Module 2 - Ditch The B.S. Dating Forever and Start Bonding Edited 11-23-2014

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Module 2 Transcript

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Skip The Date: Module 2 TranscriptCopyright © 2014 Calworth Glenford LLC

Every man has unique health and performance issues. This manual provides
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Skip The Date: Module 2 TranscriptCopyright © 2014 Calworth Glenford LLC Page 1 of 10
Jonathan: In this lesson we're going to talk about bonding, James Bonding. How to be the
man that all other men envy. So let's talk a little bit about traditional dating
before we get into Bonding, which is a replacement for dating. How much time,
energy and resources does traditional dating actually take? How much time and
energy do you invest in dating women that you aren't even really that attracted
to? Would you rather date a woman that is age-appropriate, or some other term
made up by society, or date someone that makes you the envy of every man you
pass down the street?

You've already seen some pictures of me, or if you haven't watched those
lessons you're about to in the next few minutes. I'm pretty much middle of the
road. I'm not a monster but I'm not super attractive. All the time people tell me,
"Hey, you're fat, you're 33. That means the women you date should be fat and
33." And most of the women like that that I encounter ...

I don't have any kids. I haven't gone that path yet. I'm not ready. I got plenty of
nieces and nephews and I love them all and that's kind of how I get that need
met, if you will. Why should I have to start dating someone who already has 2
kids, who's already been through a marriage, who kind of spent her 20s dating
guys that were better than me? And now that her value has gone down, she's
not as good looking, I have to date her? That's not fair. Why do I have to date
what other people tell me is appropriate? Why do I have to date someone that
everyone else says is as good looking as me? I have no interest in living by other
peoples' rules, by traditional dating's rules.

I want to date women that are exceptional, stunning, great personalities that I
love spending time with. I'd rather be happy than kind of follow society's rules
about who I should be with based on what they've seen in movies and television.
That's not the world I'm living in.

You spend so much time and energy ... You just go on a date with a girl. You got
to pick her up, you got to buy her flowers half the time, take her out to an
expensive restaurant, there's conversation. It's like an interview. It's like having
the same conversation over and over and over again. I don't want to talk about
my work. I don't want to talk about the books I write over and over and over and
over again. I don't really want to give all of that information until I know that I
want to spend time with someone. Why do I have to give up that information
first before I decide if I even like the girl?

I hate spending an hour talking about work. I already work all day long. I spend
hours ... If you knew how many hours I spent putting together this training
course, you would understand why when I'm away from work I'd like to spend a
few minutes talking about anything else. I have so many hobbies and passions.

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I'd rather talk about guitar, surfing, traveling, wakeboarding, kayaking, anything.
Let me just rest my brain from work.

But you go on these dates and you're there and you have to talk about work and
you have to talk about your family, or I have to justify why I don't have children
yet when I'm 33. I can have children at 40, 45, 50. There's no problem with that. I
know tons of guys that do that. One of my friends is 50, he had a kid last year
and he's happy as hell. His first kid. He's so happy. You can be happy as man
having children later in life. There's no problem with that. So why do I have to sit
on these dates and ... All the time I go out with women and ...

I can remember the last time I went out with a girl that was 33. I was like, I'm 33,
she's 33. Let's see what happens. You know what happened? The girl spent the
entire time telling me that I kind of need to be more serious, be more mature, I
need to get my life together. I started my own business, I work for myself, I have
total financial freedom. There's no risk of me ever getting fired, I'm in total
control of my destiny, I live my dream life. And someone's telling me, "Hey, stop
living your dreams. Start living the way you're supposed to. You need to get a
mortgage and get settled down." Why would I ever go on a second date with
someone like that? I would do anything to get those 2 hours back. Anything.

You go on these dates. It's horrible. Why would you want to do that? You're
stuck. And you know what? Traditional dating ... Sometimes you go out with a
girl, you wait 1, 2, or 3 months before she'll even sleep with you. I know girls that
won't even kiss on the first date. What? I don't have time for that. I'm going to
spend all this time and energy in the hope that you'll give me a kiss? I know girls
like that and their whole strategy is they're going to get as many dates as they
can out of a guy, get as many free nice dinners and give them nothing because
they're not attracted to them at all. No thanks. I have 0 interest in playing those

That's why I'm all about Bonding. Because let's be honest about the balance of
power. Who's really in control of traditional dating? All the power's in the hands
of the woman. Don't you feel powerless on a date? Have you ever been on a
date with a woman and you have no idea if there's going to be a second date, or
if she's going to sleep with you, or even kiss you? That feeling, I hate that. That's
why I created Bonding.

With Bonding you both have more control. You and her. It's even because you're
both being honest about your feelings, your desires, your needs. There's no
façade of dating games. On a first date everyone's always on their best behavior
and putting out a fake personality. My personality now when I meet a girl is
exactly the same as it is when I hang out with my buddies or when you listen to
me on one of these courses. That's the real me. You're hearing my real

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personality and that's who I want to be. I don't want to have to pretend to be
someone else. I don't want to play games. Oh, if I buy her enough drinks, will she
kiss me? No thanks. I don't want that in my life anymore.

That's why, with Bonding, it's like, "Hey, let's be honest right up front." She's like,
"Hey, I want to date a guy that's more successful, that can mentor me and help
me learn to how to be successful too." And I'm like, "Hey, I want to date a hot
girl and I want to have sex on the first date and not play any games." If you're
not attracted to me, let's not go out. Let's not meet. Whatever you want to call
it. Boom. That's Bonding. It's dating without all the part of dating that sucks. The
good part.

Imagine if every date you ever went on, you knew the girl's going to sleep with
you and you knew the girl liked you before you even showed up. Wouldn't that
be 1,000 times better? That's Bonding. It's dating without the bad parts. It's just
like, "Hey, let's go to a movie and have fun." There's no jockeying for position.
No trying to make her like you because she already does. All that shits been
taken care of with your badass profile and your sweet messages.

So, let's really compare dating versus Bonding. What is your time and emotional
energy worth? You know, with dating, getting laid is all about luck. How many
meetings, dates, online emails, etc. just to get into bed with 1 woman? How
much effort do you have to put in to find a woman that's even attracted to you?
And then once you meet that type of woman, some of them make you wait 3
months, and is she even that amazing or attractive? What a bunch of extra work
that you have to do and it's so unfair.

I can tell you right now, one of the most beautiful woman I've ever slept with,
stunning, 6'2". That's a full 6 inches taller than me. In heels, she was like 6'7".
That's 10 inches taller than me in heels, okay? Olympic alternate, stunning, in
amazing shape. Really strong, way stronger than me. I had to join a gym just so I
could be almost as strong as her, okay? She slept with me on the first Bonding.
The first meet. She met me, we had a couple of drinks, we went to bed together.
She told me she's never slept with any other guy in less than 3 months. These
guys were spending thousands or tens of thousands of dollars. She dates really
rich guys. Every guy she dated besides me her whole life was a billionaire. She
finally stepped up, a level up, and went out with a guy like me.

But think about that. These guys had what you thought ... Everything you think a
woman wants. Private jets, owning multiple companies, billions of dollars. They
would just give her a black Amex, throw her name on so she could buy whatever
she needed. Have the ultimate lifestyle. And these guys waited 3 months and I
slept with her within 3 hours. That's why Bonding is awesome. Luck is bullshit.

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With real dating, there's so many games with traditional dating. You got to pay
for restaurants, movies, and everything. Half the times then she leaves at the
end of your date and goes home and sleeps with some other dude anyways. You
know, and then you got ... I hate that. I know so many girls that have done that. I
know so many times that I've been the guy they've went to sleep with after a

Do you wait 3 days to call her or do you wait 2 days to call her? Do you have to
text now because it's modern society? What do you do? I remember the first
time a girl added me on Facebook. And I'm like, I texted the girl and then she just
showed up on Facebook. Should I talk to her or do I not talk to her? It's on live
chat. I don't know what to do. I almost exploded. I'm like an exploding robot in
my brain. I don't want that. And like I said, waiting for an eternity, man. Would
you rather wait 3 months or 1 day?

Okay. So, imagine this. You're a guy who only wants to sleep with every hot
woman once. You can be a traditional dating guy, wait 3 months per girl. That
means you sleep with 4 women per year. Or you can be like me and sleep with a
woman every day, or multiple women per day. 4 women a day if you want. 10
women. Whatever you want, anything is possible. Suddenly you're in control.
Why would you want to live in a world where you have no control and you're
living on hope and waiting? No thanks.

With Bonding, you're the prize. These girls are looking for a successful, stable
man. You're the George Clooney before she even meets you. Before she sees
your profile, you're pre-selected. You both get what you want. There's no more
hiding your emotional relationship and physical desires. You get to lead the life
you've always dreamed of and so can she. She gets to date a guy who's got his
life together and can take her to nice places and can take her to decent
restaurants. Can drive her without making her pay for the gas. And you? You get
to date someone who's super-hot and every guy’s wishes they were you.

Who doesn't want to be dating a super-hot 21 year old? Everyone I know does.
And no more waiting. You can get laid on the first date because you're just
honest. If you just say, "Hey, look. I'm really not interested in playing games. I
have no interest in the dating scene. Here's what I'm looking for. I'm looking for
someone who understands and is comfortable with her sexuality." And you know
what? A lot of girls say it to me.

I had a girl, we went out for a couple of drinks, we had 3 drinks. She goes, "You
know what? I'm going to fuck you tonight." Out of the blue. That's amazing.
That's what I want. That is what comes from Bonding. And that is why it's so
much better than traditional dating.

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Think about how much online dating traditionally costs. How much does it cost
to get just 1 date? So, is $120 for 6 months and they guarantee you 1
date. So you're paying $120 for 1 date. I can tell you right now that the girl
you're going to meet on is going to be 10% as awesome, young,
beautiful as a girl you meet on one of these sites. It's nearly as expensive and you
get 1 date. There's more men. There's 10 men for every women. And most of the
women are dogs. They're overweight, they're old, they're divorced, they've got
kids. The worn out party girls. They're the dregs. They're the girls that can't get
anyone else. They join the site because they can't meet a guy in regular life.

When you get a girl on of these sites, it's a girl who wants to meet a better guy. A
girl looking to upgrade, so that means she's already a full echelon, a full category
above the girls on this regular dating site. And you know what? It's brutal to get a
reply. Did you know that less than 5% of men on ever get a message
from a woman? Ever. On the majority of dating sites, 95% of men will never
receive a message from a woman. Zero. Is that a world you want to live in?
There's a reason that guy's sitting all sad on the sidewalk.

Think of the lost time and energy. Writing profiles, custom emails, pouring your
heart out, only to get rejected. I've written so many emails on, on
PlentyOfFish, on OKCupid, on all these traditional dating sites. You write
paragraphs, you put in this effort, you want to show that you're an amazing guy.
And girls, they don't even give a shit. They don't even read your message. That's
a kick in the dick. Hey, I just spent an hour showing you how amazing guy I am,
but you didn't open the message so I guess you don't give a shit about me. That
feels good.

I'm tired of feeling bad. That's why I invented Bonding. That's why I developed
this new system. I got sick of that. And let's think about the rewards. When you
get a girl through traditional dating, this traditional girlfriend. What's your
reward for following the rules? So much baggage. She's got kids, messy divorces,
ex-husbands and boyfriends, the emotional baggage, dealing with all of her
career stress. And you're getting somebody's leftovers. The longer ... The older
you are, once you're dating a woman who's over 30 or over 40, you're dealing
with all of this extra stuff. Do you really want that? I don't. I want to be with
someone who's just light, carefree and just filled with joy. That's what I look for.
Unfortunately the women filled with joy just aren't on

Now, if you want to meet a woman who's over 40, over 50, they have them on
these sites but you're going to find that the women on these sites that are over
40 take care of their bodies. They look amazing. Every once in a while I get a
message from a woman who's like 38 or 45, and I'm telling you right now, I'm
like, "Whoa. These girls look amazing for their age." So if you want to date the
cream of the crop of women at 40 or 50, or 35, whatever. They're here too.

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They're not on So you get the lower levels on these other sites and
through traditional dating and meeting the woman who just got divorced and
that's who you got to deal with.

It's so hard. You got to jump through these hoops, you got to do all these things
to make her like you. You got to deal with it and she's not even that great
looking. Other guys don't even her but she still makes you suffer. Who wants
that? That's horrible. Or you end up raising another guy's kids and you got to
jumpstart a new family.

What about just enjoying your life and success? If you've already had kids, great.
You don't ... Why do you need to have a second family and deal with that stress?
And then your older kids hate the younger kids, great. That's really fun. The
Brady Bunch. That's not a reality. It's really stressful. I come from a mixed family.
I know what that's like. All that extra stuff. It's all this extra stress in the
relationship. You don't need that.

And you know what? If you're 40 or you're 50 and you haven't had kids yet, and
you don't want to have kids, guess what. Why not enjoy your life and success?
And if you do want to have kids, would you rather have your own kid with a
young, vibrant woman that can be happy and so joyous raising your kid, or do
you just want to raise some other dude's kid, and the guy abandoned it? So you
got a kid that when they're older, what are they going to say when they're 14?
"You're not even my real dad." Who wants that? You don't need that.

These women use sex as a weapon. That's the thing. How many times have you
heard from a friend, or it's happened to you, where a woman gets mad and she
cuts you off as a way of maintaining control? She uses sex as a tool or a weapon.
You need to avoid that. And I'm going to help you avoid that because sometimes
those girls can slip into these sites, but 90% of these girls, you don't have to deal
with that. So don't worry. In our lesson on dealing with neuroticism, we'll find
that out. You don't have to deal with that here. And the worst ... You ever been
... This is my least favorite thing that women do, is she's mad at you and go,
"What happened?" And she goes, "You know what you did." And she won't tell

Imagine this, this alone, for me, is the reason I love Bonding. Never have to deal
with that game again. I will never have a woman say to me, "You know what you
did," for the rest of my life. Because I'm in control. Bonding has helped me
create relationships where I can say, "Look, I don't do games. You don't do
games. We're here for honesty. This is what I want, this is what you want, this is
who we are. Let's just be real." And that is amazing because I hate that game
more than anything in the world. It's so unfair. That's like being arrested and you
go to trial and they go, "Look, you're going to jail for 20 years." And you go,

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"What did I do?" And they go, "You got to guess, and if you guess wrong, you get
more jail time. And if you guess right, you're still going to jail." It's a lose-lose-
lose situation. No thanks.

You're trapped in this emotional and sexual straightjacket. With traditional

dating, it's mandatory monogamy. You're not allowed to date other women, you
have to follow all these rules, you have to see her 2 or 3 times a week, you have
to deal with her texts all the time, you have to meet her parents, you have to
follow all this specific paradigm-y set of rules, you have to listen to all of her
problems, you have to memorize the names of everyone she works with. But
with Bonding, it's every man's dream.

Let's think about what every man really wants. You get to be James Bond. You
get to be the hero, the guy who dates the stunning women at the casino. Why
does every man want to be James Bond? You think it's the gadget, or it's the
steady stream of stunning, younger women? It's not the gadgets. Did you notice
in the last James Bond movie, his only gadget was a tiny phone? I think that's
what it was. I don't remember what it was, but it was in a tiny, tiny case. They
don't even use the gadgets in the James Bond movies anymore. They figured it
out. It's about the beautiful women.

Here's the most amazing thing. Age is a benefit. Women on these websites often
reject me, in my 30s, because they go, "You're too young, you're not mature
enough. I'm not even talking to a man under 40 and I'm really looking for a man
at least 50." They want a man who knows what to do in the boardroom and in
the bedroom. And you have power again. You have the power to change her life
for the better. She's going to adore you and worship you for it. You have the
power and the leadership. You get to be the boss, the man. You get to feel like a
real man again. There's no games.

Imagine dating a woman who just tells you what she wants without making you
guess what you did wrong. She'll feel comfortable being totally honest with you
because the relationship is built on a foundation of both of you being honest.
You guys both say where you want to go for dinner or trips you want to go on.
There's no more trips you don't want, no more going to restaurants you hate or
movies you don't like. I haven't been to a movie I don't want to see in, God, at
least 5 years. Last time I went to a movie I didn't want to see was with a guy I'm
friends with, not even with a date. I never have to do that ever again. I don't see
movies I don't want to see.

And you know what? You get to be the envy of all your friends. This is one of the
best parts. You look at all those guys who are dating subpar women or are stuck
with a women that's just okay. When you're in bed with them, they're imagining
they're with a celebrity just so they can get hard. Wouldn't you rather these

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guys, all your buddies, in their boring, stale relationships think about your
girlfriends when they're masturbating? That's the power you're going to have.
You're going to be the guy they envy at that level. With the 20 year old minx,
that wears a thong every time you guys go out, and a tight, tight dress so your
buddies can see it. That's the dream and that's the power of Bonding. And this is
just the beginning. I'm so excited. That's how you become the man that all the
other men envy. Leave behind traditional dating, get down with Bonding
because it's awesome.

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