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SMK TI Bali Global Denpasar

Personal Pronoun
Kelompok 9
Personal Pronouns

A personal pronoun is a short word used as a simple subs3tute for the proper name of a person,
it can show us the gramma3cal person, gender, number, and case of the noun it replaces.

Some examples of personal pronouns are:

For subjects are I, you, he, she, it, we, and they. For objects, they are me, you, him, her, it, us,
and them.

How to use personal pronouns in a sentence?

Personal pronouns can either be subjects or objects in a sentence. Subject pronouns are words
used instead of nouns when talking about people, things, places and animals, subject pronouns
are used as the subject of a verb. While object pronouns represent the people or things that are
involved in an ac3on, object pronouns usually appear aBer a verb or preposi3on.
Person Subject Object
1st I Me
Singular 2nd You You
3rd He, she, it Him, her, it
1st We Us
Plural 2nd You You
3rd They Them
1st person singular: We use the subject pronoun “I” and “me” to refer to ourselves
Example subject pronoun: My name is Anne. I am Indonesian. I come from Bali.
Example object pronoun: The decision is not up to me.
1st person plural: We use the subject pronoun “we” and “us” to refer to a group of people that
includes us
Example subject pronoun: I am on holiday in Singapore with my friends. We are having an
excellent 3me.
Example object pronoun: My brother surprised us with a visit.

2nd person singular: We use the personal pronoun “you” when speaking directly to another
Example subject pronoun: Excuse me. Do you know where the library is?
Example object pronoun: Everyone is wai3ng for you outside.
2nd person plural: We use the personal pronoun “you” when addressing two or more people.
Example subject pronoun: Can you pass me the salt, please? (You to a group of friends).
Example object pronoun: What does fairness mean to you?

3rd person singular: We use mul3ple personal pronouns in case of gender specific (when you
refer to female or male) or gender neutral (when you refer to someone, you don’t know the
gender of).
Example subject pronoun (gender specific): This is my dog Roxy. She is very sweet. She doesn’t
Example subject pronoun (gender neutral): It is very sunny in Bali.
Example object pronoun (gender specific): My bike is nice but Bob’s is beWer. His is brand new.
Example object pronoun (gender neutral): My dogs won’t stop barking. They want to go outside
3rd person plural: We use the subject pronoun “they” when referring to groups of people,
animal and things.
Example subject pronoun: I love dogs! I think they are very cute.
Example object pronoun: We like them.

Rules of personal pronouns

A personal pronoun always agrees with the noun it replaces.
- My friend and I are going to the library. Would you Like to join us?
- James studies hard. He will do well.
- That woman is my tutor. Do you know her?

Do not add an adjec3ve before a personal pronoun, subject pronouns can have adjec3ves aBer
the verb.
- Not, “handsome him”, “beau3ful she”, “clever they”.
- But “She looked beau3ful”, “they are very clever”.

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