EE 312 Lecture 7

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EE312/ lecture no.

7/ Root locus technique

University of Benghazi
Faculty of Engineering
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department
Control systems EE312 Fall 2011/2012
Course Format and Assessment
The course will be delivered in 56 hours, with 4 home works. Final exam will be in Feb 2012.
Course material will include handouts.
Dr. Awad Shamekh

Lecture no. (7) Date: 8/1/2012

Learning Outcomes of this lecture

Students will understand:
• The definition of the root locus technique
• How to sketch and to use the root locus to describe a system stability
- Modern control systems, R.C. Dorf
- Control systems Engineering, Norman Nise
- Linear control systems engineering, Morris Driels

The root locus technique:

The root locus can be used to describe qualitatively the performance of a system as
various parameters are changed. For example, the effect of varying gain upon percent
overshoot, settling time, and peak time can be vividly displayed. The qualitative
description can then be verified with quantitative analysis. Besides transient response,
the root locus also gives a graphic representation of a system's stability. However,
before presenting the technique, it is too important to review two concepts that are
highly related to the root locus technique, theses are as follows :

The control system problem

The poles of the open loop system transfer function are easily found, whereas the
poles of the closed loop transfer function are more difficult to find and they cannot be
found without factoring the closed loop system's characteristic polynomial ( the
denominator of the closed loop transfer function). Further theses poles change with
changes in system gain. A typical closed loop feedback control system is shown in
Figure (1), the open loop transfer function of this system is defined as KG( s ) H ( s) .
Ordinary, the poles of the open loop system can be determined since these poles arise
from simple cascade first order or second order subsystem. Further, the variations in
K do not affect the location of any pole of this function. On the other hand, the poles

EE312/ lecture no. 7/ Root locus technique

KG ( s )
of the closed loop system transfer function, T ( s ) = , cannot be
[1 + KG ( s ) H ( s )]
determined unless the denominator is factored. Also the poles of T (s ) change with K.

Figure (1)
In the above system let

N G (s)
G (s) = (1)
DG ( s )
N H (s)
H (s) = (2)
DH ( s )
Where N and D are factored polynomial and signify numerator and denominator
terms respectively. T (s ) which denotes the closed loop system transfer function is
expressed as follows:

KN G ( s ) DH ( s)
T (s) = (3)
DG ( s ) DH ( s ) + KN G ( s ) N H ( s )

From the above equations it is straightaway to know the factors of the numerators and
denominator of G(s) and H (s ) . Also the zeros of T (s ) consist of the zeros of G (s)
and the poles of H (s ) . The poles of T (s ) are not directly known and in the fact can
change with K.

EE312/ lecture no. 7/ Root locus technique

s +1 s+3
If G ( s) = & H ( s) = , then the poles of KG( s ) H ( s) are 0,−2,−4 . The
s(s + 2) s+4
zeros of KG( s ) H ( s) are − 1,−3 . Whereas,

K ( s + 1)(s + 4)
T ( s) =
[ s 3 + (6 + K ) s 2 + (8 + 4 K ) s + 3K ]

Thus, the zeros of T (s ) consist of the zeros of G(s) and the poles of H (s ) . The
poles of T (s ) are not immediately known without factoring the denominator, and they
are function of K. Since the system's transient response and stability are dependent
upon the poles of T (s ) , and no knowledge about the system's performance is
available unless the denominator, at specific values of K, is factored. The root locus
technique is used to provide a vivid picture of the poles of T (s ) as K varies.

Vector representation of complex number:

Any complex number, σ + jω , can be graphically represented by a vector. The
complex number also can be described in polar form with magnitude M and angle θ ,
as M∠θ . If the complex number is substituted into a complex function, F (s) ,
another complex number will result. For example if F ( s) = ( s + a) then substituting
the complex number s = σ + jω yields F ( s) = (σ + a) + jω , another complex
number. If F (s) = s + 7 s→5+ j 2 , then F (s) has a zero at − 7 and the new complex
function can be represented by a vector drawn from the zero ( − 7 ) of F (s) to the
point s which is 5 + j 2 , see Figure (2).

