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Rubric for Presentation

Criteria Rating Rating Rating Rating

Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs
5 4 3 2
1. Introduction (1)Gets attention Meets any four of Meets any three Meets only two
& Content (2) Clearly identifies the five criteria of the five of the five
topic criteria criteria
(3) Establishes
(4) Previews the
main points
5) Use ppt /
google slides

2. Working Participating very Participating Not Not

together frequently in frequently in participating as participating at
(individual team discussion and written discussion and much in all in discussion
member’s work. written work. discussion and and written
performance) written work. work.

3. Use of Use of language Use of language Use of language Use of

Language contributes to does not have causes potential language is
effectiveness of the negative impact, confusion, inappropriate
speech, and and vocalized and/or vocalized
vocalized pauses pauses pauses (um uh er
(um uh er etc.) (um uh er etc.) etc.) are
not distracting not distracting distracting

4. Clarity Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly Speaks clearly Often

distinctly all the time and distinctly and distinctly mumbles or
with no nearly all the most of the time cannot be
mispronounced words time with no with no more understood
more than one than two with more than
mispronounced mispronounced three
word words mispronounce
d words

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