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Podcasts as a tool to enhance language

learning regarding listening and
A monograph submitted in partial fulfillment for the
of BA degree in English studies

English department

Major: Linguistics

Academic year: 2021/2022

Submitted by: Supervised by:

Mounir Zariouh Apogee N°: 18007424 Dr. Mourad Mimoune



I would like to acknowledge and give my warmest thanks

to my supervisor MIMOUNE MOURAD who made this
work possible. His guidance and advice carried me
through all the stages of writing my project.
I would also like to give a special thanks to my family for
their continuous support and understanding when
undertaking my research and writing my project. Your
prayer for me was what sustained me this far.
I would also like to express my gratitude to my friends
Abdelmoula Sarsari and Hamza Mahmourri who helped
me modify the touches of this humble work.
Finally, I would like to thank God, for letting me through
all the difficulties.
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Table of Contents
Acknowledgement .........................................................................................................................................1

Table of contents ...........................................................................................................................................2

List of tables ...................................................................................................................................................3

List of figures ..................................................................................................................................................3

List of abbreviations ......................................................................................................................................3

1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................4
1.1 Background....................................................................................................................................4
1.2 Problem statement .......................................................................................................................5
1.3 Significance ....................................................................................................................................5
1.4 Research objectives .......................................................................................................................6
1.5 Research questions .......................................................................................................................6
2 Review of literature ....................................................................................................................................7

3 Methodology.............................................................................................................................................10
3.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................10
3.2 Research design...........................................................................................................................10
3.3 Data collection instrument..........................................................................................................10
3.4 Participants..................................................................................................................................11
3.5 Data analysis procedure ............................................................................................................. 11
3.6- Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................11

4 Findings .....................................................................................................................................................12
4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................12
A-Background information ..........................................................................................................12
B-General questions about podcast ............................................................................................14
4.2- Conclusion .................................................................................................................................18
5 Discussion..................................................................................................................................................19
5.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................19
5.2 Summary of findings...................................................................................................................19
5.3 Limitations ..................................................................................................................................20
6 Conclusion and implications .....................................................................................................................21
6.1 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................21
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6.2 Implications ................................................................................................................................21

6.3 Implications ................................................................................................................................22

Appendix : Questionnaire ...........................................................................................................................25

List of tables:

Table 1: Gender ............................................................................................................................................12

Table 2: Age ..................................................................................................................................................13

Table 3: Study level ......................................................................................................................................13

List of figures:

Figure 1: A question shows whether the students are aware of podcasts or are not .................................14

Figure 2: Indicates how many students listen to English Podcasts .............................................................14

Figure 3: Students tend to listen to English for two reasons- either for pleasure or for learning ..............15

Figure 4: Show how much time students listen to podcast .........................................................................15

Figure 5: Question shows when was the last time they listened to a podcast ...........................................16

Figure 6: A significant question to the study where students are giving opinion about enhancing their
listening and comprehension skills using podcasts .....................................................................................16

Figure 7: The percentages that respondents extended .............................................................................17

Figure 8: Recommendation for using podcast ...........................................................................................17

List abbreviations:

IZUA: Ibn Zohr University Agadir

EFL: English as Foreign Language

CALL: Computer Assisted Language Learning.

RSS: Really Simple Syndication

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1. Introduction:

1.1 Background:
English examinations are commonly divided into four skills; listening, writing, reading and
speaking skills. Mukarrama et al. (2015) claimed that students master the four skills listening,
reading, speaking, and writing when learning English as a second or foreign language. Meanwhile,
according to Asmawati (2017) listening skill poses as a big challenge for students because they are
hardly exposed to native voice.

Listening, one of the four primary strengths of language development, plays a vital role in
English as one of the most crucial abilities in learning a second language or a foreign language,
according to Ranadive (2014). While reading, speaking, and writing are all crucial for the
development of language skills, listening is the major pathway to language proficiency.

