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FREN 202 - Elementary French II

(3 credits) Winter Term II 2023/24

Section 202

• Acknowledgement :
UBC’s Point Grey Campus is located on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the
xwməθkwəy̓əm (Musqueam) people. The land it is situated on has always been a place of learning
for the Musqueam people, who for millennia have passed on their culture, history, and traditions from
one generation to the next on this site.

• Contacts :

Instructor Contact Office Office Hours

Mila Gabruck BuTo 728 M/W 12-12.50pm

T 1-1.50pm


Course coordinator : Buchanan Tower M/W/F 12.15 -1.15pm

Cécile Ollivier-Budisa Room 704 or by appointment

• Prerequisites :
This course is designed for students who have credits for FREN 201 (previously FREN 111) or who
were assigned to this course based on a placement test.

If you are unsure if this is the appropriate level of French course for you - for example if you have al-
ready learned some French prior to studying at UBC - please consult the page “Placement in Lan-
guage Courses” on the FHIS Department website and answer the “Language Placement Question-
naire” (French) : and con-
tact FHIS advising :

You have until January 19th (add/drop a course) to remedy to an unclear enrolment situation.

Please note that this course is designed for non-native speakers. If you were educated in any of the
French Immersion programs or francophone schools, you are NOT allowed to take FREN 202 for

• Course overview :
The Department of FHIS offers a series of eight courses designed to build students’ skills
progressively in the four basic communicative functions of listening, reading, speaking, and writing.
FREN 202 is the second part of a pair of beginner II courses—201 and 202—aligned with level A2
objectives of the Common European Framework of Reference.

The course will be devoted to providing students with tools for dealing with situations that they are
likely to encounter in a French speaking region.

At the end of the course, students will be able to :

- understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar subjects such as travel
experiences, leisure activities, family and social relationships, food and health, housing, education
and work ;
- produce a simple and cohesive text on familiar subjects or subjects of personal interest and to
express goals, causes, consequences ; give recommendation and advice (imperative tense) ;
express agreement and disagreement ; share objectives and dreams (conditional tense).

Classes will emphasize an interactive approach, stressing communicative competences and will
require from the students to collaborate during task-based activities. This practice will include :
communicating in the context of the practical exchange of information on familiar topics;
understanding spoken messages; reading short texts such as personal letters, ads, menus,
newspapers articles etc.; expressing practical ideas and opinions both orally and in writing.

It means that this course is interactive and active participation is mandatory if students want to
succeed in the course.
Lectures and class discussions are mostly conducted in French, with some English as needed for

• Welcome to the course :

FREN 202 will be taught based on inclusive pedagogy which means that every person matters. We
acknowledge that we all vary, so the course content is designed to address this diversity of learning
profiles (activities, assessment, etc.). If you need special accommodations in class or for any
assignments, please talk to UBC Centre for Accessibility (
services/centre-for-accessibility). The key to everything is to communicate your needs to your teaching
team (instructor or TA) - see email policy or come to talk to us privately during office hours or after

EDI : I will use inclusive French and you will be encouraged to do so as well. Please use the pro-
nouns of your choice (the inclusive pronoun in French is “iel”, equivalent to “they”). Please reach out
to your instructor if you want more information on this matter. It means as well that we adopt an inclu-
sive vision of the French language and of its various representations/variations in the francophone
world. We will celebrate all the diversity (accents, vocabulary, geography, culture) of everyone who
has the French language in common. We hope you will feel part of this community.