Figure (2)

EE312/ lecture no. 7/ Root locus technique

The zeros of a function are the values of the variable for which the function is zero.
The values of the variable for which the function is infinite are its poles. Consider the
following function:

2s 2 + 2s − 12 2( s − 2)(s + 3)
T (s) = 2 =
s + 7 s + 10 ( s + 2)(s + 5)
The zeros of T (s ) are at s = 2 s = −3 and the poles at s = −2 and s = −5 .

In pole-zero plot, zeros are indicated by o and poles by × .

For complicated functions, the following formula may useful to be used:

∏ (s + z ) ∏ numerator's complex factors

T (s) = i =1
= (4)
∏ (s + p ) ∏
denominator' s complex factors
j =1

Each factor in the numerator and denominator is a complex number that can be
represented as a vector. Since each complex factor can be thought of as a vector, the
magnitude, M, of T (s ) at any point, s, is:

zero lengths ∏
(s + z )
∏ = i =1
∏ pole lengths ∏ (s + p ) n

j =1

The angle, θ , of T (s ) at any point, s, is

θ = ∑ zero angles − ∑ poles angles

m n (6)
θ = ∑ ∠( s + zi ) − ∑ ∠( s + p j )
i =1 j =1

Then T (s ) can be expressed as:

T ( s) = M∠θ (7)

( s + 1)
Given F ( s) = find F (s) at the point s1 = −3 + j 4 .
s( s + 2)

EE312/ lecture no. 7/ Root locus technique

As indicated in Figure (3), each vector of F (s) terminating in the selected point,
s1 = −3 + j 4 . The first vector (zero at -1) starts from -1 to s1 has:

Figure (3)

M 1 = 1 − 3 + j 4 = ( −2) 2 + ( 4) 2 = 20 & θ1 = tan −1
The vector formed by the pole at origin to s1 has a magnitude and angle as follows:
M 2 = 0 − 3 + j 4 = ( −3) 2 + (4) 2 = 25 = 5 & θ 2 = tan −1
The vector formed by the pole at -2 to s1 has a magnitude and angle as follows:
M 3 = 2 − 3 + j 4 = (−1) 2 + (4) 2 = 17 & θ 3 = tan −1
F ( s) = M∠θ
F ( s) = ∠116.6 − 126.9 − 104.0 = 0.217∠ − 114.3
5 17

Root locus method

A root locus plot consists of the loci of the poles of a transfer function as some
parameters is varied. Let us go back to the system shown in Figure (1), in which the
KG ( s )
closed loop transfer function is given by T ( s ) = . The characteristic
[1 + KG ( s ) H ( s )]
equation consists of the closed loop system poles( roots of the characteristic equation)

1 + KG( s) H ( s) = 0 (8)

EE312/ lecture no. 7/ Root locus technique

The poles and zeros of G ( s ) H ( s) are called the open loop poles and zeros, while the
poles and zeros of T (s ) are the closed loop poles and zeros. From equation (2)

G(s) H (s) = − (9)
That means for positive K that a point s which is a pole of T (s ) makes the two
following conditions:
™ G ( s) H (s) = (the magnitude criterion ) and
™ ∠G ( s ) H ( s ) = 180 o . Or odd multiple such as
∠G ( s ) H ( s ) = ( 2k + 1)180 k = 0 ± 1 ± 2 ± ...... (the phase angle criterion)

Suppose that there is a point s for which the second of these conditions is satisfied,
then whatever the magnitude of G ( s ) H ( s) for this value of s , there is a
corresponding value of K . Thus at any point of s for which ∠G ( s ) H ( s ) = 180 o is a
point on the root locus for some value of K . From the first condition, as K → 0 ,
G ( s) H ( s) → ∞ and K → ∞ , G ( s) H ( s) → 0 . This is to say that the poles of
T (s) are near the poles of G ( s) H ( s) for small K and near the zeros of G ( s) H ( s) for
large K . This can be written as " the loci begin on the poles of the open loop system ,
G ( s) H ( s) , and end on the zeros of the open loop system. Recall equation (3) that
denotes closed loop system transfer function