Students can employ a variety of media to help them acquire languages, especially listening
skills, to overcome this situation. Students can use podcasts to enhance listening and
comprehension skills. The New Oxford American Dictionary (Oxford University Press, 2005)
describes a podcast as ‘’a multimedia content file that may be downloaded to a computer or mobile
device from the internet’’

The terms iPod and broadcast were combined to create the word podcast (Chan, Lee, and
McLoughlin 2007). A podcast can be entirely audio-only, video-only, or augmented with images,
PowerPoint presentations, slideshows, and some other media. Audio podcasts are the most widely
used source because they are cheaper and simpler to create than video podcasts, according to
Dennett et al. (2008).

Because Dave Winer invented RSS feeds in 1997, podcasts are different from radio broadcasts
in that they are tied to a listening device. Accordingly, the most recent episodes of a subscribed
podcast may be automatically downloaded to any MP3 device or smartphone without having to
visit the website using an RSS reader program like iTunes or Spotify (Mahjouri & Purnell, 2007).
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1.2 Problem statement:

English college students in Morocco do not pay a lot of attention in Morocco. Listening is
considered a big challenge for students as they often face difficulties in understanding the meaning
or the purpose of the speaker especially if they do not often interact with English native speakers.
An English classroom is about teaching grammar, writing, and speaking from time to time.
Listening get no interest, which leads to many problems associated with the learning process of
college students later on. When some students decide to study English at university, they become
aware of their inability to listen and comprehend. Accordingly, it becomes difficult for them to
succeed in their studies.

1.3 Significance:
This research is crucial because utilizing podcasts might be one of the helpful tools for
addressing problems with listening and comprehension skills. Therefore, it will examine how using
podcasts affects students' listening abilities. Podcasts may offer students a relevant, authentic
environment in which to study, revise, and easily pick up new vocabulary; they will learn more
effectively the more they listen.

This study also significant in that it can guide teachers as to the importance of listening skills.
It can also show the need that teachers should always be in search of new techniques such as using
podcasts. In other words, teacher should always be open to the “new” by considering the needs and
interests of students. The findings of this research are expected to give some benefits to other
researcher, the research of this research study can be a reference for conducting other research
related to this research study.
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1.4 Research objectives:

This research focuses on the idea that a student should use podcasts as a tool to enhance language
learning, especially listening. The primary objectives of this study are the following:

• To explore students' perceptions about the use of podcasts.

• To explain that being exposed to podcasts will improve listening comprehension.

1.5 Research questions:

The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of podcasts on students' listening
comprehension skills. The following research questions were offered to meet the aims of this study:

• Q1: to what extent podcasts can improve students listening and comprehension skills?
• Q2: how listening to podcast can enhance students listening and comprehension skills?
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2. Review of the literature:

2.1 Introduction:
Many projects have taken place within the framework of EFL (English as a Foreign Language)
in which researchers have explored the use of podcasts and its effect on enhancing listening

2.2 Related studies:

1) Sze (2006) did a study on podcasting of certain Hong Kong students, and he discovered that
professors' podcasts increase learning time by allowing students to review the subject of the class
even though they're not in a school environment.

2) a study on the impact of podcasts on the listening comprehension of EFL students, podcasts,
according to Djebhari Hassen's (2016) theory, will aid EFL students in improving their listening
skills. He discovers that podcasts can improve students' listening comprehension and that
professors regard them as a useful tool for teaching listening skills. Hassen has discovered that
podcasts can help learners by developing their understanding of the target language.

3) Fatima Ahmed has undertaken an additional study on the use of podcasts to enhance listening
comprehension in Arabic classrooms. She has investigated the possibility that podcasts might
enhance her students' listening comprehension. Ahmed finds out that the group of students who
have been exposed to language through podcasts has received higher grades than those who have
been reading short stories,

4) Alfian & Lio (2019) The findings of the study showed that the use of podcasts in listening was
a good media for teaching listening comprehension. The interview's findings revealed that most
academics are interested in audio podcast content. The media can motivate scholars in listening as
they will listen as much as possible at any time and anywhere.
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5) Hasan (2013) gathered 20 journal papers to assess how the podcast affected the language abilities
and attitudes of students studying English as a second language. The study's findings suggested
that podcasting can be a useful medium. Which aids in language acquisition.