• Learning material : (same as FREN 201)

- Textbook : Odyssée A2 méthode de français niveau A2 : livre de l’élève et cahier d’activités,
Éditions Clé International.
You can purchase the digital textbook or the printed textbook through the bookstore :
Please note : Access the digital material is valid for 1 year.
- The website for this course is available through UBC Canvas.
- Suggestion to practice grammar : Grammaire progressive du français A2-B1, Éditions Clé
• Grading breakdown and calendar :

Tests de fin d’unités (x3) 30%

- Test 1 (Unités 7 et 8) : semaine 5 (10%)

- Test 2 (Unités 9 et 10) : semaine 9 (10%)
- Test 3 (Unité 11) : semaine 13 (10%)

Exercices de compréhension (oral + écrit) (x2) 10%

- Compréhension 1 : semaine 2 (pour le 21 janvier à 23h59) (5%)

- Compréhension 2 : semaine 6 (pour le 18 février à 23h59) (5%)

Carnets de bords (x5) 10%

- Carnet de bord 1 : fin de l’unité 7 (semaine 3) (2%)

- Carnet de bord 2 : fin de l’unité 8 (semaine 4) (2%)
- Carnet de bord 3 : fin de l’unité 9 (semaine 6) (2%)
- Carnet de bord 4 : fin de l’unité 10 (semaine 8) (2%)
- Carnet de bord 5 : fin de l’unité 11 (semaine 12) (2%)

Entretien de mi-semestre (oral ; 10 minutes ; en classe) : semaine 9 10%

Production orale en groupe (pour le 10 -12 avril)

Examen final (écrit ; cumulatif unités 7-11 ; 2.5 heures) :

date à venir entre le 16 et le 27 avril

Présence et participation active en classe * 10%

- Participation active aux activités de classe, préparations (5%)

- Participation active aux projets de groupe et discussions (5%)

* Regular attendance and active participation are key elements in creating a successful language course. During
class sessions, students will be invited to participate in learning activities that emphasize core cultural topics and

language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing), individually, in pairs, or in small groups. Participation
grades will be based on the instructor’s evaluation of students’ willingness and preparedness to actively engage
with course topics and peers, and the use of the target language (French).

• Policies :

Assignment Submission: The Department of French, Hispanic and Italian Studies expects that stu-
dents will submit assignments as scheduled. Instructors are not required to make allowances for any
missed test or incomplete work that is not satisfactorily accounted for. Any request for academic con-
cession must be clearly expressed (see “ Academic Concession” below).

There is a late penalty of 5% per day for a late assignment (not accepted after one week of delay).
Work will not be accepted after one week of delay. There is a limit to submitting late work without in-
terfering with your success in the course. Reach out to your instructor about requesting an academic
concession if you can’t keep up with course work.

Regular attendance is expected of students in all course components, including lectures, labora-
tories, tutorials, workshops, discussions, etc. Students missing 40% or more of their classes, regard-
less of whether their absences are avoidable or unavoidable, may be considered unable to meet the
“learning outcomes” of the course and may not be permitted to write the final examination. Students
who are unavoidably absent from scheduled classes because of illness or disability should contact
Arts Academic Advising. Students whose attendance or academic performance is severely affected
by medical or other extenuating circumstances should apply for academic concession through Arts
Academic Advising. See Arts Academic Concession (Arts Academic Concession,197,282,1577#22660) and UBC Academic
Concession (,329,0,0#26562).

Netiquette: When used in the classroom, technology presents both learning opportunities and disrup-
tions. At times, the use of technology will be encouraged in class when appropriate. In general, it is
common courtesy to put devices such as cell phones and laptops away during presentations and dis-
cussions, as alerts and notifications from devices can distract you and others. The rule is to turn off
cell phones during class time and put them away. Do not use a laptop in class unless you use it to
take notes. If there is a need to use a device in the classroom, communicate this to your instructor.
Time spent in the classroom is designed to promote your learning; make the most of that time to grow
and be the professional you aspire to become.

Language Enrolment: The Department of French Hispanic and Italian Studies reserves the right to
refuse enrolment in and /or credit for any of its language courses to a student who has, in the view of
the department, a level of competence unsuited to that course. Language courses follow a sequence.
Enrolment at or below the level the student has already attained is not permitted.