KN G ( s ) DH ( s)
T (s) =
DG ( s ) DH ( s ) + KN G ( s ) N H ( s )

As K → 0
KN G ( s ) DH ( s )
T (s) ≈
DG ( s) DH ( s) + very small value (ε )

Then the poles of the closed loop system at small gain approach the combined poles
of G (s) and H (s ) . Then the root locus begins at the poles of G ( s ) H ( s) ( open loop
system transfer function). At high gain when K is approaching infinity T (s )

KN G ( s) DH ( s )
T (s) ≈
very small value (ε ) + KN G ( s) N H ( s )

Which tells that at large gains the closed loop system poles approach the combined
zeros of G(s) and H (s ) . This means that the root locus ends at the zeros of
G ( s) H ( s) (open loop system ).

EE312/ lecture no. 7/ Root locus technique

Remark the root locus begins at the finite and infinite poles of G ( s ) H ( s) and ends
at the finite and infinite zeros of G ( s ) H ( s) .

The root locus rules

1) Number of branches, the number of branches of the root locus equals the
number of closed loop poles.
2) Symmetry, the root locus is symmetrical about the real axis.
3) Real axis segments,
™ On the real axis, for K > 0 , the root locus exists to the left of an odd
number of real axis, finite open loop poles and / or finite open loop
™ At each point, the angular contribution of a pair of open loop complex
poles or zeros is zero.
™ The contribution of the open loop poles and open loop zeros to the left
of the respective point is zero. The conclusion is that the only
contribution to the angle at any of the points comes from the open loop
real axis poles and zeros that exist to the right of the respective point.
4) Starting and ending points, the root locus begins at the finite and infinite
poles of G ( s ) H ( s) and ends at the finite and infinite zeros of G ( s ) H ( s) .

Consider the system given in Figure (4) and show the root locus segments.

Figure (4)

From figure (5), the root locus begins at the poles at -1 , -2 and ends at the zeros at -3
and -4. The poles start out at -1, -2 and move through the real axis space between the
two poles. They meet somewhere ( break away point) between the two poles and
breakout into the complex plane, moving as the complex conjugate. The poles return
to the real axis somewhere ( break in point) between the zeros at -3, -4, where their
path is completed as they move away from each other and end up respectively at the
two zeros of the open loop system at -3, -4.

EE312/ lecture no. 7/ Root locus technique

Figure (5)

5) System behaviour at infinity, Consider the system given by

KG ( s ) H ( s ) =
s ( s + 1)( s + 2)
The system has three finite poles at s = 0, s = −1, s = −2 and no finite zero. A
function (system) can also have infinite poles and zeros. If the function approaches
infinite as s approaches infinity, then the system has a pole at infinity. If the function
approaches zero as s approaches infinity, then the system has a zero at infinity.
G ( s) = s has a pole at infinity, since G(s) approaches infinity as s → ∞ . On the
other hand G ( s) = has a zero as s → ∞ .
Remark every function of s has an equal number of poles and zeros if the infinite
poles and zeros were included as well as the finite poles and zeros.

For KG ( s ) H ( s ) = , signify the finite and infinite poles and zeros.
s ( s + 1)( s + 2)

• The system has three finite poles, these are at s = 0, s = −1, s = −2 and no
finite zero.
• Each s in the denominator causes the open loop function, KG( s ) H ( s) , to
become zero as that s → ∞ . Hence the system has three zeros at infinity.

EE312/ lecture no. 7/ Root locus technique

KG ( s ) H ( s ) s →∞ = ≈ 3 ≈
s ( s + 1)( s + 2) s s.s.s

9 Conclusion: the system has the same number of poles and zeros provided that
the infinite zeros are considered.

In this system the root locus begins at the finite poles of KG( s ) H ( s) and ends at the
infinite zeros. Therefore this rule states that the root locus like as it approaches zeros
at infinity or as it moves from the poles at infinity. Then, the root locus approaches
straight lines as asymptotes as the locus approaches infinity. Further the equation of
the asymptotes is given by the real axis intercept, σ A , and angle, θ A , as follows:

σA = ∑
finite poles − ∑ finite zeros
# finite poles − # finite zeros
(2k + 1)π
θA = (11)
# finite poles − # finite zeros

Where k = 0 ± 1,±2,±3 , ...., # finite poles − # finite zeros -1 , and the angle is given
in radians with respect to the positive extension of the real axis.