6) Lie (2007) His research came to the conclusion that insufficient exposure to the target language
is the main factor limiting EFL listening in Indonesia. Students find it challenging to comprehend
and grasp the content, therefore they feel unprepared since they must take a listening skills test. In
other words, while studying English as a foreign language, listening skills are overlooked.

7) Namazian and Rahmatollahi (2017) explored the results of using podcast on listening
comprehension among EFL learners. The study was done among 60 students at the pre-
intermediate level of Pooyesh language Institute. The findings indicated that the experimental
group significantly outperformed the control group. The results showed that using podcasts in
English classes can develop the listening ability among EFL learners

8) In terms of education and learning, podcasts might not be the best option. Heilesen (2010)
undertook a review of the literature on experiences in higher education with podcasting, he
discovered that the impact of podcasting on students’ performance was somehow weak. The
findings of this study revealed that learners do not agree with the replacement of traditional
methods with CALL. Similarly

9) Aryadoust and lashkary (2009) did an investigation on examination of the impact of technology
on the performance of Iranian students. The findings of the pre-test and post-test did not
significantly differ.

10) According to Yoestra and Putri (2018) and Romadhon (2019), The following are the reasons
why using a podcast is the greatest option for listening comprehension lessons. The first advantage
is that it can help students understand the native form of English. So, students may practice their
conversational skills by listening to authentic recordings. Furthermore, the materials of the podcast
are full of real-life speech that is based on the native speakers’ speech in order for the learners to
catch the authentic vocabulary with their pronunciations. The podcast's second benefit is that it
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encourages students to practice listening outside of classes. By choosing their preferred listening
resources, learners may lead their own learning.
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3. Methodology:

3.1 Introduction

This chapter tries to discover and define the research design that is used in this research project,
participants then, describing the research instruments that have been utilized to collect data as it
will cover the Data analysis procedure of this study. Research Methodology is considered as the
most important phase in the research process. As Dawson, C. (2002, p.22) stated, “The research
methodology is the philosophy or general principle which guides the research”

3.2 Research design

“Research methods in education (and the other social sciences) are often divided into two main
types: quantitative and qualitative methods” (Muijs, 2004, P. 1). This paper employs a quantitative
methodology. Consequently, the use of this methodology is essential to investigate students’ views
toward podcasts. Additionally, a numerical or percentage description of the study instrument's
findings would also be beneficial. In other words, a quantitative approach is concerned to transfer
beliefs and opinions into numbers. The advantage of quantitative research is that it can “generate
statistics through the use of a larger scale survey research” (Dawson, C. 2002, p.23).

3.3Data collection instrument

The questionnaire is one of the most appropriate data collection methods for our research. The
type of the questionnaire that we tend to use is a closed-ended questionnaire. That is, the
respondents are not supposed to respond by using their own words, but rather they are going to
check only the option that best represents what they believe. Moreover, the respondents may find
this type of questionnaires particularly easier to complete.
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The questionnaire was divided into two sections: one consisted of the demographic questions
concerning age, gender and the study level; the second part is the main body of the questionnaire
that involves various questions about podcasts and students’ attitudes toward using podcasts.

3.4 Participants

The study includes 30 participants (15 males and 15 females) students from the English
department of Faculty of letters and Human Sciences Ibn Zohr University Agadir. The selected
participants are belonging to all semesters two, four and six. These different respondents are chosen
randomly in order to come up with different attitudes toward podcast. Finally, the study was
operated in May 2022.

3.5 Data analysis procedure

Since the main goal of the current study is to determine if students' listening and comprehension
skills can be improved by utilizing podcasts, the data gathered from their replies to the survey items
was evaluated in terms of means using Microsoft Excel. Additionally, frequencies and percentages
were calculated.

3.6 Conclusion

To sum up, the research methodology covered all the components needed to tackle this study;
from the design of the study, the participants, the questionnaire distributed to the students via social
media and to the data analysis procedures.
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4. Findings:

4.1 Introduction

After distributing the questionnaire for the students which consist of two main sections (A and
B), Collecting data from their answers was the next step. The quantitative data analysis for the
questionnaire in which the numeric scores were assigned then analyzed statistically using Microsoft
Excel, and scientific calculator. After that, the results are turned into different tables and graphics
with the percentages for each question.

4.2 Results

A-Personal profile of the participants:

Table 1: age

Frequency Percentage

18-22 10 33,3%
22-26 13 43,3%
26-30 1 3,3%
+30 6 20%
Total 30 100%
Note: From the table above, it is obvious that the major age of respondents is “18-22” with 33,3%,
and the age between “22-26” with 43,3%, which are the ordinary ages of the university students in
general then “26-30” with3,3% and “more than 30” with 20% which represent the minority.
P a g e | 13

Table 2: gender
Frequency Percentage

Female 15 50%
Male 15 50%
Total 30 100%
Note: In this study, the respondents are varied, the total number of the respondents is 30 The
questionnaire was distributed online which results us with equally between female and males.

Table 3: study level

Frequency Percentage

S2 5 16,7%
S4 5 16,7%
S6 18 60%
Other level 2 6,7%
Total 30 100%
Note: This research targets mainly students of IZUA English department they were given a chance
to answer the questionnaire as long as they are English students and aware of Podcasts in language
P a g e | 14

B-General questions about Podcast:

Question 1: have you ever heard about podcast?

100.00% 93.30%


60.00% yes

40.00% no


Figure 1: A question shows whether the students are aware of podcasts or are not.

Note: Podcasts have not yet reached to its popularity though the fact that they are considered the
best effective study material in terms of learning and teaching languages.

Question 2: do you listen to English podcasts?


60.00% Yes

40.00% NO

20.00% 13.30%


Figure 2: indicates how many students listen to English Podcasts

Note: Listening to podcasts can be perceived as natural when it comes to learning. Any one wants to learn
a language, s/he tends to go search for an oral material to try to pick up how it is worked out.
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Question3: for what reason do you listen to English podcasts?



60.00% pleasure

40.00% Education


Figure 3: Students tend to listen to English for two reasons- either for pleasure or for learning.

Note: From the table, it shows that students believe that listening is crucial when it comes to learning in

Question4: how often do you listen to podcasts?


25.00% Occasionally
20.00% Sometimes
16.70% Often
15.00% Always



Figure 4: show how much time students listen to podcast

Note: Since this questionnaire was sent to these students, unless they consume or listen to podcasts,
therefore this table shows their attachment to it, and 36.70% of them are playing it very oftenly.
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Question5: When was the last time you listened to a podcast?

30.00% 30.00%
20.00% Yesterday

15.00% 13.30% Last week

One month ago



FIGURE 5: question shows when was the last time they listened to a podcast

Note: The majority of students they listen to podcasts “sometimes”, with a rate of 36.70% and others they
listen to it “often” with a rate of 26.70%, while respondents who chose the options (Occasionally and
Always) indicate the minority.

Question 6: Do you think English podcast will enhance your listening and comprehension
skills? That is, you will be able to understand English when it's being spoken?







Figure 6: A significant question to the study where students are giving opinion about enhancing
their listening and comprehension skills using podcasts
P a g e | 17

Note: The conclusion that we come here, is the sureness of students in podcast as a tool to enhance their
comprehension skill, which enable us to conclude the importance of these tools such as podcasts, and the
given figure above expresses that.

Question 7: To what extent podcast affect positively on your language learning?

3.30% 13.30%

26.70% 20%


Figure 7: the percentages that respondents extended

Note: This question seeked to summarize the extent to which podcast enhanced the listening and
comprehension skills positively, the majority of the respondents selected the option (60%) with a rate of
40%, the ratio that the students chose is bit persuasive.
P a g e | 18

Question 8: Do you recommend using podcast to improve listening and comprehension skills?



Figure 8: Recommendation for using podcast?

Note: The figure above demonstrates that every respondent suggests utilizing podcasts.

4.3 Conclusion:

In conclusion, designing this section into tables in which each comes up with the answers in
percentage is what makes it easy for the following discussion section.
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5. Discussion:

5.1 Introduction:

This section presents a discussion of the study findings. the findings are discussed according to
the order of the survey objectives except the first section in the questionnaire which is about
demographic data (Background information). In other words, the results with regard to the second
section in the questionnaire.

5.2 Summary of Findings:

Podcasts make learning a language portable. One is to download a language podcast, whatever
lesson he/she seeks to learn. I've discovered, based on my observations and experience, that
actively listening to podcasts in English, my English listening skills, speaking skills and even
writing skills have improved. In fact, all of these abilities are linked, and developing one helps the

From the results of the first question (part 2), the majority (93.30%) of participants heard about
podcasts and do use them as a material. On the other hand, the minority (6.70%) of participants are
not familiar with the term podcast. A prior study (Facer, Abdous & Camarena, 2009) found that
students who were not familiar with podcasts were not likely to use them, and that if students did
not think that the podcasts would help them study, they would not take the time to use them. Again,
many students reported that they did not use the podcasts because they did not think that they would
be helpful or did not have time to download them

According to the results that obtained from the ‘question 8’, it is obvious that the majority of
respondents are agreed generally about what podcasts have enhanced concerning their listening
and comprehension skills, Students were asked to assess the extent to which the use of podcasts
had helped them to develop their listening and comprehension skills. In general, the students
reported that the podcasts had helped them to improve their language skills. As was found in a prior
P a g e | 20

study (Facer, Abdous & Camarena, 2009), students reported that the podcasts were most useful for
improving their oral and aural language skills, as well as for improving their knowledge of

The last question of the second part ‘Do you recommend using ‘podcast’ to improve listening
and comprehension skills’ displays those students believe that video podcasts are the effective tool
to improve their listening skill/comprehension. In fact, they end up recommending it to other
students. These findings confirm results of several research that point to the potential value of
podcasting as a medium. Which aids in language acquisition and improvement of listening skill
(Hasan 2013).

5.3 Limitation of the study:

To prevent any overgeneralizations and incorrect interpretations of the findings, the present
study included a number of limitations that should be noted. First, the present study was limited to
30 individuals because of limited time and resources, all the participants are from IZUA. They are
belonging to all semesters, in the academic year 2021-2022 in Agadir. Second, the study is limited
to ‘podcasts’ as a tool for improving English language regarding listening skill.
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6. Conclusion:

6.1 Conclusion:

The numerous researches on podcasting that are covered in this paper demonstrate that utilizing
a podcast is more advantageous and effective than using a traditional method and that information
and technology applications are helpful for teaching English as a foreign language. It can be stated
that podcasts are highly helpful for language learning since they inspire students to study while
also assisting them in developing their listening skills. The use of podcasts by students to learn
English is popular. As liking or disliking things that are valued for someone is a stimulant that
drives someone to certain purposes, having an interest in learning influences the effectiveness of
learning activities. It is also important to keep in mind that podcasts are really not meant to replace
teachers. It is important for teachers to be aware that they must select podcast episodes that are
acceptable for the students' grade/level and set up the podcast's access before the students may
listen to it.

6.2 Implication:

The information gained from this study would be beneficial to the students of Faculty of letters
and Human Sciences Ibn Zohr University Agadir to do more practice about listening skill. Hence,
the paper will help to understand that how podcasts can motivate learners to develop student’s
listening skill/comprehension. Podcasts can also contribute other study related issue. Moreover,
teachers can get some ideas to motivate students in language study more. Also, learners can use
podcasts to take control of their own learning and they can use it as a part of their self skill
P a g e | 22

6.3 Suggestion for further research:

My suggestion for further study is that it must be conducted on the idea of transforming the
classroom into an environment/natural context where English is acquired from comprehensible
podcasts according to the students’ level of it.
P a g e | 23

Alfian, A., & Lio, A. (2019). The Use of Audio Podcast for Teaching Listening Comprehension. Journal of
Language Education and Educational Technology (JLEET), 4(1).

Aryadoust, V., & Lashkary, H. (2009). Teaching aids: Effective in Iranian students’ lexical acquisition?
Asian EFL Journal, 11(3), 329-351.

Asmawati, A. (2017). Analyzing Students’ Difficulties toward Listening Comprehension. ETERNAL (English,
Teaching, Learning and Research Journal) 3, 206– 220. Doi: 10.24252/eternal. v32. 2017.a9

Chan, A., Lee, M., & McLoughlin, C. (2007). Promoting Engagement and Motivation for Distance Learners
through Podcasting. Budapest, Hungary: European Distance and E-Learning Network.

Dennett, C., Edirisingha, P., Mobbs, M., Mobbs, R., & Salmon, G. (2008). How to Create Podcasts for
Education. United Kingdom: Open University Press.

Djebbari Hassen, (2016). The Influence of Podcasts on EFL Student’s Listening Comprehension. University
of Biskra

Fatima Ahmed. Using Podcasts to Improve Listening Comprehension Retrieved from: Using podcasts to
improve listening comprehension[fatimamaghdaoui).doc (

Hasan, M. (2013). Podcast applications in language learn- ing: A review of recent studies. English
language teaching 6, 128–135.

Heilesen, S. B. (2010). What is the academic efficacy of podcasting? Computers & Education, 55(3),

Lie, A. (2007). Education Policy and EFL Curriculum in Indonesia: Between the Commitment to
Competence and the Quest for Higher Test Scores. TEFLIN Journal 18, 1–14.

Mahjouri, J., & Purnell, M. (2007). ‘Broadcasting Library Information’. A Podcast Project at Charles
Darwin University Library, Conference Australian Library and Information Association, October,
6, 2007.

Mukarrama, M., Said, A., and Muis (2015). Improving Students’ Listening Ability By Using Chain
Whispering Words or Sentences Technique At the First Year of SmpSombaOpu
SungguminasaGowa 1, 270–284.

Namazian Dost, I., Bohloulzadeh, G., & Rahmatollahi, R. (2017). The Effects of Using Podcast on Listening
Comprehension among Iranian Pre-intermediate EFL Learners. International Journal of Applied
Linguistics and English Literature, 57-70.

Oxford University Press. (2005). The New Oxford American Dictionary (2nd Ed.). New York. Oxford
University Press.
P a g e | 24

Ranadevi, D. (2014). The Role of Listening in Language Acquisition; the Challenges & Strategies in
Teaching Listening. International Journal of Education and Information Studies. Research 4, 59–

Romadhon, M. G. E. (2019). Utilizing podcast in listening class: The advantages and the challenges.
Proceeding of 1st Conference of English Language and Literature (CELL): Innovative Teaching of
Language and Literature in Digital Era

Sze, P. (2006). Developing Students’ Listening and Speaking Skills Through ELT Podcasts. Educational
Journal, 34, 115-134.

Yoestra, M., & Putri, Z. (2018). Podcast: an alternative way to improve EFL Students’ listening and
speaking performance. ENGLISIA, 6(1), 15-26. doi:
P a g e | 25

Appendix: Questionnaire
The students’ Questionnaire

This questionnaire is an essential part of an end of term paper for our graduation from the
department of English, Linguistics major in the faculty of Arts and Humanities Ibn Zohr Agadir,
Morocco. The questionnaire aims to find some answers about the effectiveness of podcast as a
tool to enhance students' language learning, so you are kindly requested to contribute and answer
this questionnaire.
A) Background information





More than 30




which semester:




Another level
P a g e | 26

B) General questions about podcasts:

Have you ever heard about podcast?



Do you listen to English podcasts?



For what reason do you listen to English podcasts?



How often do you listen to podcasts?




P a g e | 27

When was the last time you listened to a podcast?



Last week

One month ago

Do you think English podcast will enhance your listening and comprehension skills? That
is, you will be able to understand English when it's being spoken?



To what extent podcast affect positively on your language learning?






Do you recommend using podcast to improve listening and comprehension skills?



Thank you ¡

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