UBC Policies: The University provides resources to support student learning and to maintain healthy
lifestyles. UBC values respect for the person and ideas of all members of the academic community.
Harassment and discrimination are not tolerated, nor is suppression of academic freedom. UBC pro-
vides appropriate accommodation for students with disabilities and for religious observances. UBC
values academic honesty, and students are expected to acknowledge the ideas generated by others
and to uphold the highest academic standards in all of their actions. UBC also offers resources for
survivors of sexual violence. Details of the policies and how to access additional support are available

• Support :

Academic Concession: You may be eligible for academic concession when one or more of the con-
ditions listed below unexpectedly hinders your ability to complete an assignment or participate in clas-
ses or an examination:
• Medical circumstances
• Compassionate grounds
• Conflicting responsibilities

You may be eligible for an in-term concession if you meet the following criteria:
• You missed a graded requirement in a course
• The course is still in progress
• You have been attending regularly and are up-to-date in the course
• Your studies were impacted for a short time
• You have grounds for academic concession

In all cases, your request for academic concession should be made as early as reasonably possible
to your instructor or Arts Academic Advising. The most appropriate type of concession (deferred
standing, in-term-concession, late withdrawal etc.) will be determined by your unique situation and the
academic requirements for your course.

Arts Advising will handle ITCs and all other concession situations for assignments worth 10%
and above (not your instructor).
If you miss marked coursework (assignment, exam, presentation, participation in class) and are an
Arts student, review the Faculty of Arts’ academic concession page and then complete Arts Academic Ad-
vising’s online academic concession form, so that an advisor can evaluate your concession case.

If you are a student in a different Faculty, please consult your Faculty’s webpage on academic concession,
and then contact me where appropriate.

• Resources and community engagement :

FHIS Learning Centre: The FHIS Learning Centre is a free service available for students of all levels
and languages of the FHIS curriculum (French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish). The Centre offers
student-centered conversation practice, tutoring (i.e. grammar and vocabulary questions), and help
with the continued development of core skills (i.e. speaking, listening, reading, and writing) necessary
for students’ success in acquiring and becoming proficient in the subjects that we teach in the FHIS
Department. Find out more at :

Centre de la Francophonie of UBC: Le Centre de la Francophonie de UBC aims to promote the

French Language and the Francophone world at UBC, through ongoing cultural events and work-
shops. You can follow Le Centre on Facebook and on its website, where you can subscribe to our
mailing list ( This year's program will include theatre, cinema, a book club,
linguistic conferences, and much more. Language learners are invited to attend our weekly French
table to engage in a low-stress environment.

FHIS Cultural Club: The FHIS dedicate faculty members and a budget to organize social and cul-
tural activities (1 or 2 per term) for undergraduate students who wish to practice their language skills
or experience the French, Hispanic and Italian cultures in Vancouver. These activities can be orga-
nized in partnership with the various UBC student clubs and/or other faculty members as part of their
courses (ex: cinema, theatre, museum exhibitions, etc.).

Table française: event organized by students for students. Please consult this link to see any up-

UBC Francophone Student Associations: Events organized by students for students. Please con-
sult their Facebook link for updates UBC Francophone Student Association

Study Abroad: the French program offers a Go Global Seminar in the 3rd or 4th year of your pro-
gram. The course takes place in Lyon. If you are interested, contact the Go global office and to your instructor.

• Copyright :

All materials of this course (course design and assessments; syllabus; class handouts, slides, notes,
photographs of work on the board; etc.) are the intellectual property of (as appropriate) your instruc-
tor, or licensed to be used in this course by the copyright owner. Students have permission to record
classes, but not to redistribute or sell these course materials. Odyssée A2 is copyright of CLE Interna-
tional. Redistribution of these materials by any means without permission of the copyright holder(s)
constitutes a breach of copyright and may lead to academic discipline. Don’t put yourself at risk.

• Learning analytics :
This course will be using the following digital learning technologies:
• Canvas
• Odyssée e-book and e-workbook
• Respondus Lockdown Browser (in-class tests)

Your instructor / the course coordinator will only use your analytics data on Canvas to:
• View overall class progress
• Track participation in discussion forums
• Assess your participation in the course

It is possible that your analytics data might be used by others in the university; all analytics data use
should be for purposes of teaching and learning, subject to your consent, in a manner that complies
with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA), and open to Freedom of Infor-
mation request.