Sketch the root locus for the systme shown in Figure (6).

Figure (6)

According to equation (10), the real axis intercept is evaluated as:

σA = ∑
finite poles − ∑ finite zeros (−1 − 2 − 4) − (−3) 4
= =−
# finite poles − # finite zeros 4 −1 3

The angle of the lines that intersect at -4/3, given by equation (11)

EE312/ lecture no. 7/ Root locus technique

(2k + 1)π (2k + 1)π

φA = =
# finite poles − # finite zeros 4 −1
φ A = π / 3 → for k = 0
φ A = π → for k = 1
φ A = 5π / 3 → for k = 2
If the value for k continued to increase, the angles would begin to repeat. The number
of lines obtained equals the difference between the number of finite poles and the
number of finite zeros.

Figure (7)

Rule 4 state that the locus begins at the open loop poles and ends at the open loop
zeros. In this example there are more open loop poles than open loop zeros. Thus
there must be zeros at infinity. The asymptotes tell us how the paths go to infinity.
Figure (7) shows the complete root locus as well as the asymptotes that were just
calculated. In the previous example all the 5 rules were applied. The real axis
segments lie to the left of an odd number of poles and /or zeros. The locus starts at the
open loop poles and ends at the open loop zeros. in this problem there is only one
open loop finite zero and three infinite zeros. The three zeros at infinity are at the end
of the asymptotes.

6) Real axis break away and break in points,

The points where the locus leaves the real axis is called breakaway point and the
point where the locus returns to the real axis is called the break in point. at the
breakaway or break in point, the branches of the root locus form an angle of 180 / n

with real axis, where n is the number of closed loop poles arriving at or departing
from the real axis at a single point. Thus for the two poles the branches at the
breakaway point form 90 angles with the real axis. figure (8) illustrates the root

locus with breakaway and break in points. Provided n =2, therefore the branches form

EE312/ lecture no. 7/ Root locus technique

Figure (8)
90 with the real axis. As displayed in the figure, the two closed loop, which are at -1

and -2 when K = 0 , move toward each other as the gain increases from zero. Then it
can be concluded that the gain must be maximum along the real axis at the point
where the breakaway occurs (at − σ 1 ), somewhere between -1 and -2. Naturally, the
value of the gain increases above this point as the poles move into the complex plane.
However, the breakaway point occurs at a point of maximum gain on the real axis
between the open loop poles. Regarding the break-in point, as shown in the figure,
this point (at σ 2 ) between +3 and +5 on the real axis. The gain at the minimum gain
found along the real axis between the two poles. In the subsequent section, the
methods for specifying the breakaway and break in points on the real axis are
a) using differential calculus:
according to the closed loop characteristic equation that denoted in equation (8):
1 + KG( s) H ( s) = 0
KG( s) H ( s) = −1
K =− (12)
G( s) H ( s)
For points along the real axis segment of the root locus where breakaway and break in
points could exist, s = σ . Hence, along the real axis, then equation (12) becomes;

K =− (13)
G(σ ) H (σ )
If equation (13) is differentiated with respect to σ and set the derivative equal to zero,
then it is possible to find the points of max and min gain and hence the breakaway and
break in points, see Figure (9) for the previous example.

