Resume Webinar

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ast ructur eweknowt hatwi t
hal ltheposi t
ivegai nsofI ndonesi a'si mpr essi veeconomi c
grav eweal someetl ongt erm chal l
engesf astur bani sat i
onandi ncr easeener gyuseputst ress
onourcl imat eandr emi ndmeantt hecor por ationt hatI ndonesi anSwedenhav edev elopedi n
at ery earspr ovidesnecessar ytool sf orust osol vet hist alent edt oget heri nasust ainabl eway
etmel i
stwher ewear et odayandwhatwecandot oget heri nt hef uturewi thamemor andum of
under st
andi ngwi t
hint r
anspor tsignedbet weenourgov er nment sin2017wehav eest abl i
closecol labor ationwi t
hinur banmobi li
tyr ail
wayav iationandwast et oener gyThi sSweden
Indonesi at eamwor k wi llbe st rengt hened f ur therand br oadened par ticular l
y af terv ery
successf ulSwedenI ndonesi asust ainabi l
itypar tner shipwei ghtt hatt ookpl acei nl astNov ember
wher ewegr eatwear ev erygr atefult ohav et heat t
endancewher ewewer ev erygr atef ultohav e
thet endonsandspeechofmi nisterGut iKor easomebodysomeoft hear easwher eIseet hat
wecanmov ef orwar dar et establ esol v i
ngcongest ionl eadi ngSwedi shcompani essuchas
skinni erVol v oar ei nv estingi nI ndonesi aneconomyandassi stingwi thdev elopmentofur ban
transpor tsol uti
onst hr oughbusr apidt ransi tsy st emsot hercompani essuchasABBaccess
communi cat ions do nobl e Par ty and sks al ready hav e st rong r el ations wi thI ndonesi an
count er
par tsandar epr epar edassi stf ur t
heronsmar tandur banf ut ur emobi l
ityanot herar ea
whi ch Isee wher e we can mov ef or war d dev elopmentofconnect ed and aut omat e my
aut omat eddr ivi
ngi sper fectexampl eofhowt echnol ogymaycont r
ibut et omeat lesschal lenges
smar tnobi litycanhel pust o meett hesust ainabl edev elopmentgoal sand Par i
scl imat e
agr eementandatt hesamet imei ncr easeef f
iciencyandsaf etyi nt het ranspor tsy stemst o
recentIwoul dal sol i
ket oshar eSwedi shexampl ev eryr elev antf oraf utur emor tali
tySweden' s
namel ycur rentlywor ki
ngt owar dst hei mpl ement ationofdealf enci ngdoy ousensi ngwel l
connect edv ehicleswi thinast onecanbe80cont r
olledt osomeext entenabl esbot hci tiesand
thecount rysidet ousemor egr eensol utionsi nSweden' s2ndl ostci tyGot henbur gf i
sti son
electricalandhi ghr idebusesonont hesum onsomer oadsbusesswi tcht oel ectricoper ation
andspeedsar er educedt hi
suseoft het echnol ogygi vest her i
ghtspeedi t'smor equi etand
pollutionf reepubl ict ranspor tisunder wayanot herar eawher ewecanmov ef orwar di si nwi thin
cat i
onel ectrify i
ngourcar sbusesandt ruckswi llbekeyi nimpr ov ingai rqual ityI nour
esandenabl i
ngt het ransi ti
oni nsuchf reewel faresoci etySwedi shgov ernmenti spl anni ng
toaccel erateel ect oralal lmodesoft r
anspor twear eal sopl anni ngf ori nv estment si nel ect ri
roadsy stemsSwedeni scur rentlytest i
ngsev eral sever altechni quesl i
ket hissomeal sosui table
forpubl ict ranspor ti nur banar east ot hisendwear ehappyt oseet hem bi shopspl ansof
cat i
onoft hechar acterbussy stem wehav enowengagedt oseehowSwedi shsol ut i
solutionsandknowhowcanmakedi fferencef ori nst ancet hroughel ect ri
cbusesf rom Skandi a
aswel last hesuppor ti
ngi nfrastructuresuchasababy 'schar gingst ationswehav einitiateda
dialoguewi thIndonesi ancount erpart stoseehow wecanmat chneedsTheof fi
cesui t
holdsani nter
nat i
stst rongposi t
ioni nt het ranspor tsect orduet onumer ousSwedi sh
compani es with compet iti
v e sustainabl e solution sev eralpr ojectsf ocusi ng on dev eloping
sust ainablei nfrastructurehav ebeensuccessf ul
lyaccompl i
shedi nIndonesi at hankst ocl ose
collabor ati
on bet ween ourcount r
iesand I ndonesi an Swedi sh compani eswear er eadyt o
ncr easeourcor por at
ionIal soknowt hatindonesi a'sambi tionsar ehi ghwheni tcomest our ban
dev elopmentandi nf
rastructurepr ojectsexempl i
fiedbyt hepl ansf orest ablishinganew A
smar tcitymustbot hmeett hechal lengesoft odayaswel last heneedsoff ut
ur eandgener at i
Soci alenv ironment alandeconomi caspect ssmar tci tymustal sobui l
dt osui tal lpeopl eby
Indonesi at odayi nsust ai
nabl emeasur esi nt hear easoft ranspor tandi nf r
ast r
uctur eweal so
believ ethatwecanwor kjointlyt oaci rculareconomyt hisi sani mpor t
antpar toft hecheat i
theenv ironment alandcl i
mat eobj ectivesaswel lassev eraloft hegl obalgoal sint heagenda
2030t het ransitionf r
om l i
neart ocirculareconomyr equi resachangei nt heent ir
ev aluecheck
Shar ei nnov ati
v epr oductionmessager ecycli
ngt echni quesandci rcularbusi nessmodel sar e
dev elopedSwedenst andsr eadyt osuppor tIndonesi aint hisendeav ournow i sthet i
recov eringf rom t heeffectsoft heCor onapandemi cweneedt owor kt ogetherf oragr eenerand
mor esust ainabl ef ut
urepur suingambi tiouscl imat eact i
oni sal soquest ionofsol idaritywi th
futuregener at
ionswi thallpeopl et hroughoutt hewor l
dandwi thourecol ogicalsy stem t hank
youv erymuchf orlist
eningandIl ookf orwar dGetupcl oset hanky ouv erymuch

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