• Academic integrity :

Please refer to UBC latest policy in the matter,286,0,0
and copied below:
"Academic honesty is essential to the continued functioning of the University of British Columbia as
an institution of higher learning and research. All UBC students are expected to behave as honest
and responsible members of an academic community. Breach of those expectations or failure to fol-
low the appropriate policies, principles, rules, and guidelines of the University with respect to aca-
demic honesty may result in disciplinary action.

It is the student's obligation to inform himself or herself of the applicable standards for academic hon-
esty. Students must be aware that standards at the University of British Columbia may be different
from those in secondary schools or at other institutions. If a student is in any doubt as to the standard
of academic honesty in a particular course or assignment, then the student must consult with the in-
structor as soon as possible, and in no case should a student submit an assignment if the student is
not clear on the relevant standard of academic honesty."

If an allegation is made against a student, the Registrar may place the student on academic hold until
the President has made his or her final decision. When a student is placed on academic hold, the stu-
dent is blocked from all activity in the Student Service Centre.

As you begin your way into academia, you are now part of a scholarly community that shares an un-
derstanding of the ethical ways that we use and produce knowledge. A core practice of this shared
value of academic integrity is that:
- We acknowledge the contributions of others to our own work,
- We produce our own contributions that add to the academic conversation.
- We don’t buy or copy academic work, nor present as ours a document that has been translated by
someone else or a translation software.
- We also don’t falsify data or sources, or hand in the same work in more than one course.
- We don’t use the help of anyone when producing assignments.

As you are learning a new language and a new academic environment at the same time, please don’t
put yourself at risk. Any instance of cheating or taking credit for someone else’s work, whether inten-
tionally or unintentionally, can and often will result in a grade of zero for the assignment, and these
cases will be reported to the FHIS Department Head, and the Faculty of Arts Associate Dean, Aca-
demic. See the UBC Calendar entries on Academic Honesty, Academic Misconduct, and Disciplinary
Measures, and check out the Student Declaration and Responsibility. See Tips for Avoiding Plagiarism
(there is a great video to give you good insight on this matter) from the Chapman Learning Commons.

In addition to the FHIS Academic Integrity policy above, our course has further rules about assign-
ments, quizzes, and exams:

• Assignments, quizzes, and exams must be YOUR OWN work. It is important to make your own
mistakes and to learn from them.
• You MAY NOT contact, communicate with, or receive assistance from any of the following to help
with assessed work: other students, friends, acquaintances, family, neighbours, tutors, online ser-
vices, exam upload sites, crowdsourcing, Reddit, or any other person or agency or entity.
• You MAY NOT consult or use any materials when doing assessed work unless you have been ex-
plicitly authorized to do so, in writing, by your instructor. For these purposes “Materials” include but
are not limited to: your course materials, materials from other courses, course notes and other ma-
terials on Canvas, your own course notes, your notes from other courses, any other of your own

notes, other people's notes, websites, search engines, online databases, spell-checking and gram-
mar-checking software, automated translation, translation engines, verb conjugators, dictionaries,
thesauruses, encyclopaedias, and reference works.
• You MAY NOT translate quizzes and exams that are in French into another language. “Translate”
includes using translation engines and automated translation: for example using Chrome page
translation, or copying and pasting a text into Google Translate, or using a second device to photo-
graph a Canvas Quiz and run the resulting image through Google Translate.
• You MAY NOT do any of the items listed above unless explicitly authorized to do so, for that specific
work, by your instructor. This means that, unless you have explicit permission to use them, no such
means of assistance are to be used at all. Their use constitutes a breach of UBC Academic Integ-
rity. That is: academic misconduct.