EE312/ lecture no. 7/ Root locus technique

Figure (9)

To find the break away and break in points of the last example, find firstly
KG( s) H ( s) as:
K ( s − 3)(s − 5) K ( s 2 − 8s + 15) K (σ 2 − 8σ + 15)
KG ( s) H ( s) s→σ = = =
( s + 1)(s + 2) ( s 2 + 3s + 2) (σ 2 + 3σ + 2)

Then apply KG ( s ) H ( s ) = −1 , thus

K (σ 2 − 8σ + 15)
= −1
(σ 2 + 3σ + 2)
Solving for K, then
(σ 2 + 3σ + 2)
K =−
(σ 2 − 8σ + 15)
Differentiating K with respect to σ and setting the derivative equal to zero yields:

(‫)تفاضل البسط*المقام‬-(‫)تفاضل المقام*البسط‬

dK ⎡ (σ − 8σ + 15)(2σ + 3) − (σ 2 + 3σ + 2)(2σ − 8) ⎤
= −⎢ ⎥
dσ ⎣ (σ 2 − 8σ + 15) 2 ⎦
‫مربع المقام‬

(σ 2 − 8σ + 15) (σ 2 + 3σ + 2)
(2σ + 3) (2σ − 8)
......................................... .........................................
2σ 3 − 16σ 2 + 30σ _ 2σ 3 + 6σ 2 + 4σ
+ 3σ 2 − 24σ + 45 − 8σ 2 − 24σ − 16
........................................... ...........................................
2σ 3 − 13σ 2 + 6σ + 45 2σ 3 − 2σ 2 − 20σ − 16


EE312/ lecture no. 7/ Root locus technique

dK ⎡11σ 2 − 26σ − 61⎤

= −⎢ 2 2 ⎥
dσ ⎣ (σ − 8σ + 15) ⎦
11σ 2 − 26σ − 61 = 0 (14)

Solving equation (14), which is a second order equation provides σ 1 , σ 2 which are the
breakaway and break in points.
σ 1 = −1.45 (breakaway point)
σ 2 = 3.82 (break in point)

b) Transition method:
This technique states that the breakaway and break in points satisfy the following
1 n
∑1 σ + z ∑1 σ + p
= (15)
i j

Where z i and p j are the negative of the zero and pole values, respectively of
G ( s) H ( s) . Solving equation (15) for σ yields the breakaway and break in points.
For the current example, the method can be applied as:

1 1 1 1
+ = +
σ − 3 σ − 5 σ +1 σ + 2
(σ − 5) + (σ − 3) (σ + 2) + (σ + 1)
(σ − 3)(σ − 5) (σ + 1)(σ + 2)
2σ − 8 2σ + 3
= 2
σ − 5σ − 3σ + 15 σ + 2σ + σ + 2

2σ − 8 2σ + 3
= 2
σ − 8σ + 15 σ + 3σ + 2

(σ − 8σ + 15)(2σ + 3) = (σ 2 + 3σ + 2)(2σ − 8)

(σ 2 − 8σ + 15)(2σ + 3) − (σ 2 + 3σ + 2)(2σ − 8) = 0 (15)

Equation (15) gives the same result that results after differentiation as :

11σ 2 − 26σ − 61 = 0
σ 1 = −1.45 (breakaway point)
σ 2 = 3.82 (break in point)

7) The jω axis crossing

The point where the locus crosses the imaginary axis may be obtained by substituting
s = jω in to the characteristic equation and solving ω. Alternatively, Routh and
Hurwitz criterion can be used.
EE312/ lecture no. 7/ Root locus technique

Let us go back to the example that given in Figure (10). For this system find the
frequency and gain, K, for which the root locus crosses the imaginary axis. For what
range of K is the system stable?

Figure (10)

The closed loop transfer function for this system is :

K ( s + 3)
T ( s) = (16)
s + 7 s + 14s 2 + (8 + K ) s + 3K
4 3

Construct Routh array as:

s4 1 14 3K
s3 7 8+K 0
s2 90-K 21K 0
s1 − K − 65K + 720
0 0
90 − K
s0 21K 0 0
A complete row of zeros yields the possibility for imaginary axis roots. For positive
values of gains, those for which the root locus is plotted before, only the s1 row can
yields a row of zeros. Thus

− K 2 − 65K + 720
90 − K
− K 2 − 65K + 720 = 0 (16)

From equation (16), K = 9.65 . Substitute K = 9.65 in the row of s 2 gives:

(90 − K ) s 2 + 21K = 0
80.35 s 2 + 202.65 = 0
then s = ±1.59

EE312/ lecture no. 7/ Root locus technique

Thus the root locus crosses the jω axis at ± j1.59 at a gain of 9.65. Therefore the
system is stable for 0 ≤ K ≤ 9.65 .

