ate) mess} 71 i 5 The Lost Reef History: The Lost Reef was purchased from the Mon Calamari by a Yarkora “antiquities dealer” named Saelk-Terae. Saell-Terae began mapping various por- tions ofthe Unknown Regions and the purposeof these tripsremains unknown, asthe Yarkoranever appeared to profit from his negotiations. After a particularly extended period of travel in the Unknown Regions, the Lost Reef was found, empty and adrift near Elrood Sector. Modifications: Saell-Teraereplaced the standard Mon Cal life support apparatus witha model more pleasant to non-aquatic species. New targeting computers and ‘weapons (more powerful than is currently legal under Imperial law) have been added, though they are well concealed and a Difficult Technical or Difficult search rollis necessary to detect the higher power output and greater accuracy of the ship's defenses. A new, mili- tary-grade shielding package has replaced the Reefs original shields. Finally, a concealed array of torpedo launchers designed for underwater use have been added, These warheads cannot be usedin atmosphere or space. Legacies: + Saell-Terae’s ultimate mission in the Unknown Re~ gions remains an enigma, much like his species. The *Yarkora” have only been encountered in small num- bers, typically claiming to be specialists in relics, antiquesand primitivereligions. Saell-Terae'snavcom- puter had been erased prior to its discovery near Elrood, so no record of his travels is known to exist. However, inside the airlockis a small hidden compart- ‘ment that contains a dataplaque (Difficult search roll to locate). The dataplaque stores a series of detailed ‘astrogation charts, coveringa portion of the Unknown Regions. * Three statues are hidden in one of the Ree/'s water- landing pontoons. (Each artifact is securely wrapped incargonetting, covered in packing foam and adhered to separate portions of the pontoon.) The artifacts— three statues depicting vaguely humanoid warriors— are carved from an extremely dense and sturdy wood (Gimilar to greel wood) and are encrusted with pre- lous gems and valuable metals. ‘The warrior statues are works of art crafted by a military commander of a fairly primitive starfaring species in the Unknown Regions. Currently, this com- mander is engaged in low-level conflict with an Impe- rial task force commanded by Admiral Thrawn. ‘Thrawn—who is seeking to understand his foe—at- tempted to buy the statues from Saell-Terae. The ‘Yarkora fled with the statues but was forced to aban- don his ship as Thrawn’s agents closed in on him. Should the characters travel to the Unknown Regions, they will likely run afoul of Thrawn’s agents, the Star Destroyer Admonitorand quite probably Thrawn him- self. In addition, Saeli-Terae is searching for his lost ship, and fs quite willing to kill the current owners to getit. mThe Lost Reef Craft: Mon Calamari DeepWaterlass light freighter ‘Type: Light reighter ‘Seale Starlighter engi 45 meters ‘Skill: Space transports: DeepWater Crew: lor? Passengers: 6 ‘Cargo Capacity 85 metric tone ‘Consumables: ? months Cost: 76,000 (used) Hyperdrive Multiplier: x Hyperdrive Backs x10 Nav Computer: Yes ‘Mane ‘Shields: 3D (in space); provides (+1 versus physical damage in ‘aquatic mode)” * The DeepWater hae 3Din backup shields, When adleof shields {lost the shield operator ean attempt to make an Easy starship shield rll. W successful, one ofthe backup shield dice can be activated tobring theship backupto3Dinshields.Onceallthree ‘backup diceareexhausted, theshieldsean withstand thenormal amountoldamage and then must becompletely overhauled. The backup dice eannot be applied when traveling underwater. Sensors Passve: 20/10 ‘Sean: 30/20+2 ‘Seaet 89/30 Focus: 5/3D+2 Weapons: ‘Quad laser turret Fire Are: Turret Grew: 1 ‘Sell Starship gunnery Fire Control: 30:2 ‘Space Range:1-3/12/25 ‘Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/25 km ‘Damage: SD Four concealed torpedo launchers (three torpedoes per launcher, ire separately) ‘Fire Are: Front ‘Grew: (may be fired by pilot) ‘Seale: Character ‘SRI: Missile weapons Fire Control: 20 ‘Underwater Range: 100-300/500/800 meters Fire Rate: 172 Damage: 120 ‘Star Wars Stock Ships

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