There are three exceptions:

1. When you are strongly encouraged by your instructor to work together with peer colleagues in our
class, in pairs or small study groups.
2. When you want to cover the material in the Cahier/Workbook as a collaborative non-graded prac-
tice before or after class. This is a practice environment to be done in full autonomy from your in-
structor as you have access to the answers. If you don’t understand an answer or why your an-
swer doesn’t work, please reach out to your teaching team (instructor or TA).
3. If and only if your instructor has told you, for a specific assignment, that you can work in groups,
and you were explicitly permitted to use a certain support or tool for this specific assignment—for
example visiting the FHIS Learning Centre or consulting a specific free online dictionary. Such
specific instructions will only apply to that specific assignment. They will be clearly written at the
start of that assignment and communicated by the instructor.

By reading this syllabus, you agree to UBC’s student declaration and responsibility:
“I hereby accept and submit myself to the statutes, rules and regulations, and ordinances
(including bylaws, codes, and policies) of The University of British Columbia, and of the fac-
ulty or faculties in which I am registered, and to any amendments thereto which may be
made while I am a student of the University, and I promise to observe the same.”,285,0,0

• Course schedule :

Semaine 1 (8 - 12 janvier)

Livre : lire le texte et regarder la vidéo

Présentation du cours (objectifs, contenu
Lundi L’écotourisme” et répondre aux questions
et matériel) + activité brise-glace
Unité 7 : Rêve d’évasion Cahier d’activités : exercices p.76-77
- Introduction : Quels voyageurs êtes- + exercices supplémentaires sur Canvas
vous ?
Mercredi - Leçon 1 : Des voyages originaux p.90-
91 + les pays et les prépositions de lieu
(ex. p.178 + Canvas)

Unité 7 : Rêve d’évasion Cahier d’activités : exercices 4 et 5 p.76-77

- Leçon 1 (suite) : Des voyages originaux + Livre : lire “Virée en Guadeloupe” p.92
Vendredi p.90-91: le pronom relatif où (+ révisions
des pronoms qui et que) p.178

Semaine 2 (15 - 19 janvier)

Unité 7 : Rêve d’évasion Cahier d’activités : exercices p.78-79

- Leçon 2 : Suivez le guide! p.92-93 + le
pronom y (ex. p.178)
+ voir jouer à, penser à, s’intéresser à

Unité 7 : Rêve d’évasion Cahier d’activités : exercices p.80-81

- Leçon 3 : En route pour l’aventure p.94- + Livre : lire “Ils marchent pour Handicap In-
Mercredi 95 + les adverbes de lieu (ex. p.179) ternational” et répondre aux questions de
l’exercice 1 p.94

(Apportez vos ordinateurs) Faire les exercices de compréhension 1

Unité 7 : Rêve d’évasion (“Quizzes” compréhension 1 - oral + écrit)
- Activité de groupe : imaginons un cir- pour dimanche soir sur Canvas
Vendredi cuit de voyage (éco)touristique p.100 (acti-
vité à soumettre sur Canvas dans “Discus-

Semaine 3 (22 - 26 janvier)

Unité 7 : Rêve d’évasion Cahier d’activités : exercices p.82-83

- Leçon 4 : Bon voyage! p.96-97 + voca- + faire le bilan de grammaire Unité 7 p.84 et
Lundi bulaire p.196 ex.2 Camping ou hôtel ? le bilan vocabulaire p.85
+ faire 2 critiques des circuits proposés + Répondre aux questions du Carnet de
dans l’activité de groupe (“Discussions”) bord 1 (“Assignments” sur Canvas)

Unité 8 : L’esprit de famille Cahier d’activités : exercices p.88-89
- Introduction : Sondage sur la famille
- Leçon 1 : Histoires de famille p.102-103
+ l’expression de la cause (ex. p.180)

Unité 8 : L’esprit de famille Cahier d’activités : exercices p.90-91

- Leçon 2 : Toujours ensemble p.104-105
Vendredi + l’expression de la conséquence (ex.

Semaine 4 (29 janvier - 2 février)

Unité 8 : L’esprit de famille Cahier d’activités : exercices p.92-93

- Leçon 3 : Un dimanche en famille p.106- + Livre : lire “Drôle de famille” et répondre
Lundi 107 + les articulateurs mais, alors, encore, aux questions de l’exercice 8 p.103
en plus, puis (ex. p.181)

(Apportez vos ordinateurs) Cahier d’activités : exercices p.94-96 + faire

Unité 8 : L’esprit de famille le bilan de grammaire Unité 8 p.96 et le bi-
- Les histoires insolites : livre p.103 “Drôle lan vocabulaire p.97
Mercredi de famille” + Répondre aux questions du Carnet de
+ Activité de groupe : écrivons une his- bord 2 (“Assignments” sur Canvas)
toire insolite (activité à soumettre sur Can-
vas dans “Discussions”)

Exercices de révisions pour le Test 1 (bi-

Vendredi Révisions pour le Test 1 (unités 7 et 8) lans unité 7 p.98-99 et unité 8 p.110-111,
cahier d’activités, Canvas)

Semaine 5 (5 - 9 février)

Test 1 (unités 7-8) : exercices de vocabu-

Lundi laire et grammaire + production écrite
(50 minutes en classe)
Unité 9 : Un monde de délices Cahier d’activités : exercices 1, 2, 3 p.100 +
- Leçon 1 : Je mange de tout p.116-117 - exercices supplémentaires sur les articles
Mercredi l’alimentation + revoir les articles définis, (Canvas)
indéfinis et partitifs (Canvas)

Unité 9 : Un monde de délices Cahier d’activités : exercices 4, 5, 6 p.100-

- Leçon 1 (suite) : Je mange de tout p.116- 101
Vendredi 117 - l’impératif et les verbes pronominaux
(formes affirmative et négative) (ex. p.182)

Semaine 6 (12 - 16 février)

Unité 9 : Un monde de délices Cahier d'activités : exercices p.102-103

- Leçon 2 : Du bonheur dans mon assiette + Livre : lire “Cuisine marocaine” et ré-
Lundi pondre aux questions de l’exercice 1 p.120
p.118-119 - la santé + l’adjectif indéfini
tout (ex. p.182)

Unité 9 : Un monde de délices Cahier d'activités : exercices p.104-105
- Leçon 3 : Des plats bien de chez nous + faire le bilan de grammaire Unité 9 p.108
Mercredi p.120-121 + le pronom en (ex. p.183) et le bilan vocabulaire p.109
+ Répondre aux questions du Carnet de
bord 3 (“Assignments” sur Canvas)

(Apportez vos ordinateurs) À finir : Faire des commentaires sur 2 re-

Unité 9 : Un monde de délices cettes dans Canvas (“Discussions”)
Vendredi - Activité de groupe : présentons une re- + Faire les exercices de compréhension
cette p.121+126 (activité à soumettre sur 2 (“Quizzes” compréhension 2 - oral + écrit)
Canvas dans “Discussions”) pour dimanche soir sur Canvas

Pause de mi-semestre (Midterm Break) : 19-23 février

Semaine 7 (26 février - 1er mars)

Unité 10 : D’une vie à l’autre Cahier d’activités : exercices p.112-113

- Leçon 1 : Bienvenue chez moi ! p.128-
129 - le logement + chez et les pronoms
toniques (ex. p.184)

Unité 10 : D’une vie à l’autre Cahier d’activités : exercices p.112-113 (à

- Leçon 1 (suite) : Bienvenue chez moi ! finir)
Mercredi p.128-129 - les meubles + faire le Test : + regarder la vidéo “Tiny house” et ré-
Quel designer êtes-vous? p.138 pondre aux questions (Canvas)

(Apportez vos ordinateurs) À finir : Faire des commentaires sur 2 an-

Unité 10 : D’une vie à l’autre nonces dans Canvas (“Discussions”)
Vendredi - Activité de groupe : écrivons une petite
annonce de logement (activité à soumettre
sur Canvas dans “Discussions”)

Semaine 8 (4 - 8 mars)

Unité 10 : D’une vie à l’autre Cahier d’activités : exercices p.114-115

- Leçon 2 : Nos chers voisins
Lundi p.130-131 - les relations sociales + l’ex-
pression de la durée (pendant et depuis)
+ La Fête des voisins (livre ex.2 p.123)

Unité 10 : D’une vie à l’autre Cahier d’activités : ex. 5 p.115 + exercices

- Leçon 2 (suite) : Nos chers voisins p.118-119
les 3 valeurs de on (ex. p.184-185) + faire le bilan de grammaire Unité 10 p.120
+ Leçon 4 : Dans mon immeuble p.134- et le bilan vocabulaire p.121
135 + les relations sociales + Répondre aux questions du Carnet de
bord 4 (“Assignments” sur Canvas)

Exercices de révisions pour le Test 2 (bi-

Vendredi Révisions pour le Test 2 (unités 9 et 10) lans unité 9 p.124-125 et unité 10 p.136-
137, cahier d’activités, Canvas)

Semaine 9 (11 - 15 mars)

Test 2 (unités 9-10) : exercices de voca- + S’inscrire pour l’entretien de mi-semestre
Lundi bulaire et grammaire + production écrite avec un.e partenaire (Canvas)
(50 minutes en classe)
Réviser le vocabulaire et la grammaire du
Pratique pour l’entretien de mi-semestre cours (unités 7-10), pratiquer les questions
avec un.e partenaire pour l’entretien avec un.e partenaire (Can-

Lire le texte “Le Petit Nicolas : la photo de

classe” (Canvas)
Vendredi Entretiens

Semaine 10 (18 - 22 mars)

Unité 11 : Talents À finir : Répondre aux questions de com-

- Leçon 1 : L’école d’hier à aujourd’hui préhension du texte “Le Petit Nicolas : la
p.140-141 photo de classe” (Canvas “Assignments”)
- Lecture : “Le Petit Nicolas : la photo de
classe” (activité à soumettre sur Canvas
dans “Assignments”)

Unité 11 : Talents Cahier d’activités : exercices p.124-125

- Leçon 1 (suite) : L’école d’hier à au- + Livre : lire “Comment s’y retrouver?” et ré-
jourd’hui p.140-141 + les pronoms posses- pondre aux questions des exercices 1 et 2
sifs (ex. p.186) p.142

Cahier d’activités : exercices p.126-127

Unité 11 : Talents
Vendredi - Leçon 2 : Formation, parcours p.142-
142 + l’expression du but (ex. p.186)

Semaine 11 (25 - 29 mars)

Unité 11 : Talents Cahier d’activités : exercices p.128-129

- Leçon 3 : Parcours remarquables p. + S’inscrire dans un groupe pour le projet fi-
144-145 + les verbes à prépositions (ex. nal de production orale (Canvas)

Projet final de production orale : forma-

Mercredi tion des groupes, choix du sujet du tuto-
riel, composition du script

Vendredi Vendredi Saint : pas de classe

Semaine 12 (1er - 5 avril)

Lundi Lundi de Pâques : pas de classe

Unité 11 : Talents Cahier d’activités : exercices p.130-131
- Leçon 4 : Le jour J p.146-147 + exercices supplémentaires sur Canvas
+ le conditionnel (Canvas) + faire le bilan de grammaire Unité 11 p.132
et le bilan vocabulaire p.133

(Apportez vos ordinateurs) Exercices de révisions pour le Test 3 (bi-

Unité 11 : Talents lan unité 11 p.148-149, cahier d’activités,
- Activité de groupe : ne stressons pas Canvas)
Vendredi avant les examens p.150 + Répondre aux questions du Carnet de
(activité à soumettre sur Canvas dans bord 5 (“Assignments” sur Canvas)

Semaine 13 (8 - 12 avril)

Test 3 (unité 11) : compréhension orale +

exercices écrits (50 minutes en classe)

Soumettre le projet final de production

Projet final de production orale : pra- orale sur Canvas (“Assignments”) pour ven-
tique et enregistrement de la vidéo
dredi dernier délai.

Révisions pour l’examen final

et visionnage des tutos


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