As mentioned before, the points when the locus crosses the jω axis can be obtained as
illustrated in the following example:

Consider the characteristic equation given by:

s 3 + 4 s 2 + ( K + 8) s + 5 K = 0 (17)

Substituting s = jω in equation (17) yields:

( jω ) 3 + 4( jω ) 2 + ( K + 8)( jω ) + 5 K = 0
− jω 3 − 4ω 2 + j ( K + 8)ω + 5 K = 0
5 K − 4ω 2 + j[( K + 8)ω − ω 3 ] = 0
real part imaginary part

Equating the real and imaginary parts to zero results into two equations in ω and in K

5K − 4ω 2 = 0 (18)

( K + 8)ω − ω 3 = 0 (19)

Multiplying equation (18) by ω

5Kω − 4ω 3 = 0 (20)
Multiplying equation (19) by -4

− 4 Kω − 32ω + 4ω 3 = 0 (21)

Add equation (20) to (19). This results:

Kω − 32ω = 0
Kω = 32ω

Substitute K=32 into (19) produces:

5(32) = 4ω 2
5 × 32 (22)
ω= = 40 = ±6.32

EE312/ lecture no. 7/ Root locus technique

From (22), one can conclude that the locus intercepts the imaginary axis at ± j 6.32 .
Note that whatever the order of the characteristic equation, the above procedure will
yield two equation in ω and K (Morris 1996).

8) angles of departure and arrival

To refine the sketch of the root locus it is important to find angles of departure and
arrival from complex poles and zeros. The angle of departure of the locus from a pole
and the angle of arrival at the locus at a zero can be determined from the phase angle
criterion. The angle of the locus departure from a pole is the difference between the
net angle due to all the other poles and zeros ,the criterion angle ± 180(2k + 1) .
Similarly, for the locus angle of arrival at zero.

Example: ( this example is taken from book by Nise, 1999)

For the given system shown in Figure (11), find the angle of the departure from the
complex poles and sketch the root locus.

Figure (11)

Using the poles and zeros of G ( s ) = as plotted in Figure (12).
( s + 3)( s 2 + 2 s + 2)

EE312/ lecture no. 7/ Root locus technique

Figure (12)
From the phase criterion:

− θ 1 − θ 2 + θ 3 − θ 4 = −θ 1 − 90 o + tan −1 (1 / 1) − tan −1 (1 / 2) = 180 o

9 θ1 is the departure angle.
9 θ 2 is the angle measured from the right of the real axis to the point where the
point of the departure and clearly θ 2 = 90 o .
9 θ 3 is calculated from the zero at -2 to the departure point, then
θ 3→s + 2 = ∠(−1 + j + 2) = tan −1 1 .
9 θ 4 is calculated from the pole at -3 to the departure point, then
θ 4→s +3 = ∠(−1 + j + 3) = tan −1 (1 / 2) .

θ1 = −90o + 45o − 26.57 o − 180o = −251.57 o or θ1 = 360o − 251.57 o = 108.43o

Example: ( this example is taken from book by Dorf, 2001)

Given the characteristic equation of a system as:

1+ =0
s ( s + 4)( s + 4 + j 4)( s + 4 − j 4)
Plot the root locus as K varied from zero to infinity.

As shown in Figure (13) we have the following:

EE312/ lecture no. 7/ Root locus technique

9 The system has 4 poles ( s = 0 , s = −4 and complex pole at s = −4 ± j 4 ), no

9 The root loci are symmetrical with respect to the real axis.
9 One segment of the root locus exists on the real axis between
s = 0 and s = −4 .
9 The number of poles = 4, then there are 4 separate loci.
(2q + 1)
9 The angle of the asymptotes are φ= 180, q = 0,1,2,3 then
φ1 = 45o , φ2 = 135o , φ3 = 225o , φ4 = 315o .
9 The centre of the asymptotes is σ A = = −3 .

Figure (13)

The breakaway point is calculated according to the following method:

the previous examples have been shown that the breakaway and break in points are
evaluated by solving the characteristic equation for K and differentiating K with
respect to σ (s ) and setting the derivative equal to zero or by directly ( with
differentiation ) using the formula that says:

1 n
∑1 σ + z ∑1 σ + p
i j

and finding the roots of the resultant equation which represent the breakaway and
break in points. However, finding the roots becomes more complicated as the degree
of the equation exceeds 2. A third option to find these points is by evaluating K
s ( s + 4)( s + 4 + j 4)( s + 4 − j 4) + K
s ( s + 4)( s + 4 + j 4)( s + 4 − j 4)

EE312/ lecture no. 7/ Root locus technique

s ( s + 4)( s + 4 + j 4)( s + 4 − j 4) + K = 0
K = P ( s ) = − s ( s + 4)( s + 4 + j 4)( s + 4 − j 4)

s = −1.5 as indicated in the table.

P(s) 0 51 68.5 80 85 75 0
s -4.0 -3.0 -2.5 -2.0 -1.5 -1 0

9 ''A more accurate estimate of the breakaway point is normally not

necessary'' Dorf said.

To find the imaginary axis crossing, Routh-Hurwitz array is used as:

The characteristic equation is rewritten as:

s ( s + 4)( s + 4 + j 4)( s + 4 − j 4) + K = 0
s 4 + 12 s 3 + 64 s 2 + 128 s + K = 0
Routh-Hurwitz array

s4 1 64 K
s3 12 128 0
12(64) − 128
s2 = 53.3 K 0
53.3(128) − 12 K
s1 0 0
s0 K 0 0

To get the roots at border line of stability (jω axis crossing), only the s1 row can
yields a row of zeros. Thus equating the element by zero to get:

53.3(128) − 12 K
= K ≅ 570
Hence the limiting value of gain K for stability is 570 and the roots of the auxiliary
equation are computed as follows:
53.33s 2 + 570 = 53.33( s 2 + 10.6) = 53.33( s + j 3.25)( s − j 3.25)
Then (0 + j 3.25) and (0 − j 3.25) are the points where the locus crosses the jω axis
,see Figure (12). The angle of departure at the complex pole P1 can be estimated by
utilizing the angle criterion as follows:

− θ 1 − 90 o − 90 o − θ 3 = 180 o

EE312/ lecture no. 7/ Root locus technique

Where θ 3 is the angle subtended by the vector from pole P3 . The angles from the pole
at s = −4 and s = −4 − j 4 are equal to 90o . Since θ 3 = 135o . Then
θ 1 = −90 o − 90 o − 135 o − 180 o = −135 o = 225 .

9) The rule of gain calculation on the root locus (Morris 1995)

The gain at a selected point st on the locus is obtained by joining the point to all open
loop poles and zeros and measuring the length of each line st + pi , st + z i . The
gain is given by the gain formula of the closed loop characteristic equation that given
1 1 ∏ finite pole lengths ∏ st + pi
K =− = = = (23)
G ( s) H ( s) M ∏ finite zero lengths ∏ st + z i

Example: (this example is taken from book by Morris 1996)

For the open loop system given by:
K ( s + 5)
G( s) H ( s) =
s( s 2 + 4s + 8)
Find K at s = −1 .

To apply the formula given in equation (23) , the test point ( st ) which at s = −1 must
lie in the root locus. To check this point, plot the root locus of the given system. This
illustrated in Figure (14), which illustrate that s = −1 lies within the root locus.
Therefore, the gain formula, equation (23), can be applied as:

∏s t + pi
∏s t + zi d

a = st + p1 = − 1 + 0 = 1
b = st + p 2 = − 1 + 2 + j 2 = 1 + j 2 = 5
c = st + p3 = − 1 + 2 − j 2 = 1 − j 2 = 5
d = st + z1 = − 1 + 5 = 4

∏s t + pi
a × b × c 1× 5 × 5 5
= = = 1.25 #
∏s t + zi d 4 4


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