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Chemical Vapor Deposition

Self-Induced Nucleation Growth of GaN Columns by

Chemical Vapor Deposition ISSN: 1862-6300 (print). 1862-6319 (online)
Berlin Germany SCIE
Francisco S. Ramírez-González,* Godofredo García-Salgado, Cris!oforo Morales,
Tomás Díaz, Enrique Rosendo, Fabiola G. Nieto-Caballero, Jos!e A. Luna,
Antonio Coyopol, Román Romano, Reina Galeazzi, and Hugo Martínez
First published: 14 February 2018
The metal-catalyzed vapor-liquid-solid
GaN columns are grown by (1 1 1) GaAs nitridation at 1000 ! C. GaAs wafers (VLS) growth method is used for GaN
are used as a substrate and Ga source. The nitridation is performed using a wires growth by chemical and physical
hydrogen and ammonia flow mix into a horizontal chemical vapor deposition vapor deposition utilizing Au, Ni, Fe, and
Co particles.[4,5] The metallic particles
(CVD) system at atmospheric pressure. XRD in correlation with pole figure
introduce undesired contamination. This
shows that the structure is wurtzite with a (0 0 0 2) preferential plane. The drawback has motivated self-induced nu-
SEM images show the growth of GaN columns with an agglomerate cleation growth studies of GaN wires. The
formation on top. EDS results show that the agglomerate is Ga rich, self-induced nucleation of GaN wires has
suggesting a self-induced nucleation growth. The growth mechanism is been reported with molecular beam epitaxy
(MBE)[6] and hydride vapor phase epitaxy
discussed briefly. The average diameter and length of the columns are around
(HVPE).[3] Metal catalysts is currently used
1.2 and 10 mm, respectively. The method reported here do not use a template in GaN wires growth by metal–organic
or foreign metallic particles catalyst. chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD).[7]
The growth of self-induced GaN wires by
MOCVD has been reported using selective
growth on patterned surfaces, which
1. Introduction require a substrate preparation before the wire growth[6,8,9] or
a deposited layer.[7,10,11]
The study of the heteroepitaxial process of GaN on different The GaAs nitridation is used as a buffer layer to reduce the
substrates obey to the interest of minimize the lattice lattice mismatch, to grow the zinc-blende or wurtzite GaN
mismatch.[1] The material strain produces several defects, structure, or to enhance the photoluminescence.[12–16] Our
affecting the electrical and optical material properties. GaN interest in this method is based in the possible obtainment of
wires have been proposed as promised solution of the lattice auto-sustainable GaN, because it allows to remove the grown
mismatch problem, since allows the lattice relaxation improving material from the substrate.
the material properties, depending of the wire geometry.[2,3] In this letter, we present GaN micrometric columns growth by
GaAs (1 1 1) substrate nitridation with a flow mix of hydrogen
F. S. Ramírez-González, Dr. G. García-Salgado, Dr. C. Morales,
and ammonia. In our experiments, the substrate is the only one
Dr. T. Díaz, Dr. E. Rosendo, Dr. J. A. Luna, Dr. A. Coyopol,
Dr. R. Romano, Dr. R. Galeazzi Ga atoms source, not photolithography or any kind of deposited
Centro de Investigaci!on en Dispositivos Semiconductores layer was used.
Benem!erita Universidad Aut! onoma de Puebla
14 Sur y Av. San Claudio
72570 Puebla, M!exico
E-mail: 2. Experimental Section
Dr. F. Gabriela Nieto-Caballero The substrate cleaning process (wet cleaning) consisted in an
Facultad de Ciencias Químicas
immersion for 5 min in ultrasonic bath in xylene, acetone, and
Benem!erita Universidad Aut! onoma de Puebla
14 Sur y Av. San Claudio methanol (separately). After that, the wafer was immersed into a
72570 Puebla, M!exico solution of H2SO4 þ H2O2 þ DI-water (5:1:1) at 60 ! C for 2 min,
Dr. H. Martínez and then, HCL þ H2O2 (1:1) at room temperature for 2 min.
Centro de Nanociencia y Micro y Nanotecnologías After the cleaning process, the sample was placed on a
Instituto Polit!ecnico Nacional graphite susceptor into a horizontal chemical vapor deposition
Calle Luis Enrique Erro s/n
(CVD) reactor. The system was purged with hydrogen to
Unidad Profesional Adolfo L! opez Mateos
Col. Zacatenco, C.P. 07738 DF, M!exico eliminate the residual oxygen into the reactor. With the system
sealed, the pressure was raised to atmospheric pressure using a
The ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article
H2 flow of 2100 sccm. After that, an exhaust valve was opened to
can be found under
allow the H2 flow out and equilibrate the pressure with the
DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201700791 atmospheric pressure. The exhaust line has a bubbler with

Phys. Status Solidi A 2018, 1700791 1700791 (1 of 5) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim



Figure 1. GaN columns obtained at 1000 ! C by GaAs (1 1 1) nitridation. a) SEM image shows hexagonal columns grown in aleatory directions, (b) the
average diameter was around 1.2 mm measured at the average column height, and (c) the average length of the columns was around of 10 mm.

glycerin to trap the As. The flow must exceed a pressure of IR-lamps Philips 13568U/98, the heat rate was of 220 ! C min#1.
47.88 Pa (abs) to be able to exit the reactor through the bubbler. The average time to increase the temperature from 24 to 350 ! C
The heat system was turned on and the temperature was raised was 2 min, from 350 to 550 ! C 1 min, and from 550 ! C to 1000 ! C
to 350 ! C with a H2 flow. After 3 min, the temperature was 3 min. The temperature control is a 2208e Eurotherm connect-
increased to 550 ! C and a NH3 flow of 200 sccm was added, the ed to a 7100A Eurotherm Single Phase Power Thyristor Unit.
samples remained for 10 min (dry cleaning). Afterward, the The cooling average time was of 20 min (from 1000 to 24 ! C).
temperature was raised to 1000 ! C for 1 h. Immediately after The sample surfaces showed a yellow–brown layer; the back of
the nitridation time, the heat system was shut down and the the substrate in contact with the susceptor and the surface
reactor was evacuated while the sample temperature was exposed to the gas flow. The last one was studied, GaN hexagonal
around 1000 ! C. Finally, the samples were cooled without columns were unintentionally formed. The material can be
cool-control using an electric fan. easily separated from the substrate by exerting a slight force
The flows were controlled with a mas-flow controller UNIT parallel to the surface.
model UFC-7360. The heat system consisted six 1600 W The morphology was studied by scanning electron micro-
scope (SEM), using a JEOL JSM 7800 F. The chemical
composition was studied by energy dispersive spectroscopy
(EDS), using a detector EDAX model Apollo XL. The X-ray
diffractometer Bruker D8 with a Cu anode X-ray tube and a
nickel filter to remove kβ, the resulting kα1 and kα2 beams with a
mean wavelength of 0.1542 nm focused onto the sample. Pole
diagrams were measured in a PANalytical X’Pert PROMRD
system with a Xe gas-based proportional detector with a parallel
plate collimator. The samples were static, and the diffraction
plane was perpendicular to the surface. Photoluminescence
characterization was made at room temperature using a 325 nm
He–Cd, 10 mW Kimmon laser beam focused on the sample, the
resulting photoluminescence was directed to a 0.85 m mono-
chromator and measured using a GaAs photomultiplier.

3. Results and Discussion

Figure 2. EDS characterization performed at 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and
30 KeV on the top of one column. The plots were placed from the Figure 1a shows a SEM image of the GaN columns growth by
minimum (at the bottom) to the maximum (at the top) beam energy. GaAs nitridation at 1000 ! C. The average diameter and length of
Excess gallium at the tip suggests a self-induced nucleation growth. the columns were around 1.2 mm (Figure 1b) and 10 mm

Phys. Status Solidi A 2018, 1700791 1700791 (2 of 5) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim



varied in 800, 900, and 1000 ! C and it was observed the GaN
columns formation only at 1000 ! C. On the other hand, when the
orientation of the substrate was changed from GaAs (1 1 1) to
GaAs (1 0 0) and the nitridation was performed at 800, 900, and
1000 ! C GaN columns formation were not observed.
Figure 2 shows an EDS characterization made on the top of
one column, performed at 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 to increase
the beam penetration. The plots were placed from the minimum
(at the bottom) to the maximum (at the top) beam energy. The
change in the Ga presence, as the beam energy increases,
indicates that the metal agglomerates at the tip of the columns.
These results lead us to propose a self-induced VLS growth as the
possible mechanism involved in the GaN columns growth. The
amount of Ga available depends on the GaAs dissociation rate,
where Ga droplets are formed to lead a self-induced nucleation.[2]
A detailed investigation of the growth mechanism and the
influential factors (cleaning process, substrate orientation) are in
Figure 3. XRD pattern of the GaN sample obtained at 1000 ! C. The
wurtzite structure present a (0 0 0 2) preferential plane. The cubic
phase presence is attributed to a structure mix on the basis of the At 1000 ! C the substrate of GaAs is dissociated into Ga(l) and
columns. As(g) forming agglomerates or drops of Ga, these are the seeds
for the column formation.[6,18,19] The material morphology is
related with the drops size. In our experiments, the GaAs
(Figure 1c), respectively; it can be appreciated that the columns substrate is used as a Ga source, and on the same substrate the
tips are thinner at the end and present an agglomerate on the GaN columns are grown. The GaAs dissociation rate influences
top. The growth direction was arbitrary, it does not follow the in the morphology. It is possible that at 1000 ! C and at
direction of the gas flow. The thin wires between columns are atmospheric pressure, part of the formed GaN is also dissociated
under study, but preliminary morphology studies indicate that forming Ga(l) and N(g) available for the nucleation of the GaN,
are similar to wires obtained by He et al.[17] The nitridation contributing to the columns formation, as reported by Koleske
temperature and the substrate orientation have an important et al.[20] to determine this possibility it would be necessary to
impact in the morphology. The nitridation temperature was carry out an in situ study.
The structural characterization (XRD) of GaAs (1 1 1) nitridated at
1000 ! C is shown in Figure 3. The structure corresponds to wurtzite
(w-GaN) structure with a preferential (0 0 0 2) plane. Low intensity
diffraction peaks at 40 and 86.8! matches with the (2 0 0) and (4 0 0)
zinc-blende GaN (z-GaN). The z-GaN structure was preferential in
our studies of nitridation at 900 ! C without GaN column formation.
At 1000 ! C, it was observed traces of agglomerates around the
columns, at the base, the columns growth could take place around
these agglomerates, when the temperature is increased.[21] Pole

Figure 4. Pole figure of the GaN sample obtained at 1000 ! C at 2θ ¼ 34.5! ,

the peak around ψ ¼ 0! corresponds to (0 0 0 2) w-GaN. The z-GaN Figure 5. Photoluminescence pattern obtained at room temperature. The
structure is not observable around ψ ¼ 60! . maximal intensity is centered at 372 nm.

Phys. Status Solidi A 2018, 1700791 1700791 (3 of 5) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim



Figure 6. AFM GaAs substrate images. a) After the wet and dry cleaning. b) After having separated the GaN grown columns.

figure is shown in Figure 4 with 2θ ¼ 34.5! , the peak around ψ ¼ 0! Keywords

corresponds to (0 0 0 2) w-GaN. The z-GaN structure is not
CVD, GaN structures, nitridation, self-induced nucleation
observable around ψ ¼ 60! ,[12] the peak at (0 0 0 2) corresponds to a
wurtzite structure with the (0 0 0 2) orientation.
The photoluminescence pattern obtained at room temper- Received: October 18, 2017
Revised: December 19, 2017
ature is showed in Figure 5. The emission peak centered at
Published online:
372 nm (3.34 eV) related with the band–band transition is
observed. The crystalline quality is like the reported by
Escobosa et al.[16] using a similar GaAs nitridation